In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1) This is a bible verse that speaks to the beginning of time, and creation itself. In this bible lesson for youth, we will explore the wonders of God’s creation. We will discuss how everything was created perfectly by Him, and how we should be in awe of His power and greatness!
Table of Contents
Structured Bible Lesson on Creation for Youth
Introduce children to the story of creation in the Bible.
Introducing children to the story of creation can be a daunting task. It is important to be able to convey the message of the biblical story in a way that is age-appropriate and engaging for them. One way to do this is by using creative activities to help illustrate the story. Beginning in the Genesis Chapters.

One activity that can help children understand the creation story is creating a timeline. This can be done by drawing a simple timeline on a piece of paper, with markers or stickers. Children can then place pictures or stickers of different events from the story along the timeline.
Another activity that can help children understand the story is making a model of the Garden of Eden. This can be done by using items like rocks, sticks, and leaves to create a small model of the Garden. Children can then use this model to act out scenes from the story.
Both of these activities can help children better understand and remember the story of creation. By engaging them in hands-on activities, they will be more likely to remember what they have learned and have fun while doing so!
Explain that God is the one who created everything in the world.
In the beginning, God created heaven and the earth. And the Earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Thus begins the story of creation according to Genesis 1:1-5.
For Christians, (in small groups) this is a reminder that everything in the world is a result of God’s will and power. He is the ultimate creator, who made everything out of nothing. This story also teaches us that even in darkness and chaos, God is present and at work. When we look at the world around us, we can see evidence of his handiwork and be filled with wonder at his majesty.
Teach children about the six days of creation.
Day 1: In the first day, Elohim created the heavens and the Earth. This means that God created everything in the world- the sun, moon, stars, sky, land, and sea. He did this in six days by using his power and wisdom.
Day 2: On the second day, Elohim made the sky and separated the water from the land. This means that God created a place for the sun, moon, and stars to live, and he also created dry land where people could live.
Day 3: On the third day, Elohim said “Let there be plants” and so there were plants! God made trees, flowers, and other plants to grow on the land. He also made fruit trees so that people could have food to eat.
Day 4: On the fourth day, Elohim said “Let there be lights in the sky to separate day from night.” So God put the sun, moon, and stars in the sky to mark daytime and nighttime.
Day 5: On the fifth day, Elohim said “Let there be animals (living creature) in the water and air.” So God created fish and other sea creatures, as well as birds to fly in the air.
Day 6: On the sixth day, Elohim said “Let us make man in our image.” So God made Adam out of dust and placed him in a beautiful place called Eden. God gave Adam dominion over all of creation. (human beings)
Help children understand that God rested on the seventh day, and that this is why we observe the Sabbath.
The story of God resting on the seventh day is found in the book of Genesis. In the beginning, God created heaven and the earth. For six days, he worked to create everything we see around us. On the seventh day, he rested from his work.
This is why we observe the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a day of rest when we can reflect on all that God has done for us. It is a day to spend with family and friends and to remember that God is always with us. Helping children understand this story can help them to appreciate the importance of Sabbath observance. By taking time out each week to rest and reflect, we can keep our relationship with God strong and cherish all that he has given us.
Explain to children that Adam and Eve were the first people to be created by God.
In the beginning, God created heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light (Genesis 1:1-3). After God created the light, He went on to create the stars, the sun, the moon, and all of the planets.
Then He made plant life and all of the animals. Finally, He created humans. He created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them (Genesis 1:27). And God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good (Genesis 1:31). So, when we teach children about Creation, we tell them that Adam and Eve were the first people to be created by God. They were made in His image and likeness, and He placed them in charge of all of His creation.
Discuss with children why God chose to create humans in His own image.
In Genesis, we read that God created humans in His own image. But what does that mean? Well, let’s think about it. Out of all the creatures on Earth, only humans have the ability to think, reason, and make choices. We can also love, which is something special that God has given us.
When we love others, we are showing a little bit of what God’s love is like. And just like God loves us, He wants us to love others too. He also gave us the ability to worship Him and to enjoy a relationship with Him. So when God created humans in His own image, He was creating beings who could know Him, love Him, and worship Him. And that’s pretty amazing!
Teach children about the Garden of Eden and how it was a place of great beauty and peace.
The Garden of Eden was a place of great beauty and peace. The first people, Adam and Eve, were created to live there. They were given everything they needed and were free to enjoy all the goodness around them.
Unfortunately, they sinned and were no longer allowed to stay in the Garden. But even though they were gone, the memory of the Garden remained. And it continues to be a source of hope and inspiration for people who remember that there was a time when everything was perfect. The Garden of Eden is a reminder that we can return to that place of peace and beauty if we are willing to follow God’s laws.
Help children understand why Adam and Eve were eventually expelled from the Garden.
Most kids understand that Adam and Eve were the first people on Earth, but they may not know why they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. There are a few different ways to explain this story, but one way to help kids understand it is to talk about the choices that Adam and Eve made.
At the beginning of the story, God gave them simple instructions: they could eat from any tree in the garden except for the tree of knowledge of good and evil. But Eve was tempted by a serpent to eat from the forbidden tree, and she convinced Adam to do the same. As a result, they both disobeyed God and ate the fruit from the tree. This act separates them from God because it shows that they don’t trust him and they don’t want to follow his rules.
It also means that they now have a knowledge of good and evil, which is something that God wanted to protect them from. Because of their disobedience, Adam and Eve were forced to leave the Garden of Eden. But this story also teaches us that we can always choose to obey God, no matter how hard it might be.
Encourage children to reflect on the meaning of creation and what it teaches us about God’s love for us.
When we reflect on the meaning of creation, it can teach us a lot about God’s love for us. First of all, we see that God created the world out of love. He didn’t have to create anything, but He chose to do so because He loved us. Secondly, we see that God is incredibly creative.
He didn’t just create the world- He also created each one of us individually. We are all unique, and that is a reflection of His creativity. Thirdly, we see that God’s love is enduring. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us, and that is an expression of His great love for us.
As we reflect on the meaning of creation, it can help us to understand more about the nature of God’s love for us.
Final Thoughts – Bible Lesson on Creation for Youth
The bible lesson on creation can help children to understand that the world was created by a loving God who has given us everything we need. We learn that we are made in His image, which means that we have the ability to know Him, love Him, and worship Him.
We also learn that we were created for a specific purpose- to live in peace and beauty. And finally, we learn that even though we may make mistakes, God’s love for us is never-ending. As we reflect on the meaning of creation, it can help us to understand more about the nature of God’s love for us. A lot of good points to include in your free sunday school lessons.
The way we taught creation
- Gave the Children a worksheet before the class ( memory verse) – Fulfilled resulted in a trip to the Treasure chest
- We taught 10 Minute class on Creation
- We watched a 10 Minute Video (youtube) on Creation
- We finished Class with a creation Craft
Worked well – we just used 4 ways to teach and reinforced the lesson.
God Bless Greg