What does the Bible Say About Noah’s Ark – Noah’s Ark is a vessel found in the Book of Genesis, which tells the story of a great flood sent by God to wipe out all life on Earth, with only Noah, his family, and a few animals surviving the devastation. According to the Bible, God commanded Noah to build a great ark and fill it with two of each kind of animal so they could be saved from the flood.
The Bible describes Noah’s Ark as a large vessel made from gopher wood and measuring 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. After the flood, the Ark landed on Mount Ararat, where it remained for some time until the waters receded. Although the story of Noah’s Ark is widely known, the Bible provides much more detail about the Ark and its impact on the world. Throughout the Bible, God’s covenant with Noah is seen as a sign of His mercy and grace, and a reminder of His promise to never again destroy the world by flood.
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What does the Bible Say About Noah’s Ark
The Bible is filled with many amazing stories, and none are more captivating than the story of Noah’s Ark. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the biblical account of the Ark and explore what it says about the building of it, the animals on board, the purpose of the Ark and its symbolic significance. We’ll also look at how the story of Noah’s Ark ties in with the broader themes of the Bible and how it has shaped our understanding of God’s covenant with us.
All About Noah
The story of Noah’s Ark begins with Noah himself. Noah is one of the most important figures in the Bible and the central character in the story of the great flood. He is described as a righteous and blameless man who followed God’s commands and obeyed all of his instructions.

When Did Noah Build the Ark According to the Bible?
The Bible tells us that Noah built the Ark shortly after God instructed him to do so. In Genesis 6:14, we read that God commanded Noah to build the Ark in order to save himself and his family from the impending flood. This was approximately 600 years before the birth of Jesus Christ.
Where Did Noah Find the Materials to Build the Ark?
The Bible does not say where Noah obtained the materials for the Ark. However, it does tell us that God provided the instructions for how the Ark should be built and that Noah followed those instructions. In other words, it is likely that Noah used materials that were already available in his vicinity. Here is a List of Items Probably Needed.
- Gopher Wood: Gopher wood was the type of wood used for the ark, according to Genesis 6:14. It is not known what type of wood this is, though many believe it to be cypress or cedar. The ark was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high (Genesis 6:15).
- Pitch: The pitch used to cover the ark inside and out was described as a “mineral pitch” (Genesis 6:14). This tar-like substance was used to waterproof the ark and provide protection from the elements.
- Pitch Forks: Pitch forks were used to spread the pitch over the outside of the ark. Genesis 6:14 states that the ark was “covered inside and out with pitch.”
- Timbers: Timbers were used to construct the ark. They were likely large pieces of wood, such as logs or beams.
- Hammer: A hammer was used to assemble the pieces of the ark. This tool was necessary for the construction of the ark.
- Ax: An ax was used to shape and trim the timbers used in the construction of the ark.
- Chisel: A chisel was used to shape and trim the timbers used in the construction of the ark.
- Saw: A saw was used to cut the timbers for the ark.
- Nails: Nails were used to join the timbers together.
- Rope: Rope was used to tie the timbers together and secure them.
- Glue: Glue was used to seal the seams between the timbers and make the ark watertight.
- Pitch Ladders: Pitch ladders were used to climb up to the higher decks of the ark.
- Windows: Windows were installed in the ark to provide ventilation and light. Genesis 6:16 states that windows were made in the ark.
- Doors: Doors were installed in the ark to provide access to the decks. Genesis 6:16 states that the ark had a door.
- Ramps: Ramps were installed in the ark to allow animals to enter and exit.
- Provisions: Provisions were necessary for Noah and his family and the animals on board the ark. These provisions likely included food, water, and other supplies.

Why Did God Instruct Noah to Build the Ark?
The Bible tells us that God instructed Noah to build the Ark because He wanted to save Noah and his family from the flood that He was about to bring upon the earth. The flood was a punishment for the wickedness of mankind, and God wanted to give Noah and his family a chance to survive and be a witness to His power.
How Long Was Noah on the Ark According to the Bible?
The Bible tells us that Noah and his family were on the Ark for a total of 371 days. This time was spent in preparation for the flood, during the flood itself, and after the flood had receded.
- God Announces the Flood – Genesis 6:17
Description: God announces his intention to send a flood to cleanse the earth of wickedness. - Noah is Instructed to Build an Ark – Genesis 6:14-16
Description: God instructs Noah to build an ark out of gopher wood, with three decks and a roof. He also commands Noah to bring two of every kind of animal on board the ark. - The Flood Begins – Genesis 7:11-12
Description: The floods begin and the waters rise for forty days and forty nights. - The Animals Enter the Ark – Genesis 7:15-16
Description: Two by two, the animals enter the ark, as commanded by God. - The Waters Cover the Earth – Genesis 7:20
Description: The waters cover the entire earth, as God had promised. - The Waters Recede – Genesis 8:3-5
Description: After 150 days, the waters recede, and the ark comes to rest on the mountains of Ararat. - Noah Sends Out a Dove – Genesis 8:6-12
Description: Noah sends out a dove to search for land, but it returns with an olive branch, indicating that the waters still cover the earth. - The Rainbow is Given – Genesis 9:13-17
Description: God gives Noah a sign of his promise to never again flood the earth: the rainbow. - God’s Covenant with Noah – Genesis 9:8-17
Description: God makes a covenant with Noah, promising never to destroy the earth and all living beings with a flood again.

What Animals Did God Instruct Noah to Bring on the Ark?
God instructed Noah to bring two of each kind of animal on the Ark. This included land animals, birds, and aquatic creatures. God also instructed Noah to bring seven pairs of clean animals and seven pairs of unclean animals. These animals were to be brought in order to preserve the different species on the Ark and ensure the survival of the animal kingdom.
Who Was in Noah’s Family on the Ark?
The Bible tells us that Noah’s family included his wife, his three sons, and their wives. In total, there were eight people on the Ark
- Noah: Noah was a righteous man chosen by God to build the Ark and save the animals and his family from the Great Flood. He was the son of Lamech and the father of Shem, Ham and Japheth.
- Shem: Shem was the eldest of the three sons of Noah and the ancestor of the Semitic peoples. He was chosen to be saved on the Ark with his brothers and his father.
- Ham: Ham was the second son of Noah and the ancestor of the Hamites. He and his brothers were also chosen to be saved on the Ark with Noah.
- Japheth: Japheth was the youngest of the three sons of Noah and the ancestor of the Japhetic peoples. He was also chosen to be saved on the Ark with his brothers and his father.
- Mrs. Noah: Mrs. Noah was Noah’s wife, who was also chosen to be saved on the Ark with her husband and their three sons.
- Shem’s Wife: Shem’s wife was chosen to be saved on the Ark with her husband and his father and brothers.
- Ham’s Wife: Ham’s wife was chosen to be saved on the Ark with her husband and his father and brothers.
- Japheth’s Wife: Japheth’s wife was chosen to be saved on the Ark with her husband and his father and brothers.
- Noah’s Daughters-in-Law: Noah’s daughters-in-law were chosen to be saved on the Ark with their husbands, Noah and his sons.

What Were the Dimensions of the Ark According to the Bible?
The Bible tells us that the Ark was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. This translates to approximately 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high.
What Bible Verses Describe the Building of the Ark?
Genesis 6:14-16 provides detailed instructions for the building of the Ark. These verses tell us that the Ark was to be made out of gopher wood and covered with pitch inside and out. They also tell us that the Ark was to have three decks, with a door in the side, and windows in the top and bottom.
What Role Did Noah Play in the Bible Story of the Flood?
Noah played a crucial role in the story of the flood. He was responsible for building the Ark and bringing the animals on board. He was also responsible for caring for the animals on the Ark and providing for the needs of his family during the flood. He was the only human being with his family who was spared from the flood due to his faithfulness and obedience to God.
What Was the Purpose of the Ark According to the Bible?
The purpose of the Ark was to provide a safe refuge for Noah and his family during the flood. It was also a symbol of God’s covenant with Noah and his descendants. It was a sign of God’s faithfulness and a sign of His promise that He would never again bring a flood that would destroy all life on the earth.
How Was the Ark Supplied With Food According to the Bible?
The Bible tells us that Noah brought enough food on the Ark to last for the duration of the flood. This included food for himself, his family, and the animals. The Bible does not specify what type of food was stored in the Ark, but it is likely that it included grains, fruits, and vegetables.
What Were the Symbolic Significance of the Ark According to the Bible?
The Ark had a deep symbolic significance in the Bible. It was a symbol of God’s covenant with Noah and his descendants. It was also a symbol of the hope of salvation that God was offering to mankind through Noah. Finally, it was a symbol of the protection that God was providing to those who followed His commands.
What is the History and Significance of The Rainbow in the Bible
The rainbow is a symbol of hope, beauty, and promise in many religions and cultures, but it is especially meaningful in the Bible. The rainbow is first mentioned in the Bible in the book of Genesis, where it appears as a sign from God to Noah after the great flood. In this story, God promises never to destroy all life on Earth again, and the rainbow is a reminder of this promise.
In the Bible, the rainbow is a symbol of God’s covenant with his people. God gives Noah a sign that he will never again destroy all life on Earth by flooding it. This sign is the rainbow, and it serves as a reminder of God’s promise to never break the covenant he has made with his people. The rainbow also symbolizes the hope and promise of a new beginning after the flood and the restoration of life.
In Christianity, the rainbow is a reminder of God’s love and mercy. It is a symbol of God’s goodness and his willingness to forgive and show mercy, even in the face of disaster. This is seen in the story of the Great Flood in Genesis, when God is willing to forgive and save Noah and his family, despite the destruction of the world.
In the Bible, the rainbow is also associated with God’s promise to bless the world and bring forth the Messiah. Isaiah 9:6-7 says, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” This prophecy of the coming of the Messiah is often seen as being symbolized by the rainbow.
The rainbow is also a symbol of hope and redemption in the Bible. In the book of Revelation, the rainbow is seen as a symbol of hope and the promise of a new heaven and a new earth.
The rainbow is a powerful symbol that has held deep significance in many cultures and religions throughout history. In the Bible, it is a symbol of hope, mercy, and promise, as well as a reminder of God’s covenant with his people. It is a reminder of God’s love and mercy, and of the hope of a new beginning.
Lessons we can Learn from the Account of the Flood
- Respect the Authority of God: God commanded Noah to build an ark and to save himself and his family. God’s commands must be respected and followed.
- Have Faith in God: Despite being ridiculed and criticized, Noah had faith in God and followed His instructions. We must have faith in God during difficult times.
- Be Prepared: Noah was prepared for the flood by building an ark, stocking it with provisions and gathering animals. We should always be prepared for any eventuality.
- Persevere: Noah persevered through the difficult task of building the ark and endured the ridicule of those around him. We must persevere and stay focused on our goals.
- Have Patience: Noah waited patiently for the flood to pass and for the waters to recede. Patience is essential if we want to succeed.
- Have Hope: Even when faced with a terrible calamity, Noah had hope that he and his family would be saved. Hope is essential in times of despair.
- Sacrifice: Noah sacrificed animals to provide food for himself and his family. We should be willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.
- Rely on Family: Noah relied on his family to help him build the ark and journey through the flood. Family is an important source of support and strength.
- Be Generous: Noah offered a sacrifice of thanksgiving to God after the flood. We should be generous with our time, energy and resources.
- Show Gratitude: Noah showed his gratitude to God for his deliverance. We should always be thankful for what we have and express our gratitude.
What Was the Significance of the Ark’s Construction According to the Bible?
The construction of the Ark was a sign of Noah’s obedience to God’s commands. It was also a sign of God’s faithfulness to His promises. The Ark was a symbol of God’s protection and His provision for those who followed His instructions.
How Was the Ark a Symbol of God’s Covenant With Noah?
The Ark was a symbol of God’s covenant with Noah and his descendants. It was a sign of God’s promise that He would never again bring a flood that would destroy all life on the earth. The Ark was also a sign of God’s faithfulness and His willingness to protect those who followed His commands.
List of Possible Locations where Noahs Ark Landed
- Mt. Ararat, Turkey:
Located in the Eastern Anatolian region of Turkey, Mt. Ararat is the traditional resting place of Noah’s ark and is the most widely accepted site for the landing of the ark. Although there is no direct archaeological evidence of the ark, the land around Mt. Ararat is rich in archaeological and anthropological evidence of the flood story. - Urmia Lake, Iran:
This salt lake located in Northwestern Iran has been suggested as another possible landing site for the ark, as it is an ancient lake with a long history of flooding. According to local folklore, Urmia Lake was formed from the floodwaters that remained after the ark landed here. - Jebel Judi, Turkey:
This mountain located near the city of Cizre in Turkey has also been proposed as a possible landing site for Noah’s ark. According to local legends, the ark landed here after the floodwaters receded. - Mount Cudi, Turkey:
This mountain located in the southeastern region of Turkey is another possible location where the ark may have landed. According to local folklore, the ark landed here after the flood and was then taken apart to be used as building material. - Mount Nimush, Iraq:
This mountain located in the northern region of Iraq is yet another possible landing site for the ark. Archaeological evidence suggests that the area was flooded in the past and local legends tell of the ark landing on the mountain and being broken apart for building material.
Where are there Replica’s of Noah’s Ark That Can be Visited
Noah’s Ark is one of the Bible’s most iconic stories, and its history and relevance to many faiths and cultures have made it an important symbol for centuries. As such, there are a number of replicas of Noah’s Ark around the world that can be visited.
The most famous replica, and likely the oldest, is the full-scale Noah’s Ark replica located in The Netherlands. The original replica was built in 1775 by a Dutch carpenter and was destroyed by a fire in 1883. It was later rebuilt in the same spot, and has been a popular tourist destination since. The replica is still in its original condition, and features a replica of the animals, statues, and other items from the original story. Visitors can also take a tour of the replica and learn about the history of Noah’s Ark and the story behind it.
Another famous Noah’s Ark replica is located in Kentucky, USA. Built by the Creation Museum, this full-size replica of Noah’s Ark is based on the biblical account of the story. It features a large wooden ark, replicas of the animals, and a collection of educational exhibits. Visitors can take a tour of the ark, as well as learn about the history and significance of the story.
The Noah’s Ark Replica in Israel is another great place to visit. Built in 1989, this replica is located near the ruins of Tel Aviv and is considered to be one of the most accurate replicas of the ark. Visitors can tour the ark and learn about the history of the story, as well as the significance of the ark to the Jewish faith.
Finally, the Noah’s Ark Replica in Hong Kong is one of the more modern replicas of the ark. Built in 2009, this replica is located in an amusement park and is one of the more interactive replicas. It features a variety of exhibits and activities, as well as a large wooden ark. Visitors can take a tour of the ark, as well as learn about the history and significance of the story.
Overall, there are a number of replicas of Noah’s Ark around the world that can be visited. These replicas provide a unique opportunity to learn about the history and significance of the story, and can be a great way to connect to the story on a deeper level. So, if you’re looking for a unique and interesting way to explore the story of Noah’s Ark, be sure to check out one of these replicas!
Final Thoughts – What does the Bible Say about Noah’s Ark
Noah’s Ark is one of the most iconic stories in the Bible. It is a story of faith, obedience, and protection that has been passed down through the generations. In this blog post, we took a closer look at this amazing story and explored what it says about the building of the Ark, the animals on board, the purpose of the Ark, and its symbolic significance.
We also discussed how the story of Noah’s Ark ties in with the broader themes of the Bible and how it has shaped our understanding of God’s covenant with us. The story of Noah’s Ark is a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness and His promise to protect those who follow His commands.