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25 Bible Verses in the Bible about Rachel

25 Bible Verses in the Bible about Rachel

25 Bible Verses in the Bible about Rachel

25 Bible Verses in the Bible about Rachel

  1. Genesis 29:18- “And Jacob was in love with Rachel, and said, “I will serve you seven years for your younger daughter Rachel.” Rachel was Jacob’s second wife.
  2. Genesis 29:30- “So Jacob went in to Rachel also, and he loved Rachel more than Leah, and served with him yet seven other years.” Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah, and worked seven years for her.
  3. Genesis 30:1- “Now when Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister, and said to Jacob, “Give me children, or else I die!” Rachel was jealous of her sister, Leah, and wanted children of her own.
  4. Genesis 35:16- “Then they journeyed from Bethel. And when there was but a little distance to go to Ephrath, Rachel labored in childbirth, and she had hard labor.” Rachel died in childbirth while on the way to Ephrath.
  5. Genesis 35:19- “So Rachel died and was buried on the way to Ephrath (that is, Bethlehem).” Rachel was buried on the way to Bethlehem.
  6. Genesis 35:24- “And the hand of the LORD was upon Rachel, and she conceived and bore a son and said, “God has taken away my reproach.” Rachel was blessed with a son after she had been barren for so long.
  7. Genesis 35:25- “And she called his name Joseph, saying, “May the LORD add to me another son!” Rachel named her son Joseph, and prayed for another son.
  8. Genesis 46:19- “And the sons of Rachel Jacob’s wife: Joseph and Benjamin.” Rachel bore two sons to Jacob, Joseph and Benjamin.
  9. Genesis 48:7- “And as for me, when I came from Padan, Rachel died by me in the land of Canaan on the way, when there was but a little distance to go to Ephrath; and I buried her there on the way to Ephrath (that is, Bethlehem).” Jacob buried Rachel on the way to Bethlehem.
  10. 1 Samuel 10:2- “When you have departed from me today, then you will find two men by Rachel’s tomb in the territory of Benjamin at Zelzah; and they will say to you, ‘The donkeys which you went to seek are found. Here is your father who is with them, and here are the donkeys.’” Rachel’s tomb was located in Benjamin’s territory.
  11. Hosea 2:14- “Therefore, behold, I will allure her, Bring her into the wilderness, And speak comfort to her.” God promised to comfort Rachel and bring her into the wilderness.
  12. Matthew 2:18- “A voice was heard in Ramah, Lamentation, weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, Refusing to be comforted, Because they are no more.” Rachel was mourning for her children, refusing to be comforted.
  13. Jeremiah 31:15- “Thus says the LORD: “A voice was heard in Ramah, Lamentation and bitter weeping, Rachel weeping for her children, Refusing to be comforted for her children, Because they are no more.” Rachel was mourning for her children, refusing to be comforted.
  14. Jeremiah 31:20- “Is Ephraim My dear son? Is he a pleasant child? For though I spoke against him, I earnestly remember him still; Therefore My heart yearns for him; I will surely have mercy on him, says the LORD.” God remembered Rachel’s son, Ephraim, and promised to have mercy on him.
  15. Micah 5:2- “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, From everlasting.” Rachel’s tomb is located in Bethlehem.
  16. Genesis 29:6- “Now it happened, when he saw the daughter of Laban, Rachel the daughter of Laban, his mother’s brother, that Jacob went near and rolled the stone from the well’s mouth and watered the flock of Laban his mother’s brother.” Jacob first met Rachel at her father’s well.
  17. Genesis 29:32- “Then Leah conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Reuben; for she said, “Surely the LORD has looked upon my affliction. Now therefore, my husband will love me.” Rachel was the second wife of Jacob, and Leah was the first.
  18. Genesis 30:24- “And she named him Joseph, and said, “The LORD shall add to me another son.” Rachel named her son Joseph, after Jacob’s beloved deceased brother.
  19. Genesis 30:22- “Then God remembered Rachel, and God listened to her and opened her womb.” God remembered Rachel’s prayers and granted her the gift of a son.
  20. Genesis 35:20- “And Jacob set a pillar upon her grave, that is the pillar of Rachel’s grave to this day.” Jacob set a pillar on Rachel’s grave to mark it.
  21. Genesis 35:21- “And Israel journeyed and pitched his tent beyond the tower of Eder.” Rachel’s tomb is located near the tower of Eder.
  22. Genesis 35:22- “And it happened, when Israel dwelt in that land, that Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father’s concubine; and Israel heard about it.” Rachel was the mother of Reuben, who committed adultery with his father’s concubine.
  23. Genesis 37:12- “Now his brothers went to feed their father’s flock in Shechem.” Rachel’s sons went to Shechem to care for their father’s flock.
  24. Genesis 37:35- “And all his sons and all his daughters rose up to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted, and he said, “For I shall go down into the grave to my son in mourning.” So his father wept for him.” Jacob was so grief-stricken at Rachel’s death that he refused to be comforted.
  25. Genesis 48:7- “And as for me, when I came from Padan, Rachel died by me in the land of Canaan on the way, when there was but a little distance to go to Ephrath; and I buried her there on the way to Ephrath (that is, Bethlehem).” Rachel died during the journey from Padan to Bethlehem.

What Can We Learn from Rachel in the Bible: A Deep Dive


  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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