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What Does the Bible say about Liars and Manipulators KJV (2024)

What Does the Bible say about Liars and Manipulators

What Does the Bible say about Liars and Manipulators KJV – The Bible is a source of moral guidance for many, and it speaks about many topics, including lying and manipulation. In numerous passages, the Bible reveals God’s Negative view on liars and manipulators and provides examples of how the truth should be valued. It also encourages us to be honest and to take care to not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of. The Bible also provides a warning to those who are guilty of lying and manipulating others, and emphasizes the importance of repentance and seeking God’s forgiveness.

What Does the Bible say about Liars and Manipulators KJV

The Bible is filled with stories, parables, and teachings about liars and manipulators. From the Garden of Eden to the Last Judgment, the Bible speaks to the reality of manipulation and deception. In this blog, we will explore what the Bible has to say about liars and manipulators. We will look at the origin of manipulation in the Bible, examine Hebrew words for liars and manipulators, explore Satan as the father of liars and manipulators, and understand the eternal doom of liars and manipulators in the Bible. We will also look at God’s perspective on lying and manipulation, read Bible verses on lying and manipulation, and understand how liars and manipulators are viewed in the Bible. Finally, we will explore how liars and manipulators can find forgiveness in the Bible, as well as warning signs of liars and manipulators in the Bible and the power of truth over lies and manipulation in the Bible.

All Scripture is God Breathed

here’s a table that references what the Bible says about liars and manipulators:

Bible VersesWhat it Says About Liars and Manipulators
Proverbs 6:16-19These verses list “a lying tongue” and “a false witness who pours out lies” among the things that are detestable to God.
Exodus 20:16The ninth commandment instructs not to bear false witness against your neighbor, which includes lying.
Ephesians 4:25Followers of Christ are instructed to put away falsehood and speak truthfully to each other.
Proverbs 12:22This verse states that lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.
Colossians 3:9-10Christians are instructed not to lie to each other, as they have put off the old self with its practices and put on the new self.
Proverbs 26:28This verse warns that a lying tongue hates those it hurts, and a flattering mouth works ruin, speaking to the destructive nature of manipulation.
2 Timothy 3:13This verse warns that evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
1 John 4:1Believers are warned not to believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, as many false prophets have gone out into the world.

In summary, the Bible frequently warns against lying and manipulation, viewing them as sinful behaviors that are contrary to the character of God and the nature of Christian living.

The Origin of Manipulation in the Bible

The Bible speaks to the danger of manipulation and deception in the Garden of Eden. In the Garden of Eden, Satan misled Adam and Eve and manipulated them into sinning against God. This is the origin of manipulation and deception in the Bible. The manipulation of Adam and Eve is a warning to us not to be deceived by others.

What Does the Bible say about Liars and Manipulators
what does the bible say about liars and manipulators kjv

The Etymology of the Biblical Word “Liar”

Liar is a term that is used throughout the Bible to refer to someone who is untruthful or deceitful. It is an ancient word with deep roots in both Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. To understand the origin of this word, it is important to understand the different sources of conflict and how the word has evolved over time.

What Does the Bible say about Liars and Manipulators KJV


The origin of the word “liar” is rooted in the Latin word “lira” which means “cloak” or “mask”. It was used to describe someone who was deceitful or dishonest in their actions. The term has evolved over time and is now used to refer to someone who is untruthful or is deliberately misleading.


In the Hebrew Bible, the word “sheqer” is used to refer to a liar. The word is derived from the root word “shaqar” which means “to deceive” or “to lie”. This root word is also closely related to the Hebrew word “shakar” which means “to make false claims”.


The Greek term for liar is “pseudos” which is derived from the root word “pseudo” which means “false” or “untrue”. This term is closely related to the Greek term for “deception” which is “pseudomai”.


The Aramaic term for liar is “dabar” which is derived from the root word “dabar” which means “to speak”. This term is closely related to the Aramaic term for “deception” which is “dabru”.

Sources of Conflict

Throughout history, the term “liar” has been used to refer to someone who has deliberately misled or deceived others. It is often used to describe someone who has made false claims or has acted in a deceitful manner. The term has been used to describe a wide range of behaviors, from lying to politicians to lying in relationships.

The word “liar” has been used throughout the Bible to describe people who have acted in a deceitful or untruthful manner. It is an ancient word with deep roots in both Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. Understanding the origin and sources of conflict of this word is an important part of understanding how it has evolved over time.

What Does the Bible say about Liars and Manipulators
what does the bible say about liars and manipulators kjv

Hebrew Words for Liars and Manipulators

The Bible uses several Hebrew words to describe liars and manipulators. The Hebrew words for liar are “sakar” and “kazab”. The Hebrew words for a manipulator are “bazah” and “nechash”.

Satan as the Father of Liars and Manipulators

The Bible teaches that Satan is the father of liars and manipulators. In the book of John, Jesus says that Satan is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44). He is the one who deceived Adam and Eve and caused them to sin against God.

  1. Genesis 3:4: “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die.” This is one of the earliest examples of Satan lying, as God had already told Adam and Eve that eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil would result in their death.
  2. John 8:44: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” Here, Jesus is referring to Satan as a liar and the father of lies.
  3. 2 Corinthians 11:3: “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” This verse is an example of Satan using deception and lies to corrupt and mislead people from the truth.
  4. 1 John 3:8: “He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” Satan is the father of sin and has been lying since the beginning of time.
  5. Revelation 12:9: “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Here, we see Satan as the deceiver of the world, using lies and deception to achieve his goals.
What Does the Bible say about Liars and Manipulators KJV

The Lake of Fire for Liars and Manipulators in the Bible

In the book of Revelation, the Bible speaks to the eternal fate of liars and manipulators. The Bible says that anyone who practices lying and manipulation will be thrown into the lake of fire. This lake of fire is a place of eternal torment for those who practice deception and manipulation.

  1. Revelation 20:15 says, “And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.” This verse is referring to those who have not accepted Jesus as their Savior and have not turned from their sins.
  2. Revelation 21:8 says, “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” This verse is referring to those who have not repented from their sins and have not accepted Jesus as their Savior.
  3. Revelation 20:10 says, “The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” This verse is referring to Satan, the beast, and the false prophet.
  4. Revelation 19:20 says, “Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.” This verse is referring to the beast and the false prophet and those who received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image.
  5. Matthew 25:41 says, “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.’” This verse is referring to the angels that followed Satan’s lead in rebelling against God.
What Does the Bible say about Liars and Manipulators
what does the bible say about liars and manipulators kjv

How Bible says we can be Forgiven from Lying

  1. Confession: The Bible teaches that repentance and confession are essential for forgiveness. In Proverbs 28:13, it states, “Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” Confessing your lie to God and to the person you wronged is essential for forgiveness.
  2. Repentance: Repentance is the act of turning away from your sin and is a necessary part of seeking forgiveness. In 2 Corinthians 7:10, it states, “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.” Repentance is a key step in the process of finding forgiveness for a lie.
  3. Prayer: Praying for forgiveness is a vital part of the process of being forgiven. In 1 John 1:9, it states, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Praying to God and asking for His forgiveness is an important part of finding forgiveness.
  4. Acknowledging the Wrong: Acknowledging the wrong that was done is another important step in the process of being forgiven for a lie. In James 5:16, it states, “Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” Acknowledging the wrong that was done is an important part of finding forgiveness.
  5. Forgiving Others: Forgiving others and asking for their forgiveness is an important part of being forgiven. In Matthew 6:14-15, it states, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Forgiving those who have wronged you is essential for being forgiven.

False Speech and its Consequences in the Bible

The Bible speaks to the serious consequences of false speech. It says that those who speak falsely will be punished. The Bible also says that those who speak lies will not be allowed to enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Ways the Bible Says we can Lie

  1. Exodus 20:16 – “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
    This verse prohibits lying in any form, including false testimonies in court and lying to one’s neighbor.
  2. Colossians 3:9 – “Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices.”
    This verse instructs Christians to not lie to one another, and to instead be honest with each other.
  3. Proverbs 12:22 – “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.”
    This verse emphasizes the importance of being truthful and honest before God.
  4. John 8:44 – “You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
    This verse refers to Satan as the father of lies, highlighting how lying is contrary to God’s will.
  5. Proverbs 19:9 – “A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape.”
    This verse warns that those who lie will be punished for their dishonesty.
  6. Ephesians 4:25 – “Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.”
    This verse emphasizes the importance of being truthful with one’s neighbors, as Christians are all part of the same spiritual family.

Unique Facts about Liars and Manipulators from the Bible

The Bible speaks to the dangers of lying and manipulation. It says that liars and manipulators will be punished and that they cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven. The Bible also says that Satan is the father of lies and the one who deceived Adam and Eve. Finally, the Bible teaches that the lake of fire is the place of eternal punishment for those who practice lying and manipulation.

People Misuse of Manipulation in the Bible

The Bible speaks to the misuse of manipulation by people. In the book of Proverbs, it says that those who practice manipulation are despised by God. It also mentions that those who practice manipulation will be punished for their actions.

Etymology of the Biblical Word Manipulators

The word “manipulators” has been used in the Bible since ancient times and is found in the Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic versions of the Bible. Its etymology can be traced back to the original language of each version and how it has changed and evolved over time.


The origin of the word manipulators is not known for certain, but it is thought to be derived from either the Hebrew or Greek words for “hand” or “power”. In Hebrew, the root of the word is “mana”, which means “hand” or “power”. In Greek, the root of the word is “mana”, which also means “hand” or “power”.


In the Hebrew version of the Bible, the word manipulators is used in the book of Esther. In Esther 6:1, the King of Persia uses the word to describe “cunning men” who are able to “stir up” the people. This suggests that the word was used to describe those who were skilled at stirring up the emotions of others and manipulating them in order to gain an advantage.


In the Greek version of the Bible, the word manipulators is used in the book of Acts. In Acts 16:16, the Apostle Paul uses the word to describe a group of slave owners who are “peddling” or “exploiting” their slaves. This suggests that the word was used to describe those who were skilled at exploiting others in order to gain an advantage.


In the Aramaic version of the Bible, the word manipulators is used in the book of Daniel. In Daniel 5:11, the King of Babylon uses the word to describe “the wise men” who are able to interpret the writing on the wall. This suggests that the word was used to describe those who were skilled at interpreting and understanding difficult information in order to gain an advantage.

Sources of Conflict

The use of the word manipulators in the Bible has been a source of conflict in many religious communities. Some argue that the use of the word implies that people should use their power or ability to exploit or manipulate others for their own gain. Others argue that the use of the word implies that people should be aware of potential manipulators and use their own wisdom to protect themselves from being manipulated. Ultimately, the interpretation of the word manipulators is left up to the individual reader.

God’s Perspective on Lying and Manipulation

The Bible gives us a clear picture of God’s perspective on lying and manipulation. He hates it and He hates those who practice it. God also makes it clear that lying and manipulation will not be tolerated in His kingdom.

Bible Verses on Lying and Manipulation

The Bible has several verses that speak to the sin of lying and manipulation. Proverbs 12:22 says, “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.” Proverbs 14:5 says, “A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies.”

Examples in the Bible of Liars

  1. Jacob: Jacob was a liar in the Bible who deceived his father Isaac in order to get his brother Esau’s inheritance. He tricked his father into giving him the blessing of the firstborn by wearing Esau’s clothing and presenting himself to Isaac as his brother.
  2. Abraham: Abraham lied to Pharaoh and King Abimelech in order to protect his wife Sarah. He told each ruler that Sarah was his sister, instead of his wife, in order to save himself from being killed because of Sarah’s beauty.
  3. Ananias and Sapphira: Ananias and Sapphira were a married couple who lied to the Apostles in the early church. They pretended to give all the proceeds of a sale to the church, but in reality, they kept some of the money for themselves.
  4. Gehazi: Gehazi was the servant of the prophet Elisha. He lied to his master about a double payment for the healing of Naaman, and ended up being cursed by Elisha for his deception.
  5. Potiphar’s wife: Potiphar’s wife falsely accused Joseph of trying to rape her, in order to get revenge for Joseph’s refusal of her advances.
  6. Uzzah: Uzzah lied to King David about the ark of the covenant, telling him that it had been taken away by the Philistines. He was killed for his deception.
  7. Saul: Saul lied to his father-in-law and to Samuel, the prophet, in order to cover up his disobedience to God’s command.
  8. Jonah: Jonah lied to his fellow sailors when he told them that he was fleeing from God in order to escape his mission to Nineveh.
  9. Rahab: Rahab lied to the King of Jericho in order to protect the Israelite spies who had come to her city.
  10. Jezebel: Jezebel lied to her husband, King Ahab, in order to manipulate him into doing her bidding.
  11. Delilah: Delilah lied to Samson in order to discover the secret of his strength.
  12. Cain: Cain lied to God when he said he did not know where his brother Abel was after he had killed him.

How Liars and Manipulators are Viewed in the Bible

The Bible makes it clear that liars and manipulators are not welcomed in the kingdom of God. In the book of Proverbs, it says that those who practice lying and manipulation will be punished for their actions. It also mentions that those who practice lying and manipulation are despised by God.

12 Examples of Manipulators in the Bible

  1. Pharaoh – Pharaoh was the ruler of Egypt during the time of Moses. He used his power and authority to manipulate the Israelites into slavery. He refused to let them go, despite God’s commandment.
  2. Delilah – Delilah was a Philistine woman who used her beauty and influence to manipulate the Israelite judge, Samson. She tricked him into revealing the secret of his strength, which resulted in his downfall.
  3. Jezebel – Jezebel was an evil queen in the Bible who used her power to manipulate King Ahab of Israel. She tried to lead him away from the worship of God and into idolatry.
  4. Herod – Herod was the ruler of Judea during the time of Jesus. He manipulated the people by making false promises and using his power for his own benefit.
  5. Sanballat – Sanballat was a powerful ruler in the Persian Empire who used his influence to manipulate the Hebrew people. He tried to prevent them from rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.
  6. Balaam – Balaam was a prophet who used his prophetic powers to manipulate the Israelites. He tried to lead them away from God and into idolatry.
  7. Potiphar – Potiphar was a powerful Egyptian official who used his authority to manipulate Joseph into becoming his slave.
  8. Laban – Laban was a family member of Jacob who used his influence to manipulate him into working for him.
  9. Rehoboam – Rehoboam was the son of King Solomon who used his power to manipulate the people of Israel. He tried to lead them away from God and into idolatry.
  10. Ahithophel – Ahithophel was a counselor to King David who used his influence to try and manipulate him into sinning.
  11. Haman – Haman was an evil advisor to King Ahasuerus of Persia who tried to manipulate him into persecuting the Jews.
  12. Saul – Saul was the first king of Israel who used his power to manipulate the people into following his wishes. He tried to lead them away from God and into idolatry.

The Eternal Doom of Liars and Manipulators in the Bible

The Bible speaks to the eternal doom of liars and manipulators. In the book of Revelation, it says that anyone who practices lying and manipulation will be thrown into the lake of fire. This lake of fire is a place of eternal torment for those who practice deception and manipulation.

What Christian Teachings Say about Liars and Manipulators

Christian teachings also speak to the dangers of lying and manipulation. They teach that liars and manipulators are not welcomed in the kingdom of God and that they will be punished for their actions. They also teach that those who practice lying and manipulation are despised by God and will not be allowed to enter into heaven.

How Christians Turn from Lying

  1. Admit to Lies: The first step in overcoming a habit of lying is to admit that one has been doing it. This can be difficult to do, but it is an important step in recognizing the need to change.
  2. Confess Lies to Others: Confessing lies to those who have been hurt by them is an important part of the recovery process. Doing so allows for healing and forgiveness to begin.
  3. Turn to God in Prayer: Prayer is an essential part of the Christian faith and can be a powerful tool for overcoming a habit of lying. Praying for strength to resist the temptation to lie and for the grace to tell the truth is an important part of the process.
  4. Study Scripture: Studying Scripture can help to provide guidance, strength, and wisdom to help resist the temptation to lie. God’s Word is full of examples of how to live a life of truth and honesty.
  5. Seek Accountability: Seeking out accountability from a trusted friend or mentor is also an important step in overcoming a habit of lying. Having someone to talk to about struggles and temptations can help to provide strength and encouragement.
  6. Replace Lies with Truth: As one begins to break the habit of lying, it is important to replace those lies with truth. This can be done by saying what one really means and by being honest in all aspects of life.
  7. Live with Integrity: Living a life of integrity is an important part of overcoming a habit of lying. This means living a life that is consistent with one’s beliefs and values and being honest in all areas of life.

How Liars and Manipulators Can Find Forgiveness in the Bible

The Bible teaches that everyone can find forgiveness and redemption, even liars and manipulators. In the book of John, Jesus says that “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (John 1:9). Therefore, those who repent of their lying and manipulation can find forgiveness and redemption through Jesus Christ.

Warning Signs of Liars and Manipulators in the Bible

The Bible gives us warning signs of liars and manipulators. In the book of Proverbs, it says that those who practice lying and manipulation are “lovers of self, haters of truth, and crafty in their dealings” (Proverbs 6:12-15). It also mentions that those who practice lying and manipulation are “slanderers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful” (Proverbs 6:16-19).

The Power of Truth over Lies and Manipulation in the Bible

The Bible speaks to the power of truth over lies and manipulation. In the book of John, Jesus says that the truth will set us free (John 8:32). He also says that His word is truth (John 17:17). Therefore, the truth found in the Bible is powerful and can help us to resist lying and manipulation.

3 Bible Verses About Manipulation

If you’re looking to navigate the tricky topic of manipulation, the Bible offers some really valuable wisdom. It addresses the issue directly and indirectly, providing guidance on how to deal with manipulative behavior and how to live with integrity. Let’s dive into some verses that can give us insight into this complicated subject! 😊📖

Verses about Manipulation and Deceit:

  1. Proverbs 12:5“The plans of the righteous are just, but the advice of the wicked is deceitful.”This verse reminds us to be cautious about whose advice we take, especially when it feels manipulative or dishonest.
  2. Proverbs 26:24-26“Enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts they harbor deceit. Though their speech is charming, do not believe them, for seven abominations fill their hearts. Their malice may be concealed by deception, but their wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.”These verses make it clear that manipulative people may appear charming but are not to be trusted.
  3. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15“For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.”Here, Paul warns us about people who pretend to be something they’re not in order to manipulate us. It’s a reminder
  4. What Does the Bible Say About Liars and Manipulators?
    The Bible contains verses that caution against lying and manipulation. It emphasizes the importance of truth, honesty, and integrity in one’s actions and dealings with others.
  5. What Does the Bible Say About Liars and Manipulators KJV?
    In the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, you can find verses that address the consequences of dishonesty and manipulation. These verses stress the significance of truthfulness and upright conduct.
  6. Bible Verses About Liars and Manipulators
    There are several Bible verses that address the behavior of liars and manipulators. These verses highlight the negative consequences of deceit and manipulation while promoting honesty and integrity.
  7. Bible Verses About Manipulation
    The Bible contains verses that caution against manipulation and deceitful practices. These verses encourage followers to act with honesty, sincerity, and respect for others.
  8. Scriptures on Manipulation
    Scripture passages warn against manipulation and deceptive actions. They emphasize the importance of upright behavior and treating others with fairness and respect.
  9. Proverbs About Manipulation
    The Book of Proverbs in the Bible contains wisdom regarding manipulation and dishonesty. Proverbs offer insights into the consequences of deceitful actions and the benefits of honesty.
  10. What Does the Bible Say About Manipulation?
    The Bible discourages manipulation and deceit, emphasizing honesty, integrity, and fair dealings. It encourages followers to act with love and truthfulness.
  11. Scripture About Manipulation
    Scripture addresses the issue of manipulation and deceit, emphasizing the importance of truth and righteousness. It encourages believers to maintain upright conduct in their interactions.
  12. Bible Verses About Manipulating Others
    The Bible contains verses that caution against manipulating others for personal gain. Instead, it promotes ethical and respectful behavior in all relationships.
  13. Manipulation Bible Verse
    While there is no specific “manipulation Bible verse,” various passages throughout the Bible caution against deceit and manipulation while promoting honesty, integrity, and love in human interactions.

Final Thoughts – What Does the Bible say about Liars and Manipulators

The Bible speaks to the reality of manipulation and deception. It teaches us that lying and manipulation are sins and that those who practice them will be punished. The Bible also teaches us that those who practice lying and manipulation are despised by God and cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.

However, the Bible also teaches us that everyone can find forgiveness and redemption through Jesus Christ. Finally, the Bible speaks to the power of truth over lies and manipulation. We can find truth in the Bible and use it to resist lying and manipulation.

How to be saved according to the Bible    In order to understand how to be saved, we first need to understand what salvation is. Salvation is when God forgives our sins and gives us eternal life. It's a free gift from God that we can't earn on our own. So how do we receive this gift? The Bible tells us that there are six steps: hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, repenting again, and believers baptism. Let's break each one of these down.     Hearing - The first step is hearing the gospel. The gospel is the good news that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again. This news must be heard in order for us to believe it.     Believing - Once we hear the gospel, we must believe it. This means that we trust that Jesus is who He says He is and that He can save us from our sins.     Repenting - Once we believe the gospel, we must repent of our sins. This means that we turn away from our sin and start living for God.     Confessing - After we repent of our sins, we need to confess them to God. This means that we tell God all of the sinful things we have done and ask Him for forgiveness.     Believers Baptism - The final step is believers baptism. This is when a person who has already believed and repented is baptized in water as an outward sign of their inward decision to follow Christ. Baptism doesn't save us, but it's an important step of obedience for every Christian.     Discipling others -  Finally, once we have received salvation through these steps, it's important that we continue to grow in our faith and share the gospel with others so they too can be saved.      These are the six steps required for salvation according to the Bible: hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, repenting again, and believers baptism. If you have never done these things or if you're not sure if you've done them correctly, I encourage you to talk to a pastor or other Christian friend who can help guide you through these steps. Salvation is a free gift from God, but it's one that we need to take intentional steps to receive. Don't wait another day - start your journey towards salvation today!

Liars: Bible Verses about Liars

15 Unique Bible Facts about Liars

Quiz – What the Bible Says about Liars

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