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How to Overcome Worry Biblically: When You are Worried
How to Overcome Worry Biblically? As human beings, we are inclined to worry when things don’t go as we planned. We turn things over in our minds hoping to find a solution, and when we don’t, we start to worry endlessly. Thank God that He has given us solutions for our worries in the Bible. We can trust God to help us with the things that trouble us so that we can remain joyful and hopeful. If your pastor was to advise you on how to overcome worry, he would turn to the Word of God and give you encouraging Scriptures.
In this article, we will look at how to overcome worry biblically so that you will spend too much time worrying over nothing.
If we look back truthfully many of the things that we have spent time worrying about, being angry about, spent hours and days, and even months planning how to deal with. God Took care of us and it never even materialized.
Don’t Worry About Your Life
Jesus gave us one of the key Scriptures on worry because He knew that it would be a struggle we face in life. In Matthew 6:25-27, He says, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
- Makes you Unhappy
- Steals your Joy
- Waste your Time

Worrying will steal your joy and leave you miserable because you can’t seem to find a solution to your problem. Life can bring many challenges our way and many times we don’t know what to do and instead, we give in to worry. Jesus made it clear that we are not to worry about life and everything in it because He has promised to take care of us.
What you are worried about is not as important as your life and the plan that God has for you.
Your pastor would definitely advise you to trust God instead of worrying about your life and things that may never happen. If God takes care of the birds of the air and feeds them daily, how much more will He do for you? Worry has no value and that is why Jesus asks you if worry will add a single hour to your life. Worry steals your valuable time and does not give you a way out of the things that are troubling you.
Worry is a Lack of Faith in God
When we worry, we are not having faith that God is going to help us deal with the issues in our lives. We focus more on our problems and not on God’s power to help us overcome them. Jesus made it clear that worrying is having little faith. “If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?” (Matthew 6:30)
When we are faced with problems in life. Theses are the opportunities that God is giving us, using them to teach us lessons for our growth. Our Growth in
- Patience
- Persistence
- Faith
- Trust
- Overcoming
- Love
- Forgiveness
- Priorities — What is Really Important
- God is in Control
- Worry is used by Satan
- Creates Fear
- Infects what it touches
- Helping us Overcome Self-Reliance

If we are to overcome worry, we have to have faith in God who is an ever-present help in times of need. His Word is full of stories of how He took care of His people and met all their needs. As Christians, our faith is in God and not our circumstances because we have a higher power we can call upon to rescue us in the day of trouble. Build your faith by meditating on God’s Word so that you will not doubt His ability to help you overcome anything that threatens to destroy your life.
- Joseph Thrown in Prison
- Daniel in Lions Den
- Jesus left alone in the Garden
- Noah and his Family Building a Boat and it never had rained
- Job – Satan undeservedly attacked
- Peter – You were with Him
- Elijah – all the prophets killed – he was left alone
- Jonah in Belly of Whale
- Paul – Sitting in Prison
- Apostle John – Isle of Patmos
We have been preceded by many of our brothers and sisters that have been tested by Satan and overcome difficult, even hopeless situation by overcoming worry and relying on in faith
By keeping your mind stayed on the Scriptures on worry, you will find your faith growing and your worry becoming less. We worry because we fear the outcome of the thing that is troubling us, and we are not sure that we can handle the consequences. The result of this is that we don’t enjoy the present moment because we are wondering about things that may never happen.
A good pastor will advise his flock to turn to the Scriptures to know how to deal with the worry they are carrying in their hearts. One promise from God can fill you with the hope that you will see the end of your troubles.

Don’t Worry About What You Will Say
Sometimes we worry when we know that we have to face others in a given situation. At such times, it is easy to worry about the words you will speak and whether the others will accept what you have to say. This is why Jesus gives us words of encouragement in Luke 21:14-15. He says, “But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves. I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.”
Instead of worrying when you have to confront others or be confronted by them, you can trust that God will give you the words to say which will put the issue to rest. As you pray and prepare for your meeting with others, you can go there knowing that the Holy Spirit will bring to mind all you need to say. It is encouraging to know that God cares about every aspect of our lives, even our interactions with others.
Overcoming Worry / Prayer
The first step in dealing with your worry is praying about it. We are to pray when we are in trouble so that we can invite God into the situation to help us. Tell God the things you worry about and ask Him to give you a solution or the wisdom to know how to handle your situation. Once you pray, leave the matter with God and instead focus on other things that you are meant to do in your day.
Listen for His Answer
Look for Bible verses that will help you overcome worry and speak them out loud until you feel your worries go. You can read Christian articles on how to deal with worry as well as books or other resources. You can overcome your worry with God’s help.
Move Forward in Faith / Hope / Trust
We do not have a view of God’s big picture. To think that your current trial will work out for your growth in faith. That your overcoming may encourage other brothers and sisters , struggling in dispair to conquer their worry. That years from now others may look on your trials and gather strength for themselves.
God’s Wisdom is so much greater for us and we know confidently that whatever he lets us be faced with, is ultimately for our good.
Hard but is in this confidence that This too will Pass
“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” ( 1 Corinthians 10:13)