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Should Jesus Tarry?

When discussing the question of whether Jesus will tarry, it’s important to understand that “tarry” means to delay or wait. In Christian theology, this is often connected to discussions about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Here’s a detailed explanation using biblical references and teachings:… Read More »Should Jesus Tarry?

Spread the Gospel

Should Jesus be Worshipped?

Should Jesus Be Worshiped? The question of whether Jesus should be worshiped is significant within Christian theology. The Christian doctrine supports the worship of Jesus, identifying Him as divine and part of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Here are key points from… Read More »Should Jesus be Worshipped?

Spread the Gospel

Should Jesus be Capitalized?

In discussing whether the name “Jesus” should be capitalized, we can consider several aspects based on Christian tradition, English language conventions, and biblical texts. Christian Tradition and Language Conventions In English, proper nouns, including names of people, are capitalized. “Jesus” is the name of a… Read More »Should Jesus be Capitalized?

Spread the Gospel

Should I Find Jesus?

The question of whether or not to find Jesus is deeply personal and significant, and it can be approached from various perspectives within Christian theology. Here, we will explore this question primarily from a biblical standpoint, offering relevant Bible verses, historical examples, and key takeaways.… Read More »Should I Find Jesus?

Spread the Gospel

Should I call Jesus Yeshua?

Referring to Jesus as “Yeshua” instead of “Jesus” is primarily a matter of linguistic and cultural preference. The name “Jesus” is the English transliteration of the Greek name Ἰησοῦς (Iēsous), which is itself derived from the Hebrew name יֵשׁוּעַ (Yeshua). Yeshua is a common Hebrew… Read More »Should I call Jesus Yeshua?

Spread the Gospel
How was Jesus Born

How Jesus was Born

The birth of Jesus Christ, a central event in Christian doctrine, is recounted in the New Testament of the Bible. According to the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, Jesus was born in Bethlehem to Mary, who was a virgin at the time of his birth.… Read More »How Jesus was Born

Spread the Gospel