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Quiz – What Does the Bible Say About Zeal

Quiz - What Does the Bible Say About Zeal

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic – What Does the Bible Say About Zeal

  1. What does the Bible say about zeal?
    A. Zeal means to be passionate and eager in pursuit of a goal.
    B. Zeal should be avoided as it often leads to wrong choices.
    C. Zeal is always a bad thing as it can lead to pride and excessive ambition.
    D. Zeal is a virtue that should be encouraged as it leads to great accomplishments.
  2. What does the Bible say is the purpose of having zeal?
    A. To pursue the things of this world.
    B. To bring glory to God.
    C. To make ourselves feel better.
    D. To impress others.
  3. According to the Bible, what should be the source of our zeal?
    A. Fear of God.
    B. Love for our neighbor.
    C. Desire for wealth and power.
    D. Self-interest.
  4. What does the Bible say about those who lack zeal?
    A. They will be punished.
    B. They are lazy and irresponsible.
    C. They are wise and humble.
    D. They will be blessed.
  5. What does the Bible say about those who have an excessive zeal?
    A. They will be blessed.
    B. They will be punished.
    C. They are wise and humble.
    D. They are lazy and irresponsible.
  6. What does the Bible say about the importance of zeal?
    A. Zeal is essential for success in life.
    B. Zeal is a sign of maturity.
    C. Zeal is only important when it is directed towards God.
    D. Zeal is not important.
  7. What does the Bible say about the rewards of having zeal?
    A. Wealth, power and prestige.
    B. Eternal life and joy.
    C. Satisfaction and joy in life.
    D. Fame and admiration.
  8. According to the Bible, what is the ultimate result of having zeal?
    A. Wealth and power.
    B. Fame and admiration.
    C. Eternal life and joy.
    D. Satisfaction and joy in life.
  9. What does the Bible say about the connection between zeal and faith?
    A. Zeal is a sign of faith.
    B. Zeal can replace faith.
    C. Zeal is unnecessary for faith.
    D. Zeal and faith are unrelated.
  10. What does the Bible say about the connection between zeal and love?
    A. Zeal is a sign of love.
    B. Zeal can replace love.
    C. Zeal is unnecessary for love.
    D. Zeal and love are unrelated.
  11. What does the Bible say about the connection between zeal and wisdom?
    A. Zeal is a sign of wisdom.
    B. Zeal can replace wisdom.
    C. Zeal is a hindrance to wisdom.
    D. Zeal and wisdom are unrelated.
  12. What does the Bible say about the connection between zeal and justice?
    A. Zeal is a sign of justice.
    B. Zeal can replace justice.
    C. Zeal is a hindrance to justice.
    D. Zeal and justice are unrelated.
  13. How should our zeal be expressed according to the Bible?
    A. With humility and gentleness.
    B. With pride and arrogance.
    C. With violence and aggression.
    D. With loudness and ostentation.
  14. What does the Bible say about the connection between zeal and perseverance?
    A. Zeal is a sign of perseverance.
    B. Zeal can replace perseverance.
    C. Zeal is a hindrance to perseverance.
    D. Zeal and perseverance are unrelated.
  15. What does the Bible say about the connection between zeal and patience?
    A. Zeal is a sign of patience.
    B. Zeal can replace patience.
    C. Zeal is a hindrance to patience.
    D. Zeal and patience are unrelated.


  1. D. Zeal is a virtue that should be encouraged as it leads to great accomplishments.
  2. B. To bring glory to God.
  3. A. Fear of God.
  4. B. They are lazy and irresponsible.
  5. B. They will be punished.
  6. C. Zeal is only important when it is directed towards God.
  7. B. Eternal life and joy.
  8. C. Eternal life and joy.
  9. A. Zeal is a sign of faith.
  10. A. Zeal is a sign of love.
  11. A. Zeal is a sign of wisdom.
  12. A. Zeal is a sign of justice.
  13. A. With humility and gentleness.
  14. A. Zeal is a sign of perseverance.
  15. A. Zeal is a sign of patience.


  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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