What Does the Bible Say About Smoking Cigarettes– The Bible doesn’t specifically mention tobacco, but there are principles in the Bible that can help us make a decision about whether or not to smoke. The first question we need to ask ourselves is “why do I want to smoke?”
There are many reasons people give for wanting to smoke, but the Bible tells us that the only good reason to do anything is out of love for God. If we are doing something because we think it will make us happy or because we are trying to please others, then we are on the wrong track.
Table of Contents
What Does the Bible Say About Smoking Cigarettes?
Here’s a friendly table breaking down what the Bible might say about smoking, cigarettes, cigars, weed, and vaping, based on its teachings about our bodies, self-control, and sobriety. ????
Topic | Biblical Principles and Verses ???? | Interpretation & Insights ???? |
Smoking in General | “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;” (1 Corinthians 6:19 NIV) | Smoking can harm our bodies, which are considered temples of the Holy Spirit. Harmful habits like smoking may not align with the idea of treating our bodies as sacred. |
Cigarettes | “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything. (1 Corinthians 6:12 NIV) | Cigarette smoking can be addictive and harmful to our health. The principle here suggests avoiding things that master us and are not beneficial. |
Cigars | It is not for kings, Lemuel— it is not for kings to drink wine, not for rulers to crave beer. (Proverbs 31:4 NIV) | Like excessive drinking, smoking cigars in excess could be considered against Biblical principles of moderation and self-control. |
Weed | Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8 NIV) | Smoking weed alters your state of mind, which can be seen as contrary to the Bible’s emphasis on maintaining a sober mind for good judgment. |
Vaping | Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. (Romans 12:1 NIV) | Vaping, like smoking, introduces foreign substances into our bodies. It may not align with the Biblical view of offering our bodies as “living sacrifices” that are “holy and pleasing to God.” |
Quick Takeaways ????
- Your Body, Your Temple: Treating your body well is a form of honoring God.
- Moderation Rules: Excess of anything can be harmful and against Biblical principles.
- Mental Clarity: Keeping a sober mind is emphasized for spiritual vigilance.
- Addiction: Avoid things that can master you or control your life, distancing you from God’s plan.
- Be Cautious: Always consider the effects of your habits, not just on you but also on the people around you.
Hope this table helps clarify how the teachings in the Bible can relate to various forms of smoking! ????
Tobacco Use in the Bible
The Bible does not specifically mention tobacco use but there are a few verses that talk about smoking and chewing tobacco. In Proverbs 20:1 it says, “Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise.”
This verse is talking about how alcohol can make people act differently than they normally would and how it is not wise to drink alcohol because it can cause problems. The same could be said for tobacco use. When people use tobacco, it can cause them to act differently than they normally would and it is not wise to use tobacco because of the health risks involved.
Pros and Cons of Smoking from a Biblical Perspective
Pros (As argued by some based on Bible interpretation) | Cons (Based on direct/indirect Biblical teachings) |
Liberty in Christ: Some believers argue that since smoking isn’t directly addressed in the Bible, Christians have the freedom to make personal choices (Galatians 5:1). | Body as a Temple: The Bible teaches that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and should be kept pure. Introducing harmful substances would violate this principle (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). |
Not a Salvation Issue: Smoking isn’t listed as a sin that affects one’s salvation. Some assert that it is a personal conviction rather than a spiritual mandate (Romans 14:22). | Loving Yourself: The commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” implies caring for oneself. Smoking, as a harmful act, might be seen as not loving or caring for oneself properly (Mark 12:31). |
Cultural Context: In some cultures and eras, smoking has been seen as a norm or a rite of passage. Some argue the Bible doesn’t speak against cultural practices unless they’re morally compromising. | Avoiding Addiction: The Bible warns against being enslaved by anything, which includes addictions (2 Peter 2:19). Given the addictive nature of nicotine, smoking can easily lead to bondage. |
A Form of Fellowship: In some societies, sharing a smoke is a form of fellowship. It can open doors for relationship building and even evangelism. | Harm to Others: Secondhand smoke can harm others. The Bible instructs believers to do no harm to their neighbors (Romans 13:10). This makes exposing others to secondhand smoke contrary to biblical teachings. |
Being Above Reproach: Christians are called to live lives that are exemplary. Given the known health risks of smoking, it could be argued that this habit may not present a “above reproach” image (Titus 2:7-8). | |
Stewardship of Resources: Spending money on cigarettes might be viewed as poor stewardship when those funds could be used for more edifying or charitable purposes (Proverbs 3:9). |
In James 4:17 it says, “Therefore, anyone who knows what is good and yet does not do it is sinning.” This verse is talking about how we should do the things that are good for us and avoid the things that are bad for us. Smoking and chewing tobacco are bad for our health so we should avoid doing those things.

What does the Bible say about Tobacco use specifically? (Smoking Tobacco)
The Bible doesn’t mention tobacco specifically by name, but there are a few verses that talk about the dangers of ingesting anything that is harmful to our bodies.
For example, in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Paul says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
This verse makes it clear that our bodies belong to God and we are to take care of them as His temples. Ingesting tobacco is clearly not taking care of our bodies in the way that God intended. Additionally, Proverbs 23:2 says, “Put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony.”
This verse is talking about overeating, but it’s easy to see how it could apply to ingesting tobacco as well. If we are given to gluttony—or excess—in any area of our lives, including tobacco use, we need to put a stop to it.
How did Tobacco come to be used in the first place?
Tobacco was first used by Native Americans who smoked it during religious ceremonies. They believed that smoking tobacco was a way to commune with the spirit world. Unfortunately, when Europeans arrived in America and saw how popular tobacco was among Native Americans, they began smoking it themselves and introduced it to other parts of the world.
The health risks associated with smoking and chewing tobacco.
There are numerous health risks associated with both smoking and chewing tobacco. These include lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, mouth cancer, and gum disease—to name just a few.
Chewing tobacco also puts users at risk for developing leukoplakia—a precancerous condition characterized by white patches on the gums or inside of the cheek.

What are the Dangers of Secondhand smoke
It’s important to note that there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke is classified as a known human carcinogen by both the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
This means that secondhand smoke causes cancer in humans. So even if you don’t smoke yourself, if you’re around someone who does smoke, you’re still putting yourself at risk for developing cancer.
Tobacco use doesn’t just lead to cancer; it can also cause a number of other serious health problems, including:
-Heart disease
–Lung disease
–Pregnancy-related problems
–Periodontitis (gum disease)
Tobacco use is also a major risk factor for a number of mental health disorders, including:
-Anxiety disorders
– schizophrenia
If you or someone you know is struggling with tobacco addiction, there is help available. There are a number of resources that can assist you in quitting, including:
-The National Cancer Institute’s Quitline
-Your state’s quitline

What are some of the Spiritual Dangers Associated with using Tobacco? (God)
In addition to the physical dangers associated with using tobacco, there are also spiritual dangers. These include addiction and enslavement (Proverbs 20:1), financial ruin (Proverbs 21:17), and damage to relationships (Ephesians 5:33).
Tobacco addiction can be extremely difficult to break free from without help from God and others who understand what you’re going through.
If you’re struggling with an addiction to tobacco, we encourage you to reach out for help from a trusted friend or family member, your church community, or a professional counselor or therapist. Quitting smoking or chewing tobacco is not easy, but it is possible with God’s help.
Tobacco use can also be spiritually dangerous. When you’re addicted to nicotine, it’s easy to become enslaved by it. You may find yourself putting your tobacco use ahead of other things that are important to you, like your relationship with God. Additionally, using tobacco can hinder your witness for Christ. If people see you using tobacco, they may be less likely to take you seriously when you talk about your faith.
5 Tips for quitting smoking or chewing tobacco.
If you’re addicted to tobacco, quitting can be very difficult. But it’s not impossible! Here are a few tips that may help:
• Talk to your doctor about quitting – they can prescribe medication that can help lessen withdrawal symptoms.
• Find a support group – talking to others who are going through the same thing can be helpful.
• Throw away all your tobacco products – out of sight, out of mind!
• Replace your bad habit with a good one – try going for a walk or taking up knitting instead of smoking or chewing tobacco.
• Pray – ask God to help you overcome your addiction and give you strength.
How does Tobacco Smoke Compare with Incense
When it comes to tobacco smoke and incense, there are a few key differences to consider. For one, tobacco smoke is produced by burning tobacco leaves, while incense is typically made from a combination of plant materials like bark, roots, and resins.
As a result, tobacco smoke tends to be harsher and more potent than incense smoke. Additionally, tobacco smoke contains higher levels of harmful chemicals like nicotine and tar than incense smoke. This means that exposure to tobacco smoke is more likely to cause health problems like cancer and respiratory infections.
Finally, tobacco smoke is also more likely to disperse quickly in the air and linger on surfaces, while incense smoke tends to be heavier and server cancels out revokes the . In conclusion, although both tobacco smoke and incense can be harmful to your health,
Where in the Bible did the Jews use Incense (Bible Verses)
Incense is mentioned numerous times throughout the Bible, typically in connection with worship practices. In the Old Testament, incense was used in the Tabernacle as part of the daily offering of prayers and sacrifices (Exodus 30:1-10).
It was also used during special festivals and celebrations, such as the Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:33-36). In the New Testament, we see that incense was still being used in the Temple during Jesus’ time (Mark 14:54; Luke 1:9-11).
However, Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for their excessive use of incense, which they had turned into a meaningless ritual (Matthew 23:16-22). Ultimately, the Bible teaches us that incense is to be used as part of our worship to God, not as an empty gesture or superstitious practice.

Why Did God Create Tobacco
There are a number of plants that God created that have been used for centuries for various purposes. Tobacco is one of those plants. So, why did God create tobacco? One possible answer is that He created it for its medicinal properties. Tobacco has been used to treat a variety of ailments, including colds, headaches, and even toothaches.
In fact, the Native Americans were using tobacco long before the Europeans arrived in the New World. In addition to its medicinal uses, tobacco has also been used as a ceremonial plant. For example, many cultures have used tobacco in rituals and ceremonies meant to ward off evil spirits.
It is also believed that tobacco can help to purify the soul. So, while we may never know for sure why God created tobacco, it is clear that it has played an important role in human history.
What Does the Bible say about Smoking KJV (King James Version)
The Bible does not mention smoking specifically. However, there are several principles that indirectly address the issue of smoking. For instance, the Bible teaches us to care for our bodies, which are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
Smoking harms our bodies in many ways, including damaging our lungs, increasing our risk of cancer, and causing premature wrinkling. Additionally, the Bible teaches us to avoid anything that would cause others to stumble (Romans 14:13-23).
Many people who don’t smoke find the smell of cigarette smoke to be offensive. For Christians who want to honor God with their lives, it makes sense to avoid anything that would make it harder for others to do the same. As a result, while the Bible doesn’t explicitly condemn smoking, it does provide us with good reasons to avoid it.
What does the Bible say about Cigars?
The Bible does not directly address the issue of smoking cigars, but there are a few passages that indirectly speak to the matter. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Paul writes, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?
You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” This passage makes it clear that our bodies are not our own, but belong to God. As such, we should take care of our bodies and not subject them to harmful substances like tobacco.
Additionally, in 2 Timothy 2:22, Paul instructs Timothy to “So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace…” Once again, this verse speaks to the importance of taking care of our bodies and fleeing from anything that might damage them.
While the Bible does not directly address smoking cigars, it is clear that we should take care of our bodies and avoid anything that might be harmful to them.

Is Smoking a Sin for Christian
Christians are often taught that smoking is a sin. However, there is no mention of smoking in the Bible. So, is smoking a sin for Christians? Let’s take a look at what the Bible does say about smoking and make a decision for ourselves.
The Bible does not specifically address the issue of smoking cigarettes. However, there are a number of principles that can be applied to this question.
First and foremost, Christians are called to care for their bodies and to avoid anything that might damage their health. From this perspective, it is clear that smoking is harmful to our physical health and should be avoided.
Second, we are called to be good stewards of our resources. Cigarettes are expensive, and smoking them wastes both money and valuable time that could be spent more productively.
Finally, Christians are called to avoid anything that might undermine our witness for Christ. Many non-believers view smoking as sinful, and so those who identify as Christians may do damage to their witness by smoking cigarettes. While the Bible does not specifically mention smoking, it is clear that it is not consistent with the principles we are called to uphold as believers.
Some of the Difficulties are:
- Reduced Long Life
- Causing a Stumbling Block
- Develops into a smoking Habit
- Young People are Prey
- Our Bodies are the Temple of God
- It is an addictive substance
- Destroys Good Health
- One of the Willful Sins
- A Passion of the Flesh
- It is a Nicotine Addiction
- A Personal Choice
- Can lead to High Blood Pressure
- Heart Attacks – My Dad
- Doorway to Cocaine use
- Destroys our Respiratory System
- Nasty Habit
- Way of Escape
- Our Human Body is a temple of the Holy Ghost

Will Smokers go to Heaven?
The short answer is yes, but with conditions. The longer answer is that it depends on how your heart is positioned before God. If you genuinely seek forgiveness and repent (turn away from) your sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).
However, if we say we have no sin or if we continue in our sin without repentance, then we do not have His forgiveness (1 John 1:8). So the key question is: do you want to be forgiven? If your desire is to follow Jesus Christ and stop smoking cigarettes because you know it does not glorify God, then God will absolutely forgive you!
And He will help you by giving you the strength to overcome. But if your heart is not set on repentance and you still want to live in disobedience by smoking, then you have not asked for forgiveness and therefore have not received it. It really is that simple. What does your heart desire today? Forgiveness or disobedience? The choice is yours.
First of all, it’s important to remember that God is a loving and forgiving God. He is willing to forgive us for our sins, no matter how big or small. This means that even smokers can be forgiven and enter into heaven.
However, it’s also important to note that smoking is harmful to our health. It’s possible that God will take this into account when judging us. It’s possible that He will see smoking as a sign that we didn’t take good care of our bodies and as a result, we may not be allowed into heaven.
What Does the Bible Say About Smoking (2023) ????????
So you’ve been wrestling with a question that might seem a bit unique but is incredibly pertinent for millions of people: What does the Bible say about smoking? While the Bible doesn’t directly mention smoking, it offers principles that can guide our understanding. This article aims to delve into what the Bible may suggest about smoking cigarettes, weed, vaping and more, offering a sense of hope and guidance for those grappling with this issue. ????
What Does the Bible Say About Smoking Cigarettes ????
Here’s a friendly table breaking down what the Bible might say about smoking, cigarettes, cigars, weed, and vaping, based on its teachings about our bodies, self-control, and sobriety. ????
Topic | Biblical Principles and Verses ???? | Interpretation & Insights ???? |
Smoking in General | “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;” (1 Corinthians 6:19 NIV) | Smoking can harm our bodies, which are considered temples of the Holy Spirit. Harmful habits like smoking may not align with the idea of treating our bodies as sacred. |
Cigarettes | “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything. (1 Corinthians 6:12 NIV) | Cigarette smoking can be addictive and harmful to our health. The principle here suggests avoiding things that master us and are not beneficial. |
Cigars | It is not for kings, Lemuel— it is not for kings to drink wine, not for rulers to crave beer. (Proverbs 31:4 NIV) | Like excessive drinking, smoking cigars in excess could be considered against Biblical principles of moderation and self-control. |
Weed | Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8 NIV) | Smoking weed alters your state of mind, which can be seen as contrary to the Bible’s emphasis on maintaining a sober mind for good judgment. |
Vaping | Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. (Romans 12:1 NIV) | Vaping, like smoking, introduces foreign substances into our bodies. It may not align with the Biblical view of offering our bodies as “living sacrifices” that are “holy and pleasing to God.” |
Quick Takeaways ????
- Your Body, Your Temple: Treating your body well is a form of honoring God.
- Moderation Rules: Excess of anything can be harmful and against Biblical principles.
- Mental Clarity: Keeping a sober mind is emphasized for spiritual vigilance.
- Addiction: Avoid things that can master you or control your life, distancing you from God’s plan.
- Be Cautious: Always consider the effects of your habits, not just on you but also on the people around you.
Hope this table helps clarify how the teachings in the Bible can relate to various forms of smoking! ????
What Does the Bible Say About Smoking KJV ????
The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible doesn’t explicitly mention smoking. However, it does guide us in treating our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. With that in mind, anything destructive to our bodies can be considered against God’s intent for us. Since smoking cigarettes has been proven to be harmful to our health, it is reasonable to conclude that it’s not aligned with treating our body as a temple.
What Does the Bible Say About Smoking Weed ????
Again, the Bible doesn’t explicitly discuss smoking weed. However, it talks about sobriety and self-control. Smoking weed can alter your state of mind, which could potentially go against the biblical principles of maintaining a sober mind and being in control of one’s actions.
Did Anyone Smoke in the Bible ????
There is no record in the Bible of any characters smoking. The practice of smoking didn’t exist in biblical times, so it’s not mentioned. This can also imply that since smoking wasn’t a custom during the biblical era, there are no scriptural directives explicitly related to it.
Will God Forgive Me For Smoking Cigarettes ????
God’s capacity for forgiveness is boundless. If you feel convicted about your smoking habit and seek forgiveness, the steps to reconciliation with God involve repentance and a heartfelt desire to change. The Bible makes it clear that God is loving and forgiving, always willing to welcome you back.
Will Smokers Go to Heaven ????
The Bible teaches that entrance into Heaven is based on faith and God’s grace, not works or deeds. However, it’s important to consider that continuing in any habit that damages the temple of the Holy Spirit may be against God’s will. God’s grace is abundant, but it shouldn’t be an excuse to continue harmful behaviors.
Bible Verses About Smoking and Drinking ????????
While the Bible doesn’t directly address smoking, it does discuss alcohol. Moderation is the key theme when it comes to drinking. Similar principles can be applied to smoking, in terms of avoiding excess and behaviors that lead to self-harm or harm to others.
While the Bible doesn’t explicitly mention modern habits like smoking or vaping, it does offer principles that can be applied to these practices, as well as to drinking. Here’s a friendly list of relevant Bible verses that might give you some spiritual insights. ????
Verses on Treating the Body as a Temple
- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV)
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
????: This principle suggests we should treat our bodies well, as they’re considered sacred. - Romans 12:1 (NIV)
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”
????: This calls us to live in a way that honors God, which might make us rethink harmful habits like smoking.
Verses on Self-Control and Moderation
- 1 Corinthians 6:12 (NIV)
“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.
????: A good reminder that just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. - Proverbs 25:28 (NIV)
Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.
????: Lack of self-control can make us vulnerable, much like a city without walls.
Verses on Sobriety and Clear Mindfulness
- 1 Peter 5:8 (NIV)
“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
????: Sobriety is emphasized to help us maintain good judgment and spiritual vigilance. - Ephesians 5:18 (NIV)
“Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.”
????: This verse directly addresses the issue of drinking, cautioning against excess.
Verses on Influence and Example
- 1 Corinthians 8:9 (NIV)
“Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak.”
????: Our actions influence others, so being mindful of this can shape our choices, including those about smoking and drinking.
Quick Takeaways ????
- Holistic Well-Being: The Bible encourages us to take a comprehensive approach to our well-being, which includes physical health.
- Caution and Control: Moderation and self-control are key principles that could inform our decisions on smoking and drinking.
- Community Matters: The Bible reminds us that our choices have community and relational implications too.
Hope this list offers you some valuable perspective! ????
What Does the Bible Say About Smoking Cigars KJV ????????
Like cigarettes, cigars would fall under the same category. The Bible doesn’t single out different forms of tobacco use; it speaks more to the principle of keeping our bodies healthy as temples of the Holy Spirit. If you believe that smoking cigars is harmful, then it’s reasonable to conclude that it’s not in line with biblical principles.
Is Smoking a Sin KJV ????
In the King James Version of the Bible, the word ‘sin’ is often linked with actions that separate us from God or harm ourselves or others. Smoking can be considered a sin if it leads to damaging your body or hurting the people around you through second-hand smoke.
Best Bible Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
Below is a table featuring some highly regarded Bible Encyclopedias and Dictionaries along with their publishers and websites where they can be found or purchased.
Title | Publisher | Website |
The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia | Eerdmans | Eerdmans |
Zondervan’s Pictorial Bible Dictionary | Zondervan | Zondervan |
Easton’s Bible Dictionary | Thomas Nelson | Thomas Nelson |
Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary | B&H Publishing Group | B&H Publishing Group |
The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary | Moody Publishers | Moody Publishers |
HarperCollins Bible Dictionary | HarperOne | HarperOne |
Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words | Thomas Nelson | Thomas Nelson |
You can generally find these resources on the publishers’ websites, as well as other online book retailers such as Amazon or Christianbook. It’s always good practice to confirm availability and review additional details on the specific websites or other reliable online bookstores.
Final Thoughts ????
- Self-Care is God-Care: Treating our bodies as temples is a form of worship.
- Seek Forgiveness, Not Permission: God’s grace is there for those who seek it, not for those who use it as an excuse to continue in their ways.
- Moderation is Key: Just like with alcohol, if you do smoke, think about the biblical principle of moderation and self-control.
- Ask and You Shall Receive: If you’re unsure about whether smoking is a sin, praying for guidance can offer clarity.
- No Habit is Unbreakable: With faith, harmful habits like smoking can be broken.
- Be Mindful of Others: Second-hand smoke can harm others, so consider this as you reflect on your actions.
- A Sober Mind: The Bible encourages us to be sober and vigilant, implying we should avoid substances that alter our state of mind.
- What is the overall biblical view on smoking?
The Bible does not directly mention smoking but advises on living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining self-control. - Can I be forgiven for smoking?
Absolutely. God’s capacity for forgiveness is infinite. - Is smoking weed the same as smoking cigarettes in the Bible’s view?
Neither are directly mentioned, but both can be examined under the lens of maintaining a sober mind and a healthy body. - Is vaping discussed in the Bible?
No, but like smoking cigarettes and cigars, the principle of treating your body like a temple would apply here as well. - Can smokers go to Heaven?
The Bible teaches that Heaven is not earned by works but granted by grace through faith. - How can I quit smoking if I believe it’s against biblical principles?
Pray for strength and seek out resources and community support. There are numerous ways to quit, and your journey can be a testimony to others.
The Bible may not have a chapter and verse that directly addresses smoking, but it gives us guiding principles on how to live a life that is pleasing to God and beneficial for us. Regardless of where you stand on smoking, remember that God’s love and grace are abundant, providing room for forgiveness and growth. ????
What Does the Bible say about Tobacco
I never did smoke but my Dad and Grandfather did constantly. My Dad started as a teenager, it was a time that it was considered cool. When I began to notice he always wanted to quit but was not able. He tried:
- Cigars
- Pipe
- Filtered
- Cigarettes
- Nicotine Gum
He tried but could not, he was at three packs a day. I remember as a 12-year-old we would be driving on a trip and Dad would begin Coughing. He coughed so hard that he had to stop the car until he stopped gaging. He would light up another one to soothe himself.
At age 55 Dad had a Heart attack and needed a triple bypass. In those days they took a saw and split your sternum to work on your heart.
The doctor told my Dad that if he continued it would kill him. Dad stopped immediately. Over the years his lung which was black completely healed themselves. It is amazing how our bodies that God Created can repair themselves. Dad Died when he was 84. We had many more Bless Years I remembered.
As we’ve seen in this blog post, there are many biblical and practical reasons why someone might want to quit using tobacco products. If you’re struggling with an addiction to cigarettes or chewable tobacco products, know that you’re not alone and there is help available.
We encourage you to reach out for support from friends, family members, or professionals who can help you on your journey toward freedom from addiction.
God Bless Greg