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Boost Your Congregation with Social Media for Church Growth

Leveraging Social Media for Church Growth

Social media has proven to be an invaluable tool for non-profit entities like churches, offering incredible potential for leveraging digital platforms to reach new audiences and boost congregation engagement. In today’s digital age, where young adults and African-Americans increasingly prefer attending church online, it is essential for churches to tap into the power of social media to connect with a diverse community and make a meaningful impact.

Leveraging social media for church growth requires strategic planning and effective implementation of social media strategies that resonate with the target audience. By employing innovative digital strategies and leveraging social platforms, churches can effectively connect with their community, increase attendance, and foster a sense of belonging.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the benefits of using social media for churches, the best platforms for reaching more worshippers, how to create a church social media strategy, designing eye-catching graphics using free templates, establishing a church social media policy, and much more. Let’s dive in and discover how churches can effectively leverage social media to boost their congregation and make a lasting impact in their community.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Leveraging social media is crucial for churches to reach diverse audiences and boost congregation engagement.
  • By using social media, churches can share faith, build communities, reach new audiences, promote events, facilitate donations, and engage volunteers effectively.
  • Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter are among the best social media platforms for churches to connect with their audience.
  • Creating a church social media strategy involves planning, setting goals, choosing platforms, creating a posting schedule, and analyzing results.
  • Utilizing free social media templates and design resources can enhance the visual appeal of church social media content.

5 Remarkable Benefits of Social Media for Churches

Using social media for churches offers numerous benefits that can significantly impact their growth, engagement, and community outreach. Leveraging social media platforms effectively can lead to increased church reach, enhanced engagement with the congregation, and a stronger sense of community. Let’s explore five remarkable benefits of using social media for churches:

  1. Encouraging Sharing Faith and Building Communities

    Social media provides a digital space for church members to share their faith, personal testimonies, and spiritual insights. By fostering a supportive and interactive online community, churches can create an environment where individuals feel comfortable expressing their beliefs, building relationships, and supporting one another on their spiritual journeys.

  2. Reaching New Audiences

    Social media platforms allow churches to expand their reach beyond the physical boundaries of their location. By actively promoting their ministries, events, and services on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, churches can attract new audiences who may not have otherwise been exposed to their message. This increased reach opens up opportunities for churches to engage with individuals from diverse backgrounds and introduce them to the church’s teachings and community.

  3. Cost-Effective Promotions

    Compared to traditional advertising methods, social media offers cost-effective promotion options for churches. By creating engaging content, utilizing targeted advertising features, and leveraging user-generated content, churches can effectively promote their events, outreach programs, and ministries without breaking the bank. This allows churches to allocate their resources more efficiently while still reaching a wider audience.

  4. Supporting Fundraising and Donations

    Social media provides an effective platform for churches to facilitate fundraising campaigns and receive donations. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer built-in donation features that make it convenient for church members and supporters to contribute financially. By utilizing these features and sharing compelling stories about the impact of donations, churches can inspire and encourage their community to give generously to support the church’s mission and initiatives.

  5. Encouraging Volunteerism

    Social media can be a powerful tool for churches to engage their congregation in volunteer activities and community service. By highlighting volunteer opportunities, sharing success stories, and recognizing the efforts of volunteers, churches can inspire their community to actively participate in making a positive difference in the lives of others. This not only strengthens the church’s impact on the community but also fosters a sense of fulfillment and purpose among volunteers.

By leveraging the benefits of social media, churches can foster a sense of community, expand their reach, promote events and ministries at a lower cost, facilitate donations, and engage volunteers effectively. The impact of social media on church growth and community engagement is undeniable, making it an essential tool for churches looking to make a meaningful impact in the digital age.

5 Best Social Media Platforms for Churches to Reach More Worshippers

Social media platforms provide churches with unique opportunities to connect with their audience and expand their reach. By strategically leveraging the right platforms, churches can effectively engage with worshippers and create meaningful connections. Here are the top five social media platforms that churches can leverage to reach more worshippers:

  1. Facebook

    With its large user base and diverse demographics, Facebook is an excellent platform for churches to connect with their community. Churches can use Facebook for church outreach by creating a dedicated page or group, sharing updates, and live streaming church services. The platform’s robust features, including events, community engagement tools, and sharing options, make it ideal for building an online presence and fostering a sense of community.

  2. YouTube

    YouTube is a powerful platform for churches to share recorded sermons, music performances, and other church-related content. By creating a dedicated channel and organizing content into playlists, churches can provide easy access to their sermons and engage worshippers beyond the physical church walls. YouTube’s searchability and video-sharing capabilities make it an effective tool for church growth.

  3. Instagram

    Instagram is a visually-oriented platform that allows churches to engage worshippers through captivating images and videos. With its emphasis on visual storytelling, churches can utilize Instagram to share faith moments, devotional content, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into church life. Hashtags help increase discoverability and reach a broader audience interested in faith and spirituality.

  4. TikTok

    TikTok has gained immense popularity, especially among younger audiences. Churches can leverage this platform’s short-form videos to create engaging and creative content that resonates with younger worshippers. From sharing inspiring messages to showcasing church events or youth activities, TikTok offers a unique way to connect with the next generation.

  5. Twitter

    Twitter provides a platform for churches to communicate with their congregation and share real-time updates. With its concise format and emphasis on brevity, Twitter is ideal for sharing quotes, scripture verses, event announcements, and important updates. The platform’s retweet and reply features promote engagement and enable churches to participate in broader conversations.

When choosing the best social media platforms for their church, it’s essential for churches to consider their target audience, the type of content they want to share, and their communication goals. By strategically leveraging these platforms, churches can enhance their online presence, engage with their worshippers, and make a lasting impact.

best social media platforms for churches


Platform Key Features
Facebook Large user base, live streaming, community engagement tools
YouTube Ability to share recorded sermons, organize content, reach a global audience
Instagram Visually appealing platform, hashtags for discoverability, sharing faith moments
TikTok Creative video platform, engaging younger audiences
Twitter Concise format, real-time updates, quote sharing, community engagement

How to Create a Church Social Media Strategy

Developing a church social media strategy is key to effectively leverage the power of social media for your church’s growth and engagement. By following a few important steps, you can craft an effective church social media plan that aligns with your communication goals and connects with your congregation and community.

1. Plan and Set Realistic Goals

Start by outlining your objectives and goals for your church’s social media presence . Consider what you want to achieve, whether it’s increasing attendance, fostering community engagement, promoting events and ministries, or sharing inspiring content. Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that align with your church’s mission and vision.

2. Craft Separate Strategies for Different Goals

Each goal you set will require a unique strategy to achieve the desired outcome. For example, if your goal is to increase attendance, your strategy might focus on promoting upcoming services and events, highlighting testimonials from current attendees, and leveraging targeted advertising campaigns. By tailoring your strategies to each goal, you can effectively reach your target audience and encourage desired actions.

3. Choose the Right Social Media Platforms

Research and identify the social media platforms that are most relevant to your target audience and align with your goals. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok are popular options for churches, each with its unique strengths and features. Use platforms that will help you connect with your congregation, attract new members, and engage with the wider community. Consider the type of content you plan to share and the demographics of your target audience when selecting platforms.

4. Create a Posting Schedule

Consistency is key when it comes to social media. Create a posting schedule that ensures regular and timely content updates. Determine the frequency of your posts based on the platform and audience engagement. Experiment with different posting times and days to identify when your audience is most active and receptive. Use scheduling tools and calendars to plan and organize your content in advance, ensuring a consistent presence on social media.

5. Analyze Results and Adapt

Regularly analyze the performance of your social media efforts by monitoring engagement metrics, such as likes, shares, comments, and website visits. Utilize the analytics tools available on each social media platform to gain insights into the effectiveness of your strategies. Adjust your approach based on the data you gather, focusing on what works best for your church and your audience. Continuously refining your social media strategy based on data-driven insights will lead to improved results over time.

Crafting a church social media strategy requires careful planning, goal setting, platform selection, scheduling, and data analysis. By following these steps and adapting your strategy as needed, you can create an effective plan that will help your church connect, engage, and grow through social media.

How to Get 250 Free Social Media Templates for Your Church

To enhance their social media presence, churches can take advantage of the numerous free templates and design resources available specifically tailored for church-related content. These resources offer a wide variety of ready-to-use templates designed for different social media platforms, making it easy for churches to create eye-catching graphics for their posts, events, announcements, and more.

By leveraging these free templates and design resources, churches can enhance the visual appeal of their social media content and attract more engagement from their audience. With a plethora of options at their disposal, churches can easily customize these templates to reflect their unique style, branding, and message.

Benefits of Using Free Social Media Templates

  • Save time and effort in creating visually appealing graphics from scratch.
  • Utilize professionally designed layouts and templates for a polished look.
  • Access a wide range of design options suitable for various types of church-related content.
  • Ensure consistency in branding and visual identity across social media platforms.
  • Effortlessly adapt templates to different social media platforms with ease.

Whether churches are promoting an upcoming event, sharing inspiring quotes, announcing service times, or spreading the word about their community outreach programs, these free social media templates provide a valuable resource to enhance their online presence and engage with their congregation effectively.

Take a look at a preview of some of the eye-catching social media templates specifically designed for churches:

Designs for Church Social Media Templates

These templates cover a wide range of styles, colors, and layouts to suit different types of church-related content. Whether churches prefer a more traditional or contemporary look, these templates offer versatility and flexibility to meet their specific needs.

By leveraging these free social media templates, churches can save time, maintain a consistent visual identity, and create engaging graphics to captivate their online audience. With design resources readily available, churches can elevate their social media presence and effectively communicate their message to a wider audience.

How to Create a Church Social Media Policy

Establishing a church social media policy is essential for setting clear guidelines on the responsible and effective use of social media platforms by church staff, leaders, and congregation members. This policy ensures that everyone understands the expectations and ensures a positive online presence for the church community.

Guidelines for Church Social Media Use

When creating a social media policy, it’s important to include guidelines that reflect the values and mission of the church. Here are some key areas to consider:

  1. Appropriate Use: Outline what is considered appropriate content and behavior on social media platforms, ensuring it aligns with the church’s values and teachings.
  2. Privacy Considerations: Emphasize the importance of respecting individuals’ privacy and confidentiality when posting about church events, activities, or personal information.
  3. Branding Consistency: Provide guidelines for using consistent branding elements, such as logos, colors, and fonts, to maintain a cohesive online presence that reflects the church’s identity.
  4. Content Creation and Sharing: Encourage the creation and sharing of meaningful, uplifting, and accurate content that aligns with the church’s mission, while avoiding misinformation or offensive material.
  5. Engagement with the Online Community: Advise on appropriate ways to engage with the church’s online community , promoting respectful and constructive interactions while being mindful of potential controversies or sensitive topics.

By creating a social media policy that addresses these aspects, churches can ensure responsible usage of social media platforms and maintain a positive online presence that reflects the values and teachings of the church.

Key Points Benefits
Establish clear guidelines Promote responsible social media usage
Respect privacy and confidentiality Maintain trust within the church community
Maintain branding consistency Strengthen the church’s online identity
Encourage meaningful content Inspire and engage church members and followers
Promote respectful engagement Foster a positive online community

Creating a church social media policy is an integral part of establishing a responsible and effective online presence. By setting clear guidelines for social media use, churches can ensure that their online activities align with their mission and values while fostering a positive and engaging digital community.

creating a social media policy for churches

A Powerful Tool for Spreading the Gospel

Social media has revolutionized the way churches share the gospel and reach out to individuals beyond the walls of traditional church buildings. With the ever-increasing popularity of social platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, churches now have a powerful tool at their disposal to spread the message of faith and engage with a wider audience. By harnessing the accessibility and reach of social media, ministries can extend their impact and connect with individuals in ways that were previously unimaginable.

Social media allows churches to share faith-related content, inspirational messages, and spiritual guidance with people from various walks of life. It provides a platform for churches to showcase their beliefs, values, and the transformational power of the gospel. Through creative and captivating posts, churches can ignite curiosity, spark conversations, and plant seeds of faith in the hearts and minds of individuals who may have never stepped foot inside a church.

“Social media has given us the ability to meet people where they are and invite them into conversations about faith,” says Pastor Sarah Thompson of Hope Community Church. “We have seen lives transformed, questions answered, and communities built through the power of social media.”

Table: Social Media Platform Usage in the United States

Social Media Platform Percentage of U.S. Adults
Facebook 69%
Instagram 40%
Twitter 22%

With the increasing number of people using social media, it provides an unprecedented opportunity for ministries to share the gospel with a vast and diverse audience. Whether it’s through sharing scripture verses, live streaming church services, or engaging in meaningful conversations, social media enables churches to connect with individuals who may have never come across the message of salvation within their immediate social circles.

Furthermore, social media allows for real-time engagement, fostering a sense of community and support for individuals seeking spiritual guidance. It provides a space where people can ask questions, share their doubts, and find comfort in the stories of others. The power of community and the ability to connect with like-minded individuals on social media can be a catalyst for personal growth and faith development.

Expanding the Reach of Ministry

Social media acts as a bridge between the physical and digital realms, allowing ministries to reach far beyond their local communities. It provides the means to transcend geographical limitations and share the message of hope with individuals across the globe. Churches can now connect with individuals from different cultures, backgrounds, and even faith traditions, effectively expanding the reach and impact of their ministry.

Through the strategic use of hashtags, shares, and reposts, churches can exponentially increase the visibility of their content. People who may never have encountered a faith-based message can stumble upon it while scrolling through their social media feeds. This serendipitous encounter can spark curiosity, inspire contemplation, and potentially lead individuals to explore the teachings of Christianity.

using social media to spread the gospel

Embracing the Benefits of Social Media

The impact of social media on faith-sharing cannot be understated. Beyond utilizing social platforms to share sermons, church events, and inspirational quotes, ministries can leverage various features to engage with their audience effectively:

  • Live streaming services and events, enabling real-time participation from individuals unable to attend in person.
  • Creating sharable and visually appealing content that resonates with the audience’s needs and interests.
  • Encouraging community involvement through comment sections, direct messages, and online forums.

With each interaction and engagement, churches have an opportunity to plant seeds of faith , encourage spiritual growth, and lead individuals to a deeper relationship with God.

Social media is not just a tool for reaching new individuals; it also strengthens the bonds within the existing congregation. It fosters a sense of belonging and provides a platform for church members to connect, share, and support one another outside of regular church gatherings. This strengthened community can then serve as a testament to the transformative power of faith.

In conclusion, social media has revolutionized the way churches spread the gospel, connect with individuals, and create communities of faith. By leveraging the power of social media, ministries can extend their reach, engage with diverse audiences, and make a lasting impact on the lives of individuals around the world.

Tailoring Content to Engage Your Audience

When it comes to social media, creating engaging content is the key to capturing the attention of your online audience. For churches, this means tailoring your content to be relevant, inspiring, and captivating. By implementing effective strategies and following best practices, you can create social media content that resonates with your congregation and fosters meaningful connections.

Diversify Your Content

Diversifying your content is essential to keep your audience engaged. Consider sharing a variety of content types, such as:

  • Inspiring quotes that align with your church’s teachings and values.
  • Personal stories from members of your congregation that showcase the impact of your church in their lives.
  • Behind-the-scenes glimpses into the day-to-day activities of your church, including volunteer efforts and community service projects.
  • Event updates, including upcoming worship services, Bible studies, or special events.
  • Highlights of community service projects your church is involved in to demonstrate your commitment to making a positive impact.

By diversifying your content, you can cater to different interests and preferences within your audience, ensuring there’s something for everyone.

Incorporate Storytelling Elements

One of the most powerful ways to engage your audience is through storytelling. People connect emotionally with stories, and incorporating storytelling elements into your content can make it more relatable and compelling. Share stories of transformation, hope, and faith that illustrate the impact of your church’s ministry. Whether it’s a powerful testimony or a narrative of change, storytelling can effectively convey the message and values of your church.

“Stories have a unique way of touching people’s hearts and inspiring them to take action. By sharing stories of transformation and faith, churches can create a powerful emotional connection with their audience.”

Remember to share these stories in a visually appealing format, such as images or videos, to make them more captivating and shareable.

creating engaging social media content for churches

Creating engaging social media content is an ongoing process. It’s important to listen to your audience and analyze the performance of your content to understand what resonates with them the most. By consistently delivering relevant and captivating content, you can foster meaningful connections with your online audience, ultimately inspiring them to engage with your church, attend services, and become more involved in the community.

Using Analytics to Measure Success

Analyzing data through leveraging analytics is essential for churches seeking to measure the impact of their social media efforts. By tracking key metrics such as engagement rates, reach, follower growth, and website traffic, churches can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their social media strategy.

These analytics provide churches with valuable information on how their content is resonating with their audience, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and refine their social media approach. By analyzing the data, churches can understand which content types, posting frequencies, and platforms are generating the most positive results. This knowledge allows churches to optimize their overall social media presence and improve their strategy for better outcomes.

For example, by monitoring engagement rates, churches can identify the types of posts that generate the highest levels of interaction and adjust their content strategy accordingly. They can also use analytics to track follower growth, enabling them to assess the effectiveness of their social media campaigns in attracting new members and expanding their reach.

Furthermore, analytics can provide churches with valuable insights into their website traffic generated from social media platforms, helping them understand the impact of their social media strategy on driving online engagement and encouraging deeper exploration of their online resources and ministries.

“Measuring the impact of social media on church growth is not just about the numbers; it’s about understanding the value we bring to our online community and how we can continually improve our digital outreach.”

By continuously reviewing and analyzing social media analytics, churches can gain a comprehensive understanding of their performance and make informed decisions to optimize their social media presence. This data-driven approach ensures that churches are maximizing the impact of their social media efforts, improving engagement, and ultimately contributing to church growth.

Key Takeaways:

  • Leveraging analytics allows churches to assess the effectiveness of their social media strategy.
  • Tracking metrics such as engagement rates, follower growth, and website traffic provides valuable insights.
  • Analyzing data enables churches to make informed decisions and refine their content approach.
  • Continuous review of analytics optimizes social media presence and contributes to church growth.

Building an Online Community

Social media provides churches with a unique opportunity to foster connections and build relationships within their congregation, ultimately creating a vibrant online community. By actively engaging with church members through comments, messages, and personal interactions, churches can create an inclusive and supportive online space that encourages meaningful connections.

One effective way to foster an online community is by encouraging online discussions among church members. By creating designated spaces, such as Facebook groups or Twitter chats, where members can share their thoughts, insights, and questions, churches can cultivate a sense of community and belonging.

“When we engage with our congregation online, we’re not just building a virtual community; we’re building relationships that extend beyond the physical walls of our church.”

Another powerful way to nurture a sense of community is by sharing member stories. By highlighting the personal journeys and experiences of individuals within the church, churches can create a platform for sharing and connecting on a deeper level. These stories can be shared through blog posts, video testimonials, or social media posts, allowing members to relate to one another and build meaningful relationships.

To further strengthen the online community, churches can organize virtual events and activities. These events can include live-streamed worship services, virtual Bible study groups, or online volunteer initiatives. By providing opportunities for engagement and participation , churches can foster a sense of togetherness and belonging, even in a digital space.

Benefits of Building an Online Community:

  • Creates a sense of belonging and connection among church members
  • Encourages meaningful relationships and interactions
  • Fosters support and empathy within the community
  • Provides a platform for sharing personal stories and testimonies
  • Allows for virtual events and activities to engage the congregation

By prioritizing the development of an online community, churches can create a supportive and inclusive digital space where members can connect, share, and grow together in their faith journey.

Overcoming Challenges and Adapting to Trends

While leveraging social media for churches comes with numerous benefits, it is essential to navigate the challenges that may arise in this digital landscape. Churches may encounter negative comments, controversies, and the need to manage multiple social media platforms. However, with proactive strategies and staying updated on the latest trends, churches can address these challenges effectively and maintain a positive online presence.

Addressing Controversies on Social Media

Controversies on social media can be unsettling for churches, but it’s crucial to respond with grace and empathy. Instead of engaging in arguments or deleting comments, churches can use these instances as an opportunity for open dialogue and understanding. By addressing controversies thoughtfully and respectfully, churches can demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity and foster a sense of community both offline and online.

Staying Updated on Social Media Trends for Churches

As social media trends rapidly evolve, it’s important for churches to stay informed and adapt accordingly. By keeping an eye on emerging platforms, features, and best practices, churches can leverage new opportunities and effectively engage with their audience. Regularly exploring industry resources, attending webinars, and participating in relevant social media groups can provide valuable insights for churches to enhance their digital presence.

“Staying updated on social media trends helps churches remain relevant and connect with the ever-evolving online community.” – John Smith, Social Media Specialist

Navigating Challenges of Church Social Media

Managing multiple social media platforms can be overwhelming for churches. To navigate this challenge, it’s important to prioritize and focus on platforms that align with the target audience and the church’s goals. By distributing responsibilities among dedicated team members or volunteers, churches can ensure consistent content creation and engagement across platforms. Additionally, utilizing social media management tools can streamline the process and help churches maintain a consistent online presence.


Social media has revolutionized the way churches connect with their congregation and engage with their communities. By adopting a well-planned social media strategy, leveraging the right platforms, and consistently delivering compelling content, churches can harness the power of social media to drive church growth, promote ministries, and make a positive impact in the community.

Through strategic use of social media, churches can expand their reach, attracting new members and reaching diverse audiences. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube offer unique opportunities to connect with the community, share faith, and live stream services, while platforms like TikTok and Twitter engage younger audiences and facilitate quick communication.

By tailoring content to their audience, churches can create a compelling online presence. Inspiring quotes, personal stories, event updates, and community service projects can captivate the online audience and foster deeper connections. Through analytics, churches can gain insights into their social media performance and adapt their strategy to maximize impact.

In conclusion, leveraging social media for church growth and community reach is an essential strategy in today’s digital age. By embracing the potential of social media and employing effective social media strategies, churches can enhance their presence, attract new members, and effectively spread their message of faith to a wider audience.


What are the benefits of using social media for churches?

Social media provides benefits such as encouraging community-building, reaching new audiences, cost-effective promotions, fundraising and donations, and effective volunteer engagement.

Which social media platforms are best for churches?

Churches can leverage platforms like Facebook for community-building and live streaming, YouTube for sharing sermons, Instagram for visually appealing content, TikTok for engaging younger audiences, and Twitter for sharing updates and quotes.

How can churches develop a social media strategy?

Developing a social media strategy involves setting goals, choosing the right platforms, creating a posting schedule, and analyzing results. It’s important to align the strategy with communication goals, gather input from congregation members, and utilize available tools.

Where can churches find free social media templates for their content?

Churches can find free social media templates and design resources specifically tailored for church-related content to enhance the visual appeal of their social media posts and attract more engagement.

How can churches create a social media policy?

Churches can create a social media policy by providing guidelines on appropriate use, privacy considerations, branding consistency, content sharing, and engagement with the online community.

How can social media help in spreading the gospel?

Social media allows churches to share faith-related content, inspirational messages, and spiritual guidance, extending their ministry beyond physical church buildings and connecting with a wider audience.

How can churches tailor their content to engage their audience on social media?

Churches can create engaging content by sharing inspiring quotes, personal stories, event updates, behind-the-scenes glimpses, community service projects, and more, diversifying content and incorporating storytelling elements to capture the attention and foster connections.

How can churches use analytics to measure the effectiveness of their social media efforts?

By analyzing engagement rates, reach, follower growth, and website traffic, churches can gain insights into the effectiveness of their social media strategy, enabling them to make informed decisions and optimize their presence for better results.

How can churches build an online community through social media?

Churches can actively engage with their audience through comments, messages, and personal interactions, encourage online discussions, share member stories, and organize virtual events to foster a sense of community and belonging.

What challenges can churches face with social media, and how can they overcome them?

Churches may face challenges such as negative comments and controversies. By addressing these challenges proactively, responding with grace and empathy, staying updated on social media trends and best practices, churches can maintain a positive online presence and navigate potential issues successfully.

How can social media contribute to church growth?

By creating a well-thought-out social media strategy, leveraging the right platforms, consistently delivering engaging content, and building an online community, churches can use social media to boost church attendance, promote ministries, and make a positive impact on their community.

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  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

Spread the Gospel