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When was the Bible Written

When was the Bible written?

Certainly! Here’s the information restructured into topics and subtopics without numbering: Composition of the Bible The Bible, a collection of texts sacred in Christianity, is divided into the Old Testament and the New Testament. Its composition spanned centuries, involving various authors, genres, and contexts. Old… Read More »When was the Bible written?

Spread the Gospel
What is the Bible

What is the Bible?

The Bible is a central and sacred text in Christianity, embodying the religious teachings and beliefs of Christians around the world. This holy book is divided into two main sections: the Old Testament, which is shared with Judaism and contains writings from before the time… Read More »What is the Bible?

Spread the Gospel
Did Jesus Pay Taxes

Did Jesus Pay Taxes ?

Yes, Jesus did address the issue of paying taxes. Two significant instances from the Bible highlight this: Three Main Takeaways: Spread the Gospel

Spread the Gospel