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Evangelistic Outreach: Sparking Faith Worldwide


Evangelism is at the heart of spreading the message of Christ’s love and salvation. Through evangelistic ministries, churches and believers around the world are engaging in outreach efforts to share the gospel and ignite faith in others. From evangelistic preaching to organized campaigns and events, these initiatives are making a global impact and transforming countless lives.

One such movement that has gained widespread recognition is Global Outreach Day, also known as GO2020. This worldwide evangelistic campaign, backed by organizations like the World Evangelical Alliance and led by renowned evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, aims to mobilize Christians to share the gospel with one billion people. Since its inception in 2012, GO2020 has reached millions of individuals, planted thousands of churches, and resulted in 11 million salvations.

Through GO2020, believers from over 145 nations come together to participate in various evangelistic activities, from small meetings to large-scale campaigns. Reports of healings, salvations, and deliverance have poured in, showcasing the profound impact of these evangelism efforts. GO2020 also encourages churches to dedicate the entire month of May to evangelism, with a focus on the United States.

Evangelistic strategies play a vital role in church outreach. Churches are encouraged to develop a love for their communities and intentionally build relationships with non-believers. The gospel should permeate all aspects of life, and believers are called to live and share the message of Jesus. Training and equipping young people, utilizing technology for gospel conversations, and engaging in follow-up discussions are essential components of effective evangelistic strategies.

One organization that is empowering youth evangelism is Dare 2 Share Live. This unique event, taking place at over 2,100 sites in 70 countries, equips teenagers to share the gospel through on-demand video content and the use of the Life in 6 app. The goal is to ignite a movement of gospel conversations led by young people and reach millions of their peers.

Reflecting on our personal commitment to evangelism is vital. Self-assessment allows us to evaluate our engagement in spiritual conversations, our initiative in impacting lives through everyday actions, and our dedication to following up on discussions. By becoming agents of change and sharing the message of Jesus, we can help others encounter faith and transformation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Global Outreach Day (GO2020) is a worldwide evangelistic movement mobilizing millions of Christians to share the gospel with one billion people.
  • GO2020 has reached millions of individuals, planted thousands of churches, and led to 11 million salvations since 2012.
  • Dare 2 Share Live equips and empowers youth to share the gospel through multi-site training events and the Life in 6 app.
  • Effective evangelistic strategies involve building relationships, utilizing technology, and engaging in follow-up conversations.
  • Personal reflection and self-assessment are important in evaluating our commitment to evangelism and becoming agents of change.

The Impact of Global Outreach Day

Global Outreach Day has made a significant impact, bringing the message of hope and salvation to millions of people across the globe. This worldwide evangelistic movement has seen participation from over 145 nations, witnessing various evangelistic activities taking place in communities near and far. From small-scale gatherings to large-scale campaigns, the Global Outreach Day has been a catalyst for transformation.

In Brazil alone, Foursquare Churches organized over 150,000 small evangelistic meetings, creating opportunities for individuals to encounter the gospel message. The impact of these efforts has been profound, with countless lives touched and salvations experienced. Similarly, in Russia, the message of the gospel resonated in ten different locations within the bustling Moscow ring road, sparking faith and igniting a spiritual revival.

“Global Outreach Day has provided a platform for believers around the world to come together in unity and share the love of Christ. The testimonies of healings, salvations, and deliverance pouring in from different regions are a testament to the power of evangelism and the impact it can have on individuals and communities.” – Pastor John Smith

The Global Outreach Day has not only brought about personal transformations but has also been instrumental in church planting efforts. As believers shared the gospel and saw lives changed, new churches were established, creating vibrant faith communities. This growth has had a ripple effect, influencing society and shaping the spiritual landscape in nations around the world.

The image below captures the diverse and far-reaching impact of Global Outreach Day on individuals and communities:

GO2020: Mobilizing Believers

GO2020 is a global initiative with a bold vision to mobilize 100 million believers worldwide to share the message of Jesus with up to 1 billion people. This evangelistic movement aims to ignite a passion for evangelism and gospel sharing, empowering every believer to become an active participant in the Great Commission. Throughout the entire month of May, churches are encouraged to dedicate their efforts to evangelism, concentrating particularly on the United States as a focal point of outreach.

The Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America, representing a community of 40 million Christians, are actively playing a significant role in mobilizing churches and organizations for GO2020. By partnering with like-minded believers, this movement seeks to equip and empower every Christian to reach at least five individuals with the life-transforming message of the gospel.

Through discipleship and the establishment of new churches and faith communities, GO2020 aims to create a lasting impact and long-lasting results. Believers are encouraged to rise up as Christian witnesses, boldly proclaiming the hope found in Jesus and leading others into a personal relationship with Him.

mobilizing believers

GO2020 Mobilization Goals

Initiative Mobilization Goals
Number of Believers 100 million
People to Reach Up to 1 billion
Month Devoted to Evangelism May
Focal Point United States
Contributing Organization Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America

Evangelistic Strategies for Churches

When it comes to church outreach, evangelistic strategies are essential for effectively sharing the gospel and making a lasting impact on the community. These strategies involve intentional efforts to build relationships with non-believers and convey the message of Jesus in a way that touches lives, promotes discipleship, and fosters spiritual growth.

To develop effective evangelistic strategies, churches must first cultivate a genuine love for their communities. This begins with understanding the needs, challenges, and aspirations of the people they aim to reach. By actively engaging with individuals outside the church walls, believers can establish meaningful connections, gain trust, and create opportunities for gospel sharing.

Embracing the gospel as a transformative force in all aspects of life is another crucial aspect of evangelistic strategies. Churches should equip their members to reflect the teachings of Jesus in their daily lives and demonstrate the power of the gospel through their actions. By living out their faith authentically, believers become compelling witnesses and catalysts for change.

“Building relationships with non-believers and conveying the message of Jesus in a way that touches lives, promotes discipleship, and fosters spiritual growth.”

Effective evangelistic strategies also involve training and equipping young people to boldly share their faith. Youth are often passionate and eager to make a difference in the world, and by providing them with the necessary tools and resources, churches can empower them to engage in gospel conversations. Through youth-focused events, training programs, and small group discussions, young people can gain confidence in sharing the gospel and become ambassadors for Christ.

Utilizing technology is another vital component of modern evangelistic strategies. With the advent of digital platforms, churches can leverage social media, online communities, and mobile applications to initiate and engage in gospel conversations. These technologies provide opportunities to connect with individuals who may not be reached through traditional methods, expanding the scope of evangelism efforts.

Follow-up conversations and discipleship play a crucial role in sustaining the impact of evangelistic strategies. It is essential to establish ongoing relationships with those who have shown an interest in the gospel and guide them on their spiritual journey. By providing mentorship, offering small groups, and implementing discipleship programs, churches can support new believers in growing in their faith and becoming active participants in the church community.

Example of Evangelistic Strategies:

Strategy Description
Community Outreach Events Organize events such as food drives, clothing distributions, or medical clinics to meet the practical needs of the community while sharing the love of Jesus.
Prayer Walking Engage in intentional prayer walks through the community, praying for the needs of individuals and seeking opportunities to share the gospel.
Invitational Evangelism Encourage church members to invite their friends, neighbors, and colleagues to church services or special events that present the message of Jesus in an engaging and relevant way.
Alpha Courses Offer Alpha courses that provide a safe and open space for individuals to explore the Christian faith, ask questions, and discover the gospel.

No matter the specific strategy, churches must approach evangelism with a genuine desire to see lives transformed and individuals connected to Jesus. By implementing these strategies and adapting to the evolving needs of the community, churches can effectively reach the lost, promote discipleship, and be channels of God’s love and grace.

Dare 2 Share Live: Empowering Youth Evangelism

Dare 2 Share Live is an innovative, multi-site training and outreach event designed to equip and empower young people to confidently share the Gospel. With over 2,100 sites across 70 countries, this unique event brings together experienced speakers who provide on-demand video content.

The main focus of Dare 2 Share Live is to train teenagers in using the Life in 6 app, a powerful tool that facilitates Gospel conversations and encourages active faith-sharing. This app equips young individuals with the necessary resources and techniques to effectively communicate the message of Jesus to their peers.

The ultimate goal of Dare 2 Share Live is to ignite a movement of Gospel conversations led by youth. By reaching millions of young people, this initiative aims to empower the younger generation to become bold evangelists and agents of change within their communities.

Through engaging training sessions, practical workshops, and inspiring messaging, Dare 2 Share Live equips young evangelists with the skills and confidence needed to share the Gospel authentically and effectively. This event fosters a passion for evangelism among youth and encourages a lifelong commitment to spreading the Good News.

The Power of Dare 2 Share Live Benefits for Young Evangelists
1. Equips youth with practical tools for sharing the Gospel 1. Develops confidence in communicating their faith
2. Provides access to inspiring video content from experienced speakers 2. Enhances understanding of the Gospel message
3. Builds a strong community of like-minded young evangelists 3. Fosters a passion for evangelism
4. Facilitates ongoing growth and support through the Life in 6 app 4. Encourages active engagement in evangelistic activities

By empowering young people through Dare 2 Share Live, the impact of youth evangelism extends far beyond the event itself. It creates a ripple effect that ignites a passion for sharing the Gospel within their circles of influence, leading to transformed lives and the growth of the Kingdom of God.

Dare 2 Share Live

With Dare 2 Share Live, youth evangelism becomes a catalyst for cultural transformation, as young people discover their purpose and confidently share the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

The Impact of Youth-led Evangelism

Youth-led evangelism is a powerful force in reaching young people with the message of the Gospel. With the global youth population at an all-time high, it’s essential to leverage technology and empower young individuals to actively participate in sharing their faith. Encouraging teenagers to engage in spiritual conversations, build relationships, and actively listen to others’ stories is vital for creating trust and opening up opportunities to discuss Jesus.

By embracing youth-led evangelism, we can create a significant movement of Gospel conversations among young people. Imagine a world where every teenager has the chance to hear the Gospel message from a friend. This is the vision we strive for, as we recognize the impact and influence young people have within their peer groups.

The Power of Youth-led Evangelism

“I believe in youth power. I think youth have the power to change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai

Youth-led evangelism taps into the passion, energy, and relatability of young individuals. They have a unique ability to connect with their peers, speak their language, and understand their struggles. When young people share their faith, it becomes a powerful testimony, inspiring others to explore their own spiritual journeys.

Building Trust and Creating Opportunities

Engaging in spiritual conversations and building relationships are vital aspects of youth-led evangelism. By actively listening to others’ stories, teenagers demonstrate empathy and compassion, creating an environment where trust can flourish organically. These conversations pave the way for deeper discussions about faith and the life-transforming message of Jesus.

Technology as a Catalyst

Technology has become an integral part of young people’s lives. It allows them to connect, share, and express themselves like never before. Leveraging technology in youth-led evangelism provides a platform for reaching a wider audience, amplifying the impact of their faith-sharing efforts. Mobile apps, social media, and online communities can help young individuals share their personal testimonies, access resources, and connect with others who are seeking spiritual truth.

Join the Faith Movement

youth-led evangelism

Let us embrace youth-led evangelism as a catalyst for a global faith movement. By empowering young people to actively share their faith, we can inspire and equip them to become ambassadors for Christ in their communities. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of countless individuals, one Gospel conversation at a time.

Spreading the Word: Getting Involved

Dare 2 Share Live provides exciting opportunities for churches and individuals to get involved and spread the word about this impactful event. By hosting a site, young people in your local community can actively participate in the training and outreach activities of Dare 2 Share Live, igniting their passion for youth evangelism and empowering them to make a difference.

The content and training provided through Dare 2 Share Live are accessible to teens for an entire year, ensuring continuous growth and equipping them to confidently share their faith in their communities. Hosting a site not only offers a place for young people to gather and engage in the event but also extends the impact by enabling ongoing discipleship and gospel sharing long after the event concludes.

Youth leaders and participants have praised Dare 2 Share Live’s effective evangelism training, emphasizing its transformational impact on the lives of young people. Through D2S Live, churches and individuals can play a vital role in equipping the next generation to boldly share the Gospel and make a lasting difference among their peers.

youth evangelism

Tips for Hosting a Dare 2 Share Live Site

  • Find a suitable location in your community, such as a church, youth center, or school.
  • Spread the word among local churches, youth groups, and Christian organizations to maximize participation.
  • Ensure you have the necessary resources and technology to facilitate the event, including reliable internet access and projection capabilities.
  • Encourage volunteer involvement to support logistics, registration, and hospitality during the event.
  • Create a welcoming and vibrant atmosphere that fosters engagement and empowers young people to step out in faith.

“Hosting a Dare 2 Share Live site is not just about organizing an event; it’s an opportunity to impact the lives of young people in your community. Through this experience, you can witness firsthand how the training and outreach activities equip them to become passionate followers of Jesus and voice their faith fearlessly.” – Joshua Thompson, Youth Pastor

Benefits of Hosting a Dare 2 Share Live Site Testimonials
  • Engaged youth: Hosting a site provides an engaging platform for young people to connect, learn, and grow in their faith.
  • Community impact: By hosting a site, you can actively contribute to the transformation of your community through gospel sharing and discipleship.
  • Discipleship opportunities: Hosting a Dare 2 Share Live site extends the impact beyond the event, enabling ongoing discipleship and growth among youth.
  • Strengthened partnerships: Hosting a site fosters collaboration with other churches and organizations, building a network to impact your community for Christ.
  • “Hosting a Dare 2 Share Live site has given our youth group a renewed passion for evangelism. It has sparked conversations, inspired action, and led to many salvations.” – Emily Roberts, Youth Leader
  • “Our church hosted a Dare 2 Share Live site, and it was an incredible experience. The impact on our youth and the community was profound. We can’t wait to do it again!” – Mark Davis, Lead Pastor

Reflecting on Personal Evangelism Commitments

Personal reflection and self-assessment are crucial in evaluating one’s commitment to evangelism. It requires introspection and honest evaluation to determine the level of personal engagement in sharing the Gospel message.

As individuals, we need to ask ourselves important questions:

  1. Am I engaging in meaningful spiritual conversations? Taking the initiative to discuss matters of faith and engaging in thoughtful dialogues can open doors for sharing the Good News.
  2. Do I take the initiative? Being proactive in initiating conversations about Jesus and the transformative power of His love demonstrates a genuine commitment to evangelism.
  3. Am I impacting lives through everyday actions? Living out our faith in practical ways and demonstrating Christ’s love through acts of kindness and compassion can create opportunities for sharing the Gospel.
  4. Do I follow up on conversations? Following up with individuals we have shared the Gospel with shows a sincere commitment to their spiritual journey and offers ongoing support and guidance.

Self-reflection in these areas can reveal areas of growth and areas where we may need to increase our dedication to sharing the Gospel. It is important to remember that personal evangelism is not about eloquence or persuasive techniques, but rather about being obedient to God’s call and helping others encounter the life-transforming message of Jesus.

“The true purpose of every Christian’s life is to become agents of change and help others encounter Jesus.”

personal evangelism

“Evangelism is not a task reserved for professional preachers or evangelists but is the responsibility of every believer. It is an opportunity to play a part in God’s redemptive plan for humanity and share His love with those who may otherwise never hear the Gospel.”

Benefits of Self-Reflection for Personal Evangelism How It Affects Commitment to Evangelism
1. Identifying areas for growth 1. Increases dedication to sharing the Gospel
2. Evaluating personal engagement 2. Inspires proactive initiative in spiritual conversations
3. Discovering strengths and weaknesses 3. Helps build confidence in sharing the Gospel
4. Recognizing the impact of everyday actions 4. Motivates intentional acts of love and kindness


Evangelistic outreach is a powerful force for sparking faith transformation worldwide. Movements like Global Outreach Day and Dare 2 Share Live have shown us the impact of passionate gospel sharing and intentional evangelistic strategies. By mobilizing believers, training and equipping youth, and fostering a culture of personal evangelism, lives can be impacted, communities transformed, and individuals given the opportunity to hear and respond to the life-changing message of Jesus.

Let us embrace these initiatives and actively participate in sharing the Good News. Through evangelistic outreach, we can inspire faith and bring about life transformation. The journey begins with each one of us taking a stand and being ready to share the gospel. By joining hands and spreading the message of hope, love, and salvation, we can make a significant difference in the lives of others.

Evangelistic outreach is not just a task for a select few, but a calling for every believer. As we engage in gospel sharing and faith conversations, we become agents of change and contribute to the larger mission of reaching the lost. It is through these intentional efforts that we can bring people closer to God and guide them on a path of faith.


What is Global Outreach Day?

Global Outreach Day, also known as GO2020, is a worldwide evangelistic movement that aims to mobilize millions of Christians to share the gospel with one billion people.

How successful has Global Outreach Day been?

Since its inception in 2012, GO2020 has reached millions of individuals, planted thousands of churches, and led to 11 million salvations.

Who supports Global Outreach Day?

Global Outreach Day has gained the support of various Christian organizations and leaders, including the World Evangelical Alliance, Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America, and Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.

What is the goal of GO2020?

GO2020 aims to mobilize 100 million believers worldwide to reach up to 1 billion people with the message of Jesus.

What are some evangelistic strategies for churches?

Churches are encouraged to develop a love for their communities, intentionally build relationships with non-believers, and utilize technology for gospel conversations. Training and equipping young people to share their faith and engaging in follow-up conversations are also essential components of effective evangelistic strategies.

What is Dare 2 Share Live?

Dare 2 Share Live is a unique, multi-site training and outreach event that aims to equip and empower youth to share the Gospel. The event takes place at over 2,100 sites in 70 countries and provides on-demand video content from experienced speakers.

Why is youth-led evangelism important?

Leveraging technology and empowering young people to share their faith can lead to a significant movement of Gospel conversations. Encouraging teenagers to engage in spiritual conversations, building relationships, and actively listening to others’ stories are vital in creating trust and opportunities to discuss Jesus.

How can I get involved with Dare 2 Share Live?

You can get involved by hosting a site in your local community, allowing young people to participate in the training and outreach activities. The content and training provided through Dare 2 Share Live are accessible to teens for an entire year, enabling them to continue sharing their faith in their communities.

How can I evaluate my commitment to evangelism?

Personal reflection and self-assessment are crucial in evaluating one’s commitment to evangelism. You can examine your responses to questions related to engaging in spiritual conversations, taking initiative, impacting lives through everyday actions, and following up on conversations.

What is the impact of evangelistic outreach?

Evangelistic outreach plays a significant role in sparking faith transformation worldwide. Movements like Global Outreach Day and Dare 2 Share Live have demonstrated the power of passionate gospel sharing and intentional evangelistic strategies, resulting in lives being impacted, communities transformed, and individuals given the opportunity to hear and respond to the message of Jesus.

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  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

Spread the Gospel