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Quiz – What Does the Bible Say about Balaam

Quiz - What Does the Bible Say about Balaam

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What Does the Bible say about Balaam, Balaam’s Donkey,Balak

  1. Who was Balaam?
    A. A prophet
    B. A king
    C. A priest
    D. An angel
  2. What was Balaam’s donkey’s most notable behavior?
    A. Refused to move
    B. Spoke in a human voice
    C. Wept
    D. Ran away
  3. Who was Balak?
    A. King of Moab
    B. Prophet of Israel
    C. Disciple of Jesus
    D. Angel of the Lord
  4. What did Balak ask Balaam to do?
    A. Curse the Israelites
    B. Bless the Moabites
    C. Preach God’s word
    D. Instruct him in the ways of the Lord
  5. What did Balaam’s donkey do to stop Balaam from cursing the Israelites?
    A. Refused to move
    B. Knelt down
    C. Wept
    D. Ran away
  6. What did the angel of the Lord do to stop Balaam?
    A. Refused to speak
    B. Blocked his path
    C. Struck his donkey
    D. Cursed the Israelites
  7. What did God tell Balaam?
    A. You shall not curse the Israelites
    B. You shall not pass this way again
    C. You shall not receive any payment
    D. You shall not speak the truth
  8. What did Balak offer Balaam in exchange for cursing the Israelites?
    A. Gold and silver
    B. Land and cattle
    C. Honor and glory
    D. Wealth and power
  9. How did Balaam respond to Balak’s offer?
    A. He accepted it
    B. He refused it
    C. He asked for more
    D. He asked for less
  10. What did Balaam do instead of cursing the Israelites?
    A. He blessed them
    B. He prophesied
    C. He prayed
    D. He sang
  11. How did God reward Balaam for not cursing the Israelites?
    A. He gave him great honor
    B. He gave him wealth
    C. He gave him wisdom
    D. He gave him power
  12. What did Balaam’s donkey do when it saw the angel of the Lord?
    A. Refused to move
    B. Wept
    C. Kneeled down
    D. Ran away
  13. What did the angel of the Lord do to Balaam’s donkey?
    A. Spoke to it
    B. Cursed it
    C. Struck it
    D. Blessed it
  14. What did Balaam do when he saw the angel of the Lord?
    A. He bowed down
    B. He ran away
    C. He cursed the angel
    D. He offered a sacrifice
  15. What did Balaam’s donkey do when it spoke to Balaam?
    A. Complained about being mistreated
    B. Asked to be released
    C. Told Balaam to turn back
    D. Revealed God’s will to Balaam

Answers for Above Questions with Description

  1. A. A prophet
  2. A. Refused to move
  3. A. King of Moab
  4. A. Curse the Israelites
  5. A. Refused to move
  6. B. Blocked his path
  7. A. You shall not curse the Israelites
  8. A. Gold and silver
  9. B. He refused it
  10. A. He blessed them
  11. A. He gave him great honor
  12. C. Kneeled down
  13. C. Struck it
  14. A. He bowed down
  15. C. Told Balaam to turn back


  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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