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Where Was Jesus in the Old Testament?(2024) ✝️

where was jesus in the old testament

Did you know that Jesus is present in the Old Testament? While He may not be mentioned by name or in the same form as in the New Testament, the entire Bible revolves around Him. Jesus Himself confirmed that the Old Testament scriptures were talking about Him. In fact, there are over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament that point to Jesus and were fulfilled by Him during His time on earth.

But how exactly can we find Jesus in the Old Testament? Let’s explore some of the ways:

One way to find Jesus in the Old Testament is through the concept of types and symbols. Many stories and events in the Old Testament serve as foreshadowings of Jesus and His work. For example, the story of Noah and the flood can be seen as a portrait of the suffering and rising Christ. The Passover and the Red Sea crossing also point to the redemption and deliverance that Jesus would bring.

Additionally, Jesus appeared in the Old Testament as the Angel of the Lord in various encounters with humanity. He interacted with people like Abraham, Moses, and Joshua, revealing His presence and divine nature. These encounters serve as powerful glimpses of Jesus in the Hebrew scriptures.

Old Testament prophecies also play a significant role in connecting Jesus to the Old Testament. The Hebrew scriptures contain numerous predictions about the coming Messiah, who is identified as Jesus in the New Testament. The faith of the Old Testament believers centered on the promise of a Savior, and Jesus fulfilled these prophecies in His birth, life, death, and resurrection.

So, while Jesus may not be explicitly named in the Old Testament, His presence can be found throughout its pages. From prophecies to patterns, types to symbols, the Old Testament provides a rich tapestry that points to Jesus and His redemptive work.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Old Testament is filled with prophecies, types, and symbols that point to Jesus.
  • Over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament were fulfilled by Jesus.
  • Jesus appeared as the Angel of the Lord in various encounters in the Old Testament.
  • The stories and events in the Old Testament serve as foreshadowings of Jesus and His work.
  • Understanding Jesus in the Old Testament deepens our understanding of the Bible and God’s redemptive plan.

Who was Jesus in the Bible 📚


Where Was Jesus in the Old Testament

Here is a set of Bullet points about what the Bible Leads us to believe

about Christ in the Old Testament:

-The presence of Jesus in the Old Testament
-Connecting Jesus to the Old Testament prophecies
-Christ in the Hebrew Bible

When we think about the Old Testament, we typically think about the history of Israel and the events that led up to the coming of Jesus Christ. But what about Christ Himself? Where was He in the Old Testament?

Many people are surprised to learn that Jesus Christ was actually present in the Old Testament. He was there in the Garden of Eden, He was the “Angel of the Lord” who led Israel through the wilderness, and He was the “Word” who spoke creation into existence. In fact, the Old Testament is full of references to Christ.

Some of the clearest references to Christ in the Old Testament are the messianic prophecies. These are predictions about the coming Messiah who would one day save His people. There are dozens of these prophecies in the Old Testament, and they all point to Jesus Christ.

For example, the prophet Isaiah predicted that the Messiah would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14). This was fulfilled when Jesus was born of Mary, a virgin (Matthew 1:23). Isaiah also predicted that the Messiah would be rejected by His own people (Isaiah 53:3). This was fulfilled when the people of Israel rejected Jesus (Luke 23:18).

These are just a few examples of how the Old Testament points to Jesus Christ. As you study the Old Testament, keep an eye out for references to Christ. You may be surprised at how often He appears!

Christ Patterned in the Old Testament

The Old Testament is a rich tapestry of stories, symbols, and patterns that point to the coming of Jesus Christ. Just as an artist uses patterns to create a masterpiece, God has strategically woven patterns throughout the Old Testament to foreshadow the life, death, and resurrection of His Son. These patterns serve as a roadmap, guiding us to a deeper understanding of the gospel message.(where was jesus in the old testament)

One such pattern is found in the story of Noah and the ark. Just as Noah and his family were saved from the flood through the ark, so too are we saved from sin and death through Jesus Christ. The ark serves as a symbol of salvation, revealing God’s plan to provide a way of escape for His people.

Another powerful pattern is seen in the Passover and the exodus from Egypt. The blood of the lamb that was spread on the doorposts of the Israelites’ homes protected them from the judgment of God. This foreshadowed the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus, the Lamb of God, whose blood covers the sins of all who believe in Him.

Just as an artist uses patterns to create a masterpiece, God has strategically woven patterns throughout the Old Testament to foreshadow the life, death, and resurrection of His Son.

These patterns, along with many others found in the Old Testament, serve as reminders that Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promises. They help us to see the depth of God’s love and His redemptive plan for humanity. The Old Testament, in all its beauty and complexity, is a Jesus-shaped testament, pointing us to the Savior who was to come.


PatternOld Testament EventJesus Connection
The ArkNoah’s ArkJesus as the Ark of Salvation
The PassoverExodus from EgyptJesus as the Lamb of God
The Wilderness JourneyIsraelites’ journey to the Promised LandJesus as the Way to eternal life

These patterns provide us with a glimpse of God’s divine plan and His faithfulness to His promises. They reveal the intricate details of God’s redemptive work throughout history and illuminate the significance of Jesus’ life and ministry.

As we delve into the Old Testament, we are met with a Jesus-shaped narrative that spans generations and cultures. It is a testament to the love and mercy of a God who would go to great lengths to save His people. The Old Testament serves as a foundation for our faith, a reminder of the hope we have in Jesus, and a constant reminder that God’s plan has always been centered on His Son.

Christ Promised in the Old Testament

The Old Testament is rich with promises of Christ, the long-awaited Messiah. These promises were eagerly anticipated by the faithful saints of the Old Testament, who placed their hope and trust in the coming Savior. From the very beginning, God had a plan to send His Son to redeem humanity from sin and restore fellowship with Him.

The promises of Jesus in the Old Testament can be seen through various prophecies that foretold His birth, ministry, and ultimate sacrifice. These prophecies served as a beacon of hope for the people of Israel, reassuring them that God had not forgotten His covenant promises. For example, Isaiah prophesied about the birth of Jesus, saying, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14, NIV).

“The promises of Jesus in the Old Testament can be seen through various prophecies that foretold His birth, ministry, and ultimate sacrifice.”

Furthermore, the faith of the Old Testament saints centered on Christ and the promises they believed would be fulfilled in Him. They trusted in the coming Messiah who would bring salvation and deliverance. Their messianic faith sustained them through trials and tribulations, knowing that God’s promises are faithful and true.(Jesus in the Hebrew scriptures)

By recognizing and understanding the promises of Jesus in the Old Testament, we gain a deeper appreciation for the redemptive plan of God. These promises foreshadowed the coming of Christ and provide a cohesive narrative that spans from Genesis to Revelation. They remind us of the faithfulness of God and give us hope and assurance in the promises He has made.

Christ Promised in the Old Testament

The Fulfillment of Promises

Table: Fulfillment of Promises

Seed of the woman will crush the serpent’s headJesus defeating sin and death through His crucifixion and resurrection (Genesis 3:15)
Born of a virginJesus’ birth through the Virgin Mary (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18-25)
Descendant of DavidJesus’ lineage traced back to King David (Isaiah 9:7, Matthew 1:1)
Suffering ServantJesus’ sacrificial death for the forgiveness of sins (Isaiah 53, Matthew 20:28)
Resurrection from the deadJesus’ victory over death through His resurrection (Psalm 16:10, Acts 2:31)
Everlasting KingdomJesus’ eternal reign as King (2 Samuel 7:16, Luke 1:32-33)

Christ Present in the Old Testament

In the Old Testament, we find explicit evidence of Jesus’ presence, affirming His role in God’s redemptive plan. The New Testament authors identify Jesus as the “I Am,” a divine title used by God to reveal His eternal nature. In the Old Testament, Jesus appeared as the Angel of the Lord, engaging with humanity, and displaying His divine authority.

“Before Abraham was, I am.” – Jesus (John 8:58)

The “I Am” declaration made by Jesus reflects His preexistence and eternal nature, establishing His presence in the Old Testament. He is the same God who spoke to Moses from the burning bush and led the Israelites out of Egypt. Jesus as the “I Am” reveals His divine role as the Creator of all things, including the world as described in Genesis.

Moreover, Jesus is portrayed as the Rock in the wilderness, providing water for the Israelites. This illustration not only demonstrates His provision but also points to His divine nature as the sustainer of life. Jesus’ presence in the Old Testament is consistent with the Trinitarian pattern of God’s work in the world, where the Son mediates God’s interaction with humanity. (references to jesus in the old testament)

By recognizing Christ’s explicit presence in the Old Testament, we gain a deeper appreciation for His role in God’s redemptive plan throughout history.

Jesus Walks in Eden (Genesis 3)

In the book of Genesis, specifically in chapter 3, we see Jesus patterned, promised, and present. This chapter tells the story of Adam and Eve’s fall into sin and God’s judgment on the serpent, but it also reveals glimpses of Jesus and His redemptive work.

One significant moment in Genesis 3 is when God covers Adam and Eve with skins after they realized their nakedness. This act symbolizes the need for a substitutionary sacrifice to atone for their sin. It foreshadows Jesus, who would later become the ultimate sacrifice, offering Himself as the Lamb of God to take away the sins of the world.

Additionally, God promises a seed of the woman who will crush the head of the serpent. This seed points directly to Jesus, who would come as the Savior to defeat evil and reconcile humanity to God. It is through Jesus, the seed of the woman, that we find hope and redemption.

“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” – Genesis 3:15

Furthermore, Jesus is present in Eden as the Lord who interacts with His favored creatures. Just as Adam and Eve walked and talked with God in the garden, Jesus, as the second person of the Trinity, was there, intimately connecting with humanity even before His incarnation.

Jesus in Eden

In summary, Genesis 3 reveals Jesus in the Old Testament through patterns, promises, and His presence. He is represented by the one who covers Adam and Eve with skins, pointing to His future sacrifice. The promise of the seed of the woman foreshadows His role as the Savior who conquers evil. And His presence in Eden demonstrates His intimate connection with humanity. Understanding these glimpses of Jesus in Genesis 3 deepens our appreciation for God’s redemptive plan.

Jesus Speaks on Moriah (Genesis 22)

In Genesis 22, Jesus is patterned, promised, and present. The story of Abraham being asked to sacrifice Isaac foreshadows the death and resurrection of Jesus. The provision of a ram in place of Isaac symbolizes the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ. Jesus Himself appears as the Angel of Yahweh and speaks as the Lord, affirming His presence in the Old Testament.

Genesis 22 introduces a pivotal moment in the Old Testament narrative, where God tests Abraham’s faith by commanding him to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac. As Abraham obediently prepares to carry out the task, it becomes evident that God had a greater plan in mind. In this passage, we find a profound foreshadowing of Jesus as the sacrificial lamb. Just as Isaac carried the wood for the intended sacrifice, Jesus would bear the cross on which He would lay down His life for the redemption of humanity.

“And Isaac said to his father Abraham, ‘My father!’ And he said, ‘Here I am, my son.’ He said, ‘Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?’ Abraham said, ‘God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son.’ So they went both of them together.” – Genesis 22:7-8

This passage in Genesis 22 offers a glimpse into the intimate connection between the Old Testament and the person of Jesus. Through Isaac’s question about the lamb for the burnt offering, we witness Abraham’s faith in God’s provision. Little did they know at that moment that God Himself would provide the ultimate sacrifice in the form of His Son, Jesus Christ. In this way, Jesus’ presence is revealed through the promises and symbols found in the Old Testament, pointing to His redemptive mission.

The Table below provides a summary of Jesus’ presence in Genesis 22:

PatternedThe story of Abraham and Isaac foreshadows Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and resurrection.
PromisedAbraham’s faith in God’s provision points to Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice.
PresentJesus appears as the Angel of Yahweh and speaks as the Lord, affirming His presence in the Old Testament.

Jesus in the Old Testament according to Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.

Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., a prominent theologian, provides valuable insights into Jesus in the Old Testament. According to Kaiser, Jesus can be found in the Old Testament through direct personal messianic predictions and Christophanies. His teachings shed light on numerous passages and prophecies that point to Jesus as the promised Messiah, enriching our understanding of the Scriptures.(prophecies of jesus in the old testament)

Kaiser emphasizes the importance of recognizing types and symbols in the Old Testament that foreshadowed the work of Jesus. These types and symbols serve as powerful reminders of God’s redemptive plan and provide a glimpse into the person and mission of Jesus. They help to connect the dots between the Old and New Testaments, revealing a cohesive narrative of God’s love and salvation.

As we explore the teachings of Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., we gain a deeper understanding of Jesus’ presence in the Old Testament. Through direct prophecies, Christophanies, and symbolic representations, the Old Testament lays the groundwork for the coming of Jesus and foreshadows His work of redemption. Recognizing Jesus in the Old Testament strengthens our faith and enables us to appreciate the intricate tapestry of God’s plan throughout history.

“The realization of God’s redemptive plan through Jesus Christ is beautifully woven throughout the pages of the Old Testament. By understanding the teachings of Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., we can see the intricate details of how Jesus is present in the Old Testament and how the Scriptures point to Him as the promised Messiah.”

Direct Messianic PredictionsChristophaniesTypes and Symbols
Genesis 3:15 – The seed of the womanGenesis 18:1-33 – Abraham and the three visitorsThe Passover lamb (Exodus 12)
Isaiah 7:14 – The virgin birthGenesis 32:22-32 – Jacob wrestling with GodThe sacrificial system
Micah 5:2 – The birth in BethlehemJoshua 5:13-15 – The Commander of the Lord’s armyThe tabernacle and its furnishings

The teachings of Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. on Jesus in the Old Testament provide valuable insights into the presence of Jesus throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Through direct predictions, Christophanies, and symbolic representations, the Old Testament points to Jesus as the promised Messiah. Understanding these teachings deepens our appreciation for the unity of the Bible and the redemptive work of Jesus.

Jesus in the Old Testament according to the Answer

According to, Jesus is indeed present in the Old Testament. They affirm that Jesus Himself and the apostles referred to Old Testament passages as being about Him. One example they provide is the appearance of the Angel of the Lord, which they identify as Christophanies. This highlights the presence of Jesus in the Old Testament as a visible manifestation of God’s divine presence. also explores the concept of types and symbols in the Old Testament that point to Jesus. These types and symbols serve as foreshadowings of Jesus’ future work and ministry. By recognizing and understanding these patterns, we can gain a deeper insight into the person and mission of Christ.

Table: Examples of Jesus in the Old Testament according to

Old Testament PassageSignificance
Genesis 22:13-14The provision of a ram in place of Isaac symbolizes Jesus as the sacrificial lamb.
Exodus 3:2-6The Angel of the Lord appearing to Moses signifies Jesus’ presence and role as the I Am.
Isaiah 53The suffering servant described in Isaiah 53 is recognized as a prophecy of Jesus’ crucifixion and the redemption He brings.

“Jesus is present in the Old Testament, and the more we study it, the clearer His presence becomes. He is not simply a New Testament figure; rather, His story is woven throughout the entire biblical narrative. Recognizing Jesus in the Old Testament deepens our understanding of God’s redemptive plan and helps us to see the unity of Scripture.” –

By examining the Old Testament through the lens of Jesus, we can see how God’s plan of salvation has been unfolding since the beginning of time. Jesus is not confined to the New Testament but is present throughout the entire Bible. His presence in the Old Testament confirms His divine role as the Savior and reinforces the interconnectedness of Scripture.

Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus

Jesus fulfilled numerous prophecies from the Old Testament, providing undeniable evidence of His identity as the long-awaited Messiah. These prophecies encompassed various aspects of His life, ministry, and ultimate sacrifice. Let us explore some of the significant prophecies fulfilled by Jesus in the Old Testament.(messiah in the old testament)

“He was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds, we are healed.” – Isaiah 53:5

Isaiah’s prophecy foretold the suffering and atoning sacrifice of Jesus, who bore our sins on the cross. This prophecy finds its fulfillment in the crucifixion of Jesus, where He willingly suffered and died to bring redemption and reconciliation to humanity.

Another remarkable prophecy is found in Micah 5:2, which states,

“But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days.”

This prophecy accurately predicts the birthplace of Jesus, who was born in Bethlehem, fulfilling the ancient promise of a ruler who would come from this humble town.

Isaiah 7:14Jesus’ virgin birth (Matthew 1:22-23)
Psalm 22:16Jesus’ crucifixion (John 19:17-18)
Zechariah 9:9Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-9)
Psalm 16:10Jesus’ resurrection (Acts 2:31)

These are just a few examples of the Old Testament prophecies fulfilled by Jesus. His life, death, and resurrection perfectly align with the promises and predictions of ancient Hebrew scriptures. The fulfillment of these prophecies attests to the divine nature of Jesus and establishes His role as the Savior of the world.

Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus

Types and Symbols of Jesus in the Old Testament

The Old Testament is rich with types and symbols that foreshadow the person and work of Jesus. These symbolic representations provide profound insights into God’s redemptive plan and deepen our understanding of the Bible.

The Tabernacle

The tabernacle, which served as a mobile place of worship for the Israelites, contains various elements that point to Jesus. The Most Holy Place, representing God’s presence, foreshadows Jesus as the ultimate mediator between God and humanity. The sacrificial system carried out in the tabernacle also prefigures Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross, where He became the perfect and final sacrifice for sin.

The Passover

In the Passover celebration, the lamb’s blood applied to the doorposts protected the Israelites from the judgment of God. This event foreshadows Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Through His sacrificial death, those who believe in Him are protected from the eternal consequences of sin.

Old Testament Figures

Various Old Testament figures serve as types of Jesus. For example, Moses, who delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, prefigures Jesus, who delivers humanity from the bondage of sin. Joseph, who was betrayed by his brothers and later became a powerful ruler, resembles Jesus in both His betrayal and ultimate exaltation(.jewish perspective on jesus in the old testament)

Old Testament FiguresSymbolism
MosesDeliverance from bondage
JosephBetrayal and exaltation
DavidThe promised King
JonahDeath and resurrection

These examples represent only a fraction of the types and symbols of Jesus in the Old Testament. They reveal God’s overarching plan and His intention to redeem and reconcile humanity through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Types and Symbols of Jesus in the Old Testament


In conclusion, Jesus is undeniably present in the Old Testament. His presence can be seen through patterns, promises, and His actual appearances as the Angel of the Lord. Moreover, Jesus is revealed through types, symbols, and prophecies that point directly to His life and work. By recognizing and understanding Jesus in the Old Testament, we gain a deeper understanding of the Bible and the cohesive narrative of God’s redemptive plan.

This understanding is further confirmed by Jesus Himself, who acknowledged that the Old Testament was speaking about Him. In His life on earth, Jesus fulfilled more than 300 Old Testament prophecies, underscoring His role as the promised Messiah. The faith of Old Testament saints centered on their trust in Christ, the one promised and trusted by the faithful.

Notably, theologians like Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. and perspectives from also affirm the presence of Jesus in the Old Testament. Kaiser highlights direct personal messianic predictions and Christophanies as evidence of Jesus’ presence. emphasizes how Jesus and the apostles referred to Old Testament passages as being about Him. They also point out the significance of types and symbols that foreshadowed Jesus’ work. (connecting jesus to the old testament prophecies.)


Where can Jesus be found in the Old Testament?

Jesus is present in the Old Testament through patterns, promises, prophecies, and His actual presence as the Angel of the Lord. He can also be seen through types and symbols that foreshadowed His life and work.

How many Old Testament prophecies point to Jesus?

There are more than 300 Old Testament prophecies that point to Jesus and were fulfilled by Him in His life on earth.

How did Jesus appear in the Old Testament?

Jesus appeared in the Old Testament as the Angel of the Lord in various encounters with humanity.

How did Old Testament saints view Jesus?

Old Testament saints looked forward to the fulfillment of the patterns they saw in the Old Testament and trusted in the promises of a coming Messiah.

How do the New Testament authors identify Jesus in the Old Testament?

The New Testament authors identify Jesus as the “I Am” in whom Abraham rejoiced, the Lord who motivated Moses, and the Redeemer who brought the Israelites out of Egypt. They also portray Jesus as the Rock in the wilderness and the King of Isaiah’s temple vision.

Where can Jesus be found in Genesis 3?

In Genesis 3, Jesus is patterned, promised, and present. He is represented by the one who covers Adam and Eve with skins, signifying the substitutionary sacrifice that would come. God promises a seed of the woman who would crush the head of the serpent, pointing to Jesus as the victor over evil. Jesus also walks in Eden as the Lord who interacts with His favored creatures.

Where can Jesus be found in Genesis 22?

In Genesis 22, Jesus is patterned, promised, and present. The story of Abraham being asked to sacrifice Isaac foreshadows the death and resurrection of Jesus. The provision of a ram in place of Isaac symbolizes the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ. Jesus Himself appears as the Angel of Yahweh and speaks as the Lord.

Who is Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. and how does he see Jesus in the Old Testament?

According to Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., Jesus can be found in the Old Testament through direct personal messianic predictions and Christophanies. He highlights numerous passages and prophecies that point to Jesus as the promised Messiah. Kaiser also emphasizes the importance of understanding types and symbols in the Old Testament that foreshadowed the work of Jesus.

What is’s perspective on Jesus in the Old Testament? affirms that Jesus is present in the Old Testament and provides examples of Jesus Himself and the apostles referring to Old Testament passages as being about Him. They mention the appearances of the Angel of the Lord as Christophanies and discuss the concept of types and symbols that point to Jesus in the Old Testament.

How many Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus?

More than 300 Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus in His life on earth, including details about His birth, ministry, death, and betrayal.

How is Jesus foreshadowed in the Old Testament through types and symbols?

The Old Testament is filled with types and symbols that foreshadowed the person and work of Jesus. These include the tabernacle, the sacrificial system, the Passover, and the lives of Old Testament characters like Moses and Joseph.

Source Links

Best Bible Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Below is a table featuring some highly regarded Bible Encyclopedias and Dictionaries along with their publishers and websites where they can be found or purchased.

The International Standard Bible EncyclopediaEerdmansEerdmans
Zondervan’s Pictorial Bible DictionaryZondervanZondervan
Easton’s Bible DictionaryThomas NelsonThomas Nelson
Holman Illustrated Bible DictionaryB&H Publishing GroupB&H Publishing Group
The New Unger’s Bible DictionaryMoody PublishersMoody Publishers
HarperCollins Bible DictionaryHarperOneHarperOne
Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament WordsThomas NelsonThomas Nelson

You can generally find these resources on the publishers’ websites, as well as other online book retailers such as Amazon or Christianbook. It’s always good practice to confirm availability and review additional details on the specific websites or other reliable online bookstores.



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