What the Bible says about Orphans – The Bible is filled with examples of God’s special concern for orphans. In fact, the Bible is full of references to God’s special love for the fatherless and how He desires that they be cared for. The Bible clearly states that God defends the rights of orphans and commands people to do the same (James 1:27).
The Bible says that those who help orphans are blessed and those who neglect them will be punished (Psalm 68:5). The Bible also emphasizes the need for compassion, mercy, and justice for orphans, and exhorts us to remember that God will judge us according to how we treat orphans (Isaiah 1:17). Ultimately, the Bible teaches us that orphans should be given special consideration as they are beloved of God.
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What the Bible says about Orphans
Orphans are some of the most vulnerable members of society. They are often overlooked, forgotten, and ignored. Thankfully, the Bible has much to say about orphans and how we should treat them. In this blog post, we will explore what the Bible has to say about orphans, from God’s heart for them to the Bible’s call for us to provide for them.
What is the Bible definition of an Orphan
The Bible is filled with stories about orphans and references to their plight, emphasizing the importance of providing for and protecting the orphaned and vulnerable. The Bible’s definition of an orphan is a person who has lost one or both parents due to death, abandonment, or separation, and thus has no one to provide for or protect them.

The Bible speaks of the importance of caring for orphans and other vulnerable people, and also uses the term in a spiritual sense to refer to those who have been abandoned by God. In addition to being a call to action for believers, the Biblical definition of an orphan serves as a reminder of the need to protect the innocent and provide for those in need.

Causes that might Produce Orphans in the Bible
- War: Throughout the Bible, war is the most common cause of orphans. In the Book of Judges, for example, the Israelites are involved in frequent conflicts with surrounding nations, leading to a large number of orphans in the region. In the Book of Samuel, King Saul leads a war against the Philistines and many of the families on both sides are destroyed, leaving many orphans.
- Slavery: Slavery was a common practice in the Bible, and many children were left as orphans when their parents were sold into slavery. This is particularly true in the books of Exodus and Leviticus, where God commands the Israelites to treat their slaves well and provides instructions on how to deal with orphans created by slavery.
- Poverty: Poverty was a major cause of orphanhood in the Bible. In the book of Deuteronomy, God commands the Israelites to care for the poor, which includes providing for orphans. In the Book of Ruth, Naomi and her two sons are left destitute after her husband dies, and her sons are forced to marry foreign women in order to provide for the family.
- Disease: Disease was a common cause of death in the Bible and could lead to orphans when a parent died from an illness. In the book of Exodus, God sends a plague to punish Pharaoh and many of the Egyptians die from it, leaving many orphans.
- Death of a Parent: The death of a parent was a common cause of orphanhood in the Bible. In the book of Genesis, for example, Abraham and Sarah have a son, Isaac, but Sarah dies before Isaac is old enough to take care of himself, leaving him an orphan. In the Book of Ruth, both of Naomi’s sons die, leaving her two daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah, orphans.
Bible Verses about Orphans
The Bible is packed with verses that speak to God’s heart for orphans. Here are just a few of them:
“Father to the fatherless, defender of widows—this is God, whose dwelling is holy.” (Psalm 68:5)
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.” (Proverbs 31:8-9)
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27)

What Does the Bible say about Helping Orphans
- James 1:27: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” This verse emphasizes the importance of helping and caring for orphans. Not only is it a religious obligation, but it also provides an opportunity to demonstrate love and compassion.
- Psalm 68:5: “Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.” This verse reminds us that God is our protector and that He cares for the vulnerable. It also encourages us to do our part and to help those in need.
- Isaiah 1:17: “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” This verse is a strong call to action, emphasizing our responsibility to defend the rights of orphans and widows.
- Psalm 10:17-18: “You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more.” This verse reminds us that God is always listening to the cries of the oppressed and that we can be His hands and feet in providing comfort and assistance to those in need.
- Proverbs 14:31: “He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.” This verse encourages us to show kindness and compassion to those in need, as it is a reflection of our love for God. It also reminds us that we should never take advantage of the vulnerable.
- Proverbs 31:8-9: “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” This verse encourages us to take a stand for those who cannot speak for themselves and to fight for justice on their behalf. It emphasizes the importance of being an advocate for the less fortunate.
Ways a Church can Proactively Help Children Not to Become Fatherless
- Provide Mentorship Programs: Churches can provide mentors for children who have absent fathers in order to give them a positive male role model in their lives. Mentorship programs can involve one-on-one meetings between the mentor and mentee, as well as group activities that provide more socialization opportunities.
- Offer Father-Child Bonding Activities: Churches can offer special events and classes that help to foster a bond between fathers and their children. These can include father-child sports leagues, father-child cooking classes, and other activities that bring fathers and their children together.
- Provide Financial Assistance: Churches can help families in need by providing financial assistance to help cover the cost of basic necessities and other bills. This can help relieve the financial burden on single mothers and ensure that children have the resources they need to succeed.
- Encourage Father Involvement: Churches can promote father involvement by hosting events and activities that involve fathers and their children. This can include father-child movie nights, father-child picnics, and other activities that help to strengthen the bond between fathers and their children.
- Provide Support Groups: Churches can provide support groups for both fathers and children from fatherless homes in order to provide them with a safe and supportive environment. These groups can offer resources and advice, as well as provide an opportunity for fathers and their children to engage in meaningful conversations.
- Offer Counseling Services: Churches can offer counseling services to children from fatherless homes in order to help them work through their emotions and any issues they may be facing due to their situation. Counseling can also be beneficial for fathers as it can help them to better understand their role in the lives of their children.
- Educate Parents: Churches can provide educational programs and workshops to help parents understand the importance of their role in their children’s lives. These programs can help to emphasize the responsibility of fathers and how their involvement can make a positive impact on their children.
- Advocate for Fathers’ Rights: Churches can advocate for fathers’ rights in order to ensure that fathers are given the opportunity to be involved in their children’s lives. This can include advocating for fair child custody laws and other policies that help to promote father involvement.

God’s Heart for the Fatherless
As we can see from these verses, God is deeply concerned for the fatherless, the widow, and the oppressed. He calls us to speak up for them and to ensure justice for them. He also calls us to provide for them and to give them a voice. He sees their suffering and their plight, and He is moved to action.
- God is a Father to the Fatherless: The Bible speaks of God as a “Father to the fatherless” (Psalm 68:5). This means that God looks out for the needs of orphans and provides for them. He takes care of them in a special way, and He promises to provide for all their needs.
- God is Compassionate Toward Orphans: The Bible tells us that God has compassion on orphans and vulnerable children (Exodus 22:22-24). He cares for them, and He commands us to do the same.
- God is their Protector and Defender: God promises to “defend the cause of the fatherless” (Isaiah 1:17). He is a protector and a defender of orphans, and He watches over them.
- God is their Provider: God promises to provide for all the needs of orphans (Psalm 68:5-6). He knows what they need and He will provide for them if they put their trust in Him.
- God Cares for Orphans: The Bible tells us that God cares deeply for orphans (Matthew 18:5-6). He understands their loneliness and their pain, and He promises to never leave them alone.
- God Loves Orphans: The Bible tells us that God loves orphans and vulnerable children (Deuteronomy 10:18). He loves them deeply, and He wants to show them His love through our care and compassion.
The Adoption of Orphans
The Bible also speaks of adoption for orphans. We know that God adopted us into His family, and He calls us to do the same for orphans. We can give them a loving home and a sense of belonging. We can also show them the love of God and help equip them for a successful future.
- Educate Yourself: Before beginning the adoption process, it is important to do research and educate yourself on the different types of adoption available and the specific requirements in each state. It is also important to understand the complexities of the process and any potential legal or financial implications.
- Choose the Type of Adoption: There are many types of adoption available, including international, domestic, foster care, and private adoption. It is important to consider the pros and cons of each type of adoption and decide which one is best for your family.
- Choose an Adoption Agency: Once you have decided on the type of adoption you would like to pursue, it is time to find an adoption agency. It is important to research the agency, read reviews, and ask questions to make sure it is the right fit for you.
- Home Study: A home study is an essential part of the adoption process. This is an in-depth interview with a social worker who will assess your family and home environment to ensure it is suitable for adoption.
- Create an Adoption Profile: You will need to create an adoption profile that includes information about your family and why you want to adopt. This will be used to match you with potential birth parents.
- Wait for a Match: Once your profile is complete, you will need to wait for a potential birth parent to select you as the adoptive family. You may be required to participate in a meeting or multiple meetings with the birth parent to ensure the match is right for both parties.
- Finalize the Adoption: After the birth parent has selected you, you will need to complete the adoption process. This includes filing paperwork and obtaining a court order. Depending on the type of adoption, there may be other steps involved.
- Post-Adoption: After the adoption is finalized, you may need to complete post-adoption services, such as counseling, support groups, and home visits. These services are designed to ensure the best possible outcome for the adopted child.
The Poor and Needy in the Bible
The Bible is full of verses that speak to God’s concern for the poor and the needy. He calls us to provide for them and to care for them. He also calls us to be generous and to give to those who are in need.
“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.” (Proverbs 19:17)
“He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing.” (Deuteronomy 10:18)
Today Orphans from Poverty
- Unaffordable Medical Care: In many parts of the world, medical care can be extremely expensive, especially in cases of serious illnesses or injuries. When families can’t afford medical care, they may be forced to make the difficult decision to abandon their child to an orphanage in order to get them the medical care they need.
- War and Natural Disasters: War is a major cause of poverty and displacement. Families forced to flee their homes due to war or natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and famines may be unable to take their children with them, leaving them vulnerable to becoming orphans.
- Lack of Education Opportunities: Education can be costly, especially for large families living in poverty. When families are unable to provide their children with educational opportunities, it can lead to a cycle of poverty that may eventually lead to abandonment.
- Drug or Alcohol Abuse: Substance abuse can lead to economic instability, leaving families unable to provide for their children. It can also lead to irresponsible parenting, placing children in dangerous situations.
- Domestic Violence: Domestic violence is a major factor in poverty and a major risk factor for orphanhood. Children in homes with domestic violence are more likely to be abandoned or placed in foster care.
- Human Trafficking: Human trafficking is a global issue that affects thousands of children each year. Traffickers often target children living in poverty, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation and abandonment.
The Bible’s Call Provision by Harvest
The Bible also speaks of provision for those in need. God calls us to be generous in providing for the poor, the needy, and the fatherless. He calls us to be generous in our giving, and He promises to bless us for our generosity.
“Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.” (Deuteronomy 15:10)
- Gleanings: According to the Old Testament, God wanted the harvesters to leave some of the stalks of grain in the field for the poor. Leviticus 19:9-10 states, “When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap to the very edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest. You shall leave them for the poor and for the sojourner: I am the Lord your God.” This provides an opportunity for the poor and the strangers to collect food from the harvests.
- The Corner of the Field: Deuteronomy 24:19-21 states that God also wanted the harvesters to leave some of the grain in the corners of their fields for the poor. “When you reap your harvest in your field and forget a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it. It shall be for the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands. When you beat your olive trees, you shall not go over the boughs again. It shall be for the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow.”
- The Forgotten Sheaves: Deuteronomy 24:19-21 also states that God wanted the harvesters to leave some of the sheaves of grain in the field that may be forgotten. These are forgotten sheaves of grain that the harvesters may have accidentally left behind. These forgotten sheaves of grain would have been a source of food for the poor and destitute.
- The Poor Tithe: Every third year, God commanded the people to set aside a tithe for the poor. This tithe was to be used to provide food for the poor, orphans, and widows. Deuteronomy 14:28-29 states, “At the end of every three years you shall bring out all the tithe of your produce in the same year and lay it up within your towns. And the Levite, because he has no portion or inheritance with you, and the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, who are within your towns, shall come and eat and be filled, that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands that you do.”
- The Festival Offerings: God also commanded the people to make offerings during festivals. These offerings were to be given to the poor, the fatherless, and the widows. Deuteronomy 16:11-12 says, “And you shall rejoice before the Lord your God, you and your son and your daughter, your male servant and your female servant, the Levite who is within your towns, the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow who are among you, at the place that the Lord your God will choose, to make his name dwell there.” These offerings would have provided food for the orphans and other destitute people.
15 Unique Bible Facts about Orphans
Oppression of Orphans in the Bible
The Bible speaks of the dangers of oppressing orphans. God is clear that those who mistreat orphans will be punished for their actions. He calls us to treat orphans with respect and compassion, not exploitation.
“Whoever mistreats the fatherless or the widow and does not give them justice is like a warrior who attacks a defenseless person.” (Proverbs 24:11)
Protection for Orphans in Scripture
The Bible also speaks of protection for orphans. God calls us to protect them from harm and to ensure that they are safe. He calls us to be their advocates and to help ensure that they are not taken advantage of.
“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” (Isaiah 1:17)
What the Bible Says about Orphans
The overall message of the Bible is clear: we are to care for orphans. God calls us to be generous and to provide for them, to speak up for them, and to protect them. He calls us to be His hands and feet in caring for the vulnerable members of our society.
What God Has to Say about Orphans
God has much to say about orphans in the Bible. He calls us to care for them, to provide for them, and to protect them. He calls us to be compassionate and generous in our giving, and He promises to bless us for our efforts.
Bible Snack – Solutions to Preventing Fatherless
Ways to Help Orphans Today
- Donate to an Orphanage: Donating money to an orphanage is one of the best ways to help orphans around the world. Many orphanages rely on donations to provide basic necessities such as food, clothing, and medical care for the children in their care. Donations can also be used to fund activities and programs that give the children the opportunity to develop socially and emotionally.
- Support Organizations that Help Orphans: There are many organizations around the world that focus on helping orphans. These organizations provide a variety of services and assistance, from providing basic necessities to providing educational and vocational opportunities for these children. Supporting these organizations financially will allow them to continue providing assistance and services to orphans.
- Sponsor a Child: Sponsoring a child is another great way to help an orphan. Sponsorship programs allow you to provide financial support to a child in need and can also provide a sense of connection and hope to the child. This can be done through organizations that specialize in the sponsorship of orphans or through direct contact with the orphanage.
- Volunteer Your Time: Volunteering your time to work with orphans is another wonderful way to help. Volunteering at an orphanage or orphanage-related organization can give you the opportunity to provide direct assistance to the children and help create a positive atmosphere for them to grow and develop.
- Start a Fundraising Campaign: Starting a fundraising campaign for an orphanage or organization that helps orphans is a great way to create awareness and raise money to help these children. Fundraising campaigns can be done online or through traditional methods such as bake sales, car washes, or other events.
- Advocate for Orphans: Advocating for orphans and for the rights of orphans is a powerful way to help them. This can include writing to your local representatives, attending rallies and events that advocate for the rights of orphans, or writing articles to raise awareness about the plight of orphans.
The Bible’s Teachings on Orphans
The Bible’s teachings on orphans can be summed up in one simple phrase: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” We are called to love our neighbors, to care for them, and to provide for them. We are called to be generous and to show compassion to those in need.
Examples of Orphans in the Bible
The Bible contains many examples of orphans, from Moses to David to Jesus. We can learn much from these examples, such as the importance of embracing the fatherless and providing for their needs.
Bible’s use of Orphan Symbolism
Throughout history, the Bible has been used to illustrate many different concepts and ideas. One of the most prevalent of these is the use of orphan symbolism. The Bible often uses orphan symbolism to represent vulnerability, suffering, and loss. This symbolism can be found in many different stories and contexts in the Bible.
In the Old Testament, one of the most prominent examples of orphan symbolism is in the story of Moses. Moses was taken in by an Egyptian princess and raised as an adopted son, but was never accepted by Pharaoh’s court. Moses’ status as an orphan symbolizes his vulnerability and lack of power. Similarly, in the New Testament, Jesus’s status as an orphan can be seen as a symbol of his suffering and powerlessness.
Another example of orphan symbolism in the Bible is found in the story of Ruth. After the death of her husband, Ruth is left without a father or a husband to provide for her. This makes her vulnerable and in need of protection, which is symbolized by her status as an orphan.
In addition to being used to represent vulnerability and suffering, orphan symbolism is also used to represent redemption. In the New Testament, the story of Zacchaeus is an example of this. Zacchaeus was a tax collector and an outcast in society. After meeting Jesus, he was redeemed and welcomed as an adopted son. The transformation of Zacchaeus from outcast to adopted son symbolizes the redemption that is available to all who come to Jesus.
The Bible also uses orphan symbolism to represent hope and perseverance. In the Old Testament, the story of Joseph is an example of this. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, but was eventually saved and made second-in-command of Egypt. The story of Joseph is symbolic of the hope that can be found even in the darkest of times.
Finally, orphan symbolism is also used in the Bible to represent a call to action. In the Old Testament, the story of Esther is an example of this. Esther was an orphaned Jewish girl who was chosen to be the queen of Persia. She used her power to save her people from certain death. The story of Esther is symbolic of the call to action that we all have to fight injustice and stand up for those who are vulnerable and in need.
The Bible’s use of orphan symbolism is a powerful reminder of the suffering, vulnerability, redemption, hope, and perseverance that can be found even in the darkest of times. It is also a reminder of the call to action that we all have to fight for the vulnerable and stand up for those in need. The use of orphan symbolism in the Bible is a powerful tool for teaching us about the power of faith, hope, and love.
Read the Bible to Understand Orphans
If you want to learn more about orphans and how to care for them, the best place to start is the Bible. It is full of verses that speak to God’s heart for the fatherless and provide guidance on how to care for them.
Embracing Orphans in the Bible
The Bible calls us to embrace orphans and to provide for their needs. We are called to be generous and to show them compassion. We are also called to speak up for them and to ensure justice for them.
Ways We Can Help Orphans Today
Our world is filled with children who have been orphaned and left without a family. The emotional and physical burden of being an orphan can be heartbreaking and overwhelming. Thankfully, there are ways we can help orphans today and make a difference in the lives of these vulnerable children. Here are a few ways we can make a positive impact in the lives of orphans.
Churches: Churches have long been a source of hope and comfort for those in need. They can help provide food, shelter, and other resources to orphans. Most churches have an outreach program that provides assistance to those in need. Churches can also offer spiritual guidance and emotional support to orphans. Some churches even offer special programs to help connect orphans with families who can adopt them.
Families: Families can provide much-needed love and support to orphans. They can help provide clothing, food, and even basic needs such as education. Families can also provide a safe and secure home for orphans and give them a sense of belonging. Families can also serve as mentors to orphans, helping them develop good life skills and coping mechanisms.
Schools: Schools have a responsibility to provide orphans with a quality education. Schools can provide a safe and secure learning environment where orphans can thrive. They can provide the necessary tools for orphans to do well in school and prepare them for a successful future. Schools can also provide emotional support to orphans and help them cope with the loss of their family.
Big Brother: Big Brother programs are designed to pair orphans with a responsible adult mentor who can offer guidance and support. This can be a valuable resource for orphans who need someone to talk to, someone to help them work through their issues and make important decisions. Big Brothers can also help orphans build confidence, self-esteem, and positive relationships.
Adoption: Adopting an orphan can be a wonderful way to provide a loving home and family to a child in need. Adoption can provide a secure and stable home for orphans and help them develop the necessary skills to become successful adults. Adoption can also give orphans the opportunity to build lasting relationships and have a positive impact on their future.
We can all make a difference in the lives of orphans today. From providing support and resources to helping them find a loving home, there are many ways we can help orphans. By taking the time to learn more about how we can help orphans, we can make a real difference in the lives of those in need.
Final Thoughts
The Bible is clear about the importance of caring for orphans. God calls us to provide for them, to protect them, and to show them compassion. He calls us to be generous and to speak up for the fatherless. May we all strive to be a voice for the voiceless and to show God’s love to the fatherless.