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Solomon: Known for Wisdom and Building the Temple


Welcome to our article series on the legendary figure of Solomon, renowned for his wisdom and his role as the king of Israel. Solomon’s story is one of great achievements and influence, leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating aspects of Solomon’s life and the remarkable feats he accomplished.

Key Takeaways:

  • Solomon’s wisdom and judgment set him apart as a remarkable leader.
  • The construction of the Temple in Jerusalem was one of Solomon’s greatest accomplishments.
  • His control over trade routes and commercial ventures contributed to the prosperity of his kingdom.
  • Solomon’s reign marked a period of power and prosperity for Israel.
  • The legacy of Solomon and his Temple continues to be celebrated.

The Building of the Temple

Solomon’s greatest achievement was the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem. It was a permanent structure and a place of worship and religious activity. The account of the preparations for the temple is detailed in the biblical text, highlighting the significance of this accomplishment.

Solomon's Temple

“And Solomon made all the things that were in the house of God: the golden altar also, and the tables whereon the showbread was set; Moreover the candlesticks with their lamps, that they should burn after the manner before the oracle, of pure gold; And the flowers, and the lamps, and the tongs, made he of gold, and that perfect gold;”

2 Chronicles 4:19-21 (KJV)
Feature Description
Size The Temple was expansive, measuring 90 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 45 feet tall.
Materials The Temple was constructed using the finest materials, including cedar wood, gold, and precious stones.
Design The Temple featured intricate architectural details, such as carvings of cherubim, palm trees, and open flowers.
Interior The interior of the Temple housed various sacred artifacts, including the Ark of the Covenant.
Purpose The Temple served as a center of worship and a symbol of God’s presence among His people.

This magnificent structure stood as a testament to Solomon’s devotion to God and his desire to honor Him through the construction of a grand place of worship.

Solomon’s Dominion and Control

Solomon, the renowned Israelite king, solidified his power by employing various strategies to establish dominion over his kingdom. Through eliminating his adversaries and appointing loyal confidants in key positions, Solomon’s control extended to the military, government, and religious institutions. His astute leadership enabled him to expand and maintain his dominion.

Military Presence

Solomon recognized the importance of a strong military force in maintaining control. He developed a formidable army comprised of infantry, chariotry, and cavalry. This military presence not only protected his borders but also provided a means to expand his dominion through strategic conquests.

Political Maneuvering

One of Solomon’s key strategies was to place trusted allies in influential positions within the government. By surrounding himself with loyal supporters, he ensured that his policies and directives were implemented effectively. This political maneuvering cemented his authority and prevented potential challenges to his rule.

Religious Institutions

Solomon’s dominion extended to the religious realm as well. He exercised control over the priesthood and religious institutions by appointing individuals who aligned with his authority and vision. This allowed him to shape the religious landscape of his kingdom and influence the spiritual practices of his subjects.

“Solomon’s ability to consolidate his power through strategic alliances and strong leadership made him a formidable ruler in the region.” – Historical Scholar

In summary, Solomon’s dominion and control were established through the elimination of opponents, strategic appointments, and a strong military presence. This comprehensive approach ensured his authority over military, government, and religious institutions, allowing him to expand and maintain his dominion.

Methods of Dominion and Control Key Characteristics
Military Presence Infantry, chariotry, cavalry
Political Maneuvering Appointing loyal allies
Religious Institutions Establishing authority over priesthood

Solomon's dominion and control

Solomon’s Commercial Ventures

Solomon recognized the immense potential in trade and sought to capitalize on it. He strategically established Israelite colonies along key trading routes, both overland and sea, to strengthen his commercial interests and establish control over trade routes.

By connecting Asia and Africa through these trade routes, Solomon was able to facilitate the exchange of goods and foster economic prosperity in his kingdom. His commercial ventures played a pivotal role in the growth and wealth of Israel during his reign.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the trade routes that Solomon developed:

The Incense Route

“The Incense Route, also known as the Frankincense Trail, was one of the major trade routes established by Solomon. It stretched from southern Arabia to the Mediterranean coast, passing through Israelite territories. This route allowed for the transport of valuable perfumes and spices, enriching Solomon’s kingdom and expanding his influence.”

The King’s Highway

“The King’s Highway was an ancient trade route that connected the Gulf of Aqaba to the River Euphrates. Solomon recognized its strategic importance and established colonies along this route, facilitating trade in precious metals, stones, and other valuable resources. The King’s Highway played a vital role in boosting the prosperity of Solomon’s kingdom.”

Through his astute understanding of trade and maritime routes, Solomon’s dominion extended to distant lands, allowing him to establish trading partnerships with neighboring kingdoms, such as Egypt, Phoenicia, and Arabia.

Trade Routes Description
The Incense Route Connects southern Arabia to the Mediterranean coast.
The King’s Highway Links the Gulf of Aqaba to the River Euphrates.
The Red Sea Route Connects the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean.

Solomon’s commercial ventures not only brought wealth and prosperity to his kingdom but also fostered cultural exchange and diplomatic relations with neighboring nations.

Solomon's commercial ventures

“Solomon’s Temple stands as a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of ancient builders, as well as the devotion and faith of those who worshiped within its walls.”

The legacy of Solomon’s Temple extends beyond its physical presence. It has inspired countless works of art, literature, and architecture, leaving a lasting impression on cultures across the globe. The Temple serves as a reminder of Solomon’s wisdom, his dedication to honoring God, and his commitment to creating a sacred space for spiritual connection.

Today, the influence of Solomon’s Temple can still be felt, as its architectural features and designs have been incorporated into numerous sacred structures and religious art. The Temple’s immense cultural impact has solidified its place in history as a symbol of God’s presence and human devotion.

Legacy of Solomon’s Temple Significance
Inspired architectural designs Many buildings and structures, both religious and secular, draw inspiration from the distinctive features of Solomon’s Temple.
Cultural and artistic impact The Temple’s influence can be seen in literature, art, and various cultural expressions around the world.
Religious heritage Solomon’s Temple continues to be a symbol of faith and a sacred place for spiritual connection.

Solomon’s Wisdom and Judgment

Solomon, revered for his exceptional wisdom and discernment, showcased his remarkable decision-making abilities throughout his reign. One of the most renowned examples of his wisdom is the story of the judgment between two women claiming to be the mother of a child.

Here is the account of Solomon’s wise judgment:

Two women came before King Solomon, each declaring herself to be the true mother of a baby. They lived together and had given birth within days of each other, causing confusion and conflict. Unable to determine the rightful mother, King Solomon devised a clever plan to reveal the truth.

King Solomon declared, “Bring me a sword!”

With the sword in hand, he proposed cutting the baby in half, giving each woman half the child. One of the women immediately cried out, “Please, O king, let her have the baby. Just don’t kill him!”

King Solomon, recognizing the true mother’s selfless love, declared, “Give the baby to the first woman. She is the true mother, for she would rather see the child live than claim him as her own.”

This wise judgment demonstrated Solomon’s ability to cut through deception and identify the genuine maternal bond. His reputation for wisdom and fairness spread far and wide, solidifying his stature as a remarkable leader.

Solomon's wisdom and judgment

Key Points
Solomon’s exceptional wisdom
The story of the judgment between two women
King Solomon’s insightful plan to reveal the true mother
Recognition of the genuine maternal bond
Establishment of Solomon’s reputation as a wise and fair leader

Succession and Descendants

After Solomon’s reign, his son Rehoboam ascended to the throne, continuing his father’s legacy. However, Rehoboam’s policies were harsh, leading to discontent among the people and ultimately resulting in the division of the kingdom.

According to Ethiopian tradition, their emperors were believed to be descendants of both Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. This belief stems from the legendary romance between Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, which produced a lasting legacy.

Descendant Reign
Rehoboam 972-932 BCE
Abijah 922-915 BCE
Asa 913-873 BCE

“And Solomon slept with his fathers and was buried in the city of David his father: and Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead.”

— 1 Kings 11:43

While the kingdom faced its challenges and divisions, the lineage of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba continued to shape the history and traditions of Ethiopia.

Solomon's descendants

The Division of the Kingdom

The division of the kingdom into the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah marked a significant turning point in the history of Solomon’s descendants. The kingdom would face political, religious, and cultural shifts, ultimately leading to the decline and exile of both kingdoms. However, the enduring legacy of Solomon and his descendants continued to resonate throughout the generations.

Solomon’s Final Instructions

As the end of his reign drew near, Solomon, the wise king of Israel and son of David, gave his final instructions to his son, Solomon. These instructions served as a guide for the young prince as he prepared to assume the throne and continue his father’s legacy. Anchored in the principles of righteousness, wisdom, and obedience to God, Solomon’s final instructions provided invaluable wisdom for a successful reign.

First and foremost, Solomon emphasized the importance of keeping the commandments of God. He understood that obedience to God’s laws would bring blessings to the nation and ensure their prosperity. By adhering to these commandments, Solomon’s son would establish himself as a just and honorable ruler, leading the people with integrity and righteousness.

Solomon also stressed the significance of studying the law. Knowledge of the law would equip Solomon’s son with the wisdom and discernment needed to make sound judgments and decisions. It would enable him to govern with fairness and justice, ensuring that the rights of the people were protected and upheld.

In his final instructions, Solomon provided guidance on how to navigate relationships with both enemies and friends. He advised his son to be cautious when dealing with enemies, to be aware of their intentions, and to seek peaceful resolutions whenever possible. Additionally, Solomon encouraged his son to choose his friends wisely, surrounding himself with individuals of integrity and virtue.

“Choose your friends with care, my son, for they will greatly influence your character and the well-being of the kingdom. Surround yourself with those who will uphold your standards and share your vision for a righteous nation.”

Solomon’s final instructions were not only focused on the affairs of the kingdom but also emphasized the importance of maintaining a spiritual connection with God. He encouraged his son to seek wisdom and guidance from the Almighty, to rely on Him in times of difficulty and to acknowledge Him in times of prosperity.

As the wisest king of Israel, Solomon’s final instructions carried immense weight and served as a blueprint for leadership. They were rooted in wisdom, righteousness, and a deep faith in God. Through these instructions, Solomon sought to ensure a smooth transition of power and the continued prosperity of the nation he loved.

Key Takeaways:

  • Solomon’s final instructions to his son Solomon emphasized the importance of keeping God’s commandments and studying the law.
  • He provided guidance on dealing with enemies and friends, emphasizing the importance of choosing wise and virtuous companions.
  • Solomon’s final instructions also emphasized the importance of maintaining a spiritual connection with God, seeking wisdom and guidance from Him.

Punishments and Exiles

In his quest to maintain control and authority, Solomon was faced with rebellious figures who sought to undermine his rule. Two notable individuals who faced punishment were Abiathar and Joab.

Abiathar’s Banishment

Abiathar, a priest and supporter of Solomon’s rival Adonijah, plotted against the king’s reign. Recognizing the threat, Solomon banished Abiathar from Jerusalem and removed him from his position as the high priest. This bold action not only eliminated a potential source of opposition but also solidified Solomon’s authority in matters of religion and spirituality.

Joab’s Execution

Joab, a loyal general of King David, was guilty of committing murder under Solomon’s rule. Despite seeking sanctuary at the altar, where it was customary to find protection, Joab was denied refuge. Solomon’s firm stance on justice prevailed, and Joab was executed for his crime. This served as a clear message that no one, regardless of their past loyalty or standing, would be exempt from the consequences of their actions.

By swiftly and decisively dealing with these rebellious figures, Solomon showcased his ability to maintain order and uphold justice within his kingdom. These punishments served as a reminder that no one was above the law and that Solomon’s authority would not be challenged.


Solomon, renowned for his extraordinary wisdom, grand building projects, and strategic control over trade routes, undoubtedly left behind an indelible legacy. During his reign, Israel experienced a remarkable period of prosperity and wielded great power in the region. However, it is Solomon’s Temple, a testament to both his faith and architectural brilliance, that stands as the most enduring symbol of his reign.

The Temple, fortified with intricate design and grandeur, was not only a place of worship but also a reflection of Solomon’s commitment to God and his people. Its magnificence captivated the hearts of all who beheld it and continues to inspire awe through the ages. Solomon’s Temple holds a hallowed place in history, revered for its significance and profound spiritual impact.

Today, Solomon’s legacy as a sagacious and influential king continues to be celebrated. His wisdom and judgment, exemplified in various accounts such as the famous dispute between two women claiming motherhood, distinguish him as an exceptional leader. Furthermore, his shrewd control over trade routes solidified Israel’s economic prosperity, leaving a lasting impact on the region.

The story of Solomon’s reign serves as an inspiration, reminding us of the power of wisdom, the pursuit of excellence, and the enduring legacy one can leave behind. Solomon, the king known for his wisdom, opulent construction projects, and astute control over trade, remains a figure of admiration and reverence in history.


What is Solomon known for?

Solomon is known for his unparalleled wisdom and the magnificent Temple he built in Jerusalem. He is celebrated for his wisdom and his role as the king of Israel.

What was Solomon’s greatest achievement?

Solomon’s greatest achievement was the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem. It was a permanent structure and a place of worship and religious activity. The account of the preparations for the temple is detailed in the biblical text, highlighting the significance of this accomplishment.

How did Solomon consolidate his power?

Solomon consolidated his power by eliminating his opponents and placing his friends in key positions within the military, government, and religious institutions. He also had a strong military presence, including infantry, chariotry, and cavalry, which helped him control and expand his dominion.

What were Solomon’s commercial ventures?

Solomon recognized the importance of trade and established Israelite colonies along key trading routes to strengthen his commercial interests. He sought to control overland and sea trade routes, connecting Asia and Africa. His commercial ventures contributed to the prosperity and wealth of his kingdom.

Who was the Queen of Sheba and what was her relationship with Solomon?

The Queen of Sheba ruled a wealthy kingdom along the Red Sea route. She visited Solomon to establish trade connections and their interaction is also legendary as a romance story. The Queen of Sheba brought valuable goods, and her visit solidified the connections between their kingdoms.

What did Solomon build in Jerusalem?

Solomon embarked on a vast building program, especially in Jerusalem. He constructed a city wall, a royal palace, and the renowned Temple. His building projects extended beyond Jerusalem, as he established facilities for foreign traders throughout the region.

What is the significance of Solomon’s Temple?

Solomon’s Temple held great significance throughout history. Its site later became the location for the Second Temple, and it remains an iconic symbol of worship and religious heritage. The legacy of Solomon’s Temple extends far beyond its physical structure.

What are Solomon’s known for in terms of wisdom and judgment?

Solomon is renowned for his wisdom and judgment. The biblical accounts highlight his wise decision-making, such as the famous story of the judgment between two women claiming to be the mother of a child. His wisdom and judgment set him apart as a remarkable leader.

What happened after Solomon’s reign?

Solomon was succeeded by his son Rehoboam, who continued his harsh policies and ultimately led to the division of the kingdom. According to Ethiopian tradition, their emperors were believed to be descendants of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.

What were Solomon’s final instructions?

Before his death, Solomon instructed his son Rehoboam to keep the commandments of God, study the law, and exercise righteous judgment. He provided guidance on dealing with enemies and friends, ensuring a smooth transition of power.

How did Solomon deal with rebellious figures?

Solomon dealt with rebellious figures such as Abiathar and Joab, who attempted to undermine his rule. He banished Abiathar from Jerusalem and removed him from his position as high priest. Joab, guilty of murder, was not given sanctuary at the altar and faced execution.

What is the legacy of Solomon?

Solomon, known for his wisdom, building projects, and control over trade routes, left behind a lasting legacy. His reign marked a period of prosperity and power for Israel, and his Temple remains a symbol of faith and architectural brilliance. Solomon’s legacy as a wise and influential king continues to be celebrated.

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  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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