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The Various Titles Attributed to Jesus (Messiah, Son of God, Savior)


In the New Testament, Jesus is referred to by various titles, each carrying significant theological meaning. These titles include Messiah, Son of God, and Savior. Understanding the significance of these titles helps deepen our understanding of Jesus’ role in Christianity.

Jesus, the Messiah, is the long-awaited Anointed One prophesied in the Hebrew scriptures. As the chosen one, he brings salvation and fulfills the role of a king, priest, and prophet.

Jesus is also known as the Son of God, signifying his unique relationship with God as his one and only Son. This title emphasizes his divine nature and the special role he plays in God’s plan of salvation.

Furthermore, Jesus is referred to as the Savior. This title highlights his role in saving humanity from sin and offering eternal life. Through his redemptive power, Jesus provides a path to salvation for all who believe in him.

Key Takeaways:

  • Jesus is referred to by various titles including Messiah, Son of God, and Savior.
  • Understanding these titles deepens our understanding of Jesus’ role in Christianity.
  • As the Messiah, Jesus fulfills the role of a king, priest, and prophet.
  • As the Son of God, Jesus has a unique relationship with God and plays a special role in salvation.
  • As the Savior, Jesus saves humanity from sin and offers eternal life.

God with Us (Immanuel)

Jesus is referred to as Immanuel, which translates to “God with us.” This title emphasizes the belief that Jesus is the embodiment of God’s presence among humanity. It highlights the intimate relationship between God and humanity through Jesus.

“And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21)

Immanuel signifies the profound truth that God chose to dwell among us, bridging the gap between divine and human. Through Jesus, God revealed His mercy, love, and grace to humanity, extending the opportunity for salvation and eternal life. The title “God with us” affirms the belief that Jesus is more than just a teacher or prophet; He is God Himself, manifesting His presence in human form.

Immanuel demonstrates God’s desire to intimately connect with His creation. By taking on human flesh, Jesus experienced the joys and sorrows of human life, providing a relatable example for us to follow. The presence of God in Jesus allows us to experience His love, forgiveness, and redemption firsthand.

god with us

The image above visually represents the concept of “God with us.” Just as the image portrays the merging of two hands, representing the union of God and humanity, Jesus serves as the bridge that unites us with our Creator. Through Jesus, believers are invited into a personal and transformative relationship with God, experiencing His presence, guidance, and comfort.

Understanding Jesus as Immanuel deepens our faith and trust in God’s plan of salvation. It reminds us that God’s love for humanity is so vast that He was willing to become one of us to reconcile us to Himself. Our response to this incredible truth is to seek a relationship with Jesus, allowing His presence to shape our lives and guide us on the path of righteousness.

The Significance of Immanuel

  • Emphasizes the intimate relationship between God and humanity through Jesus.
  • Reveals God’s desire to dwell among His creation and bridge the gap between divine and human.
  • Highlights Jesus as more than a teacher or prophet but as God Himself in human form.
  • Invites us into a personal and transformative relationship with God, experiencing His presence and guidance.
  • Strengthens our faith and trust in God’s plan of salvation.


Jesus is referred to as the Messiah, the long-awaited Anointed One prophesied in the Hebrew scriptures. This title signifies Jesus as the chosen one who brings salvation and fulfills the roles of a king, priest, and prophet. The concept of the Messiah holds great significance in the Jewish faith, and Jesus’ claim to this title sparked controversy during his time on earth.

“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he may die, he shall live.”

As the Messiah, Jesus fulfills the promises made by God in the Old Testament, offering salvation, forgiveness, and eternal life to all who believe in him. He embodies the hope and longing of generations, bringing the message of God’s love and redemption to humanity.

The Anointed One

The title “Messiah” originates from the Hebrew word “Mashiach,” which means “anointed one.” In Jewish tradition, anointing with oil symbolizes consecration and the bestowing of divine authority. By referring to Jesus as the Messiah, it establishes him as the anointed one chosen by God to fulfill the divine mission of bringing salvation to the world.

Role Responsibilities
King Ruling with righteousness and justice
Priest Mediating between God and humanity, offering forgiveness and redemption
Prophet Bringing divine wisdom, teaching, and guidance

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

The title Messiah encompasses these three significant roles, where Jesus rules like a righteous king, offers spiritual reconciliation like a priest, and imparts divine teachings like a prophet. Through his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus fulfills the prophecy of the Messiah, redeeming humanity and establishing the foundation of Christianity.

Messiah Image

The image illustrates the triumph and glory of Jesus as the Messiah, symbolizing his divine authority, grace, and the hope he brings to believers. It serves as a visual reminder of the profound impact Jesus, the Anointed One, has on the hearts and lives of those who follow him.


Another significant title attributed to Jesus is Christ. The word “Christ” is derived from the Greek word Christos, which translates to “the Anointed One.” This title holds immense theological meaning in the context of Jesus’ mission of salvation.

As the Anointed One, Jesus was chosen by God to fulfill the divine plan of redemption. This title signifies Jesus’ special role as the one anointed by God to bring salvation to humanity. It highlights his unique position and authority as the Savior.

By referring to Jesus as Christ, we acknowledge his divine appointment and recognize his authority to reconcile humanity with God. It is a testament to his power, love, and ultimate sacrifice for the sake of mankind’s salvation.

The title Christ invites us to embrace Jesus as the embodiment of God’s grace and as the source of hope, forgiveness, and eternal life. It reminds us that in him, we find purpose, redemption, and the fulfillment of our deepest spiritual longing.

Way, Truth, and Life

Jesus proclaimed himself as the way, the truth, and the life. These powerful words carry immense significance in understanding the role of Jesus in our lives. As the way, Jesus serves as the ultimate guide, leading us towards a deeper connection with God. Through his teachings and example, he shows us the path to righteousness and salvation.

Moreover, Jesus is the embodiment of truth. In a world filled with deceit and uncertainty, he offers unwavering truth and wisdom. His words provide guidance and clarity, illuminating the way forward. By following Jesus, we can experience the profound freedom that comes from living in alignment with truth and righteousness.

Furthermore, Jesus is the source of life itself. In him, we find eternal life, a life that transcends our earthly existence. Through his sacrificial death and resurrection, Jesus conquered sin and death, offering us the opportunity to experience everlasting life with God. By placing our trust in Jesus, we discover a life of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment beyond measure.

“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me'” (John 14:6). These profound words remind us of the transformative power of Jesus in our lives.

way, truth, life

In embracing Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life, we embark on a journey of faith, authenticity, and everlasting hope. He leads us to God, reveals truth in a world of confusion, and offers eternal life beyond our mortal existence. Jesus is not merely a historical figure, but a living presence that continues to transform lives today. Let us walk in his footsteps and experience the abundant life he offers to all who believe.


Jesus is referred to as the Savior, embodying the essence of salvation. His role in saving humanity from sin and offering eternal life is central to the Christian faith. The title of Savior signifies his redemptive power and the belief that through faith in him, we can receive the gift of salvation.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Jesus came to earth with a mission to reconcile humanity with God. He willingly sacrificed himself on the cross, shedding his blood as the ultimate atonement for our sins. Through his death and resurrection, he triumphed over sin and death, offering us the opportunity to be saved and have a restored relationship with God.

By accepting Jesus as our Savior, we acknowledge our need for his forgiveness and grace. We recognize that our own efforts are insufficient to save us, and we place our trust in Jesus’ finished work on the cross. It is through this faith in Jesus as our Savior that we receive the assurance of eternal life.

The Promise of Salvation

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus proclaimed the promise of salvation to all who believe in him:

  • He declared, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Jesus is the only path to salvation and eternal life.
  • He assured, “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (John 3:17). Jesus’ purpose was to save humanity, not to condemn it.
  • He promised, “Whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Through faith in Jesus, we receive the gift of eternal life.

Jesus’ role as the Savior is a testament to God’s great love for humanity. It is through Jesus that we find redemption, forgiveness, and the hope of eternal life. As we place our faith in him, we can experience the transformative power of his saving grace.


Jesus, the Savior, offers us the opportunity to be reconciled with God and receive the gift of salvation. Through his redemptive work, he demonstrates God’s unconditional love for humanity. By accepting Jesus as our Savior and putting our faith in him, we can experience the joy of knowing our sins are forgiven and have the assurance of eternal life.

Only Begotten Son

Jesus is described as the only begotten Son of God. This title signifies his unique relationship with God as his one and only Son. It emphasizes his divine nature and the special role he plays in God’s plan of salvation.

Lord (and Teacher)

Jesus is revered as both Lord and Teacher, embodying authority and wisdom in his teachings. As Lord, he holds supreme power and sovereignty, deserving of our obedience and devotion. Jesus’ lordship signifies his divine leadership over all creation, guiding us towards righteousness and salvation.

Furthermore, Jesus is recognized as an exceptional Teacher, imparting profound spiritual insights and moral guidance to his disciples and the masses. His teachings, rooted in love, compassion, and forgiveness, continue to inspire and transform lives today. Jesus’ role as a teacher extends beyond mere instruction but encompasses the transformative power of his words.

“But do not be called Rabbi, for one is your Teacher, and you are all brothers. And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Neither be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Christ.”

In these powerful words, Jesus emphasizes the exclusive authority and unique status of being our Teacher. He surpasses human wisdom and knowledge, offering divine insights that lead to spiritual growth and enlightenment. Through his teachings, Jesus imparts eternal truths and challenges us to live in accordance with God’s will.

Jesus’ Teachings: Lessons for Life

Jesus’ teachings encompass a wide range of topics, covering love, forgiveness, faith, prayer, and moral living. His parables, such as the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son, offer valuable lessons about compassion, mercy, and the importance of repentance. Additionally, his Sermon on the Mount provides a comprehensive guide to righteous living, addressing issues such as anger, revenge, honesty, and the pursuit of heavenly treasures.

Jesus’ teachings go beyond a mere intellectual exercise; they require application in our daily lives. As his followers, we are called to embody his teachings and reflect his character to the world. By embracing his teachings, we not only experience personal transformation but also become instruments of God’s love and grace in the lives of others.

A Table of Selected Teachings

Teaching Scripture Reference
The Great Commandment: Love God and Neighbor Matthew 22:37-39
The Lord’s Prayer Matthew 6:9-13
The Golden Rule Matthew 7:12
Parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37
Parable of the Prodigal Son Luke 15:11-32
Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5-7

These teachings represent a small portion of the profound wisdom Jesus shared during his ministry. Each one carries deep significance for our spiritual growth and serves as a guiding light in our journey of faith.

Through his divine authority as Lord and his transformative teachings as Teacher, Jesus continues to impact lives and shape the course of history. May we honor him as our Lord, obey his teachings with humility, and strive to walk in the path of righteousness he has laid before us.

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace

Jesus is described by several divine titles that manifest his transcendent nature, wisdom, and power. These titles affirm his role as the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, and Prince of Peace. Each title brings forth unique aspects of his character and mission, highlighting his significance in the lives of believers.

As the Wonderful Counselor, Jesus serves as the ultimate source of guidance and wisdom. Through his teachings and example, he offers profound insights into living a purposeful and meaningful life. He provides solace, wisdom, and direction to those who seek his counsel.

Revered as the Mighty God, Jesus displays divine power and authority. He demonstrates his limitless power through miracles, healings, and ultimately, his triumph over death through his resurrection. His divine nature reveals a God who is all-knowing, all-powerful, and capable of bringing about supernatural transformation.

Jesus’ title as the Eternal Father emphasizes his eternal nature and everlasting love. Through his sacrificial death and resurrection, he offers the gift of eternal life to all who believe in him. He is the source of love and compassion, providing a steadfast and unchanging presence in the lives of believers.

Lastly, Jesus is known as the Prince of Peace, bringing true and lasting peace to individuals and the world. His message of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation resonates across generations, transcending cultural and societal barriers. Jesus’ ministry brings harmony and restoration, healing the brokenness within humanity.

Title Description
Wonderful Counselor Jesus offers unparalleled guidance and wisdom.
Mighty God Jesus demonstrates divine power and authority.
Eternal Father Jesus embodies eternal love and offers eternal life.
Prince of Peace Jesus brings true and lasting peace to humanity.

Jesus’ various titles illuminate his essential role in Christianity and reveal the richness of his character. He is the Wonderful Counselor who provides guidance, the Mighty God who displays divine power, the Eternal Father who offers everlasting love, and the Prince of Peace who brings harmony and reconciliation. It is through these titles that believers can find hope, salvation, and a profound connection with the divine.


The various titles attributed to Jesus in the New Testament hold immense theological significance in the realm of Christianity. Through an understanding of these titles, we gain profound insights into Jesus’ role as the Messiah, Son of God, and Savior.

These titles reveal the divine attributes of Jesus and shed light on his mission of salvation, underscoring his unique relationship with humanity. Jesus is not solely a historical figure, but the embodiment of God’s presence among us.

He is the pathway to salvation, the ultimate guide, and the source of eternal life. The titles assigned to Jesus in the scriptures form the foundation of Christian belief, reflecting his divine nature and his transformative role in our lives.

As we delve into the titles of Jesus, we discover the depth of his significance, his redemptive power, and his capacity to bring peace and hope to the world. Through these titles, we come to understand Jesus’ profound impact on the Christian faith and the lives of believers throughout history.


What are the various titles attributed to Jesus?

Jesus is referred to by various titles in the New Testament, including Messiah, Son of God, and Savior. These titles carry significant theological meaning and help deepen our understanding of Jesus’ role in Christianity.

What does the title “Immanuel” mean?

The title “Immanuel” translates to “God with us.” It emphasizes the belief that Jesus is the embodiment of God’s presence among humanity and highlights the intimate relationship between God and humanity through Jesus.

What does the title “Messiah” signify?

The title “Messiah” signifies Jesus as the long-awaited Anointed One prophesied in the Hebrew scriptures. It represents Jesus as the chosen one who brings salvation and fulfills the role of a king, priest, and prophet.

What does the title “Christ” mean?

The title “Christ” is derived from the Greek word Christos, meaning “the Anointed One.” It signifies Jesus’ role as the chosen and anointed one by God to fulfill the mission of salvation.

What does the title “Way, Truth, and Life” reveal about Jesus?

The title “Way, Truth, and Life” highlights that Jesus is the ultimate guide to God and the source of eternal life. He is the path to salvation and the embodiment of truth.

What does the title “Savior” signify?

The title “Savior” emphasizes Jesus’ role in saving humanity from sin and offering eternal life. It signifies his redemptive power and the belief that salvation comes through faith in him.

What does the title “Only Begotten Son” mean?

The title “Only Begotten Son” signifies Jesus’ unique relationship with God as his one and only Son. It emphasizes his divine nature and the special role he plays in God’s plan of salvation.

What do the titles “Lord” and “Teacher” imply about Jesus?

The titles “Lord” and “Teacher” highlight Jesus’ authority and wisdom. He is recognized as the one to be obeyed and followed, both as a divine leader and as the one who imparts divine teachings.

What do the titles “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, and Prince of Peace” signify?

These titles emphasize Jesus’ divine attributes, wisdom, power, and his role in bringing peace to humanity. They highlight his ability to guide and counsel, his divine nature, and the peace he brings to those who believe in him.

How do the titles attributed to Jesus deepen our understanding of his role?

The titles attributed to Jesus in the New Testament carry deep theological significance in Christianity. Understanding these titles helps us grasp the depth of Jesus’ role as the Messiah, Son of God, and Savior. His titles reveal his divine attributes, his mission of salvation, and his relationship with humanity. Jesus is recognized as the embodiment of God’s presence, the path to salvation, and the source of eternal life.

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  • Darlene & Greg

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