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What is the Ascension ?

The Ascension refers to the Christian belief that Jesus Christ physically ascended to heaven in the presence of His disciples, forty days after His resurrection. It is a significant event in Christianity, symbolizing Jesus Christ’s glorification and His return to God the Father. This event… Read More »What is the Ascension ?

Spread the Gospel

Where did Jesus go after his Resurrection

After Jesus’ resurrection, He appeared to His disciples and others over a span of forty days, teaching and proving that He was alive. He finally ascended into heaven in the presence of His disciples. Relevant Bible Verses Three Main Takeaways Spread the Gospel

Spread the Gospel
who betrayed jesus

Who Betrayed Jesus ?

In the account of Jesus’ betrayal, Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, is identified as the person who betrayed Jesus Christ. This betrayal is a significant event in the Christian narrative, leading directly to Jesus’ arrest, trial, and crucifixion. The act of betrayal by… Read More »Who Betrayed Jesus ?

Spread the Gospel