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Unpacking ‘He Who Finds a Wife Finds a Good Thing’ Meaning

he who finds a wife finds a good thing meaning

The phrase “He who finds a wife finds a good thing” has its roots in biblical and literary sources. It reflects the universal desire for companionship and the belief that having a spouse is a positive and valuable experience. This article will explore the meaning of this phrase and its significance in modern society.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the biblical perspective on finding a wife
  • Exploring the qualities of a good wife according to Proverbs 31
  • Recognizing the limitations of the proverb in relation to marital happiness
  • Examining the modern perspective on finding a life partner
  • Highlighting the benefits of finding a supportive and loving spouse

The Biblical Perspective

The biblical perspective on finding a spouse is rooted in the book of Proverbs , which presents the concept of a wife as a good thing. Proverbs 18:22 states, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” This verse reflects the belief that marriage is a blessing from God and that finding a suitable partner is a wise and favorable endeavor.

In the biblical context, God’s plan for marriage is highlighted, emphasizing the significance of a spouse as a companion and helper. The biblical meaning of finding a wife goes beyond mere companionship and includes the understanding that a wife is a gift from God, bringing favor and blessings into the life of her husband.

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” – Proverbs 18:22

The biblical perspective on finding a wife encompasses the belief that marriage is not only a human institution but also a divine union ordained by God. It emphasizes the importance of seeking God’s guidance and aligning one’s choices with His will when it comes to selecting a life partner.

Benefits of Embracing the Biblical Perspective Scripture References
Divine favor and blessings Proverbs 18:22
A companion and helper Genesis 2:18
Participation in God’s plan for marriage Matthew 19:4-6
Guidance and wisdom from God Proverbs 3:5-6

The Nature of a Good Wife

The biblical perspective on finding a wife provides a detailed description of the qualities and characteristics of a virtuous wife. Proverbs 31:10-31, often referred to as “The Virtuous Woman” or “Ode to a Capable Wife,” outlines the ideal attributes of a good wife. According to the biblical definition, a good wife is trustworthy, capable, and wise, demonstrating qualities such as faithfulness, selflessness, and commitment to her family.

Table: Qualities of a Good Wife

Qualities Description
Faithfulness A good wife remains loyal and committed to her husband.
Trustworthiness She is reliable and can be trusted with responsibilities.
Wisdom A good wife exercises sound judgment and makes wise decisions.
Selflessness She prioritizes the needs and well-being of her family above her own.
Care and Nurturing A good wife provides love, care, and support to her spouse and children.

These qualities form the biblical framework for understanding what constitutes a good wife. It is important to note that this description is not meant to limit or restrict women but rather to provide guidance for cultivating a healthy and fulfilling marital relationship based on mutual respect and love.

Emphasizing the Role of a Virtuous Wife

“A virtuous wife brings immeasurable value to a marriage. Her faithfulness, trustworthiness, wisdom, selflessness, and care create an environment of love, support, and understanding. She plays an essential role in the emotional well-being and happiness of her husband, contributing to the overall success and fulfillment of the marriage.”

As individuals seek to find a wife, understanding the biblical perspective can help guide their expectations and priorities. It highlights the qualities and virtues that contribute to a strong and loving marital relationship, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect, trust, and support. By aspiring to the qualities of a good wife as described in the Bible, individuals can strive for a marriage rooted in love, companionship, and personal growth.

Interpreting the Proverb

While the proverb “He who finds a wife finds a good thing” carries a positive message about the value of finding a good wife, it is important to interpret this proverb within its context and recognize its limitations. It is essential to understand that finding a good wife does not guarantee marital happiness and that a successful marriage requires effort and commitment from both partners.

Marriage is a complex and multifaceted relationship that goes beyond the initial act of finding a spouse. It involves ongoing communication, compromise, and mutual support. While finding a good wife can be a blessing, it is important to have realistic expectations and to approach marriage with an understanding that challenges and difficulties may arise.

The meaning of the proverb should not be seen as a guarantee of a perfect or problem-free marriage. Instead, it should be viewed as a reminder of the potential benefits and blessings that come with finding a life partner who shares common values, goals, and aspirations. It is crucial to nurture the relationship, cultivate a strong foundation of trust and mutual respect, and actively work towards maintaining a healthy and fulfilling marriage.

Limitations of the Proverb

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing” is a proverb that should be interpreted within its limitations. It does not negate the fact that marriages require effort, compromise, and ongoing commitment from both partners. While finding a good wife can contribute to a happy and successful marriage, it is not the sole determiner of marital happiness.”

In summary, while the proverb emphasizes the value of finding a good wife, it is important to recognize that a successful marriage is a continuous journey that requires dedication and mutual effort. It is essential to approach marriage with realistic expectations and to actively work towards building a strong and fulfilling partnership with one’s spouse.

interpreting the proverb

The Modern Perspective

In modern society, the concept of finding a wife has evolved alongside changing cultural, social, and gender dynamics. While the value of marriage is still recognized, it is now understood in the context of equality, partnership, and personal fulfillment. The modern perspective emphasizes the importance of choosing a life partner who shares common values, goals, and aspirations, and who supports personal growth and individual purpose.

The value of marriage in modern society lies in the opportunities it provides for emotional support, companionship, and shared experiences. Having a life partner can create a safe and nurturing environment for personal growth and self-discovery. A spouse can offer encouragement, accountability, and a sense of belonging. The modern perspective recognizes that a successful marriage is built on mutual respect, communication, and a shared commitment to each other’s well-being.

The Benefits of Finding a Life Partner

Discovering a life partner brings numerous benefits and enriches our journey through life. Having a supportive and loving spouse plays a significant role in personal development, emotional well-being, and overall life satisfaction. Let’s explore some of the key benefits and the transformative impact a spouse can have on our lives.

In a committed partnership, emotional support and companionship create a strong foundation for personal growth. A spouse can be a trusted confidant, offering a listening ear, empathy, and understanding during life’s ups and downs. They can provide encouragement and motivation, inspiring us to pursue our dreams, overcome challenges, and reach our full potential.

Furthermore, a life partner offers a sense of belonging and connection. Building a life together creates a shared identity and shared experiences. The bond between spouses fosters a deep sense of unity and partnership, creating a safe and nurturing environment where both individuals can freely express themselves and grow.

The Role of a Spouse in Personal Development

A spouse plays a vital role in personal development by offering support, accountability, and constructive feedback. They act as a mirror, reflecting our strengths and weaknesses, helping us to become the best version of ourselves. Through their love and acceptance, a spouse can inspire us to work on personal growth areas, challenge ourselves, and strive for continuous improvement.

Moreover, a spouse can provide a fresh perspective and offer valuable insights. They can bring different skills, knowledge, and experiences to the table, broadening our horizons and encouraging us to see things from new angles. By sharing their wisdom and supporting our endeavors, a spouse becomes a catalyst for personal and professional development.

Benefits of Finding a Life Partner Role of a Spouse in Personal Development
– Emotional support and companionship – Offers support, accountability, and constructive feedback
– Sense of belonging and connection – Acts as a mirror for personal growth
– Shared experiences and a shared identity – Provides a fresh perspective and valuable insights
– Encouragement and motivation – Becomes a catalyst for personal and professional development

Having a life partner enables us to create a strong support system. They become our cheerleader, offering unwavering support, celebration of achievements, and comfort during setbacks. This support system helps us navigate life’s challenges with greater resilience and bounce back from adversity.

Ultimately, finding a life partner brings immeasurable benefits to our personal and relational well-being. Their role in our personal development cannot be overstated. Together, we can explore the depths of love, grow together, and live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

benefits of finding a life partner

A strong and purpose-driven marriage can have a transformative impact not only on the lives of the couple but also on their families, communities, and the world at large. It is through their shared values and goals that a husband and wife can make a lasting and meaningful difference in the world, leaving a legacy that extends far beyond their own lifetime.

As couples embark on their journey together, it is important to prioritize finding a wife who shares the same sense of purpose and values. This can be done by engaging in open and honest conversations, allowing space for individual exploration and growth, and fostering a deep connection based on mutual respect and understanding. When a wife is in search of purpose alongside her husband, their marriage becomes a powerful force for positive change and personal fulfillment.

The Value of a Good Wife in Marriage

A good wife is a priceless asset in a marriage, bringing immeasurable value and contributing to the overall success and fulfillment of the relationship. Her impact as a supportive and loving spouse is significant, creating a nurturing and harmonious environment for both partners.

Emotional support is one of the key benefits a good wife provides. She offers unconditional love, understanding, and empathy, standing by her husband’s side through both triumphs and challenges. Her presence provides a sense of stability and security, allowing for open communication and vulnerability.

The role of a good wife extends beyond emotional support. She is a source of strength and encouragement, providing practical assistance and contributing to the smooth functioning of the household. Whether it’s managing finances, taking care of children, or maintaining a comfortable home, a good wife takes on these responsibilities with dedication and diligence, lightening the load for her husband.

Benefits of a Good Wife in Marriage
Emotional support and understanding
Practical assistance and shared responsibilities
Source of love, encouragement, and motivation
Nurturing and harmonious environment

A supportive and loving wife plays a crucial role in her husband’s emotional well-being and happiness. She cheers him on in his pursuits, celebrates his achievements, and offers a shoulder to lean on during difficult times. Her unwavering belief in his abilities and her constant encouragement contribute to his personal growth and success.

In conclusion, the value of a good wife in marriage cannot be overstated. She brings love, support, and understanding, creating a nurturing and harmonious environment. With her emotional and practical assistance, she lightens her husband’s burdens and contributes to his well-being. A supportive and loving wife is an irreplaceable companion, making the journey of marriage more fulfilling and enjoyable for both partners.

Finding a Life Partner in a Christian Context

When it comes to finding a life partner in a Christian context, it is important to approach the process with a biblical perspective and adhere to biblical principles. The Christian faith emphasizes the significance of seeking God’s guidance in all areas of life, including the search for a spouse. By following biblical wisdom, individuals can make wise decisions and build a marriage grounded in God’s will and blessings.

One of the key biblical principles for choosing a spouse is seeking someone who shares the same faith and values. In 2 Corinthians 6:14, the Bible advises believers not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. This underscores the importance of having a foundation of shared beliefs and a common commitment to following Christ. When both partners are aligned in their faith, they can support and encourage each other in their spiritual journeys.

Preparing oneself for marriage through personal growth and spiritual maturity is another vital aspect of finding a life partner in a Christian context. This involves cultivating a deep relationship with God, developing character traits such as love, patience, and forgiveness, and seeking wisdom and guidance through prayer and studying God’s Word. By investing in personal growth, individuals can become better equipped to nurture a healthy and fulfilling marriage.

Ultimately, finding a life partner in a Christian context is about surrendering to God’s will and relying on Him for guidance. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds believers to trust in the Lord with all their hearts and lean not on their own understanding, acknowledging Him in all their ways so that He can direct their paths. By seeking God’s will above all else and entrusting the process of finding a spouse to Him, Christians can have confidence that their marriage is built on a foundation of faith and obedience to God.

Christian perspective on finding a wife

Table: Principles for Finding a Life Partner in a Christian Context

Principle Description
Shared Faith and Values Seeking someone who shares the same faith and values, ensuring a foundation of common beliefs and commitment to following Christ.
Personal Growth and Maturity Investing in personal growth, developing character traits such as love and forgiveness, and seeking spiritual maturity through prayer and studying God’s Word.
Surrendering to God’s Will Relying on God for guidance, trusting in His plan, and surrendering one’s desires and expectations to His perfect timing and purpose.

Singleness in the Christian Faith

Singleness holds a significant place in the Christian faith, offering individuals the opportunity to dedicate themselves fully to serving Christ and pursuing their unique purpose. Choosing to remain single for Christ is seen as an honorable and valuable choice, a path that allows for deep spiritual growth and contribution. It is a state of being that enables individuals to prioritize their relationship with God and engage in acts of ministry without the responsibilities and distractions of a married life.

“I wish that all were as I myself am. But each has his own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another…Now concerning the betrothed, I have no command from the Lord, but I give my judgment as one who by the Lord’s mercy is trustworthy. I think that in view of the present distress it is good for a person to remain as he is.” – 1 Corinthians 7:7, 25-26

The apostle Paul, in his teachings to the Corinthians, acknowledged the value of singleness and the spiritual benefits it brings. He emphasized that singleness is a gift from God, just as marriage is, and that each individual has their own unique calling and purpose. Paul also encourages believers to consider the present circumstances and make choices that honor their commitment to Christ. For those who feel called to singleness, it is an opportunity to fully devote themselves to serving God and furthering His kingdom.

The Blessings of Singleness

Singleness provides a unique space for personal growth and development, allowing individuals to deepen their relationship with God and cultivate a strong foundation of faith. It offers the freedom to pursue passions, invest in friendships, and engage in ministry opportunities that may not be as easily accessible when in a committed relationship or marriage. Singleness also allows for increased flexibility in making life decisions and the opportunity to embrace new experiences and challenges.

Additionally, singleness can be a time of preparation, where individuals focus on building their character, establishing healthy habits, and developing emotional and spiritual maturity. It is a season to seek God’s guidance and discern His will for their lives, trusting that He has a purpose and plan for their singleness. By embracing singleness as a calling from God, individuals can find contentment and joy in their relationship with Him and experience the fullness of life that Christ offers.

Blessings of Singleness Scripture References
Growth in faith and spiritual maturity Psalm 37:4, 1 Corinthians 7:32-35
Opportunity for ministry and service 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, Romans 12:6-8
Freedom to pursue personal passions and interests 1 Corinthians 7:32-35
Flexibility in making life decisions 1 Corinthians 7:32-35
Deeper relationship with God James 4:8, Psalm 73:25-26

singleness in the Christian faith

In conclusion, singleness in the Christian faith is a valuable and honorable choice, allowing individuals to fully devote themselves to serving Christ and pursuing their unique purpose. It offers blessings of personal growth, spiritual maturity, ministry opportunities, and a deepening relationship with God. By embracing singleness as a calling from God, individuals can find contentment, joy, and fulfillment in their relationship with Him, knowing that He has a purpose and plan for every season of life.

Embracing the Message and Applying It to Life

Embracing the message of finding a good wife and applying biblical wisdom to marriage can profoundly impact the quality and fulfillment of a marital relationship. By recognizing the importance of shared values, commitment, and personal growth, couples can cultivate a loving and supportive partnership that honors God and enriches their lives.

Applying biblical wisdom involves embodying the qualities of a virtuous wife as described in Proverbs 31:10-31. This passage provides a valuable framework for understanding the role of a wife as trustworthy, capable, nurturing, and wise. Emphasizing these qualities can foster mutual respect, appreciation, and harmony within the marriage.

“A good wife brings immeasurable value to a marriage. She offers love, support, and understanding, creating a nurturing and harmonious environment for both partners.”

Communication, trust, and selflessness are essential components of a successful marriage. Couples should prioritize open and honest communication, seeking to understand and support each other’s needs and aspirations. Trust forms the foundation of a strong marriage, allowing couples to navigate challenges and celebrate successes together. Selflessness involves putting the needs and desires of the spouse before one’s own, fostering a spirit of sacrificial love and unity.

By embracing the message of finding a good wife and applying biblical wisdom to marriage, couples can build a strong, loving, and purposeful partnership that withstands the test of time. It is through this commitment to honoring God and each other that couples can experience the blessings and fulfillment that come from a healthy and thriving marital relationship.


In conclusion, the phrase “He who finds a wife finds a good thing” holds deep biblical and practical significance. It emphasizes the value of marriage and the importance of finding a life partner who shares common values and goals. While the proverb should be interpreted within its limitations, it serves as a reminder of the blessings and benefits of a strong and loving marriage.

Throughout this article, we explored the biblical perspective on finding a wife, the qualities of a good wife, and the modern perspective on marriage. We discussed the benefits of finding a life partner and the significance of shared purpose in a marriage. It is crucial to recognize that a successful marriage requires effort, compromise, and mutual commitment from both partners.

Whether you are currently married, in search of a spouse, or embracing the call to singleness, the ultimate goal should be to honor God and seek His guidance in all aspects of relationships and life decisions. Applying biblical wisdom, such as the qualities of a virtuous wife and the principles of mutual respect and selflessness, can enrich and strengthen marriages.

Remember, the journey of finding a good wife or life partner is a personal and unique one. By understanding the meaning behind the proverb and aligning your values and goals with those of your spouse, you can create a fulfilling and purpose-driven marriage that brings joy, support, and companionship to your life.


What is the meaning of the phrase “He who finds a wife finds a good thing”?

The phrase reflects the belief that having a spouse is a positive and valuable experience and emphasizes the benefits of finding a good wife.

Where does the phrase “He who finds a wife finds a good thing” come from?

The phrase has its roots in biblical and literary sources, specifically the book of Proverbs in the Bible.

What does the Bible say about finding a wife?

The Bible emphasizes the importance of marriage and finding a wife as a good thing that brings favor from the Lord. It also provides a description of the qualities of a good wife in Proverbs 31:10-31.

Does finding a good wife guarantee a happy marriage?

While finding a good wife is valuable, it does not guarantee marital happiness. A successful marriage requires effort, compromise, and mutual commitment from both partners.

What is the modern perspective on finding a wife?

In modern society, finding a wife is understood in the context of equality, partnership, and personal fulfillment. It emphasizes choosing a life partner who shares common values, goals, and aspirations.

What are the benefits of finding a life partner?

Finding a life partner offers emotional support, companionship, shared experiences, and a nurturing environment for personal growth and self-discovery.

Why is finding a wife in search of purpose significant?

When both partners share common values, goals, and passions, they can support and inspire each other in their individual quests for personal fulfillment and meaning.

What value does a good wife bring to a marriage?

A good wife offers love, support, understanding, strength, and emotional well-being to her husband. She plays a crucial role in the overall success and fulfillment of the marriage.

What is the Christian perspective on finding a wife?

Christians seek God’s guidance and adhere to biblical principles when finding a life partner, including seeking someone who shares the same faith and values.

Is singleness considered a valid choice in the Christian faith?

Yes, singleness and celibacy are considered honorable and valuable choices in the Christian faith, allowing individuals to fully devote themselves to serving Christ and pursuing their unique purpose.

How can one apply the message of finding a good wife to their own life?

By embracing shared values, commitment, personal growth, and following biblical wisdom, individuals can cultivate a loving and supportive partnership built on trust, communication, and a shared pursuit of God’s will.

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  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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