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Personal Evangelism: Tips for Sharing Your Faith

Personal Evangelism

Personal evangelism is a powerful way to share your faith and make a difference in the lives of others. It involves expressing your love for Christ and spreading the message of Jesus to those around you. While it may seem daunting at first, there are practical steps you can take to make personal evangelism a natural part of your everyday life.

In this article, we will explore various techniques, strategies, and resources to equip you in effectively sharing your faith. Whether you are new to evangelism or looking to enhance your skills, these tips will help you become a confident and impactful personal evangelist.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Personal evangelism is the act of sharing your faith and love for Christ with others.
  • Effective personal evangelism requires preparation, engagement, and understanding of different contexts.
  • Utilize tools and resources to enhance your evangelistic efforts, such as training and strategies.
  • Prayer and reliance on the Holy Spirit play crucial roles in personal evangelism.
  • Approach evangelism with love, compassion, and authenticity to build trust and overcome obstacles.

The Importance of Personal Evangelism

Personal evangelism plays a pivotal role in the Christian faith. It enables believers to fulfill Jesus’ command in the Great Commission to share the transformative message of the gospel with people from all walks of life and nations. Through personal evangelism, individuals have the opportunity to hear about Jesus’ love, grace, and salvation, and respond by embracing Him as their Lord and Savior.

How to Offer Hope about Jesus

Full Lesson

By actively sharing your faith, you become an instrument of God’s divine plan to touch and change lives. Each interaction becomes an opportunity to impact someone’s eternal destiny and help them experience the incredible love and forgiveness found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Whether it’s through conversations, acts of kindness, or sharing your personal testimony, personal evangelism allows you to make a significant difference in the lives of others. It demonstrates the power of the gospel and God’s love at work, transforming hearts and bringing hope to those in need.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” – Matthew 28:19

Jesus’ words in the Great Commission remind us of the importance of personal evangelism in fulfilling His mission on earth. It is through our actions and words that we can introduce people to the life-changing power of the gospel and guide them towards a personal relationship with Jesus.

As we embrace personal evangelism, let us remember the words of the apostle Paul in Romans 10:14: “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?”

In other words, personal evangelism bridges the gap between those who have yet to hear the message of salvation and the transformative impact it can have on their lives. It is our responsibility to be faithful messengers, carrying the good news of Jesus Christ to a world in need of hope and redemption.

So let us embrace personal evangelism, allowing our lives to reflect the love and truth of the gospel. As we obediently fulfill the call to share our faith, we can trust that God will use our efforts to draw people closer to Him and bring about eternal transformation.

importance of evangelism
Benefits of Personal EvangelismTangible ImpactLong-lasting Transformation
Leads to salvationStrengthens faith communitiesBrings hope and healing
Shares the love of ChristBreaks down barriersBridges the gap between God and humanity
Offers hope in a broken worldRestores relationshipsRescues souls from darkness

Preparing for Personal Evangelism

Before engaging in personal evangelism, it is essential to prepare well. Proper preparation sets the foundation for effective and impactful sharing of your faith. By following these key steps, you can approach personal evangelism with confidence and clarity.

What is Vision Casting – Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish

Check this vision – I would follow this – Greg Gaines

Seeking God’s Guidance through Prayer

Prayer plays a crucial role in evangelism preparation. Take time to seek God’s guidance, asking Him to provide opportunities and open doors for you to share your faith. Pray for divine appointments with individuals who are receptive and open to hearing the message of the gospel. By relying on the Holy Spirit’s leading, you can be guided to the right people and moments to engage in evangelistic conversations.

Developing a Curious and Empathetic Mindset

When preparing for personal evangelism, it is important to develop a curious and empathetic mindset towards others. Seek to understand their perspective, beliefs, and experiences. Approach conversations with genuine interest and empathy, demonstrating a genuine concern for their well-being. By showing understanding and respect, you can build trust and create a safe space for open dialogue about faith.

Identifying Your Sphere of Influence

Identifying your sphere of influence is essential in focusing your evangelistic efforts. Take time to consider the people you regularly interact with – friends, family, colleagues, neighbors, and acquaintances. These individuals form your sphere of influence, and they are most likely to be open to hearing about your faith. By intentionally investing in these relationships, you can have a significant impact on those around you.

Crafting and Practicing Your Personal Testimony

One of the most powerful tools in personal evangelism is your personal testimony. Your story of how God has transformed your life can resonate deeply with others and provide a tangible example of the gospel’s power. Take time to craft and refine your personal testimony, shaping it into a compelling narrative that highlights God’s love, grace, and redemption in your life. Practice sharing your testimony, ensuring that you can communicate it clearly and confidently.

Tips for Preparing for Personal Evangelism

Before embarking on personal evangelism, it is important to adequately prepare yourself for the task at hand. By following these tips, you can ensure that you are ready to confidently share your faith with others:

  1. Seek God’s guidance through prayer, asking for wisdom, boldness, and opportunities to share your faith.
  2. Develop a curious and empathetic mindset, seeking to understand others’ perspectives and building trust.
  3. Identify your sphere of influence, the people you regularly interact with, and focus your evangelistic efforts on them.
  4. Craft and practice your personal testimony, sharing how God has transformed your life.

By taking the time to prepare and equip yourself, you can approach personal evangelism with confidence and effectiveness, knowing that you are ready to share the life-changing message of the gospel with others.

prayer for evangelism
Probing Questions for Evangelism PreparationPurpose
“What do I hope to achieve through personal evangelism?”Clarify your goals and motivations for sharing your faith.
“How can I best relate to others and understand their perspectives?”Develop empathy and curiosity towards others, building trust and creating open dialogue.
“Who are the individuals in my sphere of influence?”Identify the people you regularly interact with, focusing your evangelistic efforts on them.
“What specific experiences and transformations has God brought into my life?”Craft and practice your personal testimony, sharing how God has worked in your life.

Engaging in Personal Evangelism

Once you have prepared yourself for personal evangelism, it’s time to put your faith into action and engage in sharing the message of Jesus Christ with others. There are various modes of evangelism that you can adopt to effectively communicate your faith and reach out to those who haven’t heard the good news.

Body Mode Evangelism

Body mode evangelism involves inviting non-believers to Christian gatherings, such as church services, Bible studies, or community events. By inviting others to experience the community of believers, they can witness firsthand the love, support, and transformed lives within the church. This mode allows individuals to encounter Jesus through the collective witness of believers.

Natural Mode Evangelism

In natural mode evangelism, the focus is on building genuine relationships with others and engaging in conversations that allow you to understand their thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. This mode emphasizes listening attentively, asking thoughtful questions, and showing empathy towards others. By creating a safe space for open dialogue, you can share your faith naturally and authentically.

Initiative Mode Evangelism

In initiative mode evangelism, you take the lead in initiating spiritual conversations and directly sharing the gospel with someone. This approach requires boldness and sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit. By stepping out in faith and taking the initiative, you have the opportunity to communicate the message of salvation with clarity and conviction.

Each mode of evangelism has its unique strengths and can be adapted to different situations. It’s essential to prayerfully discern which mode to employ based on the individual or group you are engaging with and the context in which you find yourself.

Engaging in Personal EvangelismEvangelism PracticeEvangelism Modes
Body Mode EvangelismInviting non-believers to Christian gatheringsExperiencing the community of believers
Natural Mode EvangelismBuilding genuine relationships with othersAsking thoughtful questions and showing empathy
Initiative Mode EvangelismDirectly sharing the gospel with someoneTaking the lead in spiritual conversations

Remember, engaging in personal evangelism is a privilege and a responsibility. By embracing different modes of evangelism, you can effectively communicate the life-changing message of Jesus Christ and play a part in bringing others into a relationship with Him.

Tips for Effective Personal Evangelism

To be successful in personal evangelism, it’s important to keep a few key tips in mind. These strategies can help you connect with others and effectively share your faith.

  1. Be authentic and genuine in your approach. Share from your own personal experiences and faith journey, emphasizing the real-life impact of Jesus in your own life. This authenticity will resonate with others and make your message more relatable.
  2. Actively listen to the person you are engaging with. Show empathy and understanding, allowing them to freely express their thoughts and beliefs. By truly listening, you can build trust and create a safe space for open conversations about faith.
  3. Be prepared to answer challenging questions or objections. Make sure you have a solid understanding of the gospel and can explain it clearly. This will give you the confidence to address any doubts or concerns that may arise during your conversations.
  4. Embrace the power of the Holy Spirit. Trust that God can work through you to bring about transformation in others’ lives. Rely on the guiding and empowering presence of the Holy Spirit in your evangelistic efforts, knowing that it is ultimately God who opens hearts and brings people to faith.

By following these tips, you can engage in personal evangelism with confidence, authenticity, and empathy, making a meaningful impact on the lives of those you encounter.

effective evangelism

Overcoming Obstacles in Personal Evangelism

When it comes to personal evangelism, there can be various obstacles and challenges along the way. It’s normal to feel fear, anxiety, and nervousness when sharing your faith with others. But remember, you are not alone in your evangelistic endeavors. God is always with you, providing strength and guidance as you step out in faith.

Fear, anxiety, and nervousness often stem from the fear of rejection or not knowing how others will respond to the message of the gospel. The fear of being judged or criticized may also make evangelism feel daunting. However, it’s important to recognize that these feelings are natural and that many believers have encountered similar emotions. By acknowledging and accepting these fears, you can take the first step in overcoming them.

Another challenge in personal evangelism is addressing the barriers or objections that individuals may have towards the gospel. People may have doubts, disbelief, or resistance due to personal experiences, misconceptions about God, or conflicting beliefs. It is essential to approach these objections with love, empathy, and patience, creating an environment where open conversations about faith can take place.

Addressing objections with love and empathy

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.” – Henry Ford

When encountering objections, it’s important to respond with understanding and empathy. Take the time to listen actively to the other person’s concerns and perspectives. Demonstrate genuine care and respect for their thoughts and feelings. By showing empathy, you can create a safe space for authentic dialogue and foster a sense of trust.

When addressing objections, it can be helpful to provide thoughtful and informed answers. Equip yourself with a solid understanding of the gospel, its core message, and its relevance to people’s lives. This knowledge will enable you to respond to objections confidently and effectively. Remember, it’s not about winning an argument but rather planting seeds of truth and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of others.

Building trust through relationships

Another obstacle in personal evangelism is building trust with those you seek to share your faith with. People are often more receptive to the gospel when they have a genuine relationship with someone who cares for them. Take the time to cultivate meaningful connections with others, showing them the love of Christ through your actions and words.

By demonstrating a life transformed by the gospel, you can provide a powerful testimony of God’s love and grace. Your authenticity and genuine love for others can break down barriers and create opportunities for deeper conversations about faith.

Illustrative Examples

Fear of RejectionPractice and prepare, reminding yourself of God’s presence and the significance of the message you are sharing.
Addressing DoubtsListen actively, empathize with their concerns, and provide thoughtful answers backed by a solid understanding of the gospel.
Building TrustInvest time in cultivating genuine relationships, showing love and kindness in your interactions.

By overcoming obstacles in personal evangelism with love, empathy, and patience, you can make a difference in the lives of others and bring them closer to the message of hope found in Jesus Christ.

obstacles in evangelism

Using Your Personal Testimony in Evangelism

Your personal testimony is a powerful tool in personal evangelism. Sharing your own experiences of how you came to faith in Jesus and the impact it has had on your life can resonate with others and provide them with a tangible example of the transformative power of the gospel. Your personal testimony allows others to see how God’s love and grace have worked in your life, providing hope and encouragement.

By crafting and practicing your testimony, you can effectively communicate your faith journey to others in a clear and relatable way. Sharing your story authentically and vulnerably connects with people on a personal level, making your faith more accessible and relatable. Your personal testimony can help break down barriers and open hearts to the message of Jesus.

“Sharing my personal testimony allowed me to connect with others in a meaningful way. It was through hearing my story that people began to see the relevance and power of the gospel in their own lives.”

When sharing your personal testimony, it is helpful to have a structure in mind. Start by briefly introducing yourself and sharing the circumstances that led you to search for deeper meaning or encounter Jesus. Be honest about your struggles and doubts, highlighting the pivotal moments or encounters that brought you closer to God. Finally, share the transformation that took place in your life as a result of your faith, emphasizing the joy, peace, and purpose you have found in Christ.

Remember, testimonial evangelism isn’t about persuading or convincing others; it’s about sharing your story and allowing God to work through it. Your testimony can plant seeds of faith and provide hope to those who are seeking answers. Trust in the Holy Spirit to guide your words and touch the hearts of those who hear your story.

Benefits of Sharing Your Personal Testimony

When you share your personal testimony, it can:

  • Inspire: Your story can inspire others and give them hope that they too can experience a transformation in their lives.
  • Empathize: Sharing your struggles and doubts can help others feel understood and less alone in their own journey.
  • Connect: Your personal testimony fosters a deeper connection with others, building trust and creating a safe space for conversations about faith.
  • Relate: By sharing your story, you can relate to others who may be going through similar experiences or searching for answers.
  • Illustrate: Your personal testimony provides a tangible example of the love, grace, and transformative power of the gospel.

Your personal testimony is a valuable tool in personal evangelism. It is through your story that others can see the living reality of Christ and be drawn to Him. So, take the time to reflect on your faith journey, craft your story, and boldly share it with others.

Testimonial Evangelism

Praying for Opportunities and Open Hearts

Prayer is a vital component of personal evangelism. It is through prayer that we connect with God, seeking His guidance and intervention in our evangelistic efforts. By praying for the people God places in our lives, asking for opportunities to share our faith, and interceding for open hearts and receptive spirits, we invite God to work through us as instruments of His grace and love.

Prayer for evangelism involves lifting up individuals, communities, and even entire nations to God, asking Him to touch hearts and draw people to Himself. It is an act of surrender and dependence on God’s sovereignty, acknowledging that He is the one who changes lives and opens doors for the gospel to be heard.

“Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one’s weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.” – Mahatma Gandhi

When we pray for opportunities, we are expressing our willingness and readiness to be used by God. We ask Him to create divine appointments, to bring people across our paths who are searching for answers, hope, and healing. These opportunities may come in unexpected ways and at unexpected times, but with prayer, we are sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and ready to respond.

Additionally, praying for open hearts and receptive spirits is crucial. We recognize that only God can soften hardened hearts and remove spiritual blinders. As we intercede on behalf of others, we ask God to prepare their hearts, removing any barriers and resistance to the gospel. We trust in His unfailing love and redemptive power, believing that no one is beyond His reach.

When we pray for evangelism, we are aligning our hearts with God’s heart. We are partnering with Him in His desire to see all people saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Our prayers position us to be sensitive to His leading, to recognize the opportunities He presents, and to boldly share the life-transforming message of Jesus Christ.

Prayer for Evangelism: Benefits and Effectiveness

Prayer for evangelism yields several benefits and increases the effectiveness of our efforts:

  • Strengthens our relationship with God
  • Deepens our faith and dependence on Him
  • Guides our thoughts and words
  • Increases our sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit
  • Opens our eyes to divine opportunities
  • Brings comfort, peace, and confidence
  • Aligns our hearts with God’s purpose
  • Invites God’s presence and power into our evangelistic efforts
  • Prepares the hearts of those we seek to reach
  • Strengthens the impact of our words and actions
  • Builds trust and fosters authentic connections
  • Produces lasting transformation in lives

Prayer for evangelism is not a passive activity; it is an active partnership with God. As we pray for opportunities and open hearts, we position ourselves to be agents of change in the lives of others. Our prayers pave the way for the Holy Spirit to work powerfully and demonstrate God’s love in tangible ways.

So, let us continue to pray fervently for evangelism, believing in the power of prayer to bring about transformation and salvation. By relying on God’s guidance and trusting in His timing, we can be confident that our prayers will bear fruit and that our efforts in personal evangelism will be fruitful and effective.

Bringing Compassion and Love in Evangelism

In personal evangelism, it is essential to approach others with compassion and love. By genuinely caring for the well-being of others and seeking to understand their thoughts, beliefs, and experiences, you can build trust and create an open space for conversations about faith. Showing empathy and compassion allows individuals to see the love of Christ in action and can help break down barriers to their acceptance of the gospel.

When engaging in personal evangelism, it is important to remember that each person has a unique story and background. By approaching them with empathy, you can better understand their perspective and connect with them on a deeper level. Take the time to listen attentively and show genuine concern for their struggles and doubts. This empathetic approach can help create a safe and non-judgmental space where they feel valued and understood.

“Compassion is the key that unlocks the hearts of individuals, allowing the message of the gospel to penetrate deeply.”

By demonstrating compassion in evangelism, you reflect the love of Christ and embody His teachings. Jesus showed compassion to the outcasts, the hurting, and the lost, and as His followers, we are called to do the same. By extending love and understanding to others, we can show them that Christianity is not just a set of beliefs, but a relationship centered around love and care.

When sharing the gospel, it is crucial to communicate not only with words but also through actions and attitudes. Embrace a servant-hearted approach, going beyond mere preaching and actively seeking opportunities to serve and meet the needs of those around you. When people witness the love of Christ in action, it becomes easier for them to embrace the message of the gospel.

Remember, compassion and love are powerful forces that can transform lives. They have the ability to soften hearts, bridge gaps, and inspire change. As you engage in personal evangelism, let compassion be your guiding principle, and let the love of Christ shine through your words and actions.

Sharing the Gospel with Different Contexts

Each person and situation is unique, requiring different approaches to sharing the gospel effectively. Contextual evangelism acknowledges these differences and adapts the presentation of the gospel to meet the specific needs of individuals or groups.

One effective strategy is mass evangelism in a public setting, where a large group of people can hear the message of the gospel at once. This can be done through open-air preaching, evangelistic events, or mission trips. By reaching out to a broader audience, contextual evangelism can have a significant impact on spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.

Another approach is engaging in one-on-one conversations, where a more personal connection can be established. This allows for a deeper understanding of the individual’s beliefs, doubts, and questions. By listening attentively and addressing their concerns with empathy, contextual evangelism can meet people where they are and provide relevant answers to their spiritual needs.

“Contextual evangelism is about speaking the language of the people you are trying to reach. It’s about understanding their cultural background, their worldview, and finding ways to connect the message of the gospel to their lived experiences.”

Utilizing language and examples that resonate with the listener’s background is another crucial aspect of contextual evangelism. This could mean incorporating cultural references, relevant stories, or analogies that make the message of the gospel more relatable. By speaking in a way that connects with their reality, contextual evangelism can break down barriers and foster a greater understanding and reception of the good news.

Understanding the Contextual Evangelism Process

  1. Research and learn about the culture, beliefs, and values of the target audience.
  2. Identify commonalities or points of connection between the culture and the gospel message.
  3. Adapt the presentation of the gospel, using language, stories, or examples that resonate with the specific context.
  4. Listen actively to the concerns and questions of individuals, demonstrating empathy and understanding.
  5. Address their concerns in a way that provides meaningful answers and shows the relevance of the gospel to their lives.

By sharing the gospel in a way that aligns with the context of the listener, we can effectively communicate the timeless message of God’s love and salvation. Contextual evangelism honors the diversity of God’s creation and seeks to reach people where they are, allowing the gospel to transcend cultural boundaries and impact lives.

Mass EvangelismReaching a large group of people through open-air preaching, evangelistic events, or mission trips.
One-on-One ConversationsEngaging in personal conversations to establish a deeper connection and address individual beliefs and questions.
Language and Cultural RelevanceUsing language, stories, and examples that resonate with the listener’s cultural background and worldview.

Trusting in the Holy Spirit’s Guidance

When it comes to personal evangelism, it’s important to recognize that our efforts are not solely dependent on our own human abilities. The Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in guiding and empowering believers as they share their faith with others. By placing our trust in the Holy Spirit’s leading, we can rely on His wisdom and power to bring about conviction and transformation in the hearts of individuals.

As you step out in faith to share the gospel, remember that it is the Holy Spirit who opens hearts and minds to receive the message of salvation. Even the simplest words spoken with sincerity and love can have a profound impact when empowered by the Holy Spirit.

By relying on the Holy Spirit, we invite Him to work through us and use our evangelistic efforts for His glory. Through His guidance, we can approach conversations with confidence, knowing that He will give us the words to speak and the discernment to address the unique needs and concerns of each individual we encounter.

Ultimately, the Holy Spirit is the one who brings about true transformation in the lives of others. Our role is to be faithful and obedient vessels, allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us as we share the message of Jesus Christ. With the Holy Spirit as our guide, we can have confidence that our efforts in personal evangelism are not in vain.

Benefits of relying on the Holy SpiritExamples
1. Conviction and transformationSeeing individuals experience a genuine change of heart and life through the power of the Holy Spirit.
2. Divine guidanceReceiving wisdom and discernment from the Holy Spirit to navigate conversations and address specific needs and concerns.
3. Effective communicationExperiencing the Holy Spirit’s enabling to effectively communicate the message of the gospel with clarity and impact.
4. Fruitful resultsSeeing individuals respond to the gospel and come to faith in Jesus Christ as a result of the Holy Spirit’s work.


Personal evangelism is a vital practice for Christians to fulfill the Great Commission and spread the message of Jesus Christ. Through careful preparation, active engagement, and practical tips, believers can effectively share their faith with love, compassion, and authenticity. By trusting in the guidance of the Holy Spirit and relying on the power of prayer, personal evangelism can become a natural and impactful part of everyday life.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can overcome obstacles and effectively communicate the transformative power of the gospel. Remember to be authentic, actively listen to others, and be prepared to address challenging questions or objections. Additionally, approach personal evangelism with compassion and love, seeking to understand others’ perspectives and experiences.

When sharing the gospel, remember the importance of contextualizing your message to resonate with different situations and individuals. Whether through one-on-one conversations or mass evangelism efforts, adapt your approach to meet the unique needs of your audience. Finally, trust in the Holy Spirit’s guidance as you step out in faith, knowing that He can work through you to touch hearts and bring people into a life-changing relationship with God.


What is personal evangelism?

Personal evangelism is the act of sharing the message of Jesus Christ with others, showing and telling them who Jesus is and how they can have a relationship with Him.

Why is personal evangelism important?

Personal evangelism is an essential aspect of the Christian faith because it allows believers to fulfill the Great Commission given by Jesus to go and make disciples of all nations.

How can I prepare for personal evangelism?

To prepare for personal evangelism, it is important to seek God’s guidance through prayer, develop a curious and empathetic mindset, identify your sphere of influence, and craft and practice your personal testimony.

How can I engage in personal evangelism?

Engaging in personal evangelism involves actively sharing your faith through various modes such as body mode evangelism, natural mode evangelism, and initiative mode evangelism.

What are some tips for effective personal evangelism?

Tips for effective personal evangelism include being authentic and genuine, actively listening to others, being prepared to answer challenging questions, and relying on the power of the Holy Spirit.

What obstacles can arise in personal evangelism?

Obstacles in personal evangelism can include fear, anxiety, and nervousness, as well as barriers or objections that individuals may have towards the message of the gospel.

How can I use my personal testimony in evangelism?

Your personal testimony can be a powerful tool in personal evangelism as it allows others to see how God’s love and grace have worked in your life and can provide hope and encouragement.

How does prayer play a role in personal evangelism?

Prayer is vital in personal evangelism as it invites God to work through you, intercede for open hearts, and guide your conversations.

How can I bring compassion and love into personal evangelism?

Approach others with genuine care and seek to understand their thoughts, beliefs, and experiences, showing empathy and creating an open space for conversations about faith.

How can I share the gospel effectively in different contexts?

Contextual evangelism involves adapting the presentation of the gospel to meet the specific needs of individuals or groups, utilizing different approaches and language that resonate with the listener’s background.

How can I rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance in personal evangelism?

Trust in the leading and work of the Holy Spirit, knowing that He can open hearts, bring conviction, and transform lives as you step out in faith and obedience.

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  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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