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Who Was Sarah in the Bible (2024) ????????

Who Was Sarah in the Bible ????????

Who Was Sarah in the Bible – Sarah, a prominent figure in the Bible, holds a captivating story filled with lessons, faith, and resilience. As we delve into the life of Sarah, we’ll uncover her lineage, historical timeline, and the significance of her name in various languages.

  • Sarah, the Matriarch: Sarah was a prominent figure in the Bible, known as the wife of Abraham and the matriarch of the Jewish people.
  • Her Original Name: Initially called Sarai, her name was changed to Sarah by God, signifying her role as a princess.
  • Miraculous Motherhood: Sarah’s most remarkable story is her miraculous conception and birth of Isaac when she was 90 years old.
  • Part of God’s Covenant: Sarah played a pivotal role in God’s covenant with Abraham, promising descendants as numerous as the stars.
  • Hospitality: She displayed hospitality when three angels visited her and Abraham, a story that highlights her generosity.
  • Challenges and Faith: Sarah faced challenges, including infertility, but her faith in God’s promises remained unwavering.
  • Influence on Judaism: Sarah is revered as one of the founding mothers of Judaism and is often regarded as a symbol of faith and motherhood.
  • Influence on Christianity: Her story carries significance in Christianity, as she is mentioned in the New Testament’s “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews 11.
  • Historical Authenticity: Archaeological findings support the historical authenticity of Sarah’s existence and the biblical accounts of her life.
  • Lessons for Us: Her life teaches us about faith, resilience, and the importance of trusting in God’s plans.
  • Legacy: Sarah’s legacy continues to inspire people of various faiths to this day, reminding us of the power of faith and God’s promises.

These bullet points provide a concise overview of who Sarah was in the Bible, emphasizing her significance and the lessons we can learn from her life.

Who Was Sarah in the Bible: A Concise Overview

Sarah, a pivotal figure in the Bible, was the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac. She is recognized as the first matriarch of the faith and hailed for her unwavering obedience to God. Born as Sarai, she later became known as Sarah, while her husband’s name changed from Abram to Abraham, symbolizing the divine covenant God made with them.

Who was sarah in the Old Testament

Though initially unable to have children, Sarah’s faith was tested when God promised Abraham that they would have a son. At the age of 90, Sarah miraculously gave birth to Isaac, ultimately fulfilling God’s covenant. Throughout the biblical narrative, Sarah’s spiritual journey is marked by her perseverance, endurance, and strong faith in God.

Key Takeaways

  • Sarah is the wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac, making her the first matriarch in the biblical narrative
  • God promised Abraham and Sarah a son, even though she was initially barren
  • Sarah’s spiritual journey is defined by her enduring faith and obedience to God

Who Was Sarah in the Bible

Sarah Living a Nomadic Life Style

Sarah, originally named Sarai, was born in the ancient city of Ur, located in present-day Iraq. She was the half-sister and wife of Abram, later known as Abraham. They shared the same father but had different mothers, as mentioned in Genesis 20:12. Sarah was a central figure in the Bible and played a crucial role in the development of the Jewish nation.

Sarah, alongside her husband Abraham, left her homeland in Ur and set out for Canaan, as per God’s command. They embarked on this journey together with their father Terah and their nephew Lot.

Who Was Sarah in the Bible ????????

Sarah holds the title of matriarch and is regarded as the “mother of nations.” Her story demonstrates her unwavering faith in God and her obedience to His divine plan.

One of the most significant aspects of Sarah’s life was her struggle with infertility. She was unable to conceive for many years, which brought great distress to her and her husband. Despite this challenge, God had promised Abraham and Sarah that they would have a son, making it all the more difficult for them to bear their childlessness.

In a show of faith and trust in God’s promise, Sarah offered her Egyptian maidservant Hagar to Abraham as a surrogate. Hagar bore Abraham a son named Ishmael, but God’s promise to Sarah would be fulfilled later through her own son, Isaac.

When Sarah was 90 years old, God appeared to Abraham and affirmed His covenant, announcing that Sarah would finally bear a son. Both Abraham and Sarah initially reacted with laughter due to their advanced age, but their skepticism soon turned into great joy as God’s promise was fulfilled.

Sarah later gave birth to Isaac, who would become the heir of God’s covenant with Abraham and the eventual father of the Jewish nation.

In addition to her unwavering faith and role as a matriarch, Sarah was also well-known for her astonishing beauty. It is said that her beauty was so great that even kings desired to take her as their wife. This led Abraham to identify Sarah as his sister rather than his wife in foreign lands to protect himself from potential harm.

In summary, Sarah’s life story is one of devotion, perseverance, and exceedingly strong faith. Her role as the wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac transcended her own life, establishing her as an essential figure in the foundation of the Jewish nation.

Sarahs Name Change from Sarai to Sarah

Sarah’s name change from Sarai to Sarah holds a profound significance in her life. Originally known as Sarai, her name was changed by God to Sarah. The change represented a transformation from “my princess” (Sarai) to “princess” (Sarah), signifying a broader, more universal role.

It marked her as a mother of nations, highlighting her destiny to become the matriarch of not just one family but many. This name change symbolized God’s divine plan for her and her husband, Abraham, to be the ancestors of a multitude and played a pivotal role in reaffirming God’s covenant with them.

It was a renaming that encapsulated the grandeur of her purpose in God’s plan, extending far beyond her immediate family, and it remains a powerful testament to the significance of her life in biblical history.

Sarah’s Spiritual Journey

Sarah Living as a Nomadic Farmer with Her Husband Abraham

God’s Promises to Sarah

Sarah, originally named Sarai, was the wife of Abraham and began her life in the pagan world of Ur, in the land of the Chaldees (source). God made a covenant with Abraham, promising that Sarah would become the “mother of nations” (source). Despite being childless for many years, Sarah held on to this promise with faith and courage.

Sarah’s Journey of Faith

Throughout her journey, Sarah faced multiple challenges, including fear, doubt, and hardships. However, her love and unwavering faith in God were her strength (source). Sarah showed a great capacity for personal growth and spiritual transformation as she followed her husband, Abraham, to fulfill God’s promises.

Who Was Sarah in the Bible ????????

The Miracle of Sarah’s Son, Isaac

In their old age, Sarah and Abraham miraculously conceived a son named Isaac (Genesis 21:1-3). Sarah’s faith was rewarded when she gave birth, and she named her son Isaac, which means “laughter” in Hebrew (source). As stated in Hebrews 11:11, Sarah’s unwavering faith in God’s promise allowed her to conceive, even when she was considered too old.

Sarah’s Complex Relationship With Hagar

Sarah’s relationship with her maidservant Hagar was complex. When Sarah remained childless, she introduced Hagar to Abraham as a concubine in hopes of having a child (source). Hagar bore Ishmael, which led to tension and a feud between Sarah and Hagar. Sarah eventually sent Hagar and Ishmael away after her son Isaac was born and weaned (Genesis 21:8-14).

Interactions with Pharaoh and Abimelech

Sarah’s beauty and Abraham’s fear led to two challenging interactions with powerful rulers. Abraham lied about Sarah being his sister on two occasions to protect himself, which put Sarah at risk. The first incident involved the Egyptian Pharaoh (Genesis 12:10-20), who took Sarah into his harem and ended up plagued by God. The second incident was with Abimelech, King of Gerar (Genesis 20:1-18), where God intervened and warned Abimelech about the consequences of taking someone else’s wife.

The Legacy of Sarah’s Faith

Sarah is remembered as a woman of great faith, who not only followed her husband but also set a strong example of devotion to God. Her legacy is evident in the faith of her descendants, including her son Isaac, grandson Jacob, and the nation of Israel (source). Her unwavering faith and sacrifices in the face of numerous challenges make Sarah an inspiring figure and a testament to a life lived in obedience to God.

Who Was Sarah in the Bible ????????

What Was Sarah’s Lineage

Sarah’s lineage traced back to Terah, making her the daughter of Haran and the sister of Lot. This lineage is essential to understanding her role in the Bible and her connection to other significant biblical figures.

  • Abram and Sarai: Sarah, initially known as Sarai, married her half-brother Abram, later renamed Abraham by God.
  • Isaac: Sarah’s son, Isaac, became a pivotal figure in biblical history, carrying on the covenant God made with Abraham.
Family MemberRelationship to Sarah
ParentsFather: Haran
Mother: Unnamed
BrothersBrother: Lot (Haran’s son)
SistersNone (No mention of sisters in the Bible)
ChildrenSon: Isaac
HusbandHusband: Abraham

Sarah, also known as Sarai initially, was the daughter of Haran and the sister of Lot. She was married to Abraham, and together, they had a son named Isaac. While the Bible doesn’t mention Sarah having sisters, her family tree is primarily associated with her husband, parents, and brother.

Historical Timeline of Sarah’s Time

To grasp Sarah’s significance, it’s crucial to place her in the historical context of her era.

  • Life in Ur: Sarah’s early life was in Ur of the Chaldeans, a thriving city in Mesopotamia.
  • The Journey to Canaan: Sarah, along with Abraham, embarked on a journey to the land of Canaan.
  • Egyptian Sojourn: During a famine, they temporarily resided in Egypt.
  • Motherhood in Old Age: Sarah’s remarkable journey included giving birth to Isaac at the age of 90.

Certainly! Here’s a friendly and informative timeline of the major powers and states in the world during the life of Sarah:

Timeline: Major Powers and States During the Life of Sarah

  • Approximately 2150 BCE: Sarah is believed to have been born in Ur of the Chaldeans, a thriving city in Mesopotamia. At this time, the Sumerians held sway in the region, contributing to the development of writing and various aspects of civilization.
  • Around 2100 BCE: Sarah’s early years are marked by the dominance of the Akkadian Empire, one of the world’s first empires, led by Sargon of Akkad. This empire controlled vast territories in Mesopotamia.
  • Around 2000 BCE: As Sarah and Abraham journeyed to the land of Canaan, the city-states of Ur and Nippur continued to exert their influence in Mesopotamia. These city-states were centers of culture and religion.
  • Around 1900 BCE: The Middle Bronze Age was characterized by the rise of the Old Babylonian Empire, led by Hammurabi. This empire is renowned for Hammurabi’s Code, one of the earliest known legal codes.
  • Around 1800 BCE: During Sarah’s time, Egypt was ruled by the Middle Kingdom. The pharaohs of this era expanded their influence and undertook impressive architectural projects, such as the construction of pyramids.
  • Around 1700 BCE: The Hittite Empire, centered in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey), emerged as a major power. Their advanced ironworking techniques contributed to their military strength.
  • Around 1600 BCE: The Late Bronze Age saw the rise of the mighty Egyptian New Kingdom. Pharaohs like Thutmose III and Ramesses II expanded Egypt’s territory and power.
  • Approximately 1550-1200 BCE: The time of the Patriarchs, including Sarah and Abraham, coincided with the Late Bronze Age Collapse. During this tumultuous period, various civilizations, including the Hittites, Mycenaeans, and Canaanite city-states, faced decline or collapse due to factors like invasions and societal upheaval.
  • Around 1300 BCE: By the end of Sarah’s life, Egypt’s influence in Canaan was evident. The region was a part of Egypt’s sphere of influence during the reigns of the pharaohs.

Sarah’s life unfolded against the backdrop of a world undergoing significant changes and power shifts. Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Anatolia were major players, while the Late Bronze Age Collapse marked a period of instability in the eastern Mediterranean. It’s fascinating to imagine how Sarah’s experiences were influenced by the historical events of her time.

What Does Sarah Mean – English, Hebrew, Greek

Sarah’s name holds different meanings in various languages.

  • English: In English, Sarah translates to “princess,” reflecting her significance in the biblical narrative.
  • Hebrew: In Hebrew, her name, Sarai, signifies “my princess,” emphasizing her role as a noblewoman.
  • Greek: In Greek, her name is rendered as “Sarra,” maintaining the essence of royalty.

Major Moments in the Life of Sarah

Sarah’s life is a tapestry of major moments, personal history, and her impact on faith.

Major Moments in the Life of SarahDescription
Birth in UrSarah was born in Ur of the Chaldeans, a thriving city in ancient Mesopotamia, around 2150 BCE.
Marriage to AbrahamSarah’s marriage to Abraham marked the beginning of their remarkable journey together. Initially known as Sarai, her name was later changed to Sarah.
Journey to CanaanSarah, along with Abraham, embarked on a journey to the land of Canaan in response to God’s call. This journey would lead to their significant role in biblical history.
Encounter with AngelsSarah and Abraham had a remarkable encounter with three angels who visited them, bringing news of Sarah’s future motherhood.
Birth of IsaacOne of the most miraculous events in Sarah’s life was the birth of her son, Isaac, when she was 90 years old. This birth fulfilled God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah.
Temporary Stay in EgyptDue to a famine in Canaan, Sarah and Abraham temporarily resided in Egypt, where they faced challenges and learned valuable lessons about trust in God.
Role in God’s CovenantSarah played a vital role in God’s covenant with Abraham, where God promised them descendants as numerous as the stars.
Death and BurialSarah passed away at the age of 127 in Hebron, and she was buried in the Cave of Machpelah. Her legacy continued through her descendants.

Sarah’s life was marked by remarkable moments of faith, challenges, and blessings. Her journey alongside Abraham and her role in God’s plan remain enduring stories of hope and trust in divine promises.

What Was Sarah’s Purpose in God’s Plan

Certainly! Here’s a friendly and informative list of what Sarah’s purpose was in God’s plan:

  1. To Be a Matriarch: Sarah’s primary purpose in God’s plan was to become the matriarch of the Jewish people. She would give birth to Isaac, who would carry on the covenant God made with Abraham, ensuring the continuation of God’s chosen people.
  2. A Test of Faith: Sarah’s journey of waiting for the birth of Isaac, despite her old age and infertility, served as a test of faith for both her and Abraham. Their trust in God’s promises demonstrated unwavering faith, setting an example for future generations.
  3. Supporting Abraham: Sarah played a crucial role in supporting her husband, Abraham, in his journey of faith. Together, they faced challenges and obstacles, strengthening their partnership and faith in God.
  4. Fulfilling God’s Covenant: As part of God’s covenant with Abraham, Sarah’s role was pivotal. God promised them descendants as numerous as the stars, and Sarah’s motherhood was the fulfillment of this promise.
  5. Hospitality and Generosity: Sarah’s hospitality and generosity in welcoming the three visiting angels demonstrated the importance of kindness and hospitality in God’s plan. This act of hospitality revealed God’s message and affirmed the promise of Isaac’s birth.
  6. Teaching Resilience: Sarah’s life taught the virtue of resilience. Despite facing hardships and doubts, she remained steadfast in her faith, showing that God’s timing is always perfect.
  7. Leaving a Legacy: Sarah’s life and her role in God’s plan left a lasting legacy of faith, motherhood, and trust in God’s promises. Her story continues to inspire people of faith to this day.
  8. A Symbol of God’s Grace: Sarah’s miraculous conception of Isaac in her old age serves as a symbol of God’s grace and the fulfillment of divine promises. It reminds us that God’s plans often exceed human understanding.
  9. A Figure of Faith: Sarah’s inclusion in the New Testament’s “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews 11 highlights her significance as a woman of faith. Her life story encourages believers to trust in God’s plans even when circumstances seem impossible.

Sarah’s purpose in God’s plan was multifaceted, encompassing motherhood, faith, support for her husband, and a testament to God’s grace and faithfulness. Her legacy continues to inspire and teach valuable lessons to those who seek to follow God’s path.

What Were Major Prophecies Surrounding the Life of Sarah

Sarah received significant prophecies that shaped her life and the future of her descendants.

  • The Promise of Isaac: God’s promise of a son, Isaac, in her old age was a remarkable prophecy.
  • The Covenant with Abraham: Sarah’s role in God’s covenant with Abraham was prophetic in itself.
  • Descendants as Numerous as Stars: The fulfillment of this prophecy remains central to Sarah’s legacy.

What Archaeology Has Discovered Concerning Sarah

Archaeological findings shed light on the historical authenticity of Sarah’s existence.

Certainly! Here’s a friendly and informative table highlighting what archaeology has discovered concerning the times surrounding the lifespan of Sarah:

Archaeological Discoveries Concerning Sarah’s TimeDescription
Ancient ArtifactsArchaeologists have unearthed numerous artifacts from the time period that coincide with Sarah’s life. These artifacts include pottery, jewelry, tools, and inscriptions, providing insights into daily life and culture in Mesopotamia and Canaan during her era.
Historical RecordsAncient texts and inscriptions from the regions of Mesopotamia and Egypt have shed light on the historical context of Sarah’s time. These records mention cities, rulers, and events that help piece together the political and social landscape of the period.
Cultural PracticesArchaeological excavations have revealed evidence of cultural practices, including burial customs, religious rituals, and architectural styles, which offer a glimpse into the customs and beliefs of the people living during Sarah’s lifetime.
Urban Centers and Trade RoutesDiscoveries of ancient urban centers, trade routes, and ancient highways provide insights into the economic and geopolitical significance of various regions during Sarah’s time. These findings contribute to our understanding of the broader world in which she lived.
Evidence of MigrationArchaeological evidence, such as pottery styles and architectural influences, has indicated patterns of migration and cultural exchange during the era of Sarah. This suggests that the movement of people and ideas played a role in shaping the world she lived in.
Confirmation of Biblical AccountsSome archaeological findings align with the accounts in the Bible, including references to places, people, and events mentioned in Sarah’s story. These confirmations support the historical authenticity of the biblical narrative.

Archaeology has provided valuable insights into the times surrounding the lifespan of Sarah, helping us better understand the cultural, historical, and geographical context of her life and the events described in the Bible. These discoveries contribute to our appreciation of the rich tapestry of history in which Sarah’s story is woven.

Lessons We Can Learn from the Life of Sarah

Certainly! Here’s a friendly and informative table highlighting the lessons we can learn from the life of Sarah:

Lessons from the Life of SarahDescription
Faith in God’s PromisesSarah’s unwavering faith in God’s promises, even in the face of seemingly impossible circumstances, teaches us the power of trust and patience in our own lives.
Resilience in ChallengesSarah’s journey was marked by challenges and setbacks, yet she persisted with resilience. Her story reminds us to persevere and overcome obstacles with determination.
Importance of FamilySarah’s role as a wife and mother highlights the significance of family bonds and the vital role they play in our lives. Her love and devotion to her family serve as an example to us.
Supporting One AnotherSarah’s partnership with Abraham exemplifies the importance of supporting and standing by our loved ones in their journeys and endeavors.
God’s Timing Is PerfectSarah’s life showcases that God’s timing is always perfect, even when we may not understand it. It teaches us to trust that God’s plans unfold at the right moment.
Grace in ForgivenessDespite moments of doubt and laughter, Sarah’s ability to forgive herself and others is a valuable lesson in extending grace and forgiveness in our own lives.
Legacy of FaithSarah’s legacy of faith continues to inspire generations. It underscores the enduring impact we can have by living a life grounded in faith and trust in God.
Overcoming Cultural NormsIn a society where childbearing was highly valued, Sarah’s story challenges cultural norms. It encourages us to question societal expectations and follow our unique path.
God’s Ability to Bring JoySarah’s laughter at the news of her impending motherhood reminds us of God’s ability to bring joy and unexpected blessings into our lives.
A Life of PurposeSarah’s life, though filled with challenges, had a profound purpose in God’s plan. It teaches us that each of us has a unique role to play in the grand tapestry of life.

The life of Sarah offers a wealth of valuable lessons, from faith and resilience to the importance of family and the significance of God’s timing. Her story continues to inspire and guide us on our own life journeys.

How Was the Life and Work of Sarah Important to Christianity

Certainly! Here are three major takeaways on how the life and work of Sarah were important to Christianity:

  1. Faith as a Foundational Virtue: Sarah’s unwavering faith in God’s promise of a son, despite her advanced age and infertility, is a powerful example of faith in Christianity. Her story, as mentioned in the New Testament’s “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews 11, underscores the significance of faith as a foundational virtue for Christians. Sarah’s trust in God’s plan and her inclusion in this esteemed list of faithful individuals serve as a reminder to Christians that faith in God’s promises is central to their belief.
  2. Mother of Nations and Christ’s Ancestry: Sarah’s role as the mother of Isaac holds immense importance in Christianity. Isaac’s lineage eventually led to the birth of Jesus Christ, the central figure in Christianity. Sarah’s motherhood is seen as a crucial part of God’s divine plan, as it paved the way for the fulfillment of prophecies and the arrival of the Messiah. Therefore, her life and motherhood are considered integral to the Christian faith, linking the Old Testament promises to the New Testament fulfillment.
  3. Legacy of Resilience and Hope: Sarah’s life was marked by challenges, including infertility and the trials of her journey with Abraham. Her resilience and her ultimate fulfillment of God’s promise serve as a beacon of hope for Christians. Her story encourages believers to persevere through difficulties and trust in God’s timing, knowing that God can bring blessings even in the most improbable circumstances. Sarah’s legacy of resilience and hope is a source of inspiration for Christians in their own walks of faith.


Sarah’s Importance in the Bible and Jewish Tradition

Sarah is a significant figure in both the Bible and Jewish tradition, embodying key values and virtues.

  • In the Bible, Sarah is prominently featured in the book of Genesis, where her life and relationship with Abraham are central to the narrative. Her faith and motherhood are pivotal elements in the story of God’s covenant.
  • In Jewish tradition, Sarah is honored as “Sarah Imenu,” signifying her role as a mother to the Jewish people. She is revered for her righteousness, hospitality, and unwavering faith in God’s promises.
  • Jewish customs and rituals, such as the lighting of Shabbat candles, are connected to Sarah’s example of bringing light and warmth to her home, reinforcing her importance in Jewish tradition.

Significant Moments in Sarah’s Life:

Sarah’s life is marked by several pivotal moments that shape her narrative and inspire readers and believers.

  • The miraculous birth of Isaac in her old age stands out as a testament to God’s faithfulness and the fulfillment of divine promises.
  • Sarah’s encounter with three angels who announced Isaac’s birth showcases her hospitality and her integral role in God’s divine plan.
  • Her journey to Egypt during a famine and her return to Canaan reflect her unshakable trust in God’s guidance and provision during challenging times.

Themes in Sarah’s Story: Faith, Trust, and Imperfection:

Sarah’s story explores profound themes that resonate with the human experience and spiritual growth.

  • Faith: Sarah’s steadfast belief in God’s promise, despite initial doubts, underscores the transformative power of faith in God’s plan.
  • Trust: Her journey exemplifies trust in God’s timing and divine plan, even when circumstances seem insurmountable.
  • Imperfection: Sarah’s moments of laughter and impatience remind us that even biblical figures had imperfections, highlighting God’s grace and patience with humanity.

These aspects of Sarah’s life and story continue to hold significance, serving as a source of inspiration and reflection for people of faith in both Jewish and Christian traditions.

Final Thoughts – 7 Big Ideas????

In conclusion, Sarah’s life story is one of faith, promise, and perseverance. From her lineage to her impact on faith, her journey inspires us to trust in God’s plans and find hope in challenging times. Let’s summarize this exploration into 7 big ideas:

  • Faith in God’s Promises
  • Resilience in Challenges
  • The Power of Family
  • Prophetic Significance
  • Historical Authenticity
  • Interfaith Influence
  • God’s Timing


Q: Was Sarah a real historical figure?

A: Yes, Sarah is a real historical figure, and her existence is supported by archaeological and biblical evidence.

Q: What was the significance of Sarah’s name?

A: Sarah’s name, meaning “princess” or “my princess,” reflects her noble status in the biblical narrative.

Q: How old was Sarah when she gave birth to Isaac?

A: Sarah was 90 years old when she gave birth to Isaac, a miraculous event in the Bible.

Q: What lessons can we learn from Sarah’s life?

A: Sarah’s life teaches us about faith, resilience, and the importance of family in the face of challenges.

Q: How did Sarah impact Christianity?

A: Sarah’s role as a woman of faith and as the mother of Isaac is significant in the Christian faith.

In conclusion, Sarah’s story is a testament to faith and perseverance. As we reflect on her life, may we find inspiration and hope in our own journeys. God Bless Greg. ????

Best Old Testament Commentaries

Below is a table featuring some renowned Old Testament commentaries, their publishers, and websites where they can be found. As always, it’s best to confirm availability on multiple platforms or the publishers’ websites.

Commentary NamePublisherWebsite
The New International Commentary on the Old TestamentEerdmansEerdmans
Word Biblical CommentaryZondervanZondervan
Baker Commentary on the Old TestamentBaker AcademicBaker Academic
The Anchor Yale Bible CommentaryYale University PressYale University Press
Tyndale Old Testament CommentariesInterVarsity PressInterVarsity Press
Expositor’s Bible CommentaryZondervanZondervan
The Old Testament for EveryoneWestminster John Knox PressWestminster John Knox Press

Note: As with the New Testament table, this table provides generalized examples and does not list each volume within the commentary series. The commentaries can usually be found on the publishers’ websites or other online book retailers such as Amazon or Christianbook. It is always advisable to check for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding availability.



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