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Quiz – What Does the Bible Say Thing we should Abstain From

Quiz - What Does the Bible Say Thing we should Abstain From

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What Does the Bible Say Thing we should Abstain From

  1. What does the Bible say we should abstain from?

A. Loving others
B. Idolatry
C. Greed
D. Drinking alcohol

  1. What does the Bible say we should avoid engaging in?
    A. Gossip
    B. Gluttony
    C. Idolatry
    D. Worshiping other gods
  2. What does the Bible say we should not be involved with?
    A. Adultery
    B. False teaching
    C. Practicing magic
    D. Kindness
  3. What does the Bible say we should keep away from?
    A. Greed
    B. Compassion
    C. Idolatry
    D. Praying
  4. What does the Bible say we should not participate in?
    A. Dishonesty
    B. Abusive conduct
    C. Gluttony
    D. Meditation
  5. What type of behavior does the Bible forbid?
    A. Murder
    B. Lying
    C. Kindness
    D. Generosity
  6. What does the Bible say not to do?
    A. Covet
    B. Help others
    C. Steal
    D. Love
  7. What does the Bible say we should not do when it comes to food and drink?
    A. Drink alcohol
    B. Eat in moderation
    C. Eat whatever we want
    D. Fast
  8. What does the Bible say about sexual immorality?
    A. Engage in it
    B. Celebrate it
    C. Avoid it
    D. Ignor it
  9. What does the Bible say about using drugs?
    A. Use them
    B. Abuse them
    C. Abstain from them
    D. Ignore them
  10. What does the Bible say about pride?
    A. Celebrate it
    B. Reject it
    C. Ignore it
    D. Embrace it
  11. What does the Bible say about violence?
    A. Reject it
    B. Endorse it
    C. Accept it
    D. Celebrate it
  12. What does the Bible say about gossip?
    A. Reject it
    B. Engage in it
    C. Ignore it
    D. Celebrate it
  13. What does the Bible say about anger?
    A. Reject it
    B. Endorse it
    C. Accept it
    D. Celebrate it
  14. What does the Bible say about lying?
    A. Reject it
    B. Engage in it
    C. Ignore it
    D. Celebrate it

Answers to Above Questions with Description

  1. B. Idolatry – Worshiping false gods or idols is forbidden in the Bible.
  2. C. Idolatry – Worshiping false gods or idols is forbidden in the Bible.
  3. A. Adultery – Adultery is prohibited in the Bible.
  4. C. Idolatry – Worshiping false gods or idols is forbidden in the Bible.
  5. B. False Teaching – The Bible commands us not to engage in false teaching or false doctrines.
  6. A. Murder – Killing another person is forbidden in the Bible.
  7. A. Covet – Coveting or wanting something that belongs to someone else is forbidden in the Bible.
  8. A. Drink Alcohol – The Bible forbids the consumption of alcohol.
  9. C. Avoid it – The Bible tells us to avoid sexual immorality.
  10. C. Abstain from them – The Bible tells us to abstain from using drugs.
  11. B. Reject it – The Bible condemns pride and commands us to reject it.
  12. A. Reject it – The Bible forbids violence and commands us to reject it.
  13. A. Reject it – The Bible condemns gossip and commands us to reject it.
  14. A. Reject it – The Bible commands us to reject anger and to forgive instead.
  15. A. Reject it – The Bible forbids lying and commands us to reject it.


  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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