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When Did Catholic and Orthodox Split (2024)

When Did Catholic and Orthodox Split

Dive deep into the historical split between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. From the factors leading up to it, to its long-lasting impact and the key figures involved, we’re unraveling this century-old enigma, ensuring you leave with the title question – when did Catholic and Orthodox split – answered comprehensively.

When Did Catholic and Orthodox Split

Understanding the division between two of the most significant branches of Christianity – the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church – is pivotal in grasping the broader historical, political, and theological context of Christianity itself.

When Did It Occur

The significant split, often referred to as the East-West Schism or the Great Schism occurred in 1054 AD. But, how on earth did things get so dicey that they led to a schism? And, did other significant events like the Black Death have any bearing on this monumental divide?

Certainly, here’s a table detailing the major schisms in the history of the Catholic Church:

The East-West Schism1054– Theological differences (Filioque controversy).
– Liturgical practices.
– Papal authority.
Permanent split between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church.
The Western Schism (Papal Schism)1378–1417The emergence of Protestant denominations, led to religious wars and a redefined Catholic Church post-Council of Trent.Ended with the Council of Constance, which elected Pope Martin V, restoring unity to the Western Church.
Protestant Reformation1517–1648– Theological disputes (sola scriptura, sola fide).
– Papal indulgences.
– Ecclesiastical corruption.
The emergence of Protestant denominations, leading to religious wars and a redefined Catholic Church post-Council of Trent.

This table gives an overview of the most significant schisms in the history of the Catholic Church. The reasons for these splits are multifaceted and span theological, political, and personal grounds. The results of each schism have had lasting impacts on the religious and geopolitical landscape of the world.

All Scripture is God Breathed

9 Spiritual Lessons we can Learn from the great schisms in the Catholic Church

Absolutely, the schisms of the Catholic Church are not only historical events but also offer profound spiritual lessons. Here’s a table detailing some of these insights:

SchismSpiritual Lessons
The East-West Schism (1054)Unity is fragile: Even the strongest religious bonds can be tested and broken over misunderstandings and miscommunications.
The importance of dialogue: Open channels of communication and mutual respect are vital for resolving differences.
Value of humility: Pride and the desire for dominance can lead to divisions. Recognizing each other’s worth and contributions fosters unity.
The Western Schism (1378–1417)Human fallibility: Even the holiest institutions can falter due to human errors and ambitions.
Seeking guidance: In times of confusion, turning to prayer, scripture, and collective discernment can offer clarity.
The collective over the individual: Individual interests and ambitions should not overshadow the greater good and unity of the community.
Protestant Reformation (1517–1648)Need for self-examination: Regular introspection and reformation are essential for any institution to stay true to its mission.
Respect for conscience: Individuals must follow their conscience and understanding of faith, even if it leads to challenging established norms.
God’s work through adversity: Even in divisions and conflicts, God can bring about greater understanding, depth, and renewal of faith.

The schisms remind the faithful of the continuous need for reflection, reconciliation, and spiritual growth, both personally and collectively. They emphasize the significance of unity, the importance of understanding, and the constant call to embody love and humility.

When Did Catholic and Orthodox Split

10 Scriptural Ways to Avoid Division

Here’s a table presenting scriptural ways to avoid division:

Scripture ReferenceTeaching on Avoiding Division
1 Corinthians 1:10Paul urges the Corinthians to be united in thought and purpose, avoiding quarrels and divisions.
Ephesians 4:2-3Believers are called to be humble, gentle, and patient, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
John 17:20-23Jesus prays for all believers to be one, just as He and the Father are one, indicating the importance of unity.
Romans 12:16Live in harmony with one another; do not be proud or associate only with those of high status.
Philippians 2:1-4Believers are urged to be like-minded, having the same love and being one in spirit and purpose, considering others better than themselves.
Colossians 3:13-14Believers are called to bear with each other, forgiving grievances and putting on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
James 3:16-18Where there is envy and selfish ambition, there is disorder. Wisdom from above is pure, peaceable, gentle, open to reason, and produces a harvest of righteousness.
Proverbs 6:16-19The Lord detests causing conflict among brothers, highlighting the significance of unity.
1 Peter 3:8-9Believers are called to be sympathetic, loving, compassionate, and humble, not repaying evil with evil but with blessing.
Galatians 5:25-26If we live by the Spirit, we should walk by the Spirit and not provoke or envy each other, thereby avoiding division.

These scriptures collectively emphasize the importance of unity, humility, love, and the spirit of harmony among believers. Avoiding division is not just about the absence of conflict but also actively fostering a culture of mutual respect, understanding, and compassion.

How Did the Black Death and the Great Schism Impact Medieval Europe?

The Black Death, a devastating global epidemic of bubonic plague, and the Great Schism, both played critical roles in shaping Medieval Europe. While the Black Death led to widespread death, societal upheaval, and economic consequences, the Great Schism deepened the religious divide and changed the trajectory of Christianity in Europe.

When Did Catholic and Orthodox Split

10 Ways the Black Death Impacted Medieval Europe

Certainly. The Black Death, also known as the Bubonic Plague, which swept through Medieval Europe in the mid-14th century, had profound and long-lasting impacts. Here’s an authoritative list of the ways in which the Black Death impacted Medieval Europe:

1. Massive Population Decline: The Black Death is estimated to have killed between 30% and 60% of Europe’s population. In raw numbers, this translated to roughly 25 million people, leading to a drastic population decrease.

2. Economic Disruption: With a large portion of the workforce dead, there were severe labor shortages. This led to a rise in wages for the surviving workers and increased the cost of goods. Many farms and businesses were abandoned, leading to economic stagnation in many areas.

3. Social Unrest: The sudden and vast mortality rate led to uprisings, revolts, and social unrest, notably the Peasants’ Revolt in England in 1381.

4. Decrease in Feudalism: The labor shortage gave surviving peasants and workers greater bargaining power, leading to a decline in the feudal system as they could now demand better terms from the landowners.

5. Religious Impact: The Church, which was unable to provide a reason or cure for the plague, faced declining influence. Some saw the plague as divine punishment, leading to increased acts of penance. At the same time, others began questioning their faith, leading to skepticism and the rise of heretical movements.

6. Growth in Medicine: The sheer scale of the Black Death underscored the inadequacies of medieval medicine. This, in turn, spurred developments in medical research and a more systematic approach to understanding diseases.

7. Cultural Shift: The omnipresence of death led to a change in European art, literature, and general worldview. This period saw the rise of macabre themes and a shift towards introspection and the exploration of mortality, notably in works like the “Dance of Death” and writings like Boccaccio’s “Decameron.”

8. Urban Decline: Many cities, particularly those hit hardest by the plague, saw a decline in their population. This led to the abandonment of many urban areas and a return to a more agrarian lifestyle for many.

9. Increase in Persecution: Lack of understanding about the cause of the Black Death led to blame and persecution. Jewish communities, in particular, were falsely accused of poisoning wells and faced violent pogroms in many European cities.

10. Geographical Expansion: In the long term, with the population and economy recovering, there was a push for new opportunities. This contributed, in part, to the Age of Exploration, as European nations began seeking new trade routes and territories.

The Black Death was a watershed event in European history, reshaping its social, economic, and cultural fabric. Its impacts were felt long after the disease itself had receded, shaping the trajectory of the continent for centuries to come.

When Did Catholic and Orthodox Split

Why Did the Great Schism Happen

Well, it wasn’t just a spur-of-the-moment decision. Let’s unpack the underlying causes and discover the main reasons behind this division.

10 Reasons that Initiated the Great Schism

Reasons for the Great Schism (1054)

  1. Theological Differences: Over the years, theological disputes arose, such as the Filioque controversy. The West added “and the Son” (Filioque in Latin) to the Nicene Creed in reference to the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son. The East disagreed with this addition.
  2. Liturgical Variations: Differences in church practices emerged. For instance, the Western Church used unleavened bread for the Eucharist, while the Eastern Church used leavened bread.
  3. Political Power Struggles: The fall of the Western Roman Empire led to a power vacuum, which the papacy in Rome sought to fill. In contrast, the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) continued to thrive and had the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople as its main religious figure.
  4. Cultural and Linguistic Differences: Latin was the primary language of the West, while Greek was the dominant language of the East. This led to misunderstandings and further separated the two traditions.
  5. Ecclesiastical Issues: There were disputes over areas of jurisdiction. Both the Pope in Rome and the Patriarch in Constantinople wanted to have authority over certain regions, especially in the Balkans.
  6. Iconoclasm: The Eastern Church went through a period where the use of religious icons was heavily debated, leading to the destruction of many religious images. The Western Church, although somewhat understanding of the theological basis of this controversy, did not experience it to the same degree.
  7. Claims of Universal Authority: The Bishop of Rome claimed to be the universal bishop with authority over all other bishops, a claim not recognized by the Eastern Church.
  8. Role of the Emperor: In the East, the Emperor had significant influence over the Orthodox Church, which was often seen as a branch of the government. In the West, the Pope resisted any state intervention in church affairs.
  9. Mutual Misunderstandings: Due to the growing distance—both geographically and culturally—misunderstandings arose. The lack of regular interaction and dialogue between the two sides intensified the misconceptions.
  10. Immediate Catalyst – the Excommunications: The immediate event that led to the schism was the mutual excommunication of the Patriarch of Constantinople, Michael I Cerularius, and the legate of the Pope, Cardinal Humbert, in 1054. While this event didn’t cause the schism itself, it symbolized the deep-seated tensions and disagreements that had developed over centuries.

While the schism was not the result of a single event, the combination of theological, political, and cultural differences made a split almost inevitable. The mutual excommunications of 1054 became the symbolic event representing the culmination of centuries of growing apart.

What is a Schism

In the simplest terms, a schism is a split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion or belief. When we’re talking about the Great Schism, we’re referencing the significant rift that split Christianity into two major branches.

Two Great Reasons

  1. Theological and Liturgical Differences: Theological differences, including the famed Filioque controversy over the Holy Spirit’s procession, played a role.
  2. Ecclesiastical Politics and Jurisdictional Disputes: The increasing interference of the Roman Church in the affairs of the Eastern Church caused friction.

What Caused the Split Between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church

The culminating point was the mutual excommunications by Pope Leo IX and Patriarch Michael I. This was largely due to issues like the role of the papacy, the liturgical practices (like using leavened or unleavened bread during Eucharist), and the aforementioned Filioque controversy.

Great Schism Summary

A culmination of theological differences, political power struggles, and differing liturgical practices led to the 1054 AD split, creating the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches we recognize today.

Certainly. Here’s a table outlining the impacts of the Great Schism on Medieval Europe:

AspectImpact of the Great Schism
Religious Leadership– Split between the Roman Catholic Church (West) and the Eastern Orthodox Church (East).
– Two patriarchal figures: the Pope in Rome and the Patriarch in Constantinople.
Theological Beliefs– Differences intensified over issues like the Filioque, Papal authority, and liturgical rites.
Political Alliances– European rulers had to navigate their alliances with either the Papacy or the Patriarchate.
– The Schism partly facilitated the Fourth Crusade and the sack of Constantinople in 1204.
Cultural Exchange– A decreased interaction between Eastern and Western scholars, affecting intellectual exchange.
Art & Architecture– Divergence in artistic styles, with the West favoring Romanesque/Gothic and the East favoring Byzantine styles.
Monastic Traditions– Western monasticism emphasized the Benedictine Rule, while the East had its own monastic traditions, such as the St. Basil’s rules.
Economic Relations– While commerce continued, religious tensions sometimes hampered trade and diplomatic relations.
Missionary Activity– Separate missionary routes developed, with the West focusing on Northern Europe and the East on areas like Slavic lands.

The Great Schism had profound and wide-reaching effects on Medieval Europe, influencing not just religious practices but also politics, culture, and interpersonal relations. The divisions sown during this period can still be seen in the religious landscape of modern Europe.

Who Was Constantinople Michael Cerularius

Michael Cerularius, the Patriarch of Constantinople from 1043 to 1059, played a pivotal role in the events leading up to the Great Schism of 1054. Here’s a table presenting key facts about Michael Cerularius and his effects on the Catholic Church:

Michael Cerularius and His Effects on the Catholic Church

Fact CategorySpecific Details
Early Life & Background– Michael Cerularius was born in Constantinople in the mid-10th century.
– He initially pursued a career in civil service before dedicating himself to the Church.
Patriarch of Constantinople– Became the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople in 1043.
– As Patriarch, he was a defender of Eastern Orthodox traditions and often opposed Latin customs.
Tensions with the West– Cerularius was concerned about Latin influences in the East, especially the practices of the Latin Church that were different from those of the Eastern Church.
– He notably opposed the use of unleavened bread for the Eucharist, a practice of the Latin Church.
The Great Schism– In 1054, representatives of Pope Leo IX excommunicated Cerularius. In retaliation, Cerularius excommunicated the papal representatives, effectively cementing the schism between the Eastern and Western Churches.
– The events of 1054, in which Cerularius played a key role, are considered the formal beginning of the East-West Schism, even though tensions had been brewing for centuries.
Legacy & Effects– Cerularius is often viewed as a staunch defender of Eastern Orthodoxy against Latinization and Western influence.
– His actions and decisions, especially in the context of the 1054 schism, have had long-lasting effects, contributing to the enduring division between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches.

Michael Cerularius’ tenure as the Patriarch of Constantinople was marked by a staunch defense of Eastern traditions and practices, which in turn heightened tensions with the Roman Catholic Church in the West. His role in the events of 1054 ensured that he would be remembered as a central figure in the Great Schism.

What Did He Accomplish

Patriarch Michael Cerularius of Constantinople is often at the center of the Great Schism narrative. His defiance against the Latin Church’s practices and his pivotal role in the mutual excommunication with Pope Leo IX solidified the schism.

What Caused the Western Schism

How Did the Western Schism Weaken the Catholic Church

The Western Schism, or Papal Schism, was a different event that occurred in the late 14th century. Multiple popes claimed authority over the Catholic Church, leading to political and religious chaos. This schism considerably weakened the Catholic Church’s influence and stature in the eyes of many believers.

The Great Schism of 1378

Who Were the Three Popes of the Great Schism

During the Western Schism, three popes simultaneously claimed papal authority: Pope Urban VI, Antipope Clement VII, and Pope Benedict XIII.

The Great Schism of 1378 Differed From the One in 1054 Because

The 1378 schism was primarily political, with multiple popes vying for control over the church. The 1054 schism, however, was both theological and political, leading to the creation of two separate religious entities.

Certainly. The term “Great Schism” is used to describe two distinct events in the history of Christianity. The Schism of 1054, often referred to as the East-West Schism, split the Christian Church into the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox branches. The Great Schism of 1378, on the other hand, is commonly called the Western Schism or Papal Schism and pertained to a split within the Roman Catholic Church, resulting in multiple claimants to the papacy. Here’s a table elucidating the differences:

Comparing the Two Great Schisms

CriteriaGreat Schism of 1054 (East-West Schism)Great Schism of 1378 (Western Schism)
Primary CauseTheological, liturgical, and cultural differences between the Latin (Western) and Greek (Eastern) traditions.Political and personal rivalries, combined with the relocation and subsequent return of the papacy from Rome to Avignon.
Key Figures– Pope Leo IX (Western Church)– Pope Urban VI (Rome)
– Michael Cerularius, Patriarch of Constantinople (Eastern Church)– Antipope Clement VII (Avignon)
DurationThe schism was formalized in 1054, but tensions and disputes had been ongoing for centuries. The schism persists to this day.Lasted roughly 40 years, from 1378 to 1417, resolved at the Council of Constance.
Geographical FocusPrimarily involved the Church in the East (Byzantine Empire) and the West (Roman Empire).Centered in Western Europe, particularly revolving around the papal seats of Rome and Avignon.
Major Outcomes– Permanent separation of the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.– Simultaneous reign of multiple popes.
– Divergence in liturgical practices, theology, and ecclesiastical governance.– Widespread confusion and decreased papal authority in Europe.
– Continued theological disputes, like the Filioque controversy.– Eventual resolution and papal consolidation in Rome after the Council of Constance.
Resolution AttemptsSeveral attempts for reconciliation over the centuries, including at the Council of Florence (1439), but none have been fully successful.The schism was conclusively ended at the Council of Constance (1414-1418), where Pope Martin V was elected as the sole pope.

While both schisms were central to the history of the Christian Church and had profound effects on the religious and political landscape of their times, they differed significantly in their causes, key figures, geographical focuses, and outcomes.

Final Thoughts – When Did Catholic and Orthodox Split

The schisms within Christianity are more than just historical events; they underscore deeper theological, political, and cultural narratives that have shaped the course of history. As we reflect on the title question – when did Catholic and Orthodox split – we’re left with a deeper appreciation of the complexities and interwoven tales of faith, power, and human endeavor.


  • What is the East-West Schism? It’s another name for the Great Schism of 1054 AD when the Catholic and Orthodox Churches officially split.
  • Why is the Filioque controversy significant? This theological disagreement over the Holy Spirit’s origin and procession was a central dispute leading to the 1054 AD schism.
  • 1. What were the Catholic Church’s Great Schisms? The Catholic Church experienced two major schisms: the East-West Schism in 1054 A.D., which led to the separation of the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, and the Western Schism (or Papal Schism) between 1378 and 1417, which saw multiple claimants to the papacy at the same time.
  • 2. Why did the East-West Schism occur? The East-West Schism, also known as the Great Schism, arose from a combination of theological, political, and cultural differences. These included disputes over the Filioque clause in the Nicene Creed, the role of the Pope, liturgical practices, and the ecclesiastical authority over specific regions.
  • 3. What was the ‘Filioque’ controversy? The “Filioque” controversy revolved around a Latin term meaning “and the Son.” It pertained to a phrase in the Nicene Creed which, in the West, read that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father “and the Son.” This addition was not accepted by the Eastern Church, which maintained that the Holy Spirit proceeds only from the Father.
  • 4. How did the Western Schism start? The Western Schism, or Papal Schism, began in 1378 after the death of Pope Gregory XI. Due to political pressures and public unrest, two popes were elected almost simultaneously: Urban VI in Rome and Clement VII in Avignon. This dual papacy led to decades of rivalry.
  • 5. How was the Western Schism resolved? The Western Schism was resolved at the Council of Constance (1414-1418). The council ended the competing papal claims and elected Pope Martin V as the sole legitimate pope, effectively reuniting the Catholic Church.
  • 6. What role did political powers play in the schisms? Political powers heavily influenced both schisms. During the East-West Schism, the Byzantine Empire and its struggles with Western European powers affected ecclesiastical relationships. In the Western Schism, European monarchs often chose allegiances to specific papal claimants based on political advantage rather than theological reasons.
  • 7. Were there any attempts to reconcile before the schisms became official? Yes, there were several attempts to prevent both schisms. For the East-West Schism, the early Ecumenical Councils tried to address theological disputes. In the case of the Western Schism, various meetings and councils, like the Councils of Pisa and Constance, aimed to end the papal rivalries.
  • 8. How did the schisms impact the lay faithful? The schisms caused confusion and distress among the laity. They were often caught in the crossfire of theological disputes and political gamesmanship, and they faced the difficult choice of which “side” to follow, especially during the Western Schism with multiple papal claimants.
  • 9. Did the schisms lead to any reforms within the Catholic Church? Yes, especially the Western Schism. The schism highlighted the need for reform within the Church, particularly in the papacy’s governance. The Council of Constance, which ended the Western Schism, also paved the way for further ecclesiastical reforms.
  • 10. Are there any lasting effects of the schisms in today’s Catholic and Orthodox Churches? The East-West Schism’s effects are still felt today, as the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church remain separate entities. Though both sides have made attempts at reconciliation and dialogue in recent times, several theological and liturgical differences persist. The Western Schism’s effects were largely resolved within the Catholic Church, but it served as a lesson on the dangers of political interference in ecclesiastical matters.
How to be saved according to the Bible    In order to understand how to be saved, we first need to understand what salvation is. Salvation is when God forgives our sins and gives us eternal life. It's a free gift from God that we can't earn on our own. So how do we receive this gift? The Bible tells us that there are six steps: hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, repenting again, and believers baptism. Let's break each one of these down.     Hearing - The first step is hearing the gospel. The gospel is the good news that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again. This news must be heard in order for us to believe it.     Believing - Once we hear the gospel, we must believe it. This means that we trust that Jesus is who He says He is and that He can save us from our sins.     Repenting - Once we believe the gospel, we must repent of our sins. This means that we turn away from our sin and start living for God.     Confessing - After we repent of our sins, we need to confess them to God. This means that we tell God all of the sinful things we have done and ask Him for forgiveness.     Believers Baptism - The final step is believers baptism. This is when a person who has already believed and repented is baptized in water as an outward sign of their inward decision to follow Christ. Baptism doesn't save us, but it's an important step of obedience for every Christian.     Discipling others -  Finally, once we have received salvation through these steps, it's important that we continue to grow in our faith and share the gospel with others so they too can be saved.      These are the six steps required for salvation according to the Bible: hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, repenting again, and believers baptism. If you have never done these things or if you're not sure if you've done them correctly, I encourage you to talk to a pastor or other Christian friend who can help guide you through these steps. Salvation is a free gift from God, but it's one that we need to take intentional steps to receive. Don't wait another day - start your journey towards salvation today!


  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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