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Quiz – What the Bible says about Money

Quiz - What the Bible says about Money

Quiz – What the Bible says about Money

Quiz – What the Bible says about Money

  1. What does the Bible say about the love of money?
    A. It is the root of all evil
    B. It is the source of all blessings
    C. It is a sign of wisdom
    D. It is a sign of faith
  2. How should believers use their money?
    A. To acquire as much wealth as possible
    B. To share with others in need
    C. To make investments
    D. To purchase luxuries
  3. What is the primary benefit of wealth?
    A. Power
    B. Security
    C. Happiness
    D. Generosity
  4. What does the Bible say about material possessions?
    A. They are a sign of God’s favor
    B. They will bring eternal life
    C. They are to be used for God’s glory
    D. They bring no lasting joy
  5. Should believers save their money?
    A. Yes, so they can be generous
    B. No, it will lead to greed
    C. Yes, so they can be independent
    D. No, it will lead to laziness
  6. What does the Bible say about debt?
    A. It is a sign of wisdom
    B. It is a sign of faith
    C. It is to be avoided
    D. It is a means of acquiring wealth
  7. What is the most important use of money according to the Bible?
    A. To acquire wealth
    B. To purchase luxuries
    C. To help others
    D. To make investments
  8. What does the Bible say about the love of money?
    A. It is the root of all evil
    B. It is the source of all blessings
    C. It is a sign of wisdom
    D. It is a sign of faith
  9. What is the proper attitude toward money, according to the Bible?
    A. Greed
    B. Contentment
    C. Generosity
    D. Selfishness
  10. What does the Bible say about the accumulation of wealth?
    A. It is a sign of God’s blessing
    B. It is an end in itself
    C. It is to be used for God’s glory
    D. It is a means to an end
  11. What should believers do with their money?
    A. Spend it on themselves
    B. Give it away
    C. Invest it
    D. Save it
  12. What does the Bible say about the use of money?
    A. It should be used for selfish gain
    B. It should be used to help others
    C. It should be used to buy luxuries
    D. It should be used to make investments
  13. What should believers do with their wealth?
    A. Keep it for themselves
    B. Give it away
    C. Make investments
    D. Spend it on luxuries
  14. What does the Bible say about the misuse of money?
    A. It will bring eternal life
    B. It will bring blessings
    C. It will bring destruction
    D. It will bring wealth
  15. What should believers do with their money?
    A. Hoard it
    B. Waste it
    C. Use it for God’s glory
    D. Invest it for gain

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  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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