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15 Unique Facts about Dogs Mentioned in the Bible

15 Unique Facts about Dogs Mentioned in the Bible

15 Unique Facts about Dogs Mentioned in the Bible

15 Unique Facts about Dogs Mentioned in the Bible

  1. In the Bible, the first mention of a dog is in the Book of Exodus when Moses’s dog leads the Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus 11:7).
  2. In the Bible, dogs are mentioned as a metaphor for loyalty and fidelity in Proverbs 26:11.
  3. In the Bible, the prophet Isaiah uses the example of a dog licking up its own vomit to describe a people who return to their own sinful ways (Isaiah 56:11).
  4. In the Bible, dogs are seen as a symbol of protection and guardianship in Psalm 22:20.
  5. In the Bible, the prophet Jeremiah uses the metaphor of a dog returning to its own vomit to describe how a rebellious people will turn away from God (Jeremiah 15:3).
  6. In the Bible, dogs are described as scavengers and scavenging is seen as a metaphor for how people can become desperate in times of need (Luke 15:4).
  7. In the Bible, dogs are seen as a metaphor for how people can be deceived and led astray by false prophets (Jeremiah 5:6).
  8. In the Bible, dogs are described as animals of ill omen and are seen as a symbol of destruction (Psalm 59:6).
  9. In the Bible, the prophet Isaiah uses the metaphor of a dog on a leash to describe how God will restrain his people from sin (Isaiah 28:22).
  10. In the Bible, dogs are seen as a metaphor for how people can be led astray by their own passions (Proverbs 26:11).
  11. In the Bible, dogs are mentioned as a metaphor for how people can be deceived by their own desires (Proverbs 26:11).
  12. In the Bible, dogs are a metaphor for how people can be deceived by their own pride (Proverbs 16:18).
  13. In the Bible, the prophet Hosea uses the metaphor of a dog returning to its own vomit to describe how people can return to their own sinful ways (Hosea 7:8).
  14. In the Bible, dogs are used to represent how people can be deceived and led astray by false prophets (Matthew 7:6).
  15. In the Bible, dogs are seen as a metaphor for how people can be deceived and misled by their own desires (Proverbs 26:11).

Unlocking the Mysteries: Beware of Dogs Bible Meaning Explained | PDF | Classes

Dogs: Dogs Mentioned in the Bible


  • Darlene & Greg

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