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Quiz – King David and Bathsheba

Quiz - King David and Bathsheba

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic – Story of King David and Bathsheba

Quiz – King David and Bathsheba

Q1. How did King David come to know about Bathsheba?
A. He saw her while he was walking in the street.
B. He heard about her from a friend.
C. He saw her bathing from his balcony.
D. He heard about her from a prophecy.

Q2. What was the consequence of King David’s actions?
A. He was banished from his throne.
B. He was cursed by God.
C. He was exiled from Israel.
D. He was forgiven by God.

Q3. What did King David do to try to cover up his sin?
A. He tried to bribe Bathsheba.
B. He tried to sacrifice a lamb.
C. He tried to marry Bathsheba.
D. He tried to hide the evidence.

Q4. What was Bathsheba’s response to King David’s advances?
A. She agreed to marry him.
B. She refused his advances.
C. She ran away from him.
D. She plotted to kill him.

Q5. Who was sent to confront King David regarding his sin?
A. Nathan the Prophet
B. Solomon the King
C. Elijah the Prophet
D. Abishai the Warrior

Q6. How did Nathan the Prophet confront King David?
A. He told him a parable.
B. He cast a spell on him.
C. He read a prophecy.
D. He sang a song.

Q7. What did Nathan the Prophet tell King David in the parable?
A. To accept his punishment.
B. To repent for his sins.
C. To marry Bathsheba.
D. To reclaim his throne.

Q8. What was the punishment that God gave King David?
A. He was exiled from Israel.
B. He was cursed by God.
C. He was banished from his throne.
D. He was forgiven by God.

Q9. How did King David react to the punishment given to him by God?
A. He accepted it willingly.
B. He tried to bargain with God.
C. He tried to flee the country.
D. He refused to accept it.

Q10. Who was Bathsheba’s son by King David?
A. Solomon
B. Joseph
C. John
D. David

Q11. What was the name of the child that was born to Bathsheba and King David?
A. Solomon
B. Joseph
C. John
D. David

Q12. How did God demonstrate his forgiveness of King David?
A. By allowing him to remain on the throne.
B. By blessing him with a son.
C. By restoring his kingdom.
D. By sending an angel to comfort him.

Q13. What did King David do to show his repentance for his sin of adultery?
A. He fasted for forty days.
B. He prayed for forgiveness.
C. He sacrificed a lamb.
D. He offered a public apology.

Q14. Who was the prophet that God sent to comfort King David?
A. Nathan
B. Elijah
C. Daniel
D. Isaiah

Q15. What did God promise King David regarding his descendants?
A. That they would be kings forever.
B. That they would be blessed with wealth.
C. That they would be wise and just.
D. That they would be powerful and prosperous.

You can Use these as conversation Starters

The Story of King David and Bathsheba: A Tale of Power, Lust, and Redemption | PDF | Quiz | Unique Facts | Classes

David and Bathsheba: Bible Verses about David and Bathsheba


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