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Effect of e-business on Church Leadership | Leadership

Which of the following is an Effect of e-business on Church Leadership?

Churches are using technology to make teaching more visual. They’re using slideshows, videos, and other visuals during their sermons in order to help people understand what the pastor is saying better. This helps those who may not be able to attend church on Sunday morning or might not want to go because they feel like they won’t understand what’s going on.

Which of the following is an Effect of e-business on Church Leadership?

There are many effects of e-business on leadership. One such effect is the way that leaders must now become more technically savvy in order to keep up with the ever-changing online landscape.

Leaders must also be able to effectively manage a virtual team, which can be difficult since team members may be located all over the world. Additionally, e-business has led to a decline in face-to-face interaction, which can cause communication problems within teams. In this blog post, we will discuss these and other effects of e-business on leadership. Which of the following is an Effect of e-business on Church Leadership?

Go and make Disciples

A Key Priority is to Initiate an IT – Technology Team

Depending on the needs of your church, a Technology Team may be made up of people with strengths (gifts) in different areas, it also allows congregations to utilize their gifted youth, who tend to be skilled here, such as:

* Audio/Visual Production

* Broadcast (Video) Production

* Computer Hardware / Software Support

* Network Administration

* Programming

* Website Development and Maintenance.

What is Vision Casting – Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish

Check this vision – I would follow this – Greg Gaines

The key is to have a team that can cover the areas needed for your church’s technology ministries. A Technology Team can provide support and leadership in many different ways, such as:

* Developing Policies and Procedures

* Training Volunteers

* Planning Events

* Solving Technology Issues

* Making Purchases and Decisions.

Which of the following is an Effect of e business on Church Leadership 2

Increased use of technology has led to a need for more effective Church leadership

With the increased ease and availability of communication tools, it has become increasingly important for churches to have effective leadership skills. These include being able to communicate clearly with a wide range of people and having the ability to respond quickly when things go wrong.

Church leaders should also be aware that there are certain situations where technology can make things worse rather than better.

Older members are not skilled with technology and may feel intimidated by others who are; younger members often expect leaders to be savvy about new technologies, which can create tension between generations.

Effective leadership training is needed for those who want to use it in their ministry but don’t know how or where to start

* Support team members with planning events and solving technical issues with the older members who may not be as skilled.

* Try online leadership training resources that are available these days to help equip church leaders with the tools they need to lead their congregation in the 21st century.

In today’s Current landscape Leadership needs to be flexible

  • In-person leadership – meeting with people in person and having leadership over them
  • Virtual Leadership – leading a group of people online, through email, chat, or other virtual methods
  • Leadership is about being flexible and finding what works for your church. You may find that some people are more comfortable with one way of doing things
  • Online Leadership – managing a group of people over the internet
  • In both situations, leaders need to be able to adapt quickly in order to lead effectively.

Church leaders must be able to adapt to changes in culture in order to keep up.

Churches are becoming more diverse and the way people interact with religion is changing. If church leaders don’t change the way they do things, they will become irrelevant.

The best churches are constantly adapting to changes in their culture. They are willing to try new things and they aren’t afraid of change. If your church isn’t doing this, you’re going to have a hard time reaching people who are different than you.

Church leaders need to be aware of what’s happening in the world around them and be willing to make changes when necessary. If they don’t, they’ll end up losing members and becoming irrelevant. The bottom line is that churches need to adapt or die.

It’s not That the people’s need for God is getting any less, but what ways of evangelism are effective in reaching people. So, church leaders must be adaptive to changes in culture and effective in the ways they reach out to connect with people’s hearts.

Examples of Cultural Changes:

  • Using Technology for Preaching – Some churches are using video streaming services like YouTube or Facebook Live to broadcast their sermons online instead of just having them in front of the congregation. This allows more people access who may not be able to attend physically due
  • Preaching over social media – Churches can reach a wider audience by preaching on Instagram and Twitter, rather than only doing it at their church building during services. This allows more people access who may not be able to attend physically due
  • Sharing the gospel through Music – Churches are using music as a way of reaching out to those who might not normally go inside and listen. They can share the gospel in songs that are both catchy enough for non-churchgoers but also have a Christian message.
  • Using Technology for Fellowship – Churches are using apps and social media groups as a way of staying in touch with their members more easily. This can help build community within the church and also allows people to connect with one another outside of church events.
  • Online Bible Studies – There are now many online Bible studies that people from all over the world can participate in. This is a great way for people to learn more about the Bible and connect with other Christians from around the globe.
  • Church leaders must be able to adapt to changes in culture in order to keep up. If they don’t, their church will become irrelevant and no one will want to go anymore. The best churches are always adapting to changes in their culture and they are effective in the ways they reach out to connect with people’s hearts. So, church leaders must be adaptive to changes in culture and effective in the ways they reach out to connect with people’s hearts.
  • Using Technology for our singing during worship
  • Some churches are using projection screens to project lyrics for the congregation to sing along with. This can be helpful because it allows people who don’t know the words to the song or might not be able to sing very well, still participate in worship.
  • Churches are also using apps like Planning Center Online which allow people to see what songs are being sung during each service and follow along with them on their phone instead of looking up at a screen.
  • This allows more people access who may not be able to attend physically due
  • Using Technology for Prayer – Churches are using apps like YouVersion Bible or The Prayer Place which allow members of the church community to post prayers so that other people can pray for them too. This helps people feel more connected with each other even if they’re not physically in the church at the same time.
  • Churches are also using apps like PrayerMate which allows users to create prayer lists and send reminders about upcoming events or things that need to be prayed over throughout their day so they don’t forget what’s important
  • Using Technology for our Giving – Churches are using apps like which allow people to give money directly from their phone or computer by clicking on a link in an email and entering their credit card information. This allows more people access who may not be able to attend physically due
  • Using Technology for Bible Studies – Churches are using apps like The Bible Project which provides short videos on different books of the Bible and how they connect to one another. This is a great way for people to learn more about the Bible and connect with other Christians from around the globe.
  • Church leaders must be able to adapt to changes in culture in order to keep up. If they don’t, their church will become irrelevant and no one will want to go anymore. The best churches are always adapting to changes in their culture and they are effective in the ways they reach out to connect with people’s hearts. So, church leaders must be adaptive to changes in culture and effective in the ways they reach out to connect with people’s hearts.
  • Using a combination of Online and physical attendance –
  • Some churches are using a combination of online and physical attendance. This means that people can watch the service online if they’re not able to attend physically on that day.
  • Preaching can now be recorded to be available 24 Hrs every Day
  • Churches are also recording their sermons and making them available online for people to watch at any time. This is a great way for people who may not be able to attend church on Sunday morning, to still be able to hear the preaching from that week.
  • Instead of a local church – an online church has no borders
  • Technology has made Teaching more visual –
Which of the following is an Effect of e business on Church Leadership 3

Examples of What Can Be Streamed

  • Worship Services
  • Bible Classes
  • Children’s Services
  • Ladies Classes
  • Men’s classes
  • Brainstorming Sessions
  • Ministry Meetings

Platforms for Streaming

  • Youtube
  • Facebook
  • Vimeo
  • Church Online Platforms

Example of People Changes

  • Different Languages
  • Different Age Needs
  • Mixed Families
  • Speed of Life
  • Higher Divorce rates
  • Higher single-family households
  • Higher Addiction Levels
  • Shut-Ins – are able to attend

Giving Changes for Congregations Making Provisions for:

  • Checks
  • Tithley
  • Paypal
  • Monthly Auto withdrawals ( for automated Monthly Giving)
  • Giving options – Website – Texting – Church Apps – Onsite

Final Thoughts – Which of the following is an Effect of e-business on Church Leadership?

Conclusion – with the speed of technology changing, so is the people that are coming to the church. They desperately need Jesus.

So the Challenge and great opportunity that new technology is giving us. We now can reach people without the necessity for physical presence. This requires that we need to adapt so that God’s word can be preached. brining Healing and Salvation



  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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