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Eye for an Eye

Jesus’ teaching on “an eye for an eye” is found in the Sermon on the Mount, where He introduces a new way of understanding and applying this Old Testament principle. Instead of advocating for retribution, Jesus encourages His followers to respond to wrongdoing with grace… Read More »Eye for an Eye

Spread the Gospel


Jesus spoke about angels on several occasions throughout the Gospels, highlighting their role and activities in relation to God’s kingdom and human affairs. Here are a few key verses from the Bible that capture some of what Jesus said about angels: Three Takeaways: Spread the… Read More »Angels

Spread the Gospel


Jesus Christ’s teachings in the New Testament do not directly address animals in a specific sermon or teaching. However, His teachings and the broader biblical narrative provide insights into how animals are viewed in the context of Christian faith. Here are some relevant Bible verses… Read More »Anger

Spread the Gospel


Jesus Christ’s teachings in the New Testament do not directly address animals in a specific sermon or teaching. However, His teachings and the broader biblical narrative provide insights into how animals are viewed in the context of Christian faith. Here are some relevant Bible verses… Read More »Animals

Spread the Gospel


In the New Testament, the use of anointing oil is mentioned in various contexts, reflecting its significance in healing, consecration, and spiritual practices. Jesus Himself does not directly discuss anointing oil in His recorded teachings, but He and His disciples used oil in their ministry,… Read More »Annoint

Spread the Gospel


Jesus Christ himself did not directly address astrology in the Gospels. The Bible, however, contains several passages in both the Old and New Testaments that are often interpreted to relate to astrology, which was a common practice among many ancient cultures, including those surrounding Israel.… Read More »Astrology

Spread the Gospel


Jesus’ teachings and the concept of atonement are central to Christian theology, emphasizing reconciliation between God and humanity through Christ’s sacrifice. While Jesus Himself does not use the term “atonement” in the Gospels, His teachings and actions lay the foundation for understanding atonement in Christian… Read More »Atonement

Spread the Gospel


Jesus’ teachings and the New Testament’s references to baptism highlight its significance within Christian faith. While Jesus Himself does not directly provide extensive teachings on baptism in the Gospels, His actions and instructions, along with the teachings of the Apostles, particularly in Acts and the… Read More »Baptism

Spread the Gospel