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Quiz – What Does the Bible Say About Unborn Babies

Quiz - What Does the Bible Say About Unborn Babies

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic – What Does the Bible Say About Unborn Babies

  1. What does the Bible say about unborn babies?
    A. They are not considered human
    B. They are considered human
    C. They are considered animals
    D. They are not considered living beings
  2. According to the Bible, when does a baby become a living being?
    A. At conception
    B. After birth
    C. After six months of gestation
    D. At the end of the third trimester
  3. In Psalm 139, what does the phrase “knit me together in my mother’s womb” refer to?
    A. Embryonic development
    B. Infant development
    C. Fetal development
    D. Adult development
  4. What is the biblical view of abortion?
    A. Acceptable in certain circumstances
    B. Unconditionally forbidden
    C. Permissible in certain circumstances
    D. Unconditionally tolerated
  5. According to the Bible, what is the purpose of an unborn baby?
    A. To serve God
    B. To bring joy to parents
    C. To learn the ways of the world
    D. To glorify the Lord
  6. What does the Bible say about the value of unborn babies?
    A. They are of no value
    B. They are of little value
    C. They are of great value
    D. They are of no intrinsic value
  7. What does the Bible say about the soul of an unborn baby?
    A. It is not present
    B. It is present at birth
    C. It is present at conception
    D. It is present after six months in the womb
  8. How does the Bible describe the relationship between an unborn baby and God?
    A. As an adversary
    B. As a stranger
    C. As a servant
    D. As a beloved child
  9. What does the Bible say about the sanctity of life in relation to unborn babies?
    A. Life is sacred and must be protected
    B. Life is valuable but not sacred
    C. Life is sacred but not valuable
    D. Life is neither sacred nor valuable
  10. Does the Bible describe unborn babies as having any purpose for existence?
    A. Yes, to glorify God
    B. No, they are just a part of nature
    C. Yes, to bring joy to parents
    D. No, they are of no value
  11. According to the Bible, can unborn babies feel pain?
    A. Yes, from conception
    B. No, not until birth
    C. Yes, after six months in the womb
    D. No, not until after birth
  12. What does the Bible say about the worth of unborn babies?
    A. They are of no worth
    B. They are of little worth
    C. They are of great worth
    D. They are of no intrinsic worth
  13. What does the Bible say about the human status of unborn babies?
    A. They are not human
    B. They are human
    C. They are not considered living beings
    D. They are considered living beings
  14. What does the Bible say about the rights of unborn babies?
    A. They have no rights
    B. They have the right to life
    C. They have the right to be protected
    D. They have the right to be respected
  15. What does the Bible say about the dignity of unborn babies?
    A. They have no dignity
    B. They have little dignity
    C. They have great dignity
    D. They have no intrinsic dignity

Answers w/ desc

  1. B. They are considered human
  2. A. At conception
  3. C. Fetal development
  4. B. Unconditionally forbidden
  5. D. To glorify the Lord
  6. C. They are of great value
  7. C. It is present at conception
  8. D. As a beloved child
  9. A. Life is sacred and must be protected
  10. A. Yes, to glorify God
  11. A. Yes, from conception
  12. C. They are of great worth
  13. B. They are human
  14. B. They have the right to life
  15. C. They have great dignity


  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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