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Missionary Trips: Transformative Global Journeys

missionary trips

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Do you have a desire to serve others and immerse yourself in new cultures? Look no further than missionary trips! These transformative global journeys provide the opportunity to volunteer abroad, engage in Christian mission trips, and contribute to global outreach efforts. Whether you’re interested in short-term missions or long-term missionary work, there are options available for individuals of all ages, including mission trips for youth. With international volunteering becoming increasingly popular, now is the perfect time to embark on a mission trip and make a real impact on communities in need around the world.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Missionary trips offer the opportunity to volunteer abroad and make a global impact.
  • Christian mission trips allow you to combine your faith with service.
  • Short-term missions provide a chance to make a difference in a limited amount of time.
  • There are mission trips available for individuals of all ages, including youth.
  • Engaging in international volunteering allows you to immerse yourself in new cultures and gain new perspectives.

What is a Mission Trip?

A mission trip is an incredible volunteering opportunity that allows individuals to make a tangible impact on the world through collaborative efforts. Whether religious or non-religious in nature, mission trips aim to provide essential support to uplift individuals, local communities, and natural environments. These trips are inclusive volunteer abroad programs that welcome participants of all ages and life stages, offering a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in new cultures and contribute to meaningful change.

“A mission trip is a chance to step outside your comfort zone and uplift those in need through collaborative efforts. It’s a transformative journey that allows you to make a difference while immersing yourself in diverse cultures.”

During mission trips, volunteers have the opportunity to engage in a wide range of activities designed to uplift communities. This can include providing educational support, building sustainable infrastructure, offering medical aid, conserving natural environments, and much more. The focus is on addressing the specific needs of local communities in a way that respects their culture and values. Through these well-rounded volunteer experiences, mission trips foster personal growth, cultural exchange, and global understanding.

Essential Support and Collaborative Efforts

Mission trips are driven by the belief that by coming together, we can create positive change. Volunteers work hand in hand with local community members, organizations, and initiatives to provide essential support. These collaborative efforts ensure that volunteers can maximize their impact and address the most pressing needs of the communities they serve. Whether it’s teaching English, constructing vital infrastructure, assisting with healthcare, or preserving natural environments, each volunteer plays a crucial role in contributing to the development and well-being of others.

What is Vision Casting – Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish

Check this vision – I would follow this – Greg Gaines

Religious and Non-Religious Mission Trips

While some mission trips have religious affiliations and seek to spread religious teachings, others are purely focused on humanitarian efforts and community development. Religious or non-religious, these trips provide a platform for individuals to engage in meaningful service work and make a positive impact on the world. It’s important to note that regardless of the trip’s religious nature, the primary goal is to uplift individuals, empower local communities, and preserve natural environments.

Uplifting Individuals, Communities, and the Environment

Mission trips have a comprehensive approach to making a difference. They recognize that uplifting individuals and communities goes hand in hand with preserving the natural environment. By addressing social, economic, and environmental challenges, mission trips aim to create sustainable change that uplifts all aspects of life. This holistic approach ensures that communities can thrive in harmony with their surroundings, making the world a better place for future generations.

Inclusive Volunteer Abroad ProgramsBenefits of Mission Trips
  • Participants of all ages and life stages
  • Varied volunteer projects available
  • Immersive cultural experiences
  • Safe and supported environment
  • Personal growth and development
  • Cultural exchange and understanding
  • Global perspective and awareness
  • Making a tangible impact on communities

Embarking on a mission trip opens up a world of opportunities for personal growth, cultural exchange, and transformative experiences. By joining a mission trip, individuals have the chance to uplift others, make a positive difference in the world, and forge lifelong connections. It’s a chance to be part of something bigger, to contribute to global efforts, and to change lives – including your own.

Why Do People Go on Mission Trips?

People embark on mission trips with the purpose of making a difference in the world and providing support to communities in need. These transformative journeys offer the opportunity to gain a new perspective by immersing oneself in a different culture, connecting with new people from around the world, and stepping out of their comfort zone. At the core of mission trips is the desire to make a positive impact on the world, connect with others, and build a better future together.

“A mission trip is not just about what you can do for others, but how it changes you and the way you see the world. It opens your eyes to the realities faced by those less fortunate and gives you a renewed sense of gratitude and compassion.”

Gaining a New Perspective

One of the key reasons people choose to go on mission trips is to gain a new perspective on life. By immersing themselves in a different culture, they witness firsthand the challenges and struggles faced by communities in need. This experience broadens their understanding of the world and fosters empathy, compassion, and a deeper appreciation for their own blessings.

Meeting New People

Mission trips provide an incredible opportunity to meet and connect with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. By engaging with local community members and fellow volunteers, individuals can forge meaningful relationships, form lifelong friendships, and establish a global network of like-minded individuals united by a common goal of making a positive impact.

Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone

Stepping out of the comfort zone is a catalyst for personal growth. Mission trips push individuals to confront new challenges, break down barriers, and expand their capabilities. By venturing into unfamiliar territory, volunteers develop resilience, adaptability, and leadership skills that they can carry with them throughout their lives.

building a better future

“Mission trips are not just about the immediate impact we create, but also about sowing the seeds for a better future. By connecting with others, we can build bridges of understanding, foster goodwill, and create a ripple effect that will continue to bring positive change long after we have returned home.”

Connecting with Others and Building a Better Future

At the heart of every mission trip is the desire to connect with others and work together towards building a better future. By providing support and engaging in collaborative efforts, individuals can play a significant role in addressing social, economic, and environmental challenges. Through collective action, mission trip participants can create a positive impact that transcends borders, cultures, and languages.

Benefits of Mission TripsKeywords
Gain a new perspectivegain a new perspective
Meet new peoplemeet new people, connect with others
Step out of the comfort zoneget out of comfort zone
Make a positive impactpositive impact, build a better future

How Much Does It Cost to Go on a Mission Trip?

If you’re considering embarking on a mission trip, understanding the cost involved is essential. The cost of a mission trip can vary depending on the destination and duration of your chosen program. At IVHQ, we strive to provide affordable volunteer program fees that make mission trips accessible to all.

IVHQ offers affordable volunteer program fees starting at just $20 per day. These fees are transparent and inclusive, covering essential aspects like accommodation, meals, and in-country support. When you join an IVHQ mission trip, you can trust that your fees are used responsibly to support the local communities you’ll be serving.

While the volunteer program fees are the primary cost, it’s important to consider additional expenses that may arise. These can include registration fees, airfares, travel insurance, visas, and vaccinations. IVHQ provides detailed information and support to help you navigate these additional costs and ensure that you are fully prepared for your mission trip.

cost of mission trip
Costs to consider:Estimated Range*
Registration Fees$100 – $500
Airfares$500 – $2,000
Travel Insurance$50 – $200
Visas$50 – $300
Vaccinations$50 – $500

At IVHQ, we understand that covering the costs of a mission trip can be a challenge for some. That’s why we’re here to assist. We offer fundraising ideas and resources to help you raise the necessary funds for your trip. Moreover, our team is always available to provide detailed information and support throughout your journey, ensuring that you have everything you need to make your mission trip a reality.

By minimizing the financial barriers and offering detailed support, IVHQ enables individuals from all walks of life to embark on their mission trip and make a meaningful difference in the world.

If you’re ready to make an impact and embark on a life-changing mission trip, IVHQ is here to help you every step of the way. Together, let’s create a better world through service and compassion.

*Please note that the ranges provided above are general estimates and can vary depending on factors like destination, duration, and individual preferences.

Why Do a Mission Trip with IVHQ?

When it comes to embarking on a mission trip, choosing the right organization is crucial. IVHQ stands out as a responsible mission trip organization with a proven track record of over 16 years of experience in facilitating life-changing experiences around the world. Here’s why you should consider joining a mission trip with IVHQ:

Responsible Mission Trip Organization

IVHQ is committed to ethical standards and ensures that their mission trips have a positive social and environmental impact. As a certified B Corporation, IVHQ upholds the highest standards of transparency, accountability, and sustainability. They are dedicated to creating meaningful, responsible, and impactful volunteer opportunities.

Certified as 100% Carbon Neutral

IVHQ takes their commitment to environmental sustainability seriously. They have been certified as 100% carbon neutral, meaning that their operations have no net environmental impact in terms of carbon emissions. By choosing IVHQ as your mission trip organization, you can be confident that you are contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

Experience and Expertise

With over 16 years of experience, IVHQ has established itself as a leader in the field of mission trips. Their team has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in organizing and supporting mission trips that make a real difference in local communities. When you join a mission trip with IVHQ, you can trust that you are in capable hands.

Why Choose IVHQ?IVHQOther Organizations
Years of ExperienceMore than 16 yearsVarying levels of experience
Social and Environmental ImpactCertified as 100% carbon neutral, focused on sustainabilityMay not have specific sustainability initiatives
Ethical StandardsCertified B Corporation, upholds highest ethical standardsMay not have specific ethical certifications

Joining a mission trip with IVHQ means being part of an organization that prioritizes responsible travel and has a genuine commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Whether you are passionate about community development, education, healthcare, or conservation, IVHQ offers mission trips that align with your interests and values.

Don’t miss the opportunity to join a mission trip with IVHQ and be part of a transformational journey where you can make a difference while immersing yourself in new cultures, gaining new perspectives, and connecting with like-minded individuals. Start your mission today and create lasting memories that will inspire you for a lifetime.

Mission Trip with IVHQ

Mission Trips for Teens & High School Students

Embarking on a mission trip is an incredible opportunity for teens and high school students to expand their horizons, make a positive impact abroad, and create life-changing experiences. At IVHQ, we understand the importance of providing safe and reliable travel experiences for young explorers, and we offer a range of mission trips specifically designed for this age group.

Our mission trips for teens allow participants to step outside of their comfort zones and gain new perspectives while contributing to communities in need. We believe that volunteering abroad can shape young minds, fostering empathy, compassion, and a greater appreciation for the world around us.

With over 20% of IVHQ volunteers being under 20 years old, we have extensive experience in organizing meaningful and affordable volunteer opportunities for teens and high school students. We prioritize safety and provide comprehensive support, ensuring that parents have peace of mind while their children embark on their mission trip.

Impact Abroad

Our mission trips for teens create a platform for them to make a real impact in communities across the globe. Through volunteer projects in areas such as education, healthcare, conservation, and community development, teens can actively contribute to causes they are passionate about.

“Being able to make a difference in the lives of others, even in a small way, is empowering and helps teens develop a strong sense of purpose.”

Volunteering abroad not only changes the lives of those being served, but it also has a profound effect on the volunteers themselves. It opens their eyes to the realities of the world and encourages them to find innovative solutions to global challenges. Through their efforts, teens can learn valuable life skills, develop leadership qualities, and gain a newfound appreciation for cultural diversity.

Safe and Reliable Travel Experiences

At IVHQ, safety is our top priority. We have stringent safety protocols in place to ensure that teens and high school students are well taken care of throughout their mission trip. Our dedicated team provides 24/7 support and supervises all programs to ensure a secure environment.

“We understand that parents want assurance when sending their teens abroad. Rest assured, we have a proven track record of delivering safe and reliable travel experiences.”

Affordable Volunteer Opportunities

We believe that cost should not be a barrier to making a difference. Our affordable volunteer opportunities for teens and high school students start at just $20 per day. These fees cover accommodation, meals, and in-country support, allowing teens to focus on their volunteer work and immerse themselves fully in the local culture.

Program FeesWhat’s IncludedAdditional Costs
$20 per day– Accommodation
– Meals
– In-country support
– Registration fees
– Airfares
– Travel insurance
– Visas
– Vaccinations

IVHQ provides detailed information and support to help teens and their families prepare for the mission trip. We also offer personalized recommendations based on budget and causes of interest to ensure a tailored and meaningful experience.

Join IVHQ on a mission trip for teens and high school students and embark on a journey that will broaden your horizons, create lifelong memories, and make a positive impact in communities around the world.

Mission Trips for Teens

Mission Trips for College Students

College students seeking alternatives to traditional study abroad programs can embark on transformative mission trips with IVHQ. These regenerative international travel experiences offer low-cost options for students while providing them with the opportunity to make a positive impact on local communities. These mission trips, starting at just $20 per day, also offer academic credit opportunities, allowing college students to gain valuable academic recognition while volunteering.

Why Choose a Mission Trip Over Studying Abroad?

Mission trips provide college students with a unique alternative to studying abroad. While traditional study abroad programs focus primarily on academic and cultural immersion, mission trips offer the chance to engage in hands-on service and contribute directly to community development. These transformative experiences allow students to broaden their perspectives, develop a deeper understanding of global issues, and cultivate a sense of purpose and social responsibility.

Regenerative International Travel

Mission trips with IVHQ prioritize regenerative international travel, emphasizing sustainable practices and community empowerment. By participating in these trips, students play an active role in regenerating local communities and natural environments, ensuring a positive impact that extends far beyond their time abroad.

Low-Cost Mission Trips

Cost is often a significant consideration for college students. IVHQ understands this and offers affordable mission trip options starting at just $20 per day. These low-cost mission trips make international travel accessible to students, providing them with the opportunity to engage in meaningful service experiences without breaking the bank.

Academic Credit Opportunities

IVHQ recognizes the importance of academic recognition and offers opportunities for college students to earn academic credit while volunteering. By partnering with universities and academic institutions, IVHQ ensures that students can integrate their mission trip experiences into their academic journey, allowing for a more holistic and comprehensive education.

Benefits of Mission Trips for College StudentsDetails
Hands-on service experienceStudents actively contribute to community development and engage in meaningful work.
Global perspectiveMission trips broaden students’ understanding of global issues and cultures.
Personal growthStudents step out of their comfort zones, develop resilience, and build valuable life skills.
Networking and connectionsStudents have the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals from around the world.
Resume enhancementMission trips demonstrate students’ commitment to social impact and service, making their resumes stand out.

Embarking on a mission trip during college provides students with a unique and life-changing experience. It allows for personal growth, meaningful connections, and the opportunity to develop skills that go beyond the classroom. College students can make a lasting impact through affordable mission trips with IVHQ and gain academic credit while making a difference.

Mission Trips for College Students

Mission Trips for Families

Planning a family mission trip can be challenging, but IVHQ offers fully-hosted mission trips that make it easier for families to make a difference together. These trips accommodate multiple age groups and offer options for personalized recommendations based on budget and causes of interest. IVHQ understands the importance of quality time and instilling values of service in young children.

Embarking on a family mission trip is a fantastic way to strengthen bonds, create lasting memories, and instill values of service in the hearts of your children. With IVHQ’s family mission trips, you’ll have the opportunity to embark on a meaningful journey together, making a positive impact on local communities around the world.

IVHQ understands that families come in different sizes and have diverse interests and budgetary considerations. That’s why they offer a range of fully-hosted mission trips designed to accommodate multiple age groups within the family unit. Whether you have young children or teenagers, IVHQ will personalize your trip recommendations based on your preferences and interests.

During your family mission trip, you’ll have the chance to work on various volunteer projects that align with your family’s passions. From teaching English to children, participating in community development initiatives, or engaging in environmental conservation efforts, IVHQ offers a wide range of project options for families.

“Family mission trips provide a unique opportunity to not only make a difference in the lives of others but also to strengthen the bonds within your own family. It’s a chance to create lifelong memories and learn valuable lessons about compassion, empathy, and the power of giving back.”

– Sarah Johnson, Family Mission Trip Participant

IVHQ’s family mission trips also place a strong emphasis on quality time together. You’ll have the opportunity to work side by side with your loved ones, supporting each other, and experiencing the rewards of service as a family unit.

Furthermore, IVHQ recognizes the importance of instilling values of service in young children. Their family mission trips are designed to provide age-appropriate activities and opportunities for children to actively participate in meaningful volunteer work. This allows children to develop a sense of empathy, responsibility, and a lifelong commitment to making a positive impact.

When you choose IVHQ for your family mission trip, you can expect the following:

  • Personalized recommendations based on your family’s interests and budget
  • Accommodation and meals that cater to the needs of families
  • Volunteer projects that are suitable for various age groups
  • Supportive staff who prioritize your family’s safety and well-being

Sample Table: Highlights of IVHQ’s Family Mission Trips

DestinationsVolunteer ProjectsAge Group
Costa RicaTeaching English, Community DevelopmentAll Ages
ThailandChildcare, Elephant ConservationAll Ages
South AfricaWildlife Conservation, Sports CoachingAll Ages

Whether you’re passionate about education, community development, wildlife conservation, or any other cause, IVHQ will tailor your family mission trip to meet your unique needs and interests. You’ll have the opportunity to create cherished memories, strengthen your family bonds, and leave a lasting impact on communities around the world.

Embark on a family mission trip with IVHQ and witness the transformative power of service and togetherness. It’s an experience that will shape your family’s values and perspectives for years to come.

Family Mission Trips

Best Short-Term Mission Trips

Looking for impactful mission trips but have limited time? IVHQ offers the best short-term mission trips designed for individuals who want to maximize their impact in a short period. With organized and supported experiences, these trips provide an affordable option for making a meaningful difference in communities around the world.

Whether you have one, two, or three weeks to spare, IVHQ has a range of short-term mission trips available in over 40 countries. You can choose a destination that aligns with your interests, from teaching English to children in Bali to participating in medical outreaches in Kenya. These trips are carefully crafted to ensure volunteers can hit the ground running upon arrival and make a lasting impact in the communities they serve.

When you join a short-term mission trip with IVHQ, you’ll have the opportunity to contribute your skills, time, and energy to projects that truly make a difference. From construction and conservation initiatives to healthcare and education programs, there is a wide variety of volunteer projects to choose from, allowing you to step outside your comfort zone and experience personal growth.

Benefits of Short-Term Mission Trips with IVHQ

By participating in a short-term mission trip with IVHQ, you’ll enjoy the following benefits:

  • Affordable Options: IVHQ offers mission trips with fees starting at just $20 per day, making it accessible for volunteers with various budgets.
  • Maximize Impact in a Short Period: Short-term mission trips allow you to make a significant impact even with limited time, enabling you to contribute to meaningful projects and initiatives.
  • Organized and Supported Experiences: With IVHQ, everything is taken care of, from accommodation and meals to in-country support, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience throughout your entire journey.

Embark on a short-term mission trip with IVHQ and witness firsthand the power of your service. Whether you’re passionate about education, healthcare, conservation, or community development, IVHQ offers a wide range of projects that align with your interests and skills. Start your transformative journey today and be part of something greater than yourself.

short-term mission trips

Types of Mission Trips

Mission trips come in various forms, catering to different durations, age groups, and areas of focus. Whether you’re looking for a short-term or long-term experience, a mission trip for children, teens, or college students, or a trip centered around specific disciplines like medical, conservation, teaching, or construction, there is a mission trip that aligns with your passion and desire to make a difference.

Short-term mission trips provide opportunities for individuals with limited time availability to still contribute meaningfully. These trips typically range from a few days to a few weeks, allowing participants to make a significant impact in a shorter period.

On the other hand, long-term mission trips offer a more immersive experience, spanning several months or even years. These trips provide volunteers with the chance to establish deeper connections within the community and contribute to long-term sustainable development.

Mission trips specifically designed for children, teens, and college students offer age-appropriate experiences that prioritize safety and personal growth. These trips provide young individuals with the opportunity to broaden their horizons, develop empathy, and foster a sense of global citizenship.

Mission Trip TypeDescription
Medical Mission TripsVolunteer alongside healthcare professionals to provide essential medical services and support in underserved communities.
Conservation Mission TripsContribute to conservation efforts, such as wildlife conservation, environmental preservation, and sustainable practices in ecological hotspots.
Teaching Mission TripsShare your knowledge and skills as a teacher, helping to improve educational opportunities and empower young learners in disadvantaged areas.
Construction Mission TripsParticipate in construction and infrastructure projects, helping to build schools, homes, and community facilities in areas lacking basic infrastructure.
Types of Mission Trips

Each type of mission trip provides unique opportunities for individuals to utilize their abilities, interests, and expertise while contributing to the betterment of communities and environments worldwide. From delivering healthcare services to preserving natural habitats, teaching new skills to constructing essential infrastructure, mission trips encompass a wide range of meaningful endeavors.

Embark on a mission trip that resonates with your calling and join the global network of individuals working together to create positive change.


Missionary trips offer the opportunity to make a global impact and have transformative experiences. By joining a mission trip, individuals have the chance to step outside of their comfort zones, gain new perspectives, connect with others, and make a positive difference in the world. Whether it’s a short-term or long-term trip, for teens or college students, or focused on a specific area like healthcare or conservation, there is a mission trip for everyone.

Embarking on a missionary trip can be a life-changing experience. You can immerse yourself in different cultures, learn from local communities, and contribute to sustainable development. These trips provide a unique chance to witness firsthand how your efforts can create lasting change in the lives of others. So why wait? Join the mission today and be a part of something greater than yourself.

Are you ready to embark on a journey that will not only impact the lives of others but also transform your own? Now is the time to take action and make a difference in the world. Join the thousands of individuals who have already experienced the power of missionary trips and discover the joy of serving others. Start your transformative journey today and be a part of a global movement that is changing lives, one mission trip at a time.


What is a mission trip?

A mission trip is an international volunteering opportunity that aims to provide essential support to local communities. These trips can be religious or non-religious in nature and have a focus on uplifting individuals, local communities, and the natural environment. IVHQ offers inclusive volunteer abroad programs that welcome participants of all ages and life stages, allowing them to make a tangible impact while immersing themselves in new cultures.

Why do people go on mission trips?

People go on mission trips to make a positive impact in the world and provide support to communities in need. These trips also offer the opportunity to gain a new perspective by immersing oneself in a different culture, meet new people from around the world, and step out of their comfort zone. At the core of mission trips is the desire to make a positive impact on the world, connect with others, and build a better future together.

How much does it cost to go on a mission trip?

The cost of a mission trip varies depending on the destination and duration. IVHQ offers affordable volunteer program fees, starting at just $20 per day, which includes accommodation, meals, and in-country support. Additional costs to consider include registration fees, airfares, travel insurance, visas, and vaccinations. IVHQ provides detailed information and support to help volunteers prepare for their mission trip and even offers fundraising ideas and resources to help cover the costs.

Why do a mission trip with IVHQ?

IVHQ is a responsible mission trip organization that focuses on social and environmental impact. As a certified B Corporation, they uphold the highest ethical standards, and their operations are certified as 100% carbon neutral. With over 16 years of experience, IVHQ is the mission trip organization of choice for thousands of individuals and groups looking to make a meaningful impact through their mission trips.

Are there mission trips specifically designed for teens and high school students?

Yes, IVHQ offers a range of mission trips specifically designed for teens and high school students. These trips provide the opportunity to step outside of their comfort zone, gain new perspective, and make a difference in communities in need. With over 20% of IVHQ volunteers being under 20 years old, they have extensive experience in providing safe and reliable travel experiences for young explorers.

Are there mission trips for college students?

Yes, college students are increasingly opting for mission trips as an alternative to studying abroad. IVHQ offers mission trips for college students in over 40 countries, providing them with regenerative travel experiences that make a positive impact on local communities. These trips are affordable, starting at just $20 per day, and even offer the opportunity to gain academic credit while volunteering.

Can families participate in mission trips?

Planning a family mission trip can be challenging, but IVHQ offers fully-hosted mission trips that make it easier for families to make a difference together. These trips accommodate multiple age groups and offer options for personalized recommendations based on budget and causes of interest. IVHQ understands the importance of quality time and instilling values of service in young children.

Are there short-term mission trip options?

Yes, IVHQ offers short-term mission trips ranging from 1 to 3 weeks in over 40 countries. These trips are designed for individuals who want to make a maximum impact in a short period of time. With everything organized and supported by IVHQ, volunteers can hit the ground running upon arrival at their destination and make a meaningful difference in the communities they serve.

What types of mission trips are available?

Mission trips can vary in duration and focus. There are short-term and long-term mission trips, as well as trips specifically designed for children, teens, and college students. There are also specialized mission trips for medical professionals, conservationists, teachers, and construction workers. Each type of mission trip offers unique opportunities for individuals to use their skills and passion to make a difference in the world.

Why should I join a mission trip?

Missionary trips offer the opportunity to make a global impact and have transformative experiences. By joining a mission trip, individuals have the chance to step outside of their comfort zones, gain new perspectives, connect with others, and make a positive difference in the world. Whether it’s a short-term or long-term trip, for teens or college students, or focused on a specific area like healthcare or conservation, there is a mission trip for everyone. Start your transformative journey and join the mission today.

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  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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