. God Promises Wisdom to Those Who Ask 2. Solomon Is the Greatest Example of a Prayer for Wisdom 3. God’s Wisdom Is Higher Than Human Wisdom 4. Wisdom Begins with the Fear of the Lord 5. Wisdom Guides in Making Righteous Decisions 6. God’s… Read More »
Greg Gaines
Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/
15 Unique Facts about the Tribe of Judah
1. Judah Was the Fourth Son of Jacob 2. Blessing of Leadership 3. Largest Tribe in the Wilderness 4. Led the Israelite Camp 5. Caleb the Spy Was from Judah 6. First Tribe to Attack Canaan 7. King David Came from Judah 8. Bethlehem Belonged… Read More »15 Unique Facts about the Tribe of Judah
10 Signs That a Christian is Drifting Away from Their Faith:
Neglecting Prayer Life – They pray less frequently or only in times of crisis, rather than maintaining a daily, intimate conversation with God. Skipping Church and Fellowship – They make excuses to miss worship services, Bible studies, or Christian gatherings, distancing themselves from the body… Read More »10 Signs That a Christian is Drifting Away from Their Faith:
Why Prayer Matters
2. Biblical Examples of Powerful Prayers 3. The Power of a Simple Prayer 4. Why Do Some People Struggle with Prayer? 5. Making Prayer a Habit 6. Encouragement: Keep Praying, No Matter What! Conclusion: Challenge and Prayer Time
Say a Little Prayer for You – The Power of a Simple Prayer
The Power of a Simple Prayer Prayer is one of the greatest gifts God has given us—a direct line to the Creator of the universe. Yet, many believers mistakenly think that their prayers must be long, eloquent, or filled with religious language for God to… Read More »Say a Little Prayer for You – The Power of a Simple Prayer
What is Sugar Coated Truth?
Sugar Coated Truth What is Sugar Coated Truth? Sugar coated truth means telling the truth in a way that sounds nicer or softer than it really is. Imagine putting sugar on a bitter pill to make it easier to swallow. When people sugar coat the… Read More »What is Sugar Coated Truth?
What are the Gnostic Gospels, and How do they differ from the Canonical Gospels?
The Gnostic Gospels are a collection of ancient religious writings found in the 1940s near Nag Hammadi, Egypt. These texts offer different stories and teachings about Jesus and early Christianity than those found in the Bible’s New Testament. They were written by a group called… Read More »What are the Gnostic Gospels, and How do they differ from the Canonical Gospels?
What does the Bible say about Angels Watching over Humans?
Angels Watching Over Humans: What the Bible Says What the Bible Says The Bible tells us a lot about angels and how they watch over humans. Angels are special beings created by God to do His work. One important job they have is to protect… Read More »What does the Bible say about Angels Watching over Humans?