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what is the canon of scripture

What is the Canon of Scripture ?

The canon of Scripture refers to the collection of books that the Christian community recognizes as divinely inspired and authoritative for faith and practice. This collection varies among different Christian traditions. For example, the Roman Catholic Bible includes the Deuterocanonical books, which are not part… Read More »What is the Canon of Scripture ?

Spread the Gospel

Is the Bible Historically Accurate?

The question of the Bible’s historical accuracy encompasses various aspects, including archaeological findings, historical documents, and the internal consistency of the biblical narrative itself. Many scholars, theologians, and historians have examined the Bible from these perspectives to understand how it aligns with known historical facts… Read More »Is the Bible Historically Accurate?

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Online Church

Online Church

The shift towards digital platforms has revolutionized numerous aspects of daily life, including how people practice their faith. Among these changes, the emergence of online church services stands out as a significant evolution, particularly underscored during times when physical gatherings face restrictions This article delves… Read More »Online Church

Spread the Gospel