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Quiz – What Does the Bible say Love is Not

Quiz - What Does the Bible say Love is Not

15 Multiple choice questions on the What Does the Bible say Love is Not

  1. What does the Bible say love is not?
    A. Selfish
    B. Conditional
    C. Fearful
    D. Deceitful
  2. What does the Bible say love is not?
    A. Unkind
    B. Greedy
    C. Hateful
    D. Unforgiving
  3. What does the Bible say love is not?
    A. Proud
    B. Self-seeking
    C. Boastful
    D. Envious
  4. What does the Bible say love is not?
    A. Rude
    B. Arrogant
    C. Impolite
    D. Insensitive
  5. What does the Bible say love is not?
    A. Judgmental
    B. Controlling
    C. Critical
    D. Vindictive
  6. What does the Bible say love is not?
    A. Jealous
    B. Manipulative
    C. Competitive
    D. Selfish
  7. What does the Bible say love is not?
    A. Unfaithful
    B. Unreliable
    C. Lazy
    D. Uncompassionate
  8. What does the Bible say love is not?
    A. Easily angered
    B. Resentful
    C. Quick tempered
    D. Revengeful
  9. What does the Bible say love is not?
    A. Dishonest
    B. Dishonorable
    C. Insincere
    D. Unrighteous
  10. What does the Bible say love is not?
    A. Expecting
    B. Demanding
    C. Unwilling to forgive
    D. Unforgiving
  11. What does the Bible say love is not?
    A. Unsympathetic
    B. Unloving
    C. Unmerciful
    D. Unkind
  12. What does the Bible say love is not?
    A. Insecure
    B. Unstable
    C. Fearful
    D. Timid
  13. What does the Bible say love is not?
    A. Inattentive
    B. Unconcerned
    C. Impolite
    D. Unresponsive
  14. What does the Bible say love is not?
    A. Inflated
    B. Arrogant
    C. Conceited
    D. Boastful
  15. What does the Bible say love is not?
    A. Judgmental
    B. Unforgiving
    C. Critical
    D. Condescending

Answers to above Questions

  1. A. Selfish
  2. A. Unkind
  3. A. Proud
  4. A. Rude
  5. A. Judgmental
  6. B. Manipulative
  7. A. Unfaithful
  8. A. Easily angered
  9. A. Dishonest
  10. B. Demanding
  11. B. Unloving
  12. C. Fearful
  13. B. Unconcerned
  14. C. Conceited
  15. D. Condescending


  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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