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12 Reasons Why Evangelism is Important in Faith

12 reasons why evangelism is important

Evangelism is more than just spreading the gospel—it is a fundamental aspect of faith that holds immense importance for believers and the community at large. By actively sharing the message of Jesus Christ, evangelists have the opportunity to make a profound impact on the lives of individuals and contribute to the growth and transformation of society. In this article, we will explore the 12 reasons why evangelism is important and the incredible benefits it brings.

Key Takeaways:

  • Evangelism is a command from Jesus and the apostles, emphasizing its significance in the Christian faith.
  • Sharing the good news of the gospel brings encouragement and upliftment to those who hear it.
  • Evangelism provides believers with the opportunity to work directly with and for God.
  • It precedes baptism and salvation, leading individuals to a transformational relationship with Jesus.
  • Evangelism is a tangible expression of love for Jesus and obedience to His teachings.

The Command of Jesus and the Apostles

Both Jesus and the apostles commanded the practice of evangelism. In Matthew 16:15, Jesus instructed his followers to go and make disciples of all nations. The apostles also emphasized the importance of evangelism in their teachings, such as in 2 Timothy 4:2 and 2 Timothy 4:5. Following their commands, believers are called to share the gospel and make disciples in obedience to the Great Commission.

Jesus’ command to spread the good news of his message transcends time and cultural boundaries. It is a timeless directive that applies to believers in every generation. As modern followers of Christ, we have the same responsibility to proclaim the gospel and invite others into a relationship with Jesus. By obeying Jesus’ command to evangelize, we continue the mission that he entrusted to his disciples, fulfilling his desire for all people to hear and respond to the message of salvation.

Vision Casting – I would Follow this Vision

The apostles, who were entrusted with the task of establishing and growing the early church, also stressed the significance of evangelism. They understood its transformative power, not only in individual lives but also in the expansion of the Kingdom of God. Through their teachings and writings, such as the letters to Timothy, they encouraged believers to be bold in sharing their faith and to persevere in fulfilling the calling to make disciples.

By heeding the command of Jesus and the apostles, believers participate in the divine work of spreading the gospel and bringing people into a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Through evangelism, we become channels of God’s love, mercy, and grace, as we invite others to experience the forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God, and the hope of eternal life.

In the next section, we will explore how evangelism serves as a source of encouragement and the gateway to healing.

Encouragement and the Good News

Evangelism is an incredible opportunity to spread the good news of the gospel. By sharing the message of Jesus, evangelists have the power to inspire and uplift individuals, offering them hope and encouragement in their lives. The gospel brings the promise of forgiveness, eternal life, and a personal relationship with God to those who believe. Through evangelism, people can discover the transformative power of the gospel and find the strength to overcome challenges and embrace a life of purpose.

When individuals hear the gospel, it awakens their hearts and minds to the love and grace of God. It reminds them that they are not alone in their struggles and that there is always hope for a better tomorrow. The good news of the gospel is a source of inspiration and motivation, urging people to turn their lives around and seek a deeper connection with God.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

Through evangelism, individuals are encouraged to confront their past mistakes and find forgiveness in the loving arms of God. They are reminded that no matter how broken or lost they may feel, there is a Savior who is willing to embrace them and offer them a fresh start. The gospel is a message of redemption and restoration, providing hope for a future free from guilt and shame.

Evangelism also serves as a reminder that no one is beyond the reach of God’s love. It encourages believers to step out of their comfort zones and share the hope they have found in Jesus with others. By boldly proclaiming the gospel, evangelists inspire others to seek a meaningful relationship with God and discover the incredible blessings that come from following Jesus.

Evangelism is not just about spreading the good news ; it is also about being a living testimony of the transformative power of the gospel. When individuals see the positive changes and joy in the lives of believers, it sparks their curiosity and desire to find out more about the source of that transformation.

evangelism encourages people

By sharing the message of Jesus and the hope of salvation, evangelists create a pathway for people to receive the gift of eternal life. Evangelism serves as a catalyst for individuals to understand the significance of accepting Jesus into their hearts and experiencing the forgiveness and redemption that come with salvation.

Through meaningful conversations, personal testimonies, and the demonstration of God’s love, evangelism helps individuals recognize their need for a Savior and guides them towards the life-changing decision to receive Jesus into their lives.

Expressing Love for Jesus

Evangelism is not only about spreading the message of Jesus but also an expression of love for Him. As believers, we have the opportunity to demonstrate our devotion and passion for our Savior and Lord through evangelism. In the words of Jesus Himself, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12). This commandment encompasses not only loving our fellow believers but also reaching out to those who are still lost and in need of His love.

When we engage in evangelism, we showcase our obedience to Jesus and our desire for others to experience the same love and grace we have found in Him. It is through the act of sharing the gospel that we prove our love for Him and fulfill His call to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). By inviting others to enter into a relationship with Jesus, we demonstrate our genuine care and concern for their eternal well-being.

Evangelism is a tangible way to live out the love commandment and emulate the example set by Jesus Himself. He selflessly gave His life for us, and in turn, we can selflessly share His message with others. Through evangelism, we extend His love to a broken and hurting world, offering hope, healing, and the opportunity for eternal salvation. It is through this act of love that lives are transformed, souls are saved, and the Kingdom of God is advanced.

Furthermore, when we engage in evangelism, we enter into a partnership with Jesus in the work of salvation. We align ourselves with His heart and desire to see all people come to know Him and experience His love. It is an act of servanthood – serving as ambassadors for Christ, sharing His message and love with those who may have never heard it before.

“By this, all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.” – John 13:35

Expressing love for Jesus through evangelism is not only an act of obedience but also a transformative experience for both the evangelist and the one being reached. As we step out in love and faith, we allow the Holy Spirit to work through us, leading others to encounter Jesus and be transformed by His redeeming love. It is a privilege, an honor, and a joy to be vessels of His love and witness lives being changed through the power of the gospel.

expressing love for Jesus
Benefits of Expressing Love for Jesus Through Evangelism
1. Fulfilling the commandment of Jesus to love one another
2. Demonstrating obedience and devotion to Jesus
3. Offering hope, healing, and the opportunity for eternal salvation to others
4. Serving as an ambassador for Christ and advancing His Kingdom
5. Partnering with Jesus in the work of salvation
6. Allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us and transform lives

Opening the Door for Healing

Evangelism has the power to open the door for healing in people’s lives. By sharing the gospel, individuals can experience physical, emotional, and spiritual healing . The message of Jesus offers hope, restoration, and transformation to those who are in need.

evangelism opens door for healing

Through evangelism, the healing presence of God becomes evident, and lives are changed. As stated in Luke 10:9, the act of sharing the gospel can bring about miraculous healing and restore wholeness to those who are broken.

The transformative power of the gospel is not limited to physical healing alone. It also encompasses emotional and spiritual healing, addressing the deep needs and hurts of individuals. Through evangelism, people can encounter the love and compassion of Jesus, finding solace and restoration for their souls.

Evangelism serves as a catalyst for healing, bringing hope to the hopeless and offering a pathway to divine intervention. It creates an opportunity for individuals to experience the transformative touch of God’s healing hand.

“And the one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him.” – John 8:29

Gateway to Repentance and Remission of Sins

Evangelism serves as the gateway to repentance and the remission of sins. In Luke 24:47, Jesus instructed his disciples to proclaim repentance and forgiveness in his name to all nations. Through evangelism, people are exposed to the message of salvation, which leads them to repentance and the forgiveness of their sins. It is through this process that individuals can experience reconciliation with God and a renewed relationship with him.

Evangelism acts as a catalyst for change, offering individuals the opportunity to confront their sinful nature, seek forgiveness, and turn towards a life of righteousness. The act of sharing the gospel invites others to reflect on their actions, recognize the need for repentance, and acknowledge their sins before God.

Repentance is a transformative experience , as it involves a deep conviction of wrongdoing and a sincere desire to turn away from sinful behaviors. Through evangelism, individuals are invited to experience the freedom and restoration that comes from repenting of their sins and surrendering their lives to Jesus.

Furthermore, evangelism presents the opportunity for the remission of sins. As people hear the message of salvation, they learn that forgiveness is available through Jesus , who laid down his life for the redemption of humanity. By embracing the gospel, individuals can find relief from guilt and shame, and experience the liberating power of having their sins completely forgiven.

“…that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations…”

– Luke 24:47

Evangelism is not only about spreading the good news but also guiding individuals towards a life of repentance and receiving the gift of forgiveness. It is through evangelism that hearts are softened, eyes are opened to the truth, and lives are transformed by the grace of God.

Benefits of Evangelism 
Leads to repentance
Brings forgiveness
Restores the relationship with God
Offers freedom from guilt and shame
Transforms lives
evangelism as gateway to repentance

Bringing Understanding of Scriptures

Evangelism is not just about spreading the gospel; it is also about bringing understanding of Scriptures to those who may not yet have a deep knowledge of God’s Word. Acts 8:30 exemplifies the role of evangelists as they share profound insights and teachings from the Bible.

Through evangelism, individuals have the opportunity to gain a clearer understanding of the principles, promises, and truths found within the Scriptures. As evangelists engage in conversations and share the message of Jesus, they help unravel the profound wisdom contained in the Word of God.

The Scriptures serve as a guidebook for life, offering profound insights into the nature of God and His plan for humanity. Through evangelism, individuals can comprehend the depth of God’s love, the significance of Christ’s sacrifice, and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit.

“The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.” – Psalm 119:130

Evangelism not only presents the opportunity for individuals to hear the gospel but also allows them to engage in discussions, ask questions, and explore the Scriptures more deeply. This interactive approach helps people grasp the timeless truths hidden within the biblical texts.

By sharing the Word of God, evangelists unlock the mysteries of Scriptures and bring enlightenment to those seeking truth and meaning in their lives. The transformative power of the Scriptures becomes evident as individuals begin to understand and apply its teachings to their daily lives.

The goal of evangelism is not only to convert people to Christianity but also to equip them with the knowledge and understanding needed to navigate life’s challenges. Through evangelism, individuals discover the wisdom and guidance found in the Scriptures , empowering them to make informed decisions, live with purpose, and experience the fullness of God’s love.

bringing understanding of Scriptures
Benefits of Understanding Scriptures through Evangelism
1. Spiritual Growth: Understanding Scriptures leads to personal transformation and spiritual maturity .
2. Clarity of Purpose: The Bible provides guidance and direction , helping individuals discover their true calling.
3. Firm Foundation: Understanding Scriptures strengthens one’s faith and provides a solid foundation for belief.
4. Discernment: Knowledge of the Scriptures enables individuals to discern truth from falsehood.
5. Transformation: The Word of God has the power to transform lives, bringing healing and renewal.
6. Hope and Encouragement: Understanding the Scriptures brings hope and encouragement in difficult times.

Causing the Holy Spirit to Move

Evangelism is a powerful catalyst for the movement of the Holy Spirit in the hearts and lives of people. When believers share the gospel, they create an environment where the Holy Spirit’s presence can work in mighty ways, bringing about conviction, transformation, and the manifestation of spiritual gifts.

Acts 10:44 illustrates the profound impact evangelism can have on the Holy Spirit’s movement. It recounts how, as Peter shared the message of salvation, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard the good news. This divine intervention demonstrated the direct correlation between evangelism and the work of the Holy Spirit.

“By sharing the gospel, believers facilitate an encounter with the Spirit of God, inviting Him to move in supernatural ways, stirring hearts and bringing about radical transformations,” explains renowned evangelist John Piper.

When the Holy Spirit moves through evangelism, lives are forever changed. It is more than just the sharing of words; it is a spiritual encounter that reaches deep into the core of humanity. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, evangelism awakens souls, kindles faith, and ignites a passionate pursuit of God .

“The Holy Spirit is the ultimate evangelist. He is the one who brings conviction and draws people to Jesus. When we engage in evangelism, we are partnering with the Holy Spirit in His mission to save souls and transform lives.”

As believers step out in faith to share the gospel, they create an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit can perform His miraculous work. This work includes convicting individuals of their need for a Savior, granting them repentance, and infusing them with the power to live a transformed life.

The Holy Spirit’s movement through evangelism also extends to the manifestation of spiritual gifts. As people respond to the call of salvation, the Holy Spirit equips them with unique gifts to serve the body of Christ and advance the kingdom of God. These gifts empower believers to proclaim the gospel boldly, heal the sick, and demonstrate God’s love in tangible ways.

Holy Spirit's movement through evangelism

A Fruit of Righteousness

Evangelism is considered a fruit of righteousness. As stated in Proverbs 11:30, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.” This biblical verse highlights the profound impact of sharing the gospel and leading others to faith in Jesus. Through evangelism, individuals demonstrate their commitment to righteousness and their desire to see others come to know and experience the transformative power of Christ.

By engaging in evangelism, believers embody and manifest the righteousness they have received through their faith in Jesus. It is an outpouring of love and compassion, fueled by the desire to see souls saved and lives transformed. Just as a fruitful tree brings life and sustenance, evangelism brings spiritual nourishment and the opportunity for eternal salvation.

Manifesting Righteousness

Evangelism serves as a tangible expression of a believer’s righteousness in Christ. When we share the gospel, we are actively participating in God’s redemptive work, fulfilling our role as ambassadors of Christ. It is through this act of obedience and love that we fulfill our purpose in bringing others into a saving relationship with Jesus.

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.” – Proverbs 11:30

Through evangelism, we demonstrate our trust in God’s righteousness and his ability to transform lives. It is an act of faith, believing that the message of the gospel is not just good news but transformative truth. As we step out in obedience to share this message, we align ourselves with God’s heart for the lost and allow his righteousness to flow through us.

A Table: The Impact of Evangelism

SalvationBy sharing the gospel, evangelism opens the door for individuals to receive salvation and the forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus.
TransformationThrough evangelism, lives are transformed as individuals encounter the power and love of God, leading to a renewed sense of purpose and identity.
CommunityEvangelism builds and strengthens the community of believers by bringing new members into the family of God and fostering unity and fellowship.
Spiritual GrowthBoth the evangelist and the recipient of the gospel experience spiritual growth, deepening their faith and understanding of God’s love and grace.

Evangelism is not only a means to an end. It goes beyond simply sharing information or converting others to a belief system. It is a testament to the righteousness we have received through Christ and an opportunity to share God’s love and grace with others. Through evangelism, we participate in God’s redemptive plan, allowing his righteousness to bear fruit in the lives of those who hear the gospel.

evangelism as a fruit of righteousness


Evangelism plays a pivotal role in personal growth , community upliftment, and carrying out the Great Commission. By faithfully following the commands of Jesus and the apostles, believers have the incredible opportunity to share their faith , lead others to experience salvation, and strengthen the body of Christ. Through the act of evangelism, the profound love of God is expressed, communities are transformed, and individuals are prompted to prepare for the glorious return of Jesus and the establishment of His eternal kingdom on earth.

Through evangelism, believers not only deepen their own faith and understanding of God’s Word, but they also spread the message of hope, forgiveness, and eternal life. Each encounter becomes an opportunity to ignite a spark of faith, to touch a life with love, and to bring about the transformative power of the gospel. As the seeds of the Word are sown through evangelism, they have the potential to take root in the hearts of others, leading to repentance, salvation, and a renewed relationship with God.

Furthermore, the impact of evangelism extends beyond the individual level . As communities are reached and transformed by the message of Jesus, they experience healing, reconciliation, and unity. Evangelism has the power to break down barriers, to bridge gaps between diverse cultures and backgrounds, and to bring people together under the banner of God’s redeeming love. It is through the collective effort of believers engaging in evangelism that the body of Christ grows stronger and becomes a beacon of hope in a broken world.


What is evangelism?

Evangelism is the act of spreading the gospel and sharing the message of Jesus Christ.

Why is evangelism important?

Evangelism is important because it allows believers to fulfill the commands of Jesus and the apostles, share the good news of the gospel, demonstrate their love for Jesus, open the door for healing, serve as the gateway to repentance and remission of sins, bring understanding of Scriptures, cause the Holy Spirit to move, manifest as a fruit of righteousness, and unite all nations through reconciling humanity to God.

What did Jesus and the apostles say about evangelism?

Jesus commanded his followers to go and make disciples of all nations, and the apostles emphasized the importance of evangelism in their teachings.

How does evangelism encourage and uplift individuals?

Evangelism encourages and uplifts individuals by offering them hope, forgiveness, and eternal life through the transformative power of the gospel.

How does evangelism allow believers to work with God?

Through evangelism, believers become vessels for God’s message and partake in his divine plan for salvation, serving as ambassadors of Christ on earth.

Why does evangelism precede baptism and salvation?

Evangelism precedes baptism and salvation because it is through evangelism that people hear the gospel, understand the need for repentance and faith, and ultimately accept Jesus into their lives.

How does evangelism express love for Jesus?

Sharing the gospel is an act of obedience and love for Jesus, demonstrating devotion and a desire for others to experience the love and grace found in Christ.

How does evangelism open the door for healing?

Evangelism brings the message of Jesus, offering physical, emotional, and spiritual healing through hope and restoration.

How does evangelism serve as the gateway to repentance and remission of sins?

Evangelism exposes people to the message of salvation, leading them to repentance and the forgiveness of their sins, and offering reconciliation and renewed relationship with God.

How does evangelism bring understanding of Scriptures?

Through evangelism, individuals gain a clearer understanding of the principles, promises, and truths found in the Scriptures.

How does evangelism cause the Holy Spirit to move?

Sharing the gospel creates an environment for the Holy Spirit’s presence and work, leading to conviction, transformation, and the manifestation of spiritual gifts.

What does evangelism being a fruit of righteousness mean?

Evangelism is a manifestation of the righteousness that believers have received through Christ, demonstrating their commitment to righteousness and their desire to share it with others.

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  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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