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Who Was Raphael in the Bible (2024) ????

Who Was Raphael in the Bible ????

Who Was Raphael in the BibleRaphael is not mentioned in the Old and New Testaments. His account is mentioned in the Apocrypha. His name with profound religious significance, appears in various religious texts, providing us with a unique perspective on divine intervention and mercy. This celestial being plays a crucial role in teaching us about forgiveness, reconciliation, and the transformation of our habits.

Who Was Raphael in the Bible

Raphael is often associated with healing and guidance, known for aiding individuals in their time of need. His story is intertwined with powerful themes of redemption, illustrating the ways in which divine presence can guide us towards a path of healing and restoration.

  • Raphael is one of the three archangels named in the Bible in the Book of Tobit.
  • In Tobit, the angel Raphael accompanies Tobias on a journey and heals his father Tobit of blindness.
  • Raphael’s name means “God has healed” which fits his role in the story of healing Tobit.
  • While not named as such, some traditions hold Raphael was one of the three men who visited Abraham at Mamre in Genesis 18.
  • Extra-biblical literature like the Book of Enoch expand on Raphael as a healing archangel of God.
  • Raphael is often depicted carrying a staff and either holding or accompanied by a fish, in reference to his role in the Book of Tobit.
  • He is regarded as the angel of healing, medicine, joy, and travel in Jewish and Christian tradition.
  • Raphael is venerated as one of the seven archangels in some branches of Christianity like the Catholic Church.
  • His feast day is celebrated on October 24th in the Catholic and Orthodox traditions.
  • Raphael remains a popular name for churches, hospitals, and organizations focused on healing and travel.
  • He continues to be revered as a powerful heavenly protector and healer by many Christians today.

What Was Raphael’s Lineage

The lineage of Raphael is not explicitly detailed in religious texts, but his divine origin places him among the celestial beings with a unique purpose and mission.

  • Understanding Raphael’s heavenly origins

Here is a table with facts about angels from the Bible:

FactBible VerseExplanation
Angels are God’s servantsPsalm 103:20Angels carry out God’s commands and will.
Angels worship GodIsaiah 6:3, Revelation 5:11-12Angels in heaven constantly praise and glorify God.
Angels protect believersPsalm 91:11-12God sends angels to guard and defend those who follow him.
Angels deliver messagesLuke 1:11-20Gabriel was sent to deliver messages about John the Baptist and Jesus.
Angels have great strength2 Kings 19:35, Psalm 103:20Angels have power to accomplish God’s will, like destroying armies.
Angels can appear as humansGenesis 18, Hebrews 13:2Angels sometimes took human form to interact with people.
Angels record human actionsDaniel 7:10, Revelation 20:12Angels watch over humanity and keep records of deeds.
There are different kinds of angelsColossians 1:16There are thrones, powers, rulers and other types with distinct roles.
Angels do not marryLuke 20:34-36Angels are spirits without physical bodies and do not engage in human relationships.
Angels will be involved at end timesMatthew 24:30-31Angels will come with Jesus at his return to gather the elect.
All Scripture is God Breathed
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” ????✨????????????????????????????????????????????‍⚖️✅????‍????????????

Table of Things we Know about Arch Angels, Bible and Tradition

Here is a table summarizing what we know about archangels from the Bible and tradition:

ArchangelBible MentionsTraditional Roles & Associations
MichaelDaniel 10:13, 21, Jude 9, Revelation 12:7Leader of heavenly hosts, protector of Israel, defender against Satan, leads souls to judgment
GabrielDaniel 8:16, 9:21, Luke 1:19,26Messenger of God, announcer of Jesus’ birth, interpreter of visions, guardian of Eden
RaphaelTobit 3:17, 5:4, 12:15Guide/companion, healer, exorcist of demons, associated with travel, healing, marriage
UrielMentioned in Enoch, 2 EsdrasRevelation, prophecy, wisdom, knowledge, overseer of natural world, day of the Lord
RamielMentioned in EnochArchangel of thunder, lightning, and meteorological phenomena
JeremielMentioned in EnochArchangel of mercy, compassion, and healing tears
RaguelMentioned in EnochArchangel of justice, avenger of crime, punisher of wicked
SarielMentioned in EnochArchangel of death, associated with souls of the dead

The Bible directly names Michael and Gabriel. Tradition expanded on their roles and added other archangels, especially from Enoch. Each has associations with important heavenly responsibilities and intervention in human affairs.

Historical Timeline of Raphael’s Time

The stories of Raphael are set in a historical context that enriches our understanding of his mission and the lives he impacted.

Here is a historical timeline of major angel appearances in the Bible and history:

  • Genesis 18-19 – Angels appear to Abraham at Mamre. Often identified as Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael. They foretell Isaac’s birth.
  • Exodus 23:20-23 – God sends an unnamed angel to guide Israelites out of Egypt. Some identify him as the Angel of the Lord.
  • Joshua 5 – The captain of the Lord’s army appears to Joshua by Jericho. Believed by some to be a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus.
  • Daniel 8-9 – Gabriel interprets visions for Daniel and gives him prophecies. First archangel mentioned by name.
  • Zechariah 1-6 – Gabriel and other angels have roles in apocalyptic visions of rebuilding Jerusalem.
  • Luke 1:11-20 – Gabriel appears to Zechariah to foretell John the Baptist’s birth. This is his first appearance in the New Testament.
  • Luke 1:26-38 – Gabriel visits Mary to announce she will conceive Jesus by the Holy Spirit.
  • Matthew 28:2-7 – An angel rolls away the stone and announces Jesus’ resurrection to Mary Magdalene.
  • Acts 5-12 – An angel releases the apostles from prison and guides Philip and Cornelius at pivotal moments.
  • Revelation 1-22 – Angels play roles throughout John’s apocalyptic visions, especially Michael defeating Satan.
  • Many reported angelic appearances throughout Christian history bring messages of hope, guidance, and warning.
Who Was Raphael in the Bible  ????

What Does Raphael Mean – English, Hebrew, Greek

Raphael’s name carries deep meanings in various languages, reflecting his role as a healer and guide.

Etymology of the Biblical Name Raphael

The name Raphael comes from the Hebrew name רָפָאֵל (Rafa’el) which means “God has healed.” This name was derived from the Hebrew word רָפָא (rafa’), which means “to heal.” The name is also found in the Aramaic, Greek, and Latin languages, although the exact etymology of each version is still unknown.

In Hebrew, the name is רָפָאֵל (Rafa’el), and in Greek, the name is Ραφαήλ (Rafael). In Aramaic, the name is רְפָאֵל (Refael), and in Latin, the name is Raphael.

The name Raphael is found in many different cultures and languages, including English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Dutch, and more. It is also found in some Jewish cultures, such as Yiddish.

There are many other names derived from the name Raphael, such as Rafa, Rafi, Raffa, Rafaela, Rafal, Rafaella, Raffaela, Rafaello, Raffaele, and Raffaello. These names can be found in all of the languages mentioned above.

What Do We Know About Raphael

Raphael is first introduced in the Book of Tobit as he volunteers to heal Tobit’s blindness and find Tobit’s son Tobias a wife. Tobit sends Tobias on a journey with Raphael, though at this point Raphael’s true identity as an angel is unknown.

During the journey, Raphael instructs Tobias on proper conduct and protects him from harm. When they reach Media, Raphael tells Tobias that Sarah will be his wife. However, she has had seven previous husbands who all died from demonic attacks on their wedding nights. Raphael then instructs Tobias on how to protect himself using the gall of a fish on their wedding night.

Who Was Raphael in the Bible  ????

Upon returning home, Raphael reveals to Tobit that he is the angel Raphael, one of the seven who stands before God. He then instructs Tobit to burn the fish’s heart and liver at the evening offering, which will drive the demon Asmodeus away.

When this is done, Asmodeus is bound in the desert of Upper Egypt. Raphael then heals Tobit’s blindness by using the gall of the fish. Tobit recognizes that it was Raphael who accompanied Tobias on his journey and accomplished all these things. He offers praise and thanks to God for sending Raphael to heal them.

Throughout the story, Raphael works behind the scenes to protect, guide, heal and accomplish God’s will. His role is that of a guardian angel, ensuring the safety of Tobias and helping to secure his marriage to Sarah according to God’s plan.

Raphael also heals the physical blindness of Tobit, representing how angels can heal both spiritual and physical infirmities through God’s power. His revelations of his true identity at the end highlight angels as God’s invisible agents who work on behalf of believers.

Major Moments in the Work of Raphael

Raphael’s story is marked by significant moments of intervention, guidance, and healing.

Here are three major moments in the work of the archangel Raphael:

  1. Accompanying Tobias on his journey (Tobit 5:4-21)

When Tobit sends his son Tobias to collect a debt in Media, Raphael volunteers to accompany him in disguise. During the journey, Raphael protects Tobias from harm and instructs him on righteous living. He arranges Tobias’ marriage to Sarah and tells him how to drive away the demon threatening her husbands. This shows Raphael’s role as a guardian and guide for believers.

  1. Driving out the demon Asmodeus (Tobit 8:1-3)

Following Raphael’s instructions, Tobias burns the fish’s heart and liver at a ritual sacrifice. This causes the demon Asmodeus, who had been killing Sarah’s husbands on their wedding nights, to be bound in the desert. Raphael thus exercises power over demons as part of his role in protecting God’s people.

Who Was Raphael in the Bible  ????
  1. Healing Tobit’s blindness (Tobit 11:7-14)

After revealing his true identity as the archangel Raphael, he anoints Tobit’s eyes with gall from the fish he and Tobias caught. Tobit’s sight is immediately restored. This healing miracle demonstrates Raphael’s role as an agent of God’s healing power. It also represents the archangel’s ability to heal both physical and spiritual blindness.

These key moments from the Book of Tobit showcase Raphael’s diverse roles as a protector, exorcist, healer and agent of God’s will to help and deliver believers from harm.

Bible Verses about Raphael

The verses featuring Raphael offer rich theological insights and reflections on divine mercy.

  • Here are the key Bible verses that pertain to the archangel Raphael:
  • Tobit 5:4-21 – Raphael volunteers to accompany Tobias on his journey and protects him.
  • Tobit 8:1-3 – Following Raphael’s instructions, Tobias drives out the demon Asmodeus from Sarah.
  • Tobit 11:7-14 – Raphael reveals his identity as an archangel and heals Tobit’s blindness using fish gall.
  • Tobit 12:7-22 – Raphael gives praise to God and reveals the things he accomplished were by God’s command.
  • Jude 1:9 – Michael and Raphael are mentioned together disputing with the devil about Moses’ body.
  • Book of Enoch 20:1-8 – Lists Raphael as one of the four archangels who watch over various regions.
  • 1 Enoch 40:9 – Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Phanuel are named as holy angels who watch.
  • 1 Enoch 71:8-9 – Raphael is invoked to bind Azazel hand and foot to punish him for corrupting humanity.
  • Testament of Levi 3:5 – Raphael is invoked along with other archangels to heal illnesses.
  • Life of Adam and Eve 48:3 – Raphael is sent by God to comfort Eve after Abel’s death.
  • So the Book of Tobit provides the key biblical account of Raphael’s role and actions.

What the Story of Raphael Means for Us

Raphael’s story transcends time, providing contemporary readers with valuable lessons and insights.

Here are 3 points on what the story of Raphael means for us:

  1. God sends angels to watch over and protect us. Just as Raphael accompanied and protected Tobias on his journey, God assigns guardian angels to keep believers safe from spiritual and physical harm. We can take comfort knowing unseen angels are helping those who follow God.
  2. Angels help us overcome challenges. Raphael empowered Tobias to drive out the demon threatening his marriage. Angels battle demons and empower people to face life’s difficulties. When we pray, God may send angelic help to resolve problems beyond our abilities.
  3. Angels are agents of God’s healing. By Raphael’s intervention, both Tobit’s blindness and Sarah’s demonic oppression were healed. Angels can heal spiritual, emotional and even physical ailments according to God’s will. Their miracles remind us that God is our ultimate source of healing in all areas of life.

The story shows angels actively working to answer prayers, overcome evil influences, and care for humanity both physically and spiritually. This gives hope that although invisible, angels still assist believers according to God’s purposes.

Raphael’s Impact on the Jewish Faith

Here are a few ways Raphael has impacted the Jewish faith:

  • Recognition of Angels/Spiritual Beings – The story of Raphael in the Book of Tobit helped cement belief in angels as real spiritual beings that serve God and interact with humans. This expanded Jewish theology.
  • Guardian Angels – Raphael’s role as a protector and guide of Tobias led Jews to believe that individuals may have a guardian angel watching over them. Raphael became an exemplar of guardian angels.
  • Healing Miracles – By healing Tobit’s blindness, Raphael demonstrated God’s power to perform miraculous healings through angels. This reinforced faith in God as the divine healer.
  • Exorcism of Demons – When Raphael instructs Tobias on banishing the demon threatening Sarah, it showed angels have authority over demons. Jews gained assurance of spiritual protection.
  • Invocations and Prayers – Raphael’s name became invoked in Jewish prayers, exorcisms, and blessings – asking for his protection, guidance and healing miracles similar to what he provided Tobit and Tobias.
  • Archangel Veneration – Raphael became one of the most prominent archangels in Jewish tradition and theology due to his role in Tobit. He is still venerated today in aspects of Judaism.

So Raphael strengthened Jewish beliefs in angels, spiritual warfare, and God’s power to deliver through supernatural means.

What Was Raphael’s Mission

Here is a table summarizing what we understand about the mission of angels:

Worship GodAngels praise and glorify God continually in heaven (Isaiah 6:3, Revelation 5:11-12)
Serve GodAngels carry out God’s will, commands, and plans throughout the universe (Psalm 103:20)
Protect BelieversGuardian angels watch over and defend God’s people from spiritual and physical harm (Psalm 91:11-12)
Deliver MessagesAngels communicate God’s messages and will to people through visions, dreams, and direct encounters (Luke 1:11-20)
Guide and InstructAngels provide guidance, instruction and wisdom to believers, such as Raphael teaching Tobias (Tobit 5:4-21)
Intercede for PeopleAngels present prayers of God’s people to him and intercede on their behalf (Job 33:23-24, Revelation 8:3-4)
Execute JudgmentAngels will participate in final judgment, punishment of the wicked, and establishing God’s kingdom (Matthew 13:39-43)
Worship JesusAngels acknowledge and worship Jesus as the Son of God and savior of mankind (Hebrews 1:6, Revelation 5:11-12)
Model ObedienceAngels perfectly obey God’s commands, demonstrating complete submission believers should have (Psalm 103:20)

Life Lessons We Can Learn from the Work of Angels

Raphael’s story offers us invaluable lessons for personal development and spiritual growth.

Here is a table showing life lessons we can learn from the work of angels:

Obedience to GodAngels perfectly obey God’s commands at all times. We should strive to obey God faithfully.
Worship God ContinuallyAngels worship God day and night in heaven. We should cultivate an attitude of constant praise.
Serve OthersAngels serve both God and humanity. We should seek to generously serve and help those around us.
Find Strength in GodAngels receive their power and authority from God. We can find courage through trusting in God.
Offer ProtectionGuardian angels shield believers from danger. We should support and defend those in need.
Deliver Messages of HopeAngels bring messages from God. We can share the hope and joy of the gospel with others.
Provide GuidanceAngels teach and counsel. We should give wise, biblical advice to those seeking direction.
Intercede in PrayerAngels intercede for people. We can pray fervently for the needs of others.
Execute God’s JusticeAngels will judge the wicked. We must pursue righteousness and justice.
Worship ChristAngels worship Jesus. We should reverence and exalt Him above all else.

How Was the Work of Angels Important to Christianity ????

The work of angels was important to the development of Christianity in several key ways:

  1. They proclaimed and validated Jesus’ identity. Gabriel foretold Jesus’ birth and an angel announced his resurrection, affirming he was the Messiah.
  2. They strengthened faith in the supernatural. The prominent roles of angels like Gabriel and Michael performing miracles reinforced that God actively intervenes in the world.
  3. They showed God’s heavenly hosts supported the gospel message. Angels serving and worshipping Jesus in scenes like his temptation and ascension endorsed his divine mission.
  4. They demonstrated spiritual warfare is real. Angels battling demons over souls of people or at important moments in history validated the cosmic conflict underlying earthly events.
  5. They gave examples of service, obedience and worship. Angels perfectly carrying out God’s will provided models for Christian conduct, such as obedience, praise, protecting the vulnerable.
  6. They gave assurance of God’s protection. Belief that guardian angels watched over believers brought comfort, especially amid persecution by Roman authorities.
  7. Their roles in final events bolstered hope of God’s ultimate victory. Angels assisting with the second coming, resurrection, and judgment of Satan affirmed God’s kingdom would prevail.

So angels authenticated Jesus and Christian teachings while strengthening faith in the supernatural realities of God and spiritual warfare. They reinforced key Christian doctrines.

Final Thoughts ????

Raphael’s story is a timeless narrative of divine intervention, mercy, and the transformative power of forgiveness. His example teaches us about the importance of compassion, the necessity of forgiveness, and the ways in which we can work to transform our habits and lives for the better.


  1. Was Raphael a real historical figure?
    • While Raphael is a significant character in religious texts, there is no concrete historical evidence to confirm his existence as a historical figure. His presence in the texts serves more as a symbol of divine intervention and guidance.
  2. What can we learn from Raphael’s interactions with humanity?
    • Raphael’s interactions with humanity teach us about the power of mercy, the importance of guidance, and the transformative potential of forgiveness. His example encourages us to seek reconciliation and strive for personal growth.
  3. How does Raphael’s story connect to the broader religious narrative?
    • Raphael’s story is intricately woven into the broader religious narrative, illustrating themes of divine mercy, intervention, and the transformative power of forgiveness. His story complements and enhances the overarching messages of the religious texts.

Best Bible Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Below is a table featuring some highly regarded Bible Encyclopedias and Dictionaries along with their publishers and websites where they can be found or purchased.

The International Standard Bible EncyclopediaEerdmansEerdmans
Zondervan’s Pictorial Bible DictionaryZondervanZondervan
Easton’s Bible DictionaryThomas NelsonThomas Nelson
Holman Illustrated Bible DictionaryB&H Publishing GroupB&H Publishing Group
The New Unger’s Bible DictionaryMoody PublishersMoody Publishers
HarperCollins Bible DictionaryHarperOneHarperOne
Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament WordsThomas NelsonThomas Nelson

You can generally find these resources on the publishers’ websites, as well as other online book retailers such as Amazon or Christianbook. It’s always good practice to confirm availability and review additional details on the specific websites or other reliable online bookstores.



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