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Empower Your Church Leadership Development Vision

Church Leadership Development Vision

Church leadership development is vital for nurturing and empowering dynamic leaders who can make a lasting impact on ministry. But this development requires more than just a hopeful vision; it demands intentional processes and actions.

Empowerment starts with trust. As leaders, we must trust our team members with real responsibilities, even if they make mistakes along the way. Just as we would hand over the car keys to a teenager learning to drive, we need to take risks and provide the necessary support and guidance to help our leaders grow.

Training is another key component of leadership development. Just like teenagers need driver’s education before they can hit the road, leaders need consistent, relevant, and practical training to become effective in their roles. It’s important to equip and develop our leaders, aligning the training with the cultural values of our church.

Empowerment also means giving leaders the necessary authority to make decisions and lead. It goes beyond delegating tasks; it involves trusting leaders with teaching, financial responsibilities, and more. When empowered, leaders have the freedom to lead without fear of micromanagement or power plays.

Clear expectations are crucial for empowered leaders. Setting guidelines and boundaries, just as we would when teaching a teenager to drive, provides a framework for success. When leaders know exactly what is expected of them, they can confidently fulfill their responsibilities and rise to the occasion.

Believing in and loving each individual is transformative in empowerment. Jesus invested time in His disciples and believed in their potential before they fully believed in themselves. As leaders, we have the privilege and responsibility to see leadership potential in those we lead, even before they recognize it in themselves. Love and genuine care are essential elements of empowerment.

Table of Contents

How to Offer Hope about Jesus

Full Lesson

Communicating the church vision is essential. A clear and inspiring vision acts as a compass, guiding our church’s journey. We need to define a vision that aligns with God’s calling and effectively communicate it to our congregation. When the vision resonates with our members, they become inspired and energized to work towards its fulfillment.

Setting and reviewing goals is crucial for leadership development. Goals provide the milestones that mark the path towards the vision. They should be SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Regular reviews allow for adjustments and realignment to keep the church on course.

Involving the congregation in leadership development fosters a sense of ownership and unity. When members feel connected to the church’s vision and goals, they contribute more meaningfully to the ministry. Their involvement brings fresh ideas and energy, strengthening the church community.

A culture of leadership development is essential for sustainable growth. Identifying and nurturing potential leaders, providing mentorship, training, and exposure to different ministry contexts, helps build a thriving leadership culture within the church. Continuous learning and improvement are key to creating a leadership culture that propels the church forward.

By actively engaging in church leadership development, we empower leaders and nurture their potential. Together, we can make a profound impact on our community and reflect God’s love and purpose.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trust is the foundation of empowerment in leadership development.
  • Training equips leaders with the necessary skills for effective leadership.
  • Empowered leaders have the authority to make decisions and lead.
  • Clear expectations provide a framework for success in leadership.
  • Believing in and loving individuals is a transformative aspect of empowerment.

The Importance of Trust and Responsibility in Empowerment

Trust serves as the solid foundation for empowerment within the church leadership development journey. When church leaders trust their team members with real responsibilities, they create an environment that fosters growth and development. Just like handing the keys to a teenager learning to drive, trusting leaders with responsibility requires taking a risk while simultaneously providing the necessary support and guidance.

“Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” – Stephen Covey

By trusting their team members, church leaders empower them to make meaningful contributions to the growth and success of the church. This empowerment not only allows individuals to develop their skills and talents but also cultivates a sense of ownership and commitment to the church’s vision. Trust creates an atmosphere where leaders feel valued, respected, and trusted to fulfill their responsibilities.

Leadership comes with inherent risks, and mistakes are inevitable. However, when trust is present, leaders will have the confidence to take risks and learn from their experiences. They will be motivated to find creative solutions, collaborate with their team members, and make informed decisions that align with the church’s vision. Trust enables leaders to navigate challenges, overcome obstacles, and lead with confidence.

Moreover, trust in the church leadership is not a one-sided responsibility. It requires leaders to trust their team members, but it also requires team members to trust their leaders. Building trust requires open and transparent communication, consistent follow-through on commitments, and accountability for actions and decisions.

The image below demonstrates the importance of trust and responsibility in empowering church leaders:

trust and responsibility in empowerment

Leadership Note:

Empowerment through trust and responsibility is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process that requires continuous investment. Leaders must be intentional in fostering trust within their teams, providing opportunities for growth, and creating an environment where individuals feel safe to take risks and learn from their experiences. By embracing trust, church leaders can empower their team members to reach their full potential and make a lasting impact in their communities.

Training for Competency in Church Leadership Development

Just as teenagers need driver’s education before they can safely drive, church leaders need training to become better leaders. Training plays a vital role in equipping leaders with the necessary competencies and skills for effective leadership in church contexts. Both volunteer and staff leaders can greatly benefit from consistent, relevant, and practical training experiences that empower them to lead with confidence.

What is Vision Casting – Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish

Check this vision – I would follow this – Greg Gaines

Effective training should focus on both equipping and developing leaders, nurturing their abilities while expanding their knowledge and understanding of church leadership. It should encompass a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Developing a biblical foundation for leadership
  • Effective communication and public speaking skills
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Conflict resolution and problem-solving
  • Strategic planning and decision-making
  • Mentoring and discipleship

Training sessions should be aligned with the cultural values and mission of the church, providing leaders with practical tools and strategies that can be applied directly to their leadership roles. By investing in comprehensive training programs, churches can foster a culture of continuous growth and improvement, ultimately strengthening their leadership development efforts.

Training plays a vital role in equipping leaders with the necessary competencies and skills for effective leadership in church contexts.

Training can take various forms, including:

  • In-person seminars and workshops: Facilitated sessions that provide interactive learning experiences and practical opportunities for leaders to apply their knowledge.
  • Online courses and webinars: Flexible and accessible training options that allow leaders to learn at their own pace and engage with experts in various leadership fields.
  • Mentorship programs: Pairing experienced leaders with emerging leaders, fostering an environment of personal growth and discipleship.
  • Leadership conferences and retreats: Gathering leaders from different churches and denominations to learn from each other, share best practices, and gain fresh perspectives.

Through focused and intentional training initiatives, churches can empower their leaders to develop the necessary competencies, strengthening the overall health and impact of the church.

Key Competencies in Church Leadership Development

Visionary LeadershipAbility to cast and communicate a compelling vision for the church, inspiring others to pursue it.
Strategic ThinkingCapacity to assess the church’s current state, identify areas for growth, and develop strategic plans to achieve the vision.
Team BuildingSkill in assembling and empowering effective teams, fostering collaboration, and maximizing individual strengths.
Effective CommunicationProficiency in verbal and written communication, ensuring clarity and understanding among team members and the congregation.
Emotional IntelligenceAbility to recognize, understand, and manage emotions in oneself and others, fostering healthy relationships and resolving conflicts.
AdaptabilityCapacity to navigate and lead through change, embracing new opportunities and adapting strategies as circumstances evolve.
Servant LeadershipCommitment to serving others selflessly, prioritizing the needs and growth of the congregation and team members.
church leadership training

By investing in the competency development of their leaders, churches can create a culture of excellence and empower individuals to fulfill their God-given potential. Training equips leaders with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to navigate the complexities of leading a church, enabling them to make a lasting impact on the lives of those they serve.

Unleashing Leaders with Authority

Empowerment is not only about providing leaders with opportunities to make decisions and lead; it also includes granting them the necessary authority to do so. Authority extends beyond decision-making and encompasses responsibilities such as teaching, financial management, and more. When leaders are given the freedom to exercise their authority for the betterment of the organization, without fear of micromanagement or political behaviors, true empowerment can take place.

Embracing the courage to learn from mistakes and take calculated risks is a vital aspect of empowerment. By allowing leaders to make decisions and take ownership of their actions, they are given the opportunity to grow and develop their leadership skills. This fosters a sense of accountability and ownership, motivating leaders to make strategic choices that align with the church’s vision.

When leaders are unleashed with authority, they can inspire and influence others, create a culture of innovation and growth, and drive the church towards its goals. It is through empowering leaders with authority that the true potential of both individuals and the organization can be realized.

Benefits of Unleashing Leaders with Authority:

  • Increased engagement and motivation among leaders
  • Enhanced decision-making and problem-solving abilities
  • Increased initiative and creativity
  • Improved collaboration and teamwork
  • Accelerated growth and development of leaders
  • Strengthened organizational culture and sense of ownership

Empowering leaders with authority is not without its challenges. It requires trust, clear communication, and a commitment to providing ongoing support and resources. The leadership development process should involve regular feedback and evaluation to ensure alignment with the church’s vision and goals. By equipping leaders with authority, the church can cultivate a culture of empowerment that fuels growth and impact.

Example of How Authority Empowers Leaders:

Let’s consider a scenario where a church leader is granted authority over the church’s teaching ministry. With this authority, the leader has the autonomy to select and develop teaching materials, recruit and train teachers, and implement innovative teaching methods. This empowerment allows the leader to create a dynamic learning environment that meets the needs of the congregation, cultivates spiritual growth, and brings the church’s vision to life.

AuthorityEmpowerment Impact
Decision-making over teaching ministryThe leader can align teaching content with the church’s vision and values, ensuring cohesive and impactful messages.
Recruitment and training of teachersThe leader can select qualified individuals and equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively teach and engage the congregation.
Implementation of innovative teaching methodsThe leader can introduce creative approaches to teaching that resonate with different learning styles, fostering a more inclusive and engaging learning experience.

Communicating Clear Expectations for Empowered Leaders

Clear expectations are essential for the success of empowered leaders in church leadership development. Just as teaching a teenager to drive involves setting rules and boundaries to ensure safety and responsibility, leaders also need guidelines and clear expectations to thrive in their roles. By providing a framework for success, these expectations empower leaders to confidently fulfill their responsibilities and contribute to the growth and impact of the church.

When leaders know what is expected of them, it fosters effective communication and enables them to align their actions with the church’s vision and goals. Clear expectations create a common understanding of the desired outcomes, performance standards, and ethical behavior, setting a solid foundation for leadership development.

Effective communication plays a significant role in conveying clear expectations. Church leaders should utilize various channels, such as one-on-one meetings, team gatherings, and written communications, to communicate expectations clearly and consistently. This ensures that the information is comprehended and retained by empowered leaders, avoiding any potential misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

“Clear expectations are the key to cultivating a culture of accountability and high performance. When leaders know what is expected of them, they can confidently take ownership of their responsibilities and make a meaningful impact in the church.”

In some cases, when leaders refuse to operate within the established guidelines or consistently fail to meet the necessary competencies, it may become necessary to reevaluate their level of empowerment. Open and honest communication can help address any performance gaps and provide the opportunity for growth and development. It is crucial to remember that clear expectations not only guide leaders but also hold them accountable for their actions and responsibilities.

Benefits of Clear Expectations:

  • Alignment with the church’s vision and goals
  • Enhanced communication and understanding
  • Promotion of accountability
  • Evaluation of performance and growth
  • Increased clarity and reduced ambiguity

By investing time and effort in communicating clear expectations, church leaders facilitate the development of empowered leaders who can effectively contribute to the growth and impact of the church. When expectations are communicated swiftly, consistently, and transparently, leaders can confidently navigate their roles, make informed decisions, and inspire those around them.

Key Elements of Clear Expectations for Empowered LeadersBenefits
Clear communication of performance standards and goalsEnables leaders to align their actions with desired outcomes
Providing guidance on ethical behavior and cultural valuesFosters a unified organizational culture and reinforces the church’s mission
Regular feedback and evaluationPromotes growth, identifies areas for improvement, and celebrates achievements
Opportunities for training and developmentEquips leaders with the necessary skills and knowledge to fulfill their roles
Realigning expectations as the church evolvesKeeps leaders adaptable and responsive to the changing needs of the church

The Power of Belief and Love in Empowerment

Believing in and loving each individual is a transformative aspect of empowerment. Jesus mentored, invested time, and believed in His disciples before they fully believed in themselves. As church leaders, we have the privilege and responsibility to see potential leadership in those we lead, even before they recognize it in themselves. Believing in someone is a statement of faith and value, and it can have a profound impact on their lives. Love and genuine care for individuals are essential elements of empowerment.

When we believe in someone, we instill confidence and empower them to step into their God-given potential. It means looking beyond their current limitations and encouraging them to grow beyond what they thought possible. When leaders demonstrate belief and love towards their team members, they create an environment where trust flourishes, and individuals are motivated to excel.

Belief in Action: Empowering Sophia

“I vividly remember a young woman named Sophia who joined our church leadership team. She was filled with doubts, unsure if she had the skills or abilities to make a difference. But we believed in her and saw her potential. We invested time in mentoring and equipping her, and slowly, she started to believe in herself too. Today, Sophia is leading a vibrant ministry and inspiring others by her example. Belief truly transformed her life.”

When leaders believe in their team members, they create an environment where risk-taking is encouraged, mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth, and everyone is valued for their unique contributions. This belief in others fosters a positive culture of empowerment, where individuals are motivated to reach their fullest potential.

Benefits of Belief and Love in Empowerment
1. Increased self-confidence and personal growth
2. Fosters trust and loyalty within the team
3. Creates a positive and encouraging culture
4. Motivates individuals to excel and reach their full potential

Belief and love go hand in hand with empowerment. As church leaders, let us embody these qualities and empower those we lead to become the leaders they were meant to be. By believing in and loving each individual, we create an environment where transformation and growth abound.

Belief and Love in Empowerment

Defining and Communicating the Church Vision

A clear and inspiring vision is the compass that guides a church’s journey. Church leaders must define a vision that aligns with God’s calling and paints the picture of the church’s aspirations. This vision should be communicated passionately and consistently, ensuring that it becomes ingrained in the minds and hearts of the congregation. Celebrating small victories that align with the vision helps to inspire and energize the entire church community.

church vision

Church vision is like a roadmap that directs the actions and decisions of the leadership and the congregation as a whole. It provides a sense of purpose and direction, guiding the church towards its desired destination. When the vision is well-defined and effectively communicated, it becomes a rallying point that motivates and unites the church community.

Effective communication of the church vision is crucial in ensuring that every member understands and embraces it. Leaders should consistently remind the congregation of the vision in sermons, meetings, and other communication channels. They can use quotes, stories, and examples to illustrate the impact and significance of the vision.

When the church vision is communicated passionately, it stirs up excitement and commitment among the members. It becomes a source of inspiration, compelling individuals to actively participate in fulfilling the vision. It gives them a sense of ownership and purpose, fostering a deep connection to the church’s mission.

Benefits of Communicating the Church Vision

AlignmentClear communication of the church vision ensures that everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal.
MotivationWhen the vision is communicated effectively, it inspires and motivates church members to actively contribute to its fulfillment.
UnityBy uniting the congregation around a shared vision, it fosters a sense of community and collaboration.
AccountabilityWhen the vision is clearly communicated, it allows for accountability, ensuring that everyone is working towards fulfilling the vision.
DirectionCommunicating the church vision provides clarity and direction, guiding decision-making and prioritization.

The church vision should be consistently communicated through various mediums, such as newsletters, social media, and church gatherings. It should be integrated into the church’s culture and activities, allowing it to permeate every aspect of church life.

By effectively defining and communicating the church vision, church leaders set the stage for growth, impact, and transformation. They create a sense of purpose and unity that empowers the congregation to fulfill God’s calling and make a lasting difference in their community.

Setting and Reviewing Goals for Church Leadership Development

Setting strategic goals is a crucial step in church leadership development. These goals serve as milestones that guide the path towards the leadership vision. By setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals, church leaders can work towards tangible outcomes that align with the vision and contribute to the growth of the church.

Regular Goal Reviews:

Regularly reviewing goals is essential to ensure ongoing progress and alignment with the leadership vision. By involving the entire leadership team in these reviews, leaders can assess the effectiveness of current strategies, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments to stay on course.

An Example of a SMART Goal:

Let’s say the leadership vision is to establish a youth mentoring program within the church. A SMART goal for this initiative could be:

“Within the next six months, recruit and train 10 adult mentors and match them with 10 youth mentees, fostering meaningful relationships and discipleship.”

This specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goal provides a clear target for the leadership team to work towards. It outlines the desired outcome, timeframe, and expected impact on both the mentors and mentees.

Flexibility and Responsiveness:

While setting goals is important, church leaders must also remain flexible and responsive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. This means being open to necessary changes in strategy or direction that may arise during the goal review process. By embracing the guidance of the Holy Spirit, leaders can make course corrections that align with God’s plan for the church.

Monitoring Progress:

Tracking and monitoring progress towards goals is crucial for accountability and continuous improvement. Church leaders can use various methods, such as regular check-ins, progress reports, or evaluations, to measure progress and identify any barriers or challenges that may require additional support or adjustments.

Table: Example of Goal Tracking

GoalsTarget Completion DateCurrent ProgressComments
Recruit and train 10 adult mentors3 months8 mentors recruited and trainedOn track, 2 more mentors needed
Match mentors with 10 youth mentees4 months6 matches madeProgressing well, 4 more matches needed
Foster meaningful mentor-mentee relationships6 monthsIn progressRegular check-ins and support needed

Regularly reviewing and updating this table will help church leaders stay organized, focused, and accountable as they work towards achieving their goals for church leadership development.

Involving the Congregation in Church Leadership Development

The success of church leadership development relies on the active involvement of the congregation. By including every member in the vision-casting and goal-setting process, churches can harness a broader range of perspectives, ideas, and energy. When individuals feel a sense of ownership and connection to the church’s vision, they are more likely to engage deeply and contribute meaningfully to the ministry.

Involving the congregation fosters a sense of community and unity as everyone works together towards a common purpose. It allows individuals to see themselves as active participants and stakeholders in the church’s mission, rather than mere observers. This sense of involvement and contribution cultivates a culture of shared responsibility and inspires church members to play an integral role in shaping the direction and future of the church.

Engaging the Congregation in Vision Casting

One effective way to involve the congregation in church leadership development is to engage them in vision casting. This involves effectively communicating the church’s vision, mission, and values and inviting the congregation to provide input and feedback. By doing so, leaders can ensure that the vision aligns with the needs, desires, and aspirations of the entire congregation.

Engaging the congregation in vision casting can take various forms, such as:

  • Conducting town hall meetings where leaders share the vision and invite congregational input.
  • Encouraging small group discussions to gather diverse perspectives and insights.
  • Using online platforms and surveys to allow members to express their thoughts and ideas.

This inclusive approach empowers the congregation to take ownership of the vision and fosters a sense of collective responsibility towards its achievement.

Goal-Setting with the Congregation

Setting goals is another important aspect of involving the congregation in church leadership development. By collectively setting goals, church leaders and the congregation can work collaboratively towards advancing the vision.

When involving the congregation in goal-setting, consider the following:

  1. Clearly communicate the goals and their alignment with the overall vision.
  2. Provide opportunities for the congregation to suggest and contribute their own goals.
  3. Assign specific tasks and responsibilities to individuals or groups within the congregation.
  4. Regularly review and assess progress together, celebrating achievements and addressing challenges.

This participatory approach enhances the sense of accountability, ensures a shared commitment to the vision, and promotes a culture of leadership development throughout the congregation.


“When the entire congregation is involved in leadership development, amazing things happen. Everyone has a unique contribution to make, and together we can achieve far more than we ever thought possible.” – Pastor Sarah Thompson

Benefits of Involving the Congregation

Broader perspectives and ideasTap into a wider pool of knowledge and creativity within the congregation.
Sense of ownership and connectionFoster a stronger sense of belonging and commitment to the church’s vision.
Collective responsibilityEngage the entire congregation in working towards the vision’s realization.
Culture of shared leadershipPromote a culture where every member is empowered to contribute and lead.

Creating a Culture of Leadership Development in the Church

A vision thrives within a culture that supports leadership development. As church leaders, it is crucial to identify and nurture potential leaders to ensure a sustainable future for the church. This can be achieved through various strategies that promote a culture of leadership empowerment and growth.

Mentorship and Training

One effective way to cultivate a culture of leadership development is through mentorship and training programs. Experienced leaders can mentor aspiring leaders, providing guidance, support, and wisdom gained from their own experiences. Additionally, providing regular and relevant training opportunities equips leaders with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles.

Exposure to Different Ministry Contexts

Leadership development should not be confined to a single ministry context. Encourage leaders to gain exposure to different areas of the church, allowing them to broaden their perspectives and develop a well-rounded skill set. This exposure can be achieved through job rotations, cross-functional projects, or even short-term missions experiences.

Celebration of Leadership Development

Recognize and celebrate the growth and development of leaders within the church community. Acknowledge their achievements, milestones, and contributions, both publicly and privately. By celebrating leadership development, you create a positive feedback loop that encourages others to actively engage in their own growth and development.

“Leadership development is not a one-time event, but a continuous journey of growth and improvement.”

Creating Feedback Loops

Establishing feedback loops within the church community is essential for cultivating a culture of leadership development. Encourage open communication and provide opportunities for leaders to receive constructive feedback on their performance. This feedback helps leaders identify areas for improvement and fosters a culture of continuous learning and personal growth.

By implementing these strategies, church leaders can create an environment that empowers and develops leaders at every level. A culture of leadership development not only strengthens the church’s leadership pipeline but also promotes unity, growth, and impact within the congregation.

“A culture of leadership development is the key to a thriving and impactful church community.”


Church leadership development is a transformative process that empowers leaders and nurtures their potential. Through trust, training, authority, clear communication, belief in individuals, and a supportive culture, leaders are equipped to make a profound impact on their community while reflecting God’s love and purpose. When church leaders actively engage in leadership development, the entire church community flourishes together, thriving with purpose and impact.

By embracing the vision of leadership development, church leaders create an environment where individuals are empowered to grow and excel in their roles. Trust in their abilities allows leaders to take on real responsibilities, develop their skills, and make meaningful contributions. Through ongoing training that is practical and relevant, leaders gain the competencies needed for effective leadership. With the authority given to them, leaders can confidently make decisions, lead with courage, and learn from their mistakes.

Clear communication of expectations and a belief in the potential of each individual further bolster leadership development. When leaders understand the church’s vision and align themselves with it, they become catalysts for change and inspiration within their congregations. Moreover, a culture that values and supports leadership development fosters unity and a sense of community. By investing in leadership development, churches can become beacons of transformation, impacting their communities with love and purpose.


What is church leadership development vision?

Church leadership development vision is a strategic process that nurtures and empowers dynamic church leaders for impactful ministry.

What does empowerment require in church leadership development?

Empowerment in church leadership development requires trust, training, authority, clear expectations, and belief in each individual’s potential.

How important is trust and responsibility in empowerment?

Trust and responsibility are foundational elements in empowerment as church leaders must trust their team members with real responsibilities to foster growth.

How does training contribute to church leadership development?

Training provides church leaders with the necessary skills and competencies they need to become effective leaders and develop their potential.

What role does authority play in empowering leaders?

Authority gives leaders the freedom to make decisions, teach, and take on financial responsibilities, fostering an environment of empowerment.

Why are clear expectations crucial for empowered leaders?

Clear expectations provide a framework for success and enable leaders to confidently fulfill their responsibilities within the church community.

How does belief and love inspire empowerment?

Believing in and loving each individual within the church community has a transformative impact on their lives and fosters an empowered sense of leadership.

What is the role of church vision in leadership development?

A clear and inspiring vision guides the church’s journey and aligns the leadership’s aspirations, inspiring and energizing the entire church community.

How important are goals in church leadership development?

Goals provide the milestones that mark the path towards the vision, ensuring progress and enabling adjustments to keep the church on course.

Why is involving the congregation essential in leadership development?

Involving the congregation garners broader buy-in and taps into a wider pool of ideas and energy, creating a sense of ownership and unity in pursuing the vision.

How can a culture of leadership development be created in the church?

The culture of leadership development is fostered through mentorship, training, exposure to different ministry contexts, and creating feedback loops for continuous learning and improvement.

How does church leadership development empower leaders and nurture their potential?

Church leadership development empowers leaders by nurturing their potential through trust, training, authority, clear communication, belief in individuals, and a supportive culture.

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  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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