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Boost Your Church Social Media Engagement Today

Church Social Media Engagement

Social media plays a vital role in connecting modern churches with their communities. In the digital age, having a strong online presence and an effective social media strategy is crucial for churches to engage their congregations and reach out to new members.

In this article, we will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips on how to boost your church’s social media engagement. Whether you’re just starting or looking to enhance your existing strategy, we’ve got you covered!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Creating a strong social media strategy is essential for churches to maintain engagement and stay current with the ever-changing trends and algorithms.
  • Define your goals and objectives for your church’s social media presence, and understand your target audience.
  • Stay up to date with social media trends and incorporate them into your strategy.
  • Plan your church social media posts in advance using a content calendar, and vary the type of content to engage your audience effectively.
  • Utilize content pillars to guide your social media content creation, such as discipleship and community.

How to Create Your Church Social Media Post Strategy

Creating an effective church social media post strategy is crucial for maximizing your online presence and engaging with your community. By following the steps below, you can develop a strategy that aligns with your church’s goals and objectives.

Define Your Goals and Objectives

Start by clearly defining what you want to achieve through your social media presence. Identify specific goals such as increasing attendance, fostering community engagement, or attracting new members. Having a clear understanding of your objectives will help shape your overall strategy.

Understand Your Target Audience

Take the time to research and understand your target audience. Who are they? What are their interests, needs, and motivations? By gaining insights into your audience, you can tailor your content to resonate with them and create meaningful connections.

Research Other Churches’ Social Media Strategies

Stay informed about what other churches are doing on social media. Research how they engage with their community, the platforms they use, and the type of content they share. This will provide inspiration and ideas for your own strategy while ensuring you stay current with industry trends.

Choose the Right Platforms

Consider where your target audience is most active and select the social media platforms that align with your church’s goals. Popular platforms for churches include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Focus on creating a strong presence on a few platforms rather than spreading yourself too thin.

Create a Content Calendar

A content calendar is a valuable tool for planning and organizing your social media content. It helps ensure consistency and allows you to strategically schedule posts. Use the calendar to outline the type of content you will share, including scriptures, sermon highlights, event promotions, and community stories.

Determine Content Creation and Posting Schedule

Decide who on your team will be responsible for creating social media content. Assign roles and responsibilities to ensure a smooth workflow. Develop a posting schedule that includes the frequency and timing of your posts. Consistency is key to maintaining engagement and building trust with your audience.

By following these steps, you can create an effective church social media post strategy that drives engagement, fosters community, and supports your church’s goals.

Keeping Up with Social Media Trends

Staying up to date with social media trends is essential for churches in order to ensure a strong online presence and engage with their community effectively. By keeping a pulse on the latest trends, churches can stay relevant and reach a wider audience. Here are some tips to help your church stay ahead of the game:

Follow Influential Accounts and Pages

One of the best ways to stay updated on social media trends is to follow influential accounts and pages. These can be accounts of other churches, religious leaders, or even social media experts who specialize in the field of church social media. By observing their strategies and content, you can gain insights into what works and adapt it to your own church’s social media strategy.

Utilize Trend-Tracking Tools

Trend-tracking tools can be valuable resources for churches looking to stay on top of social media trends. These tools provide real-time data and analysis on popular hashtags, topics, and content formats. By using these tools, you can identify emerging trends and tailor your content accordingly, ensuring that your church remains current and engaging.

Stay Active on Social Media

Active participation on social media platforms is crucial for churches to stay informed about the latest trends. Regularly monitor your social media accounts, engage with your audience, and keep an eye on the content that is performing well. By actively participating in conversations and observing what resonates with your community, you can adapt your approach and incorporate current trends into your social media strategy.

Subscribe to Newsletters and Blogs

There are many newsletters and blogs that specifically cover social media trends for churches. By subscribing to these resources, you can receive regular updates and insights on the latest trends, strategies, and best practices. This knowledge can help you refine your church’s social media strategy and ensure that you’re taking advantage of new opportunities.

Engage in Trending Hashtags and Collaborate with Influencers

Trending hashtags can provide a great opportunity for churches to increase their visibility and engage with a wider audience. When relevant, participate in trending conversations and incorporate popular hashtags into your posts. Additionally, collaborating with influencers or partnering with other organizations can help expand your reach and tap into new social media trends.

Monitor Analytics and Adjust Your Strategy

Regularly monitor your social media analytics to track the performance of your posts and campaigns. Analyzing these metrics will help you understand what content resonates with your audience and what doesn’t. Use this data to make informed decisions and adjust your social media strategy accordingly.

By staying authentic and positive in your social media posts, you can effectively communicate the values and mission of your church. Keeping up with social media trends isn’t just about following the latest fads, but rather adapting your strategy to reflect the evolving needs and preferences of your online community.

Church Social Media Trends

Staying up to date with social media trends is essential for churches to maintain a strong online presence and effectively engage with their community. By following the tips outlined above, your church can adapt to the ever-changing social media landscape and stay connected with your audience.

A 31-Day Plan of Church Social Media Post Ideas

Planning your church social media posts in advance can help you maintain consistency and creativity. Use a content calendar to map out what kind of content will go on which platform and when. The 31-day plan below provides a month’s worth of ideas for your social media posts. You can also create content pillars, such as discipleship and community, to guide your post ideas. Remember to vary the type of content and engage your audience through inspiration, engagement, entertainment, connection, and information.

Day 1: Share a Bible verse that has been inspiring to your congregation.

Day 2: Highlight a community event or program that your church is organizing.

Day 3: Ask your followers to share their favorite worship songs and create a playlist based on their suggestions.

Day 4: Share a testimonial or story of impact from someone in your community.

Day 5: Post a funny or uplifting meme related to church or faith.

Day 6: Start a conversation about how faith has helped your followers overcome challenges.

Day 7: Share a behind-the-scenes photo or video of a church activity or service.

Day 8: Recommend a book or podcast that aligns with your church’s values and teachings.

Day 9: Post a thought-provoking question and invite your followers to share their perspectives.

Day 10: Feature a local business or organization that your church supports.

Day 11: Share a video of a recent sermon or teaching for those who missed it.

Day 12: Engage your audience with a fun trivia quiz about your church or the Bible.

Day 13: Start a weekly prayer request thread and encourage your followers to share their prayer needs.

Day 14: Ask your community to share their favorite Bible verses and create a visually appealing graphic with their submissions.

Day 15: Host a live Q&A session with a pastor or church leader to address questions and provide guidance.

Day 16: Share an inspirational quote from a well-known Christian author or theologian.

Day 17: Post a video testimonial from someone whose life has been transformed by their faith.

Day 18: Start a weekly discussion thread where your community can share their thoughts on a specific Bible passage or topic.

Day 19: Share a piece of historical or theological trivia related to your church’s denomination.

Day 20: Post a behind-the-scenes photo or video of a community service project that your church is involved in.

Day 21: Highlight a charity or nonprofit organization that your church partners with and encourage your followers to support their cause.

Day 22: Feature a member of your congregation and share their story of how faith has impacted their life.

Day 23: Share a video tutorial or how-to guide on a specific aspect of the Christian faith or church life.

Day 24: Post an inspirational quote overlaid on a beautiful nature photo.

Day 25: Create a short video of church members sharing what they love most about your church community.

Day 26: Share a Bible study resource or guide that your followers can use to deepen their understanding of Scripture.

Day 27: Post a photo or video recap of a recent church event or gathering.

Day 28: Ask your audience to share their favorite hymn and create a Spotify playlist based on their responses.

Day 29: Share a personal reflection or story from a pastor or church leader.

Day 30: Host a virtual meetup or online event for your community to connect and fellowship.

Day 31: Express gratitude to your online community for their support and engagement.

By following this 31-day plan and incorporating diverse content pillars, you will be able to keep your church social media profiles engaging and meaningful. Remember to track your performance using analytics and adjust your strategy accordingly. Stay consistent, connect with your community, and make a lasting impact through your church’s social media presence.

church social media post ideas

Tips on Using Content Pillars

Content pillars can be a useful tool in organizing your church social media posts, ensuring consistency and alignment with your church’s goals and objectives. When implementing content pillars, it’s essential to vary the type of content and adapt it to different social media platforms. By doing so, you can effectively engage your online community and enhance your church’s social media presence and impact.

When creating content pillars for your church, consider including pillars for discipleship and community, as well as other areas of focus within your church. These pillars will serve as guiding principles for your content creation, allowing you to highlight key aspects that resonate with your target audience.

Vary the Type of Content

One of the key benefits of using content pillars is the ability to diversify your church social media content. By offering a mix of content types, such as text posts, images, videos, and interactive elements, you can cater to different preferences and engage a broader audience.

Adapt to Different Social Media Platforms

Each social media platform has its unique characteristics and audience preferences. When using content pillars, tailor your content to each platform to maximize its impact. For example, on Facebook, you can share longer-form content, while on Instagram, visually appealing images and short videos may be more effective.

Here’s a table providing an overview of how content pillars can be adapted to different social media platforms:

Social Media Platform Content Pillar Focus Recommended Content Types
Facebook Discipleship Long-form posts, Bible study resources, faith-related articles
Instagram Community High-quality images, short videos, volunteer spotlights
Twitter Inspiration Inspirational quotes, quick devotionals, sermon highlights

Consistency and Flexibility

While content pillars provide a framework for your church social media strategy, it’s important to maintain a balance between consistency and flexibility. Use content pillars as a guide, but allow room for spontaneous and timely posts to stay current and responsive to your community’s needs and interests.

church social media content pillars

By implementing content pillars effectively, you can streamline your church’s social media efforts, maintain a consistent brand presence, and foster deeper engagement and connection with your online community.

Ideas for a Discipleship Content Pillar

A discipleship content pillar plays a vital role in providing spiritual guidance and support to your church’s online community. By incorporating the right elements, you can create impactful content that resonates with individuals on their spiritual journey. Here are some ideas to inspire your discipleship content pillar:

Bible Verses

Share meaningful Bible verses that inspire and uplift your online community. Reflect on the teachings and messages conveyed by these verses, encouraging individuals to delve deeper into God’s word and apply it to their lives.

Inspirational Quotes

Inspire your online community with uplifting quotes that touch the heart and soul. These quotes can come from notable spiritual leaders, theologians, or even members of your congregation who have experienced personal growth and transformation.

Devotional Thoughts

Offer brief devotional thoughts that guide individuals in their daily walk with faith. These thoughts can explore various topics such as forgiveness, gratitude, love, or overcoming challenges. Encourage your congregation to reflect on these thoughts and share their own insights.

Reflections on Sermons or Teachings

Provide reflections on sermons or teachings delivered by your church’s spiritual leaders. Summarize key messages and encourage individuals to engage in thoughtful discussions about the sermon’s impact on their lives.

Resources and Recommendations

Recommend books, podcasts, online courses, or other materials that can support individuals in their spiritual growth. By providing valuable resources, you can guide your online community in deepening their understanding and relationship with God.

Engagement and Discussion

Create opportunities for engagement and discussion around discipleship topics. Pose questions, facilitate virtual Bible study groups, or host online forums where individuals can share their thoughts and insights. Encourage a sense of community and connection as you journey together in faith.

By incorporating these ideas into your discipleship content pillar, you can foster spiritual growth, provide guidance, and create a supportive online community within your church.

church social media discipleship ideas

Benefits of a Discipleship Content Pillar Tips for Implementation
  • Provides spiritual guidance and support
  • Deepens individuals’ understanding of scripture
  • Fosters a sense of community and connection
  • Encourages personal reflection and growth
  • Align your content with your church’s values and teachings
  • Engage with your online community through comments and discussions
  • Offer a variety of content formats such as videos, written posts, and graphics
  • Regularly evaluate the impact and relevance of your discipleship content

Ideas for a Community Content Pillar

Building a strong community is a vital aspect of church social media engagement. By creating a community content pillar, you can foster connection, highlight the work of volunteers, and showcase impactful stories. Here are some ideas to inspire your church’s community content:

1. Highlight Church Events

Inspire excitement and encourage participation by featuring upcoming church events on your social media platforms. Share details, such as dates, times, and locations, along with engaging visuals to grab attention. This will not only keep your community informed, but also provide an opportunity for online members to join in person or virtually.

2. Showcase Volunteer and Community Work

Recognize the commitment and impact of your volunteers and community members by highlighting their contributions on social media. Share photos, stories, and testimonials that demonstrate their selfless service and dedication. This will not only inspire others to get involved but also create a sense of pride within your community.

3. Share Stories of Impact and Transformation

Stories have the power to inspire and uplift. Share stories of individuals whose lives have been transformed through the church community. Highlight how your church’s teachings, support, or outreach programs have made a positive difference. These stories can be a source of encouragement and serve as a testament to the work your church is doing.

4. Feature Local Partnerships

Collaborate with local businesses or organizations that align with your church’s values and mission. Feature their work, initiatives, and impact on your social media platforms. By promoting these partnerships, you not only show support for the community but also establish your church’s involvement and commitment to making a difference beyond the church walls.

5. Encourage Community Engagement

Engagement is key to building a thriving community. Encourage your online community to share their own stories, experiences, and testimonies. Create opportunities for virtual meetups, discussions, or even online challenges that foster a sense of belonging and connection. Actively respond to comments and messages to build genuine relationships with your community members.

Remember, developing a strong community content pillar requires consistency and authenticity. By implementing these ideas and tailoring them to your church’s vision, you can create meaningful engagement and cultivate a tight-knit community through your church’s social media presence.

church social media community ideas

Ideas for a Community Content Pillar Benefits
Highlight Church Events Inform your community about upcoming events and encourage participation.
Showcase Volunteer and Community Work Recognize and appreciate the efforts of volunteers and community members, fostering a sense of pride and commitment.
Share Stories of Impact and Transformation Inspire others by showcasing how the church community has positively influenced lives.
Feature Local Partnerships Promote local businesses and organizations that align with the church’s values, demonstrating community involvement.
Encourage Community Engagement Create a sense of belonging and connection by facilitating discussions and encouraging community members to share their experiences.

How Do You Serve Your Social Media Community?

Serving your social media community goes beyond posting content and engaging with comments. It involves actively listening to your audience, addressing their needs and concerns, and providing valuable resources and support. By offering various services, your church can make a significant impact on your online community and foster a deeper connection. Here are some strategies to serve your social media community:

Create Opportunities for Prayer Requests

“Prayer is the key that unlocks all the storehouses of God’s infinite grace and power.” – R.A. Torrey

Encourage your social media community to share their prayer requests openly. Use dedicated prayer request hashtags or create an online form for individuals to submit their requests confidentially. Consider establishing a designated prayer team that can actively pray for these requests and provide words of comfort and encouragement. This practice not only allows your community members to feel supported but also strengthens their faith.

Offer Virtual Counseling or Mentorship

“In learning, you will teach, and in teaching, you will learn.” – Phil Collins

For those who seek guidance and support, offer virtual counseling or mentorship programs through your social media platforms. Connect with licensed counselors or experienced mentors within your congregation who can provide one-on-one sessions or group support in an online setting. This accessible and confidential service can address various personal, emotional, or spiritual needs, bringing comfort and guidance to your community.

Provide Guidance on Specific Topics or Challenges

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Identify specific topics or challenges that your online community may be facing, such as grief, anxiety, relationships, or parenting. Create informative and empathetic content that offers guidance, resources, and practical steps to navigate these areas. Collaborate with professionals or experts in relevant fields to provide accurate and insightful information. By addressing these topics, your church can become a reliable source of support and encouragement in the lives of your community members.

Organize Online Events and Programs

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is a success.” – Henry Ford

Engage your social media community by organizing online events and programs that cater to their interests and needs. This could include virtual conferences, workshops, or webinars on topics like personal growth, leadership, or faith-related discussions. Collaborate with other organizations or influential individuals to maximize your impact and provide diverse perspectives. By actively involving your community members in these events, you foster a sense of belonging and create opportunities for shared experiences and growth.

Collaborate with Other Organizations

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

Maximize your church’s outreach by collaborating with other organizations that align with your mission and values. Partner with local nonprofits, community centers, or schools to support their initiatives or promote their events through your social media platforms. By fostering these partnerships, your church can extend its reach, build trust within the community, and make a tangible difference in the lives of those you serve.

In summary, serving your social media community involves going beyond posting content and engaging with comments. By actively listening, addressing needs and concerns, and providing valuable resources and support, your church can create a meaningful online presence. By offering prayer requests, virtual counseling, specific guidance, online events, and collaboration with other organizations, you can engage and serve your social media community in a profound and impactful way.

church social media outreach

Inspiration, Engagement, Entertainment, Connection, Information: Five Keys to Church Social Media Ideas

When it comes to creating engaging church social media posts, it’s important to focus on five key elements: inspiration, engagement, entertainment, connection, and information. By incorporating these elements into your content strategy, you can create a meaningful and compelling online presence for your church.

Inspiration: Share inspirational quotes, stories, and testimonies to uplift and encourage your online community. Use your social media platforms as a platform to spread positivity and motivate your audience. Inspirational content can be a powerful way to connect with your followers on a deeper level, reminding them of the values and teachings of your church.

Engagement: Encourage your followers to actively engage with your church’s social media posts. Pose questions, conduct polls, and host interactive activities that foster two-way communication. By creating opportunities for dialogue and participation, you can build a stronger sense of community online.

Entertainment: Provide entertaining content that captures the attention of your audience. This can include funny memes, engaging videos, or behind-the-scenes glimpses into your church activities. Entertainment can be a valuable tool to keep your audience engaged and interested in your social media content.

Connection: Foster connection by highlighting the personal stories and experiences of individuals within your congregation. Share the journeys of members, their struggles, triumphs, and moments of growth. By showcasing the human side of your church, you can create a deeper connection with your followers and inspire them to share their own stories.

Information: Share valuable information on relevant topics, events, and resources. Keep your audience informed about upcoming sermons, workshops, or community initiatives. Provide educational content that is relevant to their lives and tackles current issues. By offering valuable information, you establish your church as a trusted source of guidance and support.

By integrating these five key elements into your church social media strategy, you can create dynamic and engaging content that resonates with your online community. Remember to stay true to your church’s values and mission as you connect, inspire, entertain, and inform your followers.


Boosting your church’s social media engagement is essential in today’s digital age. By implementing effective church social media strategies and following best practices, you can create a strong online presence for your church and connect with your community on a deeper level.

One of the key factors in boosting social media engagement is to stay authentic. Your online presence should reflect the values and mission of your church, creating a sense of trust and credibility among your followers. Additionally, it is crucial to adapt to social media trends and algorithms, staying up to date with the latest practices and techniques.

However, the most important aspect of church social media is serving your online community. By actively listening to their needs, addressing their concerns, and providing valuable resources and support, you can build a loyal and engaged audience. This can be achieved through offering virtual counseling, organizing online events, and collaborating with other organizations.

With a strategic approach to social media and a focus on community engagement, your church can elevate its digital presence and make a meaningful impact in the lives of those you reach. By following the tips and ideas outlined in this article, you are well on your way to boosting your church’s social media engagement and achieving your goals.


Why is social media important for churches?

Social media is important for churches because it allows them to effectively communicate with their community, increase engagement, and stay current with trends and algorithms.

How can I create an effective church social media post strategy?

To create an effective church social media post strategy, start by defining your goals and objectives, understanding your target audience, researching what other churches are doing, choosing the right platforms, creating a content calendar, and developing a posting schedule.

How can I stay up to date with social media trends?

You can stay up to date with social media trends by following influential accounts, using trend-tracking tools, staying active on social media, subscribing to newsletters and blogs, engaging in trending hashtags, and monitoring analytics.

Can you provide a 31-day plan of church social media post ideas?

Yes, we can provide a 31-day plan of church social media post ideas to help you maintain consistency and creativity in your content.

What are content pillars and how can they help with church social media posts?

Content pillars are a way to organize your church social media posts. They help maintain consistency and ensure your content aligns with your goals and objectives. You can create content pillars for areas such as discipleship and community.

What kind of content can be included in a discipleship content pillar?

A discipleship content pillar can include sharing Bible verses, inspirational quotes, devotional thoughts, reflections on sermons, recommendations for resources, and encouraging engagement and discussion.

How can I build a strong community through church social media engagement?

To build a strong community, you can highlight church events, showcase volunteer and community work, share stories of impact and transformation, feature local businesses or organizations, encourage community members to share their stories, and create opportunities for virtual meetups and discussions.

How do I serve my social media community beyond posting content?

Serving your social media community involves actively listening to their needs and concerns, providing valuable resources and support, offering opportunities for prayer requests and virtual counseling, organizing online events and programs, and collaborating with other organizations for maximum impact.

What are the five keys to church social media ideas?

The five keys are inspiration, engagement, entertainment, connection, and information. These elements resonate with your audience and keep them engaged by sharing inspirational content, encouraging interaction, providing entertainment, fostering connection, and sharing valuable information.

How can I boost my church’s social media engagement?

You can boost your church’s social media engagement by following a well-planned strategy, staying authentic, adapting to social media trends, prioritizing serving your online community, and consistently putting effort into your social media presence.

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  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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