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Jesus’ teachings about being saved are central to Christian theology and are found throughout the New Testament, particularly in the Gospels. Here are a few relevant verses that encapsulate His teachings on salvation: Three Takeaways: Understanding these teachings involves both a personal acceptance of Jesus’… Read More »Saved

Spread the Gospel


Jesus spoke about wealth and material possessions on several occasions, emphasizing the spiritual implications of how we view and use our resources. Here are a few relevant verses from the New Testament: Three Takeaways: These takeaways invite reflection on our attitudes toward wealth and possessions,… Read More »Money

Spread the Gospel

Married in Heaven

Jesus directly mentioning Adam and Eve is not as explicit in the Gospels as discussions on broader themes like marriage, creation, and obedience to God’s commandments. However, He does reference the beginning of creation and God’s intentions for marriage and human relationships, which indirectly relate… Read More »Married in Heaven

Spread the Gospel