What Does the Bible Say about Balaam – The Bible mentions Balaam, a figure of ancient Mesopotamian origin, in several books. He is known for his ability to prophesy and interpret dreams. The most famous story about Balaam is found in Numbers 22, when he is hired by King Balak of Moab to curse the Israelites.
Despite his attempts, God only allowed Balaam to bless them. Balaam’s story is symbolic of the power of prayer and faith in God, as despite his attempts to curse the Israelites, he was unable to do so. The Bible also speaks to Balaam’s character, as it is clear that he was driven by greed and that he was willing to compromise his beliefs for money. Balaam’s story is a reminder of the importance of remaining true to one’s faith, no matter the cost.
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What Does the Bible Say about Balaam
Balaam is a mysterious figure in the Bible and one of the few characters who appears in both the Old and New Testaments. He is a prophet-for-hire, and his story is found in the book of Numbers. Here, we will explore what the Bible says about Balaam, his donkey, and his encounter with the angel of the Lord. We will also discuss the significance of Balaam in the Bible, what the books of James and Revelation say about him, and what we can learn from his story.
Who was Balaam in the Bible – Who was Balaam Son of Beor
Balaam was a prophet from the region of Pethor in Mesopotamia. The Bible says he was a diviner and a seer, meaning he had the ability to foretell the future and interpret dreams. He was hired by Balak, the king of Moab, to curse the Israelites, but instead, he blessed them. The story of Balaam is found in the book of Numbers, chapters 22-24.
The Story of Balaam in the Book of Numbers
In the book of Numbers, Balak sends messengers to Balaam asking him to come and curse the Israelites. Balaam initially refuses, but then God allows him to go. On his way, Balaam is stopped by the angel of the Lord and warned not to curse the Israelites. But Balaam’s donkey sees the angel and stops in her tracks, so Balaam strikes her. After this, the angel of the Lord appears to Balaam in the form of a man and speaks to him.

Who is the Angel of the Lord in the Bible
The identity of the Angel of the Lord in the Bible is a subject of much debate. The Angel of the Lord appears in several places throughout the Old Testament, but is never explicitly identified as anyone other than an angel of the Lord. While some believe that the Angel of the Lord is actually a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus, others disagree and believe that the Angel of the Lord is a unique angelic being, sent by God to perform important tasks.
The first mention of the Angel of the Lord is in the book of Genesis. In this passage, the Angel of the Lord appears to Hagar, telling her to return to her mistress and promising her that her son Ishmael will become a great nation. Later in the book of Genesis, the Angel of the Lord appears to Abraham and assures him that his descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky.
The Angel of the Lord appears again in Exodus, when the Lord says that “I will send an angel before you to guard you on your way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.” This angel appears to Moses and leads the Israelites out of Egypt. The Angel of the Lord also appears to Gideon in Judges, to Manoah and his wife in Judges, and to Elijah in 1 Kings.
One of the most significant appearances of the Angel of the Lord is in the book of Zechariah. Here, the Angel of the Lord is identified as the Lord himself. This has led many to believe that the Angel of the Lord is actually a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus. This belief is further supported by other passages in the Bible, such as John 1:18 where Jesus is identified as the only begotten Son of God.

However, this view is not accepted by all. Some believe that the Angel of the Lord is a unique angelic being, sent by God to perform important tasks. This view is based on the fact that the Angel of the Lord is described as having a physical form and is referred to as a messenger from God.
No matter what view one takes, it is clear that the Angel of the Lord is an important figure in the Bible. He appears several times throughout the Old Testament and is a reminder of God’s presence and power.
Examples of Angels Being Visible in the Bible
- Genesis 16:7-13 – Angel of the Lord Visits Hagar: In this passage, an angel of the Lord appears to Hagar, the servant of Abraham and Sarah. The angel speaks to Hagar and tells her to return to Sarah and promises that God will make a great nation from her son Ishmael.
- Genesis 22:11-18 – Angel of the Lord Stops Abraham from Sacrificing Isaac: In this passage, the angel of the Lord calls out to Abraham and stops him from sacrificing his son Isaac. The angel tells him that God has seen his obedience and will bless him and his descendants.
- Exodus 3:2-4 – Angel of the Lord Appears in the Burning Bush: In this passage, the angel of the Lord appears to Moses in the form of a burning bush. God sends the angel to deliver a message to Moses: that he should lead the Israelites out of Egypt.
- Exodus 14:19-20 – Angel of the Lord Protects the Israelites: In this passage, the angel of the Lord protects the Israelites from the Egyptians by leading them through the Red Sea. The angel causes a pillar of cloud to appear during the day, and a pillar of fire during the night, to guide and protect them.
- Judges 6:11-22 – Angel of the Lord Visits Gideon: In this passage, the angel of the Lord appears to Gideon and tells him to save Israel from the Midianites. The angel encourages Gideon to do this by destroying the altar of Baal and building an altar to the Lord.
- Daniel 6:22 – Angel of the Lord Delivers Daniel from the Lions’ Den: In this passage, an angel of the Lord appears and shuts the mouths of the lions in the den so that they cannot hurt Daniel. The angel then brings Daniel out of the den unharmed.
- Matthew 1:20-21 – Angel of the Lord Announces the Birth of Jesus: In this passage, an angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in a dream and tells him that Mary will give birth to the son of God. The angel also instructs Joseph to name the child Jesus.
- Luke 1:11-20 – Angel of the Lord Announces the Birth of John the Baptist: In this passage, the angel of the Lord appears to Zechariah and announces the birth of John the Baptist. The angel also tells Zechariah that John will be filled with the Holy Spirit and will prepare the way for the Messiah.
- Luke 2:8-14 – Angel of the Lord Announces the Birth of Jesus: In this passage, an angel of the Lord appears to the shepherds and announces the birth of Jesus. The angel also tells the shepherds that Jesus is the Messiah and brings them tidings of great joy.
- Acts 5:19-20 – Angel of the Lord Opens the Prison Doors: In this passage, an angel of the Lord appears to Peter in prison and sets him free. The angel then tells Peter to go to the temple and preach the gospel to the people.

Balaam Bible Story
The story of Balaam can be found in the Book of Numbers, chapters 22 and 23. According to the Bible, Balaam was a prophet hired by the King of Moab to curse the Israelites as they were traveling through their land. However, God intervened and instead of cursing the Israelites, Balaam blessed them. Despite his obedience to God, It is Thought that Balaam was eventually killed by the Israelites for his involvement in the Moabites’ superstitious practices.
Balaam in Numbers
The Book of Numbers is the fourth book of the Bible, and is filled with stories of faith and obedience. In Numbers, we learn that Balaam was a seer, hired by the King of Moab to curse the Israelites. However, Balaam, who had a deep respect for God, obeyed and blessed the Israelites instead.
Balaam in Scriptures
The story of Balaam appears in several other books of the Bible as well. In Joshua, we learn that God was so displeased with Balaam for his involvement in the Moabites’ superstitious practices that he ordered the Israelites to kill him. We also find mention of Balaam in the New Testament, where he is described as a false prophet who taught the Israelites to sin.
What Happened to Balaam
It is Thought that Balaam’s fate was sealed by God, who ordered the Israelites to kill him. It is said that Balaam was killed by the Israelites at the Battle of Medeba. It is also mentioned in the Book of Revelation that Balaam was one of the false teachers who were among the people of God.
What Does Balaam Mean
The name Balaam is derived from the Hebrew word ‘bamah’, which means ‘high place’ or ‘altar’. This is significant because it is believed that Balaam was a high priest of the Moabites, and that he was involved in their idolatrous worship practices.
Bible Verses about Balaam and his Donkey
In Numbers 22:21-35, we can read about Balaam’s donkey and her encounter with the angel of the Lord. Here, we can see the donkey’s faithfulness and obedience to God. We can also read about Balaam’s obstinacy and his refusal to obey God.
Balaam’s Encounter with the Angel of the Lord
In Numbers 22:31-34, we can read about Balaam’s encounter with the angel of the Lord. Here, the angel of the Lord explains why he is stopping Balaam from cursing the Israelites. The angel of the Lord tells Balaam that they are blessed and asks him to speak only what God has commanded him to say.
How Balak and Pethor Sought Balaam’s Blessing
In Numbers 22:5-21, we can read about Balak and the men of Pethor’s attempt to hire Balaam to come and curse the Israelites. Balak offers Balaam silver and gold in return for his services, but Balaam refuses, saying that he can only say what God tells him to.
Mentions of Balak in the Bible
- Numbers 22:2-12: Balak is a king of Moab who sends messengers to Balaam to ask him to come and curse Israel.
- Numbers 22:21-35: Balaam tells Balak the process for the curse, and Balak takes him to the mountains to sacrifice.
- Numbers 23:1-30: Balaam blesses Israel instead of cursing them, and Balak is disappointed.
- Numbers 24:1-25: Balaam prophesies to Balak that the people of Israel will be blessed.
- Numbers 31:8: Balak is mentioned as a king of Moab who was defeated by the Israelites in battle.
- Judges 11:25: Balak is mentioned as one of the kings that the Israelites defeated in battle.
- Micah 6:5: Balak is mentioned as a king of Moab who is deceived by Balaam.
- Nehemiah 13:2: Balak is mentioned as a king of Moab who tried to persuade the Israelites to turn away from God.
The Curse of Balaam on the Moabites
In Numbers 24:14-17, we can read about Balaam’s curse on the Moabites. Here, Balaam foresees the destruction of the Moabites and the coming of the Messiah who will save the Israelites from their enemies.
The Significance of Balaam’s Donkey in the Bible
Balaam’s donkey serves as a symbol for faithfulness and obedience to God. Her story highlights the power of faith and the importance of listening to God’s voice. The story also serves as a lesson in humility, as Balaam’s donkey was able to recognize the angel of the Lord while Balaam himself was not.
Examples of Animals Talking in the Bible
- The Serpent in the Garden of Eden, Genesis 3:1-5 – The serpent speaks to Adam and Eve and tempts them to eat the forbidden fruit.
- The Donkey of Balaam, Numbers 22:28-30 – The donkey speaks to Balaam, who is riding him, and warns him of danger ahead.
The Balaam’s Death in the Bible – How Did Balaam Die
Balaam’s death is not recorded in the Bible, but it is believed that he died a violent death. In Revelation 2:14, we can read that Balaam taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin. This suggests that Balaam was ultimately punished for his wrongdoing.
What Does the Book of James Say about Balaam?
In the book of James, we can read about Balaam and his attempt to curse the Israelites. James warns us not to follow in Balaam’s footsteps and to follow God’s commands instead. He also cautions us against using money to entice people to sin.
What Does the Book of Revelation Say About Balaam?
In the book of Revelation, we can read about Balaam and his teachings. Here, we can see how Balaam tried to lead the Israelites astray and how God judged him for his actions. Revelation also warns us against following in Balaam’s footsteps and encourages us to be obedient to God.
What Does the Bible Say About God’s Judgment of Balaam?
The Bible does not give any specific details about God’s judgment of Balaam. However, it does tell us that Balaam was punished for his disobedience and that God will judge those who disobey him.
What Can We Learn From Balaam’s Story in the Bible?
Balaam’s story teaches us a valuable lesson about obedience and faithfulness. We can learn from Balaam’s example that it is important to listen to God’s voice and to obey his commands. We should also be wary of using money to entice people to sin, as this can lead to dangerous consequences.
Final Thoughts – What Does the Bible Say About Balaam
Balaam is an enigmatic figure in the Bible, and his story can be found in the book of Numbers. He was hired by Balak to curse the Israelites, but instead, he blessed them. The Bible tells us that Balaam’s donkey was able to recognize the angel of the Lord while Balaam himself was not. We can also read about Balaam’s curse on the Moabites and his death in the book of Revelation. Furthermore, we can learn from Balaam’s story that it is important to listen to God’s voice and to obey his commands.