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What Jesus Demands from the World (2024) 🙏


In this transformative book, John Piper explores the profound demands that Jesus places upon the world. Through his teachings and commandments, Jesus reveals his expectations for those who choose to follow him. This powerful message challenges believers to truly embody the values and principles of the Kingdom of God.

As we delve into “What Jesus Demands from the World,” we will uncover the unyielding truth and relevance of Jesus’s commands. From the fundamental call to be born again to the imperative of fulfilling the Great Commission, every demand carries weight and purpose. Through obedience and devotion, we can experience a vibrant and fulfilling faith that impacts not only our lives but also the world around us.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Jesus’s demands challenge believers to embody the values and principles of the Kingdom of God.
  • The book explores the transformative power of obedience and devotion to Jesus.
  • Understanding and fulfilling the Great Commission is central to Jesus’s demands.
  • Being born again is the starting point for true obedience to Jesus.
  • Jesus’s demands are for our ultimate good and satisfaction.

Who was Jesus in the Bible 📚

The Burden of This Book

John Piper’s book, “What Jesus Demands from the World,” carries a significant burden. It was written during a period of tension and examination between the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of Paul. Piper’s doctoral studies led him to explore the unity between Jesus and Paul’s messages, aiming to demonstrate that they are not conflicting but rather complementary.

In 2006, while at Tyndale House, Piper embarked on the task of reconciling the teachings of Jesus and Paul. His desire was to show that they both contribute to one vision of God, one way of salvation, and one ethical plan. The burden of this book lies in its mission to clarify the harmony between Jesus and Paul’s teachings and inspire believers to embrace this unified message.

“What Jesus Demands from the World” aims to exemplify the alignment between Jesus and Paul’s teachings, highlighting their shared focus on one vision of God, one way of salvation, and one ethical plan.”

The Burden of This Book: A Unified Message

The burden of “What Jesus Demands from the World” is to dismantle the perceived discord between Jesus’s teachings and Paul’s teachings. Piper wants readers to see that they are not separate but rather two parts of a cohesive whole. By illustrating the unity of their messages, Piper hopes to inspire believers to embrace these demands and align their lives with the teachings of Jesus and Paul.

Through meticulous study and examination of the four gospels, Piper meticulously documented every imperative command he found, totaling around 500 commands. This detailed analysis forms the backbone of the book, serving as evidence that Jesus and Paul deliver a unified message. The burden of this book is to present this evidence and convince readers that Jesus and Paul are united in their teachings.

The Burden of Unity: Jesus and Paul

Teachings of JesusTeachings of Paul
Emphasizes the kingdom of GodExpands on Jesus’s teachings and applies them to new contexts
Teaches love, forgiveness, and graceElaborates on Jesus’s commands and their implications for believers
Focuses on living a righteous lifeAddresses specific issues faced by early Christian communities

The burden of “What Jesus Demands from the World” is to show that Jesus and Paul are not in conflict but rather complement each other. Jesus’s teachings form the foundation, and Paul builds upon them, extending their application to new contexts. Together, they present a unified message that encompasses the kingdom of God, love, forgiveness, grace, righteousness, and the challenges faced by early Christian communities.

In Conclusion

The burden of “What Jesus Demands from the World” lies in its mission to demonstrate the unity between Jesus and Paul’s teachings. Through meticulous analysis, John Piper aims to dismantle the perceived contradictions and emphasize the shared vision of God, salvation, and ethics. By presenting the evidence of their unity, Piper hopes to inspire believers to embrace the demands of Jesus and Paul, aligning their lives with the transformative message they deliver.

Jesus and Paul Are One in Message

When it comes to the teachings of Jesus and Paul, there has been a long-standing belief that their messages are conflicting. Some have seen Jesus as the bringer of the kingdom, while Paul is often viewed as the inventor of Christianity. However, John Piper, in his book “What Jesus Demands from the World,” challenges this notion and seeks to demonstrate that Jesus and Paul are, in fact, unified in their teachings.

To show this unity, Piper embarked on an extensive study, reading through the four gospels and documenting every imperative command he found. His findings revealed that Jesus gave around 500 commands throughout his ministry. The purpose of this book is to highlight these commands and articulate how they reveal the unity between Jesus and Paul.

The commands of Jesus form the foundation of his teachings, and they are echoed in Paul’s writings. By examining these commands, Piper aims to dispel the idea that Jesus and Paul had conflicting messages, showcasing instead their shared vision of God, salvation, and ethical living. This book serves as a call to believers to recognize the harmony between Jesus and Paul and to embrace their teachings with faith and obedience.

Table: Jesus and Paul’s Shared Teachings

Love your enemies“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” – Matthew 5:44“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.” – Romans 12:14
Render to Caesar“Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” – Mark 12:17“Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed.” – Romans 13:7
Make disciples“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” – Matthew 28:19“And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” – 2 Timothy 2:2

Through his meticulous study and analysis, John Piper demonstrates that Jesus and Paul are unequivocally unified in their teachings. Their messages may be conveyed in different contexts, but they both share the same foundational principles and expectations for those who follow them. By recognizing this unity, believers can gain a deeper understanding of the comprehensive message that Jesus brings to the world and embrace it with faith and obedience.

Obedience to the Great Commission

The book “What Jesus Demands from the World” delves into the obedience required to fulfill the Great Commission. At the end of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus commands his followers to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to observe all that he commanded. This command serves as a call to action for believers to spread the teachings of Jesus and play an active role in making new followers.

In examining the obedience required in fulfilling the Great Commission, the book explores the role of pastors and missionaries in teaching and systematizing the commands of Jesus. It emphasizes the importance of equipping believers with the knowledge and understanding of Jesus’s demands, enabling them to effectively carry out the mission of making disciples.

Obedience to the Great Commission

The Role of Pastors and Missionaries

In order to fulfill the Great Commission, pastors and missionaries play a crucial role in guiding and mobilizing believers. They are instrumental in teaching the commands of Jesus and providing practical guidance on how to live out these demands. Through their leadership and example, they inspire and equip believers to actively participate in spreading the gospel and making disciples.

Role of PastorsRole of Missionaries
Teaching and preaching the commands of JesusSharing the gospel with unreached people groups
Mentoring and discipling believersEstablishing and nurturing local churches
Providing pastoral care and guidanceTraining local leaders and equipping them for ministry

“The obedience required in fulfilling the Great Commission requires the collective effort of believers, pastors, and missionaries working together to make disciples of all nations. It is not a task that can be accomplished in isolation, but rather a mission that demands unity, dedication, and unwavering commitment.” – John Piper

Overall, the book emphasizes that obedience to the Great Commission is not optional for believers. It is a command that requires active participation and a willingness to step out of one’s comfort zone. By embracing this command and living it out, believers can contribute to the spread of the gospel and the growth of God’s kingdom.

The Mission of the International Gospel going Worldwide for our population and the Earth Inhabitants

The mission of the International Gospel is to go worldwide for our population and the Earth Inhabitants. The International Gospel is a message of hope and love that is meant for everyone, no matter where they are from or what they have done. The International Gospel is a message that can change lives and help people to see the good in life. The International Gospel is something that we can all benefit from, no matter what our religion is. The International Gospel is a message that can help to heal the world and make it a better place.Spanning the Continents – Reaching out to the Universe from our planet.

A Different Teaching Than the Pharisees

Jesus’s teaching style was markedly different from that of the Pharisees. While the Pharisees burdened people with heavy regulations, Jesus taught in a way that brought rest and ease to those who followed him. He didn’t just teach the law; he embodied it with love, grace, and compassion.

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus’s teaching challenged the legalistic approach of the Pharisees, who focused on external obedience to the law without addressing the condition of the heart. He emphasized the importance of inward purity and genuine love for God and others. Instead of imposing burdens, Jesus offered freedom and liberation from sin.

This stark contrast between Jesus and the Pharisees is a central theme in the book “What Jesus Demands from the World.” It delves into the profound difference in teaching styles and reveals the heart of Jesus’s message that goes beyond mere adherence to religious rules.

Teaching StyleJesusPharisees
FocusLove, grace, and compassionExternal obedience to religious rules
EmphasisInward purity and genuine loveOutward appearance and adherence to the law
ResultRest and liberation from sinHeavy burdens and spiritual oppression

The teachings of Jesus are a refreshing departure from the legalism of the Pharisees. They invite us to experience a personal relationship with God and to live out our faith with love and compassion. Understanding these differences is crucial for believers seeking to follow the true teachings of Jesus and to avoid the pitfalls of religious legalism.

We Must Be Born Again

One of the most significant commands of Jesus is the call to be born again. This command emphasizes the need for a spiritual rebirth and transformation in the lives of believers. John Piper, in his book “What Jesus Demands from the World,” highlights this command as foundational for all other acts of obedience. Being born again is not just an optional experience but a vital requirement for true discipleship.

The concept of being born again is rooted in Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus in John 3:3-7. Jesus tells Nicodemus that unless one is born again, they cannot see the kingdom of God. This new birth is not a physical rebirth but a spiritual one, brought about by the work of the Holy Spirit in a person’s life. It is a transformation that gives believers new hearts, new desires, and the ability to live in obedience to God’s commands.

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” – John 3:3

John Piper emphasizes that the new birth is not something that can be achieved through human effort alone. It is a miraculous work of God’s grace. In his book, he highlights the necessity of recognizing our utter dependence on God for this transformation. Piper writes, “The new birth is not your doing. It is a supernatural miracle performed by God.” This understanding is crucial in cultivating humility and reliance on God as we seek to live in obedience to Jesus’ commands.

Key PointsImplications
The new birth is a command of Jesus.It is not optional but essential for true discipleship.
Being born again is a spiritual transformation.It involves receiving a new heart and desires from God.
The new birth is a work of God’s grace.It cannot be achieved through human effort alone.

As believers, understanding the command to be born again and the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit in our lives should lead us to humility, gratitude, and a deep sense of dependency on God. It should also serve as a constant reminder that our journey of obedience begins with this transformative experience of being born again.

Next, we will explore another crucial aspect of Jesus’ demands from the world – the understanding that the new birth is not our own doing but a miraculous work of God’s grace.

Not Your Own Doing

The new birth, or being born again, is a miraculous transformation that God brings about in a person’s life. It is not something that can be achieved through human effort alone. John Piper emphasizes that without the new birth, all attempts at obedience are futile. This miraculous transformation is a command that must be obeyed, but it is a command that God brings about through His grace.

As stated by Piper, “The new birth is a work of God. The new birth is a gift of God. The new birth is a miracle of God.” It is a miraculous event that signifies a spiritual rebirth and transformation. Just as a physical birth is a miraculous process initiated by God, the new birth is a supernatural act of God in the life of a believer. It is not something that can be manufactured or achieved through human effort.

“The new birth is the supernatural creation of new spiritual life in the soul, imparted by the Holy Spirit through the Word of God.” – John Piper

This transformation is a testament to the power of God and His ability to bring about salvation in the lives of individuals. It is a reminder that our salvation is not dependent on our own works or efforts, but on the grace and mercy of God. The new birth is a miracle that demonstrates God’s love and compassion for humanity, offering a fresh start and new beginning.

Key PointsExplanation
New BirthA miraculous transformation initiated by God
Not Human EffortCannot be achieved through human works or deeds
A Command to ObeyAlthough a gift, it is still a command to be followed
A Miracle of God’s GraceReflects the supernatural power and love of God

Summarized Key Points:

  • The new birth is a miraculous transformation that God brings about in a person’s life.
  • It cannot be achieved through human effort alone.
  • The new birth is a command that must be obeyed, but it is a command that God brings about through His grace.
  • It is a supernatural act of God that signifies a spiritual rebirth and transformation.
  • The new birth is a reminder of the power of God and His ability to bring about salvation in the lives of individuals.

Truly, truly, I say to you

Jesus’s command to be born again is a pivotal teaching emphasized in the gospel of John. In John 3:3, Jesus tells Nicodemus, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

This command highlights the spiritual transformation that is required for salvation and a life lived in obedience to Jesus. Being born again is not a mere human decision or effort, but a supernatural work of the Spirit. It signifies a new birth, a new identity, and a new beginning in Christ.

This command reflects Jesus’s authority and points to the necessity of relying on the Holy Spirit for transformation. It reminds believers that true obedience to Jesus’s demands cannot be achieved through self-effort alone, but through a genuine surrender to the work of the Spirit in their lives.

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” – John 3:5-6

This command challenges believers to recognize their need for a spiritual rebirth and affirms the centrality of the Holy Spirit in bringing about this transformation. It calls for a humble reliance on God’s grace and a willingness to submit to the work of the Spirit in conforming believers to the image of Christ.

Benefits of being born againImplications of ignoring the command
Assurance of salvationNo access to the Kingdom of God
Transformation of heart and mindNo spiritual growth or renewal
Empowerment by the Holy SpiritLack of spiritual discernment
Adoption into God’s familySeparation from God’s love and fellowship

Being born again is a foundational command that sets the stage for a life of obedience and wholehearted devotion to Jesus. It opens the door to a new relationship with God, a deeper understanding of His Word, and a transformed perspective on life. Embracing the command to be born again is an invitation to experience the abundant life that Jesus offers and to live in the power of the Spirit.

The Decree of the Great King

At the heart of Jesus’s demands from the world lies the Great Commission, a divine decree that calls upon His disciples to make disciples of all nations. This command, found in Matthew 28:18-20, serves as a rallying cry for believers to spread the teachings of Jesus and bring others into His kingdom. As followers of Christ, we are entrusted with the responsibility of sharing His message of salvation and transforming lives.

In fulfilling the Great Commission, we become active participants in God’s plan to reconcile the world to Himself. Jesus’s ultimate desire is for all nations to hear His truth and experience the life-transforming power of His grace. This divine mandate requires obedience, dedication, and a deep sense of purpose. It is a call to engage with people from different cultures and backgrounds, breaking down barriers and sharing the hope found in Christ.

As we embark on the journey of fulfilling the Great Commission, we must remember that the task is not ours alone. Jesus assures us of His presence and authority, declaring, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” (Matthew 28:18) We can draw strength from the knowledge that we are carrying out the mission of the Great King, empowered by His Spirit to make disciples and bring His kingdom to earth.

Great Commission

The Global Impact of the Great Commission

The impact of the Great Commission extends far beyond individual lives. It has the power to transform communities, nations, and the entire world. As disciples of Jesus, we are called to think beyond our immediate surroundings and reach out to the nations. This involves taking practical steps such as supporting missions, praying for unreached people groups, and actively engaging in cross-cultural evangelism.

Discipleship TrainingChurch PlantingTranslation of Scriptures
Equipping believers to make disciples and reproduce themselves spiritually.Establishing new churches in areas where the Gospel has not yet been preached.Providing access to God’s Word in the heart language of diverse cultures.
Training leaders who can effectively share the message of Jesus.Empowering local believers to lead and shepherd new congregations.Enabling individuals to understand and respond to the Gospel in their own cultural context.
Providing resources and support for ongoing discipleship and growth.Multiplying churches that can continue the work of making disciples.Enriching communities with the life-giving truth of God’s Word.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” – Matthew 28:19-20

This command from Jesus is not a burden but an invitation to join in His redemptive work. It is an opportunity to be part of a global movement that is bringing hope, healing, and salvation to people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. Let us embrace the Great Commission with joy and urgency, knowing that every disciple we make is a reflection of God’s love and grace in the world.

As the Father Has Sent Me

In the book “What Jesus Demands from the World,” John Piper puts a strong emphasis on the Great Commission, which Jesus commanded his followers to fulfill. The Great Commission requires believers to go and make disciples of all nations, spreading the teachings of Jesus and baptizing new followers. Piper highlights the importance of evangelism and obedience in carrying out this command.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

Piper sees the Great Commission as more than just a command; it is a call to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Just as Jesus was sent by the Father to accomplish His plan for salvation, believers are called to participate in the divine mission of making disciples. By evangelizing and obeying the teachings of Jesus, believers can actively contribute to fulfilling the Great Commission.

For Piper, the Great Commission is not an impossible task but rather an achievable goal. He believes that by mobilizing young people and believers to actively engage in evangelism and obedience, the message of Jesus can reach every corner of the world. This requires a mindset of faith and an unwavering commitment to the mission that Jesus entrusted to his followers.


Emphasizing the Importance of Evangelism and Obedience

Piper’s perspective on the Great Commission serves as a reminder to believers that they have a crucial role to play in the spreading of the gospel. Through evangelism, believers can share the good news of Jesus and invite others to become disciples. Obedience to Jesus’s teachings is also essential, as it demonstrates a genuine commitment to following Him and living according to His commandments.

By actively engaging in evangelism and obedience, believers can contribute to the fulfillment of the Great Commission and play a part in God’s redemptive plan for the world. The call to evangelize and obey Jesus’s teachings is not limited to a select few but extends to all believers who seek to live out their faith and share the love of Christ with others.

The Coastlands Wait for His Law

In the book “What Jesus Demands from the World,” John Piper highlights the importance of reaching unreached people groups with the Gospel. He recognizes that there are still many communities and nations that have yet to hear the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. These unreached people groups are waiting to receive the law of God and experience the transformative power of the Gospel.

“The urgency to reach the unreached is grounded in the understanding that God desires for all nations to know Him and His salvation. The Gospel is not meant to be confined within the boundaries of a single culture or region, but rather it is a message that is meant to be proclaimed to the ends of the earth.”

John Piper sees missions as a crucial part of fulfilling the Great Commission. He emphasizes the need for believers to be actively involved in spreading the Gospel and making disciples of all nations. The Coastlands, representing unreached people groups, eagerly await the proclamation of the Gospel. This understanding drives Piper’s passion to raise awareness and mobilize efforts to reach these unreached people.

Unreached People GroupsMissionsGospel
The CoastlandsJohn Piper’s passionSalvation and transformation

Through his ministry, John Piper aims to inspire believers to actively engage in missions and contribute to reaching the unreached people groups. He believes that the Gospel has the power to bring hope, healing, and salvation to all nations. By spreading the message of Jesus Christ, believers can participate in fulfilling Jesus’s command to make disciples of all nations.

Unreached people groups

The Call to Action

The call to reach unreached people groups is a call for every believer to be involved in missions. It is an invitation to step out of our comfort zones and be willing to go where the Gospel has not yet been heard. John Piper’s book serves as a reminder that the Coastlands, representing these unreached people groups, eagerly await the proclamation of the Gospel. Let us respond to this call and join in the mission of reaching the world with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

What Jesus Demands from the World – Bible Study Book

The book “What Jesus Demands from the World” provides readers with a comprehensive Bible study experience focused on the demands of Jesus. It offers a small-group setting, individual study materials, relevant Scripture passages, and a discussion guide. This Bible study book is designed to deepen understanding of Jesus’s commands and provide practical application for believers.

Through this Bible study book, readers will have the opportunity to delve into the teachings of Jesus and explore the demands He places upon those who follow Him. It aims to challenge believers to grow in obedience, faith, and love for God and others.

The study materials included in the book cover various topics such as being born again, loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, loving your enemies, rendering to Caesar, laying up treasures in heaven, and making disciples of all nations. Each session provides a deep dive into these demands, encouraging reflection, discussion, and personal application.

Whether you are new to studying the Bible or have been a believer for years, “What Jesus Demands from the World” offers a refreshing and transformative experience. It invites readers to encounter Jesus in a deeper way and challenges them to align their lives with His teachings. This Bible study book is an invaluable resource for individuals, small groups, and church communities seeking to grow in discipleship and live out the demands of Jesus in their daily lives.

A Refreshing Reminder for Believers

“What Jesus Demands from the World” serves as a refreshing reminder for believers who may feel their faith has grown stagnant or are experiencing a dry season in their spiritual walk. This book, written by John Piper, delves into the transformative message that Jesus delivers to the world, emphasizing His expectations for those who follow Him.

Throughout the pages of this book, believers are reminded of the deep calling to faith and obedience. In a world filled with distractions and competing priorities, it is all too easy to lose sight of the demands that Jesus places on His followers. This book reignites the passion for knowing Jesus more deeply and reminds believers of God’s ultimate plan for His Son’s glory and their own good.

With an emphasis on faith, spiritual walk, and the teachings of Jesus, “What Jesus Demands from the World” provides practical insights and guidance for believers to navigate their journey of discipleship. It reminds readers of the importance of obedience, evangelism, and living out the Great Commission in their daily lives. This book offers a renewed perspective and a fresh perspective on what it means to truly follow Jesus.

Key Takeaways:

  • Believers can find renewed passion and purpose in their spiritual walk through the teachings and demands of Jesus.
  • “What Jesus Demands from the World” serves as a reminder of the importance of obedience, evangelism, and discipleship.
  • This book offers practical insights and guidance for believers to deepen their faith and live out the Great Commission.


“Our faith and obedience are not empty rituals, but a response to the transformative message that Jesus delivers to the world.”

Table: Jesus’s Demands

Born AgainJesus calls believers to experience a spiritual rebirth and transformation.
Love God with All Your Heart, Soul, Mind, and StrengthJesus emphasizes the importance of wholehearted love and devotion to God.
Love Your EnemiesJesus challenges believers to extend love and forgiveness even to those who harm them.
Render to CaesarJesus calls believers to honor authority and fulfill their obligations in society.
Lay Up Treasures in HeavenJesus urges believers to prioritize eternal investments over worldly possessions.
Make Disciples of All NationsJesus commands believers to spread His teachings and make new followers around the world.

Session Topics

The study book “What Jesus Demands from the World” includes six powerful sessions that delve into various topics related to Jesus’s demands. Each session offers profound insights and practical application for believers seeking to grow in discipleship and fulfill the Great Commission. Let’s explore the captivating topics covered in these sessions:

1. Born Again: Transformation and Spiritual Rebirth

This session highlights Jesus’s fundamental command to be born again, emphasizing the need for a spiritual rebirth and transformation in the lives of believers. It explores the significance of the new birth as the starting point for genuine obedience to Jesus’s demands.

2. Love God with All Your Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength

In this session, believers are challenged to wholeheartedly love God with every fiber of their being. It examines the depth and breadth of what it means to love God entirely, exploring the implications for one’s relationship with Him and the fulfillment of His commands.

3. Loving Your Enemies: A Radical Call to Christlike Love

Jesus’s command to love our enemies is the focus of this session. It delves into the radical nature of Christlike love, which calls believers to extend grace, forgiveness, and compassion even to those who oppose them. This session explores the transformative power of loving our enemies and its impact on discipleship.

4. Rendering to Caesar: Living as Citizens of the Kingdom

This session examines the command to render to Caesar what is Caesar’s, exploring the tension between earthly authorities and the reign of God’s kingdom. It invites believers to consider how they can navigate the demands of earthly citizenship while remaining loyal to the ultimate authority of Christ.

5. Laying Up Treasures in Heaven: A New Perspective on Wealth and Possessions

Jesus’s teaching on laying up treasures in heaven challenges believers to reassess their perspective on wealth and possessions. This session explores the call to invest in eternal treasures rather than earthly riches, examining how a heavenly-focused mindset can transform attitudes towards material possessions.

6. Making Disciples of All Nations: Partnering in the Great Commission

The final session centers around the Great Commission, emphasizing the command to make disciples of all nations. It explores the significance of actively participating in the spread of the Gospel and engaging in intentional discipleship, equipping believers to fulfill this crucial aspect of Jesus’s demands.

These sessions provide a deep dive into the demands of Jesus and offer practical guidance for discipleship. With each topic, readers are challenged to apply the teachings of Jesus to their lives and embrace a transformative journey of obedience, love, and Kingdom impact.

Final Thoughts – What Jesus Demands from the World

The book “What Jesus Demands from the World” by John Piper offers a profound exploration of Jesus’s demands and their significance for believers today. Throughout the book, Piper emphasizes the importance of obedience, evangelism, and discipleship in fulfilling the Great Commission.

By delving into the teachings and commandments of Jesus, Piper highlights the transformative message that Jesus delivers to the world. He challenges readers to trust and treasure Jesus above all else, recognizing that His demands are not burdensome but rather for their ultimate good and satisfaction.

Through this comprehensive examination, “What Jesus Demands from the World” serves as a refreshing reminder for believers, inspiring them to reignite their passion for knowing Jesus more deeply and to actively participate in spreading His teachings. Piper’s desire to mobilize young people and believers echoes the urgency of making disciples of all nations, especially reaching the unreached people groups.

As readers engage with the study sessions and discussion guide included in the Bible study book, they are encouraged to apply the demands of Jesus in their daily lives. This book offers practical application and relevant Scripture passages that deepen understanding and stimulate growth in faith. Overall, “What Jesus Demands from the World” is a powerful call to action, challenging believers to live out the demands of Jesus with joy and fervor.


Is “What Jesus Demands from the World” a recent book?

No, the book was written by John Piper seven years ago.

What is the main focus of “What Jesus Demands from the World”?

The book explores the teachings and commandments of Jesus and highlights his expectations for those who follow him.

Why did John Piper write this book?

John Piper wanted to show the unity of Jesus and Paul’s teachings, as he encountered the belief during his doctoral studies that they had conflicting messages.

How did John Piper approach his research for this book?

He read through the four gospels and documented every imperative command he found, resulting in about 500 commands.

What is the significance of the Great Commission in the book?

The book examines the obedience required in fulfilling the Great Commission and the role of pastors and missionaries in teaching and systematizing these commands.

How does Jesus’s teaching style differ from that of the Pharisees?

While the Pharisees placed heavy burdens on people, Jesus taught in a way that brought rest and ease to his followers. The book explores this difference in teaching.

What is the fundamental command of Jesus discussed in the book?

The book emphasizes the command to be born again, which is seen as the starting point for true obedience to Jesus.

Can the new birth be achieved through human effort alone?

No, the new birth is a miraculous transformation that God brings about in a person’s life through His grace.

What does it mean to be born again?

Being born again means being born of the Spirit, a work that cannot be fully understood or controlled by humans.

What is the significance of the Great Commission in the book?

The book emphasizes the importance of evangelism and obedience in fulfilling the Great Commission and desires to mobilize young people and believers to actively participate in spreading the teachings of Jesus.

Why is reaching unreached people groups important?

John Piper believes that the gospel must be proclaimed among unreached people groups and aims to raise awareness and mobilize efforts to reach them.

What is included in the Bible study experience of the book?

The book provides a small-group setting, individual study materials, relevant Scripture passages, and a discussion guide for a comprehensive study of Jesus’s demands.

What is the aim of “What Jesus Demands from the World” for believers?

The book aims to reignite passion for knowing Jesus more deeply and reminds believers of God’s plan for His Son’s glory and their own good.

What session topics are covered in the study book?

The study book covers topics such as being born again, loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, loving your enemies, rendering to Caesar, laying up treasures in heaven, and making disciples of all nations.

Is there a conclusion to the book mentioned?

No, the FAQ section does not include a conclusion or summary of the book.

Source Links

New Testament Commentaries

Below is a table featuring some renowned New Testament commentaries, their publishers, and websites where they can be found. Please note that availability may vary and it’s always beneficial to check multiple sources for acquiring these commentaries.

Commentary NamePublisherWebsite
The New International Commentary on the New TestamentEerdmansEerdmans
Word Biblical CommentaryZondervanZondervan
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New TestamentBaker AcademicBaker Academic
The New Testament for EveryoneWestminster John Knox PressWestminster John Knox Press
Tyndale New Testament CommentariesInterVarsity PressInterVarsity Press
Expositor’s Bible CommentaryZondervanZondervan
The Anchor Yale Bible CommentaryYale University PressYale University Press


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