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Quiz – Consequences of Sin in the Bible

Quiz - Consequences of Sin in the Bible

15 Multiple choice questions on the Consequences of Sin in the Bible

  1. Who was the first person in the Bible to commit a sin?
    A. Adam
    B. Noah
    C. Abraham
    D. Moses
  2. What was the consequence of Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden?
    A. They were exiled
    B. They were cursed
    C. They were forgiven
    D. They were praised
  3. What consequence did Cain suffer as a result of his sin?
    A. He was cursed
    B. He was exiled
    C. He was forgiven
    D. He was praised
  4. What punishment did God give to Sodom and Gomorrah for their sins?
    A. Exile
    B. Forgiveness
    C. Curse
    D. Destruction
  5. What consequence did David face for his sin of adultery?
    A. Exile
    B. Forgiveness
    C. Curse
    D. Death
  6. What punishment did Pharaoh receive for his sin of refusing to free the Israelite slaves?
    A. Exile
    B. Forgiveness
    C. Curse
    D. Death
  7. What was the consequence of the Israelites’ sin of worshipping the golden calf?
    A. Exile
    B. Forgiveness
    C. Curse
    D. Destruction
  8. What did God do to the people of Nineveh after they repented of their sin?
    A. Exiled them
    B. Cursed them
    C. Forgave them
    D. Destroyed them
  9. What consequence did Judas face for his sin of betraying Jesus?
    A. Exile
    B. Forgiveness
    C. Curse
    D. Death
  10. What did God do to Ananias and Sapphira for their sin of lying?
    A. Exiled them
    B. Cursed them
    C. Forgave them
    D. Struck them dead
  11. What did God do to Achan for his sin of stealing from the spoils of Jericho?
    A. Exiled him
    B. Cursed him
    C. Forgave him
    D. Stoned him to death
  12. What did God do to Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu for offering “strange fire” on the altar?
    A. Exiled them
    B. Cursed them
    C. Forgave them
    D. Struck them dead
  13. What did God do to Miriam for her sin of speaking against Moses?
    A. Exiled her
    B. Cursed her
    C. Forgave her
    D. Turned her skin white
  14. What did God do to Gehazi for his sin of taking a bribe from Naaman?
    A. Exiled him
    B. Cursed him
    C. Forgave him
    D. Gave him leprosy
  15. What did God do to Saul for his sin of disobedience?
    A. Exiled him
    B. Cursed him
    C. Forgave him
    D. Took away his kingdom

Answers to above queswtions

A. Adam
B. Cursed
A. He was cursed
D. Destruction
C. Curse
A. Exile
C. Curse
C. Forgave them
D. Death
D. Struck them dead
D. Stoned him to death
D. Struck them dead
D. Turned her skin white
D. Gave him leprosy
D. Took away his kingdom


  • Darlene & Greg

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