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Jesus Baptism Scripture (2024) ✝️

Jesus Baptism Scripture

So you’re curious about Jesus’ baptism, aren’t you? Well, you’ve come to the right place! This article delves deep into Jesus Baptism Scripture and why this event is so profoundly important for Christians worldwide. We’ll touch upon its historical and theological significance and also look at how various gospels have interpreted this event. Buckle up!

Jesus Baptism Scripture

The term “Jesus Baptism Scripture” refers to the sections of the Christian Bible that describe the baptism of Jesus Christ. This event is recorded in all four canonical gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. A seminal event in Christian theology, it symbolizes the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry.

If you’ve ever wanted to go straight to the source, these passages offer firsthand accounts that Christians have been studying for centuries. Here’s where you’ll find the story of Jesus’ baptism in the New Testament:

Matthew 3:13-17

In the book of Matthew, the account begins with Jesus going to the Jordan River, where John the Baptist is reluctant to baptize Him at first. After the baptism, the heavens open, the Spirit of God descends like a dove, and a voice from heaven says, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him, I am well pleased.”

All Scripture is God Breathed
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” 📜✨🙏📘👼💡📖👍🏽💭🛐🚫👨‍⚖️✅👨‍🏫🛠🎯

Mark 1:9-11

Mark’s account is straightforward. Jesus comes from Nazareth in Galilee and is baptized by John in the Jordan River. Just like in Matthew, the heavens part, a dove descends, and a voice from heaven confirms Jesus as the beloved Son of God.

Luke 3:21-22

Luke also describes the baptism but adds that Jesus was praying during this event. The Holy Spirit descends in a bodily form like a dove, and a voice from heaven speaks, proclaiming Jesus as the beloved Son.

John 1:29-34

John’s Gospel offers a slightly different angle. It doesn’t directly describe the act of baptism but focuses on John the Baptist’s testimony about Jesus. When John sees Jesus approaching, he says, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” John then goes on to describe how he saw the Spirit come down from heaven like a dove and rest on Jesus, confirming Him as the one who would baptize with the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Baptism Scripture

Each of these accounts offers its own unique perspective and details, making it a fascinating study whether you’re a theologian, a Christian seeking to deepen your faith, or just someone curious about one of the most significant events in the New Testament. So, go ahead, grab your Bible and dive in—literally! 😊

What is the Message of the Baptism of Jesus

Baptism Meaning

Baptism is an ancient ritual symbolizing a person’s purification and initiation into the faith. For Christians, it also signifies the acceptance of Jesus Christ as their savior.

The etymology of the biblical word “baptism” has been debated among scholars for centuries. The word itself comes from the ancient Greek word “baptizein”, which literally means “to dip” or “to immerse”. While the exact origin of this word is uncertain, it is believed to have been derived from a combination of Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, and Latin roots.


The origin of the word “baptism” is often attributed to the ancient Greek language. The Greek verb “baptizein” was first used in the New Testament to describe the act of “immersing” someone in water as a sign of repentance or conversion. While the exact etymology of the word is uncertain, scholars believe it is likely derived from a combination of Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, and Latin roots.

Jesus Baptism Scripture


The Hebrew word “mikvah” is thought to be the root of the Greek word “baptizein”. The “mikvah” was an ancient ritual bath used by Jewish people for purification purposes. As such, it is believed that the word “baptizein” was derived from the Hebrew word “mikvah”, which literally means “to dip” or “to immerse”.


The Greek verb “baptizein” is thought to have originated from the verb “bapto”, which means “to dip” or “to immerse”. This verb is believed to have been derived from the ancient Greek word “baptisma”, which was a term used to describe a ritual cleansing. This ritual cleansing was often used in the context of religious ceremonies, such as baptism.


The Aramaic language is believed to have been the language of Jesus and the early Christian church. As such, many scholars believe that the Greek verb “baptizein” is derived from the Aramaic word “baptas”, which means “to dip” or “to immerse”.

Jesus Baptism Scripture


The Latin word “baptismus” is believed to have been derived from the Greek verb “baptizein”. This Latin word was used to describe a ritual act of cleansing or purification, which was often used in the context of religious ceremonies.

Ultimately, the etymology of the biblical word “baptism” is uncertain. While it is believed to be derived from a combination of Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, and Latin roots, the exact origin of the word remains a mystery. Regardless, the word “baptism” continues to be used to describe a ritual act of cleansing or purification in many religions.

Significance Jesus Baptism Catholic

In Catholicism, the baptism of Jesus is a moment that sanctifies water as a medium for human baptism. It’s not just a historical event but also a theological marker for the Catholic Church.

Explaining the Catholic Teachings on Baptism

I’d be happy to help you understand what the Catholic Church teaches about baptism. The subject can be pretty detailed, but hey, that’s what makes it interesting, right? I’ve broken it down into a user-friendly table to give you an easy-to-follow guide. 📘

TopicCatholic TeachingExplanation
Nature of BaptismSacrament of InitiationBaptism is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation, along with Confirmation and the Eucharist. It’s the “gateway” sacrament that opens the door to the other sacraments.
ImportanceNecessary for SalvationAccording to Catholic teaching, Baptism is necessary for salvation. It washes away Original Sin and grants the grace of Christ.
SymbolismWaterWater is the main symbol used in Baptism, representing cleansing and new life. The ritual involves either sprinkling water or full immersion.
Age of BaptismInfancyWhile adults can be baptized, it’s a common practice to baptize infants in the Catholic tradition. The idea is to free them from Original Sin as early as possible.
GodparentsSponsors for BaptismGodparents play a role in a person’s spiritual life, both at the time of Baptism and afterward. They are chosen to help guide the baptized in their Christian journey.
Rite of BaptismTrinitarian FormulaThe words “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” are spoken during the ceremony, emphasizing the Trinity.
ConfirmationCompletion of Baptismal GraceConfirmation is seen as a deepening and strengthening of the graces received at Baptism. It usually occurs during adolescence.
Connection to JesusFollowing in Jesus’ FootstepsCatholics believe that by being baptized, you’re following in the footsteps of Jesus, who was himself baptized. It’s seen as an initiation into the Christian community.
EffectsIndelible MarkBaptism leaves an indelible (permanent) spiritual mark on the soul, signifying that a person belongs to Christ.
Re-baptismNot PermittedIf you’re already baptized, the Catholic Church does not allow for re-baptism. The first baptism is considered valid and permanent.
Role of the CommunityCommunity AffirmationThe Church community usually gathers during a Baptism to affirm and welcome the newly baptized member into the Christian community.
Sacramental GraceGrace is ConferredThe Catholic Church teaches that the grace of Christ is actually conferred through the sacrament, aiding the individual in living a Christian life.
Historical ContextApostolic TraditionThe practice of Baptism is rooted in apostolic tradition and has been an integral part of Christian communities since the time of Jesus.
Moral ImplicationsPath to VirtueBaptism is seen as the starting point for living a virtuous life. It’s more than just a ritual; it impacts one’s moral choices and actions.
Sign of the CrossMarking the BaptizedThe Sign of the Cross is often made on the individual’s forehead, symbolizing that they are now under the protection and guidance of Christ.

There you have it—a comprehensive look at what the Catholic Church teaches about Baptism. Whether you’re learning this for a class, preparing for a baptism, or just plain curious, I hope this table helps you get a solid grasp of the topic! 😊

What Does Jesus Baptism Signify for Today

For modern-day Christians, Jesus’ baptism serves as a reminder of the human willingness to repent and follow the path of righteousness. It also emphasizes the importance of community and belonging within the Christian faith.

You know, the baptism of Jesus is an event that’s been studied, discussed, and revered for centuries. But what does it mean for us today, right? It’s not just a historical event frozen in time; it actually carries a lot of relevant messages for our lives now. So, let’s unpack that in a table that you can easily digest. 📚

AspectWhat it SignifiesHow it Relates to Today
Divine AffirmationGod’s AcceptanceWhen we get baptized or reaffirm our faith, it’s a moment to recognize and celebrate God’s love and acceptance of us.
Community InclusionJoining the Christian CommunityBaptism isn’t just a private affair; it’s a community event. It reminds us of the importance of faith communities in our spiritual growth.
New BeginningsSpiritual RebirthWhether you’re baptized as a baby or an adult, it signifies a new beginning in your spiritual journey.
Spiritual EnlightenmentHoly Spirit’s PresenceJust as the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus, the act of baptism invites the Holy Spirit into our lives.
Moral CompassGuide for Ethical LivingFollowing the example of Jesus gives us a moral framework to live by. It challenges us to be better people.
Unity with JesusParticipating in Christ’s LifeThe baptism of Jesus allows us to feel spiritually connected to Him. Through our own baptism, we partake in His life, death, and resurrection.
Renewed MindsetShift in PrioritiesBaptism encourages us to align our life priorities according to the teachings of Jesus.
Divine MissionCall to ActionJesus’ baptism marked the beginning of His public ministry. Similarly, our baptism is a call to serve others.
AtonementSymbolizes Forgiveness of SinsAlthough Jesus was sinless, His baptism sets a precedent for the forgiveness of sins, something every Christian seeks.
Theological UnderstandingTrinitarian BeliefThe invocation of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit during Jesus’ baptism underscores the Christian belief in the Trinity.
Historical ContinuityApostolic TraditionJesus’ baptism is a foundational event that has been followed by Christians for millennia, linking us to the earliest days of the Church.
Sacramental GraceGrace in Daily LifeJust as Jesus received affirmation from God, we too receive grace in our baptism that helps us in our day-to-day struggles and challenges.
Humanity of JesusJesus as Fully Human and Fully DivineHis baptism shows us that Jesus, although divine, fully participated in human rituals, validating our own need for spiritual rites.
Covenant RelationshipStrengthening Divine RelationshipBaptism for us is like renewing or affirming a divine pact or covenant with God, just as Jesus’ baptism marked a covenantal moment.
Global ChristianityUniversal Christian PracticeJesus’ baptism unifies Christians around the world, making it a global practice and a shared experience among diverse cultures.

There you go! These are just some of the ways that the baptism of Jesus still resonates with us today. Whether you’re spiritual, religious, or just exploring, understanding the layers of meaning in this ancient event can offer fresh insights into your modern life. So, what does Jesus’ baptism mean to you? 🤔

Why Jesus Took Baptism at the Age of 30

The age of 30 is kind of a big deal, right? It’s often seen as the “coming-of-age” milestone in many cultures. So, why did Jesus decide to be baptized at this particular age? Good question! Let’s take a look at some thought-provoking reasons. 🤔

10 Reasons Why Jesus Took Baptism at Age 30

  1. Fulfilling Jewish Tradition
  • In Jewish culture, the age of 30 was significant. It was the age when men were considered mature and eligible for leadership roles. By getting baptized at this age, Jesus was conforming to a cultural norm.
  1. Beginning of Public Ministry
  • The baptism of Jesus marked the start of His public ministry. The age of 30 could signify His readiness to undertake this divine mission.
  1. Priestly Age
  • According to the Old Testament (Numbers 4:3), Levites were eligible to serve in the tabernacle from the age of 30. This age could signify Jesus taking on a priestly role, acting as a mediator between God and humanity.
  1. Symbolic Timing
  • Some theologians suggest that the timing symbolizes perfection and readiness. In Biblical numerology, the number 30 can represent a full course or a completed cycle.
  1. Fulfillment of Prophecy
  • Jesus’ baptism and subsequent actions were all about fulfilling the prophecies in the Hebrew Bible. Being baptized at 30 could be seen as an extension of fulfilling divine prophecy.
  1. Divine Approval
  • At 30, Jesus was baptized and received affirmation from God (“This is my Son, whom I love; with him, I am well pleased”). This divine approval could be seen as the heavenly “green light” for Jesus to start His mission.
  1. Maturity and Wisdom
  • By the age of 30, Jesus would have had enough life experience and wisdom to begin His public ministry. This age could symbolize a level of spiritual and emotional maturity.
  1. Public Recognition
  • At this age, people are more likely to take you seriously. Jesus’ teachings and miracles gained more traction because He was considered an adult in the eyes of society.
  1. Setting an Example
  • Jesus’ baptism serves as a model for Christian baptism. His choice of age could be seen as setting a precedent, though Christian baptism today doesn’t have an age requirement like this.
  1. Human Experience
    • Jesus was fully human as well as fully divine. Being baptized at 30 allowed Him to fully participate in a human ritual, making the experience relatable to us.

So there you have it! These are some of the reasons why Jesus might have chosen to be baptized at the age of 30. While we may not know the exact reason, exploring these possibilities can deepen our understanding of this pivotal moment in Christian history. So, what do you think about all this? Fascinating, right? 😊

What are Two Reasons Jesus was Baptized

  1. To Fulfill All Righteousness: Jesus was baptized to fulfill the divine plan and align himself with human suffering and repentance.
  2. Inauguration of His Ministry: The baptism marked the beginning of his public ministry and showcased the approval of God.

Significance of Jesus Baptism in the Jordan River

The Jordan River holds deep historical and religious importance for Jews and Christians alike. It served as the stage for Jesus’ transition from a private individual to a public figure.

Significance of Jesus Baptism in the Jordan River and the importance of the Jordan River in the History of the Jews

You know, the Jordan River isn’t just any river. It’s steeped in history, faith, and symbolism, especially in the context of Judaism and Christianity. So why was Jesus baptized there, and why is this river so important in Jewish history? Let’s dive into it with a handy table! 🌊

AspectSignificance in Jesus’ BaptismImportance in Jewish HistoryHow It All Ties Together
Sacred GeographyDivine Stage for a Sacred ActPromised Land’s Eastern BoundaryThe Jordan River is a sacred setting both for entering the Promised Land and for Jesus’ initiation into ministry.
Fulfilling ProphecyBaptism Linked to Messianic ExpectationProphetic SignificanceBoth Jewish history and Jesus’ life fulfill prophetic visions related to the Jordan.
Historical ContinuityLink to Jewish TraditionsSite of Significant Jewish RitualsThe Jordan River is a thread that ties together ancient Jewish rituals and Jesus’ baptism.
Cleansing & PurificationSymbolizes Spiritual RenewalRitual Baths (Mikvah)Both Jewish traditions and Jesus’ baptism regard the river as a place for spiritual cleansing.
Transition & New BeginningsStart of Jesus’ MinistryCrossing into the Promised LandFor both Jews and Jesus, crossing the Jordan signifies a transformative moment of new beginnings.
Divine AffirmationGod Confirms Jesus as His SonGod Divides the Waters for IsraelitesDivine miracles and affirmations happen at the Jordan, whether it’s the parting of waters or voices from Heaven.
Community RitualsCommunity Witnessing His BaptismCommunal Rituals and GatheringsThe Jordan River serves as a gathering place for community rituals in both Jewish and Christian contexts.
Public RecognitionBeginning of Public MinistryJoshua’s Leadership RecognizedThe Jordan is where leadership is publicly recognized, whether it’s Joshua or Jesus.
Covenant RenewalNew Covenant of GraceRenewal of Covenant with GodThe Jordan serves as a place where covenants with God are renewed or initiated.
Connection to John the BaptistHis Cousin Baptizes HimElijah, a Precursor to John, also at the JordanHistorical figures significant to Judaism and Christianity are tied to the river.

There you have it! The Jordan River isn’t just a body of water; it’s like an ever-flowing stream of spiritual, historical, and cultural significance. Kinda makes you look at rivers in a whole new light, doesn’t it? 🤩

Why was Jesus Baptized if He was Sinless

Though sinless, Jesus was baptized to set an example of righteousness and to identify with the human condition.

11 Reasons Why Jesus Was Baptized Despite Being Sinless

Great question! It’s a topic that has intrigued theologians, scholars, and everyday folks for centuries. I mean, if Jesus was sinless, why would He need to be baptized, right? Baptism often symbolizes the washing away of sins, so what’s the deal here? Let’s dive into some compelling reasons. 🤔

  1. Setting an Example
  • Jesus’ baptism serves as a role model for Christian believers. By undergoing baptism Himself, Jesus set a precedent that followers would later adopt as a key sacrament in Christianity.
  1. Fulfilling All Righteousness
  • When John the Baptist hesitated to baptize Jesus, Jesus responded that it was necessary to “fulfill all righteousness.” This implies that the act was in accordance with God’s will and plan.
  1. Divine Affirmation
  • The heavenly voice and the descent of the Holy Spirit during Jesus’ baptism served as divine affirmation and inauguration for His public ministry.
  1. Identification with Humanity
  • Although sinless, Jesus fully participated in the human experience. His baptism symbolized His identification with sinful humanity whom He came to save.
  1. Initiation of Ministry
  • Jesus’ baptism marked the beginning of His public ministry. The event wasn’t just about Him; it signified the commencement of His mission to bring salvation to humanity.
  1. The Holy Spirit’s Anointing
  • The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus during His baptism, anointing Him for the ministry and works that lay ahead.
  1. Theological Significance
  • Jesus’ baptism brings in aspects of the Holy Trinity. With Jesus in the water, the Spirit descending, and the Father’s voice from heaven, it’s a profound Trinitarian moment.
  1. Connection to Prophecy
  • Jesus’ life often fulfilled Old Testament prophecies, and His baptism was no exception. It aligned with prophetic expectations of what the Messiah would do.
  1. Covenantal Action
  • Like circumcision in the Old Testament, baptism serves as a sign of covenant in the New Testament. Jesus’ baptism can be viewed as an initiation of a new covenant between God and humanity.
  1. Historical and Cultural Context
    • Baptism was a common practice in the religious landscape that Jesus was part of. By being baptized, He was participating in a ritual that had cultural and historical resonance.
  2. Sacramental Theology
    • In Catholic and Orthodox traditions, sacraments are “outward signs” that confer grace. Jesus’ baptism infuses the sacrament of baptism with a deeper theological meaning.

So, as you can see, Jesus’ baptism isn’t just a straightforward affair. It’s packed with layers of meaning, symbolism, and purpose—even if sin wasn’t an issue for Him. Pretty fascinating to think about, don’t you agree? 😊

Jesus’ Baptism Luke

Luke 3:21-22 Explanation

According to Luke, the Holy Spirit descended like a dove, and a voice from heaven said, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”

Luke’s Insights on Jesus Baptism

Luke emphasizes the universality of Jesus’ message and the presence of the Holy Spirit during the baptism.

Comparing Jesus’ Baptism account between, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

let’s break it down! The baptism of Jesus is a significant event that’s covered in all four Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But here’s the kicker: each Gospel has its own unique spin on the story. That’s what makes comparing them so interesting.

So, let’s get to it with this easy-to-read table! 📚

AspectMatthewMarkLukeJohnWhat Makes It Unique
NarratorMatthewMarkLukeJohnEach Gospel writer provides their own account, influenced by their unique perspectives and audience.
Voice from Heaven“This is my Son, whom I love; with him, I am well pleased”“You are my Son, whom I love; with you, I am well pleased”“You are my Son, whom I love; with you, I am well pleased”“I have both seen and testified that this is the Son of God”Slight variations in wording but the divine endorsement is common in all.
Role of John the BaptistReluctant to baptize Jesus, cites Jesus should baptize himSimply baptizes JesusDescribes John’s ministry but not the baptism directlyEmphasizes John as a witness to JesusEach Gospel frames John the Baptist’s role differently. Matthew shows him as most hesitant, John emphasizes his role as a witness.
Holy SpiritDescends like a doveDescends like a doveDescends in bodily form like a doveMentions the Spirit but not as a doveAll Gospels mention the Holy Spirit, but Luke specifies “bodily form like a dove.”
LocationJordan RiverJordan RiverJordan RiverBethany across the JordanAll agree it’s the Jordan River, but John specifies a different location across the Jordan.
TimingAfter John’s arrestAfter John’s imprisonmentDuring John’s ministryAfter John’s testimonyMatthew and Mark place it after John’s arrest, Luke during John’s ministry, and John refers back to it after John the Baptist’s testimony.
AudienceJewish ChristiansRoman ChristiansGentile ChristiansGeneral, including Jewish audienceEach Gospel writer had a specific audience in mind, influencing how they told the story.
Theological EmphasisFulfilling RighteousnessBeginning of MinistrySpirit-filled MinistryIdentification of the Son of GodEach writer has a theological point they’re trying to get across.

So there you have it! Each Gospel offers a different lens through which to view the same significant event, making the baptism of Jesus an endlessly fascinating topic to explore. Isn’t it cool how you can read the same story four times and get something new out of it each time? 🤓

Jesus’ Baptism Mark

Mark 1:9 Meaning

In Mark’s account, Jesus comes from Nazareth in Galilee and is baptized by John in the Jordan.

Mark’s Insights on Jesus Baptism

Mark portrays Jesus as a powerful figure whose path is divinely ordained from the start.

Jesus’ Baptism John

Who Spoke from the Sky when Jesus was Baptized

In John’s account, it is God who speaks from the sky, affirming Jesus as His son.

How Old was Jesus when he was Baptized

According to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus was about 30 years old when he was baptized.

Final Thoughts

Understanding Jesus’ baptism goes beyond merely reading the scripture; it’s about comprehending the profound impact it has on Christian theology and individual faith. Whether you’re a devout Christian or a curious learner, this event offers a multitude of layers for everyone to explore.

7 Main Points from Comparing Jesus’ Baptism in the Gospels

  1. Different Narrators, Different Perspectives
    • Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John each tell the story of Jesus’ baptism but in their own unique way, influenced by who they are and who they’re talking to.
  2. Divine Voice from Heaven
    • All four accounts include a voice from Heaven, affirming Jesus as God’s Son, though the exact phrasing varies a bit. This divine endorsement is the common thread.
  3. The Role of John the Baptist
    • John the Baptist plays varying roles in the accounts. In Matthew, he’s more hesitant to baptize Jesus, while in John’s Gospel, he’s mainly a witness to Jesus’ divine identity.
  4. Holy Spirit’s Appearance
    • The Holy Spirit is a key player in all accounts, usually appearing as a dove. Luke specifies it as a “bodily form like a dove,” adding another layer to the story.
  5. Location, Location, Location
    • The Jordan River is the backdrop for this spiritual milestone in all Gospels, but John specifies a different location across the Jordan, adding a geographical nuance.
  6. Timing Matters
    • Matthew and Mark place Jesus’ baptism after John the Baptist’s imprisonment, while Luke and John fit it into different points in John the Baptist’s ministry.
  7. Theological Focus
    • Each Gospel has its own theological emphasis tied to Jesus’ baptism, whether it’s fulfilling righteousness, initiating ministry, or identifying Jesus as the Son of God.

There you go! Those are the seven biggies that pop out when comparing the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ baptism. Fascinating how one event can be seen in so many different, yet equally enriching ways, isn’t it? 😊


  1. Is the account of Jesus’ baptism the same in all four gospels?
    • No, each gospel provides its own perspective on the event.
  2. Why did Jesus choose to get baptized in the Jordan River specifically?
    • The Jordan River holds significant historical and spiritual importance.
  3. What is the general significance of baptism in Christianity?
    • It signifies purification, repentance, and acceptance into the Christian faith.
  4. Was Jesus the first person to be baptized?
    • No, John the Baptist was already baptizing people before Jesus.
  5. Why is Jesus’ baptism considered so important in Christian theology?
    • It marks the beginning of his public ministry and serves as an example for all Christians.
How to be saved according to the Bible    In order to understand how to be saved, we first need to understand what salvation is. Salvation is when God forgives our sins and gives us eternal life. It's a free gift from God that we can't earn on our own. So how do we receive this gift? The Bible tells us that there are six steps: hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, repenting again, and believers baptism. Let's break each one of these down.     Hearing - The first step is hearing the gospel. The gospel is the good news that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again. This news must be heard in order for us to believe it.     Believing - Once we hear the gospel, we must believe it. This means that we trust that Jesus is who He says He is and that He can save us from our sins.     Repenting - Once we believe the gospel, we must repent of our sins. This means that we turn away from our sin and start living for God.     Confessing - After we repent of our sins, we need to confess them to God. This means that we tell God all of the sinful things we have done and ask Him for forgiveness.     Believers Baptism - The final step is believers baptism. This is when a person who has already believed and repented is baptized in water as an outward sign of their inward decision to follow Christ. Baptism doesn't save us, but it's an important step of obedience for every Christian.     Discipling others -  Finally, once we have received salvation through these steps, it's important that we continue to grow in our faith and share the gospel with others so they too can be saved.      These are the six steps required for salvation according to the Bible: hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, repenting again, and believers baptism. If you have never done these things or if you're not sure if you've done them correctly, I encourage you to talk to a pastor or other Christian friend who can help guide you through these steps. Salvation is a free gift from God, but it's one that we need to take intentional steps to receive. Don't wait another day - start your journey towards salvation today!


  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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