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Words of Jesus On the Cross ????

Words of Jesus On the Cross

The last words of Jesus on the cross are significant and impactful. They reveal deep meaning and convey profound wisdom. In this article, we will explore the seven sayings of Jesus on the cross and delve into their biblical meaning and how they can transform our lives.

Key Takeaways:

  • Jesus’ last words on the cross hold deep meaning and wisdom.
  • Exploring these sayings can transform our lives.
  • We will delve into the biblical significance of Jesus’ words.
  • Understanding these sayings can deepen our relationship with God.
  • The teachings of Jesus on the cross are relevant for all believers.

Who was Jesus in the Bible ????

Words of Jesus On the Cross

The First Saying: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do”

In his first saying on the cross, Jesus prays to the Father, asking for forgiveness for those who crucified him. This prayer of intercession shows Jesus’ immense love and compassion, even in the face of suffering. It also highlights the importance of forgiveness and repentance for all humanity. Jesus extends his forgiveness to all, offering a path to salvation through repentance and receiving God’s forgiveness. jesus’ sayings on the cross

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do”

Jesus’ prayer for forgiveness underscores his desire for reconciliation and demonstrates his selfless nature. Despite the injustice and pain he was enduring, he chose to reach out to those who were responsible and intercede on their behalf. This act of forgiveness challenges us to examine our own hearts and extend forgiveness to those who have wronged us, just as Jesus did on the cross.

Furthermore, this saying reminds us of the power of repentance and the transformative nature of God’s forgiveness. It serves as a call to turn away from our sins and seek reconciliation with God. Jesus’ prayer for forgiveness on the cross offers hope and redemption to all who are willing to acknowledge their need for forgiveness and turn to Him.

In summary, Jesus’ first saying on the cross emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and repentance. By praying for the forgiveness of those who crucified Him, Jesus exemplified unconditional love and offered a path to salvation for all humanity. This saying challenges us to extend forgiveness to others and seek God’s forgiveness in our own lives.

The Second Saying: “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise”

In his second saying on the cross, Jesus offers assurance of salvation to a repentant criminal crucified alongside him. Even in the midst of his own suffering, Jesus extends the promise of eternal life and a place in paradise to this man. This moment is a powerful testament to the transformative power of faith and the certainty of salvation through believing in Jesus. jesus’ sayings on the cross

By uttering these words, Jesus assures the criminal that his sins are forgiven and that he will be with Jesus in paradise that very day. This act of grace highlights the unconditional love and mercy of God, as well as the accessibility of salvation to all who turn to Jesus in faith. It serves as a reminder that no matter how broken or sinful we may perceive ourselves to be, there is always hope for redemption and the promise of eternal life with God.

assurance of salvation

In this saying, Jesus encapsulates the promise of eternal life and the hope that awaits all who put their trust in Him. He assures us that through faith in Him, we can have confidence in our future, knowing that we will be in the presence of God for all eternity. This promise brings comfort and encouragement to believers, reminding us of the ultimate victory over death and the assurance of a glorious future in the presence of our loving Savior.

The Third Saying: “Woman, behold your son!” and “Behold your mother!”

In his third saying on the cross, Jesus lovingly addresses his mother, Mary, and his disciple, John, demonstrating his care for family and the responsibility to take care of loved ones. He says, “Woman, behold your son!” to his mother and “Behold your mother!” to John, entrusting them to each other’s care.crucifixion quotes by jesus

This profound act of love and concern emphasizes the importance of family bonds and the duty we have to care for our loved ones, even in times of suffering. Jesus, in the midst of his own agony, ensures that his mother will be taken care of and loved after he is gone. This serves as a powerful reminder of the depth of Jesus’ love and his attention to detail, extending his compassion beyond his immediate circumstances.

“Woman, behold your son!” and “Behold your mother!” – Jesus

Through this saying, Jesus teaches us to prioritize and cherish our families, recognizing the responsibility we have to care for and support one another. He sets an example of selflessness and love, showing that even in the most challenging moments, we should still attend to the needs of those we hold dear.,jesus%27%20dying%20words,-0/1%20jesus

The love Jesus displays for his mother and disciple also extends to us, as he invites us into a new kind of family through our relationship with him. We become part of the family of God, where we are called to love and care for one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.jesus’ final words

The Fourth Saying: “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”

In his fourth saying on the cross, Jesus utters the powerful words, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” These words reveal the depth of Jesus’ spiritual anguish and his feeling of separation from God in that moment. By quoting Psalm 22:1, Jesus not only expresses his own suffering but also fulfills the messianic prophecy that foretold this very moment.

Jesus’ statement reflects the weight of the sins of humanity that he willingly took upon himself. In that moment, he experienced the profound sense of abandonment and separation from God, experiencing the full consequences of sin. This saying reminds us of the immense sacrifice Jesus made for our redemption and the depth of his love for us.

It is through this moment of profound anguish that Jesus demonstrated his complete identification with humanity’s brokenness and pain. Despite feeling forsaken, he remained faithful to God’s plan and purpose, willingly enduring the cross for the salvation of all. This saying serves as a powerful reminder of the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice and the magnitude of God’s love for humanity.jesus’ dying words

The Fulfillment of Prophecy

Jesus’ fourth saying on the cross is not only a cry of anguish but also a fulfillment of prophecy. By quoting Psalm 22:1, Jesus confirms his role as the promised Messiah who was to suffer and die for the sins of humanity. This fulfillment of prophecy highlights the divine plan of redemption and underscores the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice.

The fourth saying of Jesus on the cross captures the depth of his spiritual anguish and separation from God, acting as a poignant reminder of the weight of sin. It symbolizes Jesus’ identification with human suffering and his unwavering love for humanity. Through these words, Jesus invites us to reflect on the price of our redemption and to embrace the salvation offered through his sacrifice.jesus’ expressions on the cross

The Fifth Saying: “I thirst!”

In his fifth saying on the cross, Jesus acknowledges his physical suffering and expresses his thirst. This simple yet poignant statement highlights the reality of Jesus’ human experience and his ability to fully identify with our physical needs and struggles. As we reflect on Jesus’ words, we are reminded that he not only experienced the depths of spiritual anguish but also the pains of physical torment. jesus’ statements during crucifixion

The fifth saying also fulfills the prophecy found in Psalm 69:21, which speaks of giving Jesus vinegar to drink. This further emphasizes the fulfillment of biblical prophecy through Jesus’ crucifixion. It serves as a powerful reminder that Jesus’ journey to the cross and his ultimate sacrifice were all part of God’s redemptive plan for humanity.

Jesus’ statement of thirst resonates with us on a deeply human level. It reminds us that he understands our physical pain, our needs, and our struggles. In his suffering, Jesus empathizes with the vulnerabilities and limitations of our human experience, offering us comfort and assurance that we are not alone.

jesus' fifth saying on the cross

As we contemplate Jesus’ words, let us draw strength from his physical endurance and find solace in his understanding of our human condition. Through his thirst on the cross, Jesus not only quenches our physical needs but also provides us with the hope and assurance that he is intimately acquainted with our struggles and is with us every step of the way.

The Sixth Saying: “It is finished!”

In his sixth saying on the cross, Jesus declares, “It is finished!” This powerful statement signifies the completion of his mission and the ultimate victory over sin and death. With these words, Jesus proclaims that he has accomplished what he came to earth to do, fulfilling prophecies and securing salvation for all who believe in him. jesus’ utterances while on the cross.

Jesus’ declaration of “It is finished!” encompasses the magnitude of his sacrifice and the depth of his love for humanity. Through his death on the cross, Jesus paid the price for our sins and bridged the gap between God and humanity, offering the gift of eternal life. His words signify the culmination of God’s plan of redemption and the triumph over the power of sin and death.

“It is finished!” – Jesus

This saying is a testament to the fulfillment of prophecy, as numerous Old Testament passages foretold the Messiah’s mission and the victory he would achieve. Jesus’ words affirm that he has fulfilled every prophecy and accomplished what was necessary for the salvation of humanity.

As we reflect on Jesus’ sixth saying, we are reminded of the magnitude of his sacrifice and the depth of God’s love for us. It is a call to embrace the salvation and forgiveness offered through Jesus’ finished work on the cross. By placing our faith in him and accepting his gift of grace, we can experience the redemption and eternal life that he has secured for us.

The Victory of Jesus’ Sacrifice

In his final moments on the cross, Jesus declared, “It is finished!” These three words signify the completion of his mission and the ultimate victory over sin and death. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was both a demonstration of his love for humanity and a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies.

Completion of MissionJesus accomplished what he came to earth to do – to offer himself as a perfect sacrifice for the sins of humanity. His death on the cross fulfilled God’s plan of redemption and made a way for us to be reconciled to God.
Victory over SinThrough his sacrifice, Jesus conquered the power of sin. His death paid the price for our sins and provided a way for us to be forgiven and set free from the bondage of sin.
Victory over DeathJesus’ resurrection from the dead demonstrated his victory over death. By conquering death, Jesus opened the door to eternal life for all who believe in him.
Fulfillment of ProphecyJesus’ declaration of “It is finished!” fulfilled numerous Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah. These prophecies pointed to the mission of Jesus and the redemption he would accomplish through his death and resurrection.

The words “It is finished!” are a source of hope and assurance for believers. They signify the completeness and sufficiency of Jesus’ sacrifice. By trusting in his finished work on the cross, we can experience the forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life that he offers.

The Seventh Saying: “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit”

In his seventh and final saying on the cross, Jesus utters the words, “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit.” This profound statement reveals Jesus’ unwavering trust in God and his complete submission to the Father’s will. Despite the intense suffering and agony he endured during his crucifixion, Jesus’s words show his ultimate surrender and reliance on God, even in the face of death.

This saying not only demonstrates Jesus’ deep faith but also serves as a powerful example for us to trust in God’s plan for our lives. It reminds us that no matter how dire or hopeless our circumstances may seem, we can find solace and security in surrendering our lives into the loving hands of our Heavenly Father. This act of surrender allows us to let go of our own will and place our full trust in God, knowing that he is faithful and will guide us through any situation.

“Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit.”

These words of Jesus also highlight the importance of acknowledging our dependence on God. Just as Jesus entrusted his spirit to the Father, we too are called to surrender our lives, our hopes, and our dreams to God. By relinquishing control and recognizing that God’s plan is always greater than our own, we can experience a newfound sense of peace and purpose.

Jesus’ seventh saying on the cross is a powerful reminder of the depth of his love for us and his unwavering faith in God. It encourages us to place our trust in God’s hands, knowing that he is always with us and will guide us on our journey of faith. By following Jesus’ example of surrender and submission to God’s will, we can find true peace and fulfillment in our lives.

Reflections on the Words of Jesus On the Cross

The words spoken by Jesus on the cross carry profound significance and have a transformative impact on our faith journey. They offer deep insights into forgiveness, salvation, love, and surrender. By reflecting on these sayings, we can gain valuable lessons that can shape our lives and deepen our relationship with God.

Firstly, the significance of Jesus’ words on forgiveness cannot be overstated. In his first saying, he prayed for those who crucified him, demonstrating the power of forgiveness and compassion even in the face of immense suffering. This teaches us the importance of extending forgiveness to others, regardless of the circumstances.

Secondly, Jesus’ words provide assurance of salvation and hope. His second saying, where he promises paradise to a repentant criminal, reminds us that salvation is available to all who believe in him. This reassures us of God’s love and grace, offering us the hope of eternal life.

Furthermore, Jesus’ expressions of love for his mother and his care for family members in his third saying highlight the importance of familial bonds and responsibility. This teaches us to prioritize the well-being of our loved ones and demonstrates the depth of Jesus’ love and concern for others.

Lastly, Jesus’ words on the cross remind us of the weight of sin and the depth of his sacrifice. His cries of anguish and feeling forsaken in his fourth saying symbolize the price he paid for our redemption. This compels us to reflect on the gravity of sin and to seek forgiveness and reconciliation with God.

Lessons from Jesus’ Sayings on the Cross:

  1. The power of forgiveness, even in the face of suffering.
  2. The assurance of salvation and the hope of eternal life through faith.
  3. The importance of prioritizing the care and well-being of our loved ones.
  4. The weight of sin and the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice for our redemption.

Reflecting on Jesus’ words on the cross can lead us to a deeper understanding of God’s love, grace, and the transformative power of his sacrifice. As we internalize these teachings and apply them to our lives, we can experience a profound shift in our faith journey and a closer walk with our Savior.

The Lasting Impact of Jesus’ Words On the Cross

The words spoken by Jesus on the cross continue to resonate and have a lasting impact on people across the world. His powerful messages of love, forgiveness, and trust in God inspire and transform lives, providing guidance and hope on the faith journey. As we reflect on these words, we are reminded of the immense sacrifice Jesus made for humanity and the transformative power of His teachings.

Jesus’ words on the cross serve as a source of inspiration, encouraging us to strive for a deeper relationship with God and to live out His teachings in our daily lives. They remind us of the importance of forgiveness, both receiving and extending it to others, as well as the trust and surrender we should have in God’s plan for our lives.

The impact of Jesus’ words goes beyond mere words; they are a call to action. They challenge us to love and serve others selflessly, to care for our families, to seek justice, and to live with purpose. Through His words, Jesus offers us a path to transformation and a life lived in alignment with God’s will.

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”

These powerful words of forgiveness spoken by Jesus on the cross exemplify His love and compassion for humanity. They serve as a reminder of the depth of God’s grace and the transformative power of forgiveness in our lives. Jesus’ words echo throughout history, inspiring us to let go of resentment and to extend forgiveness to others, just as He did.

The impact of Jesus’ words on the cross is undeniable. They continue to inspire and transform lives, offering hope, forgiveness, and salvation. Through reflecting on His teachings, we are invited to embark on a journey of faith and transformation, seeking to live out His words in our daily lives.

Applying Jesus’ Words to Our Lives

Jesus’ words on the cross hold immense wisdom and guidance for our lives. By applying these words to our daily experiences, we can transform our relationships, deepen our faith, and live a life that aligns with God’s will. Let us explore how we can practically incorporate Jesus’ teachings into our lives.

Living with Forgiveness

One of the most powerful lessons from Jesus’ words on the cross is forgiveness. Just as Jesus forgave those who crucified Him, we too can choose to forgive those who have wronged us. Forgiveness frees us from the burden of resentment and allows us to experience true healing. By extending forgiveness to others, we reflect the love and mercy of Jesus and open the door to reconciliation and restoration.

Trusting God’s Plan

When Jesus uttered the words, “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit,” He demonstrated complete trust in God’s plan. In our own lives, we can cultivate trust in God by surrendering our worries and anxieties to Him. Trusting God’s plan does not mean that everything will be easy or without challenges, but it means believing that God is always with us, guiding us, and working everything together for our good. We can find peace and hope by placing our trust in His unfailing love and wisdom.

Serving Others

Jesus’ selfless love and service to others are evident in His words to His mother, asking John to care for her. We can follow Jesus’ example by serving others with love and compassion. By reaching out to those in need, offering a helping hand, or simply showing kindness, we reflect the heart of Jesus and bring His love into the world. Serving others not only blesses those we serve but also enriches our own lives and strengthens our connection with God.

Surrendering to God’s Will

Jesus’ ultimate act of surrender on the cross teaches us the importance of submitting to God’s will for our lives. Surrendering to God means humbly acknowledging that His plans and purposes are greater than our own. It requires letting go of our desires and ambitions, and aligning our hearts with His. When we surrender to God, we open ourselves to His guidance and direction, allowing Him to lead us into a life of purpose, fulfillment, and joy.

Applying Jesus’ Words to Our LivesKeywords
Living with Forgivenessliving with forgiveness
Trusting God’s Plantrusting god’s plan
Serving Othersserving others
Surrendering to God’s Willsurrendering to god’s will


In conclusion, the words of Jesus on the cross are not just mere utterances, but powerful teachings that have the ability to transform lives. Through his seven sayings, Jesus exemplified forgiveness, assurance of salvation, love for family, identification with human suffering, victory over sin and death, trust in God, and surrender to His will. Reflecting on these words can deepen our understanding of God’s love, grace, and the sacrifice made for our redemption.

The lasting impact of Jesus’ words extends across time and generations, inspiring and transforming those who hear them. They remind us of the depth of God’s love and the hope, forgiveness, and salvation found in Jesus’ sacrifice. By applying these words to our lives, we can experience personal transformation and live out the purpose for which we were created.

Let us embrace forgiveness, both receiving and extending it to others. Let us trust in God’s plan for our lives and follow Jesus’ example of selfless love and service. Above all, let us surrender our lives and will to God, allowing His words to shape and guide our faith journey. Through this, we can experience the transformative power of Jesus’ words on the cross and grow in our relationship with Him.


What are the seven sayings of Jesus on the cross?

The seven sayings of Jesus on the cross are significant statements he made during his crucifixion that hold deep meaning and wisdom.

What is the first saying of Jesus on the cross?

The first saying of Jesus on the cross is “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” It highlights the importance of forgiveness and repentance.

What is the second saying of Jesus on the cross?

The second saying of Jesus on the cross is “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” It assures salvation to a repentant criminal crucified alongside him.

What is the third saying of Jesus on the cross?

The third saying of Jesus on the cross is “Woman, behold your son!” and “Behold your mother!” It shows his love and concern for his mother, Mary, and assigns the responsibility of caring for her to the disciple John.

What is the fourth saying of Jesus on the cross?

The fourth saying of Jesus on the cross is “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” It expresses his deep anguish and sense of abandonment as he takes on the sins of humanity.

What is the fifth saying of Jesus on the cross?

The fifth saying of Jesus on the cross is “I thirst!” It acknowledges his physical suffering and highlights his ability to relate to our physical needs and struggles.

What is the sixth saying of Jesus on the cross?

The sixth saying of Jesus on the cross is “It is finished!” It declares the completion of his mission, victory over sin and death, and the fulfillment of prophecies.

What is the seventh saying of Jesus on the cross?

The seventh saying of Jesus on the cross is “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit.” It demonstrates his unwavering trust in God and his complete submission to God’s will.

What is the significance of Jesus’ words on the cross?

Jesus’ words on the cross have immense significance for our faith journey. They teach us about forgiveness, salvation, love for family, the weight of sin, identification with human suffering, victory over death, trust in God, and surrender to His will.

What is the lasting impact of Jesus’ words on the cross?

Jesus’ words on the cross continue to inspire and transform those who hear them, offering hope, forgiveness, and salvation. They remind us of God’s love and the sacrifice made for our redemption.

How can we apply Jesus’ words on the cross to our lives?

We can apply Jesus’ words on the cross by embracing forgiveness, trusting in God’s plan, loving and caring for our family, acknowledging our human struggles, surrendering to God’s will, and living a life of faith and service to others.

Best Bible Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Below is a table featuring some highly regarded Bible Encyclopedias and Dictionaries along with their publishers and websites where they can be found or purchased.

The International Standard Bible EncyclopediaEerdmansEerdmans
Zondervan’s Pictorial Bible DictionaryZondervanZondervan
Easton’s Bible DictionaryThomas NelsonThomas Nelson
Holman Illustrated Bible DictionaryB&H Publishing GroupB&H Publishing Group
The New Unger’s Bible DictionaryMoody PublishersMoody Publishers
HarperCollins Bible DictionaryHarperOneHarperOne
Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament WordsThomas NelsonThomas Nelson

You can generally find these resources on the publishers’ websites, as well as other online book retailers such as Amazon or Christianbook. It’s always good practice to confirm availability and review additional details on the specific websites or other reliable online bookstores.



  • Darlene & Greg

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