No matter what challenges you are facing in your marriage, know that God is always there for you. He is waiting to help you overcome any obstacle, no matter how big or small. Trust in His power to restore your relationship, and never give up hope that your marriage can be healed. With time, patience, and lots of prayers, even the most damaged relationships can be repaired
Table of Contents
Will God Restore My Marriage?
Divorce is becoming increasingly common in our society. According to the latest statistics, over 50% of marriages end in divorce. If you are struggling in your marriage, you may be wondering if God will ever restore it
. In this blog post, we will explore the biblical principles that relate to marriage restoration. We will also look at some of the steps you can take to start healing your relationship with God and with your spouse.
Prayer for God to Restore My Marriage
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to You today asking for Your help in restoring my marriage. I know that I have not been the best husband/wife that I could be. I have let anger, unforgiveness, and selfishness damage my relationship with my spouse. I am sorry for my part in this and ask for Your forgiveness.
I commit to You today that I am willing to do whatever it takes to save my marriage. I know this will not be easy, but with Your help, I am confident that it is possible.
Please give me the strength and wisdom to know what to do and say. Help me to communicate openly and honestly with my spouse. Give me patience as we work through this process. And most of all, please help us to remember Your love for us and our marriage.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.`

17 Steps to Asking God’s Help in Restoring Your Marriage
Make God First in Priority in Your Life
It is very important in broken relationships to give the direct focus to God first. This is not the time to focus on your spouse and what they have done or are doing wrong. Will God Restore My Marriage?
You need to make a deliberate decision to focus on God and His will for your life and marriage. Spend time in prayer, worship, and reading the Bible. As you do this, God will begin to change your heart and give you strength for the journey ahead.
Set Your Marriage as a Top Priority in Your Life
After you have made God first in your life, set your marriage as a top priority. This means that you are willing to put forth the effort required to work on rebuilding your relationship with your spouse.
It also means that you are committed to overcome any obstacles that stand in the way of reconciliation.
Make a list of the Steps You Need to Take
One of the best ways to begin working on restoring your marriage is to make a list of the steps you need to take. This will help you stay focused and on track as you work toward reconciliation. Some of the steps you may want to consider include:
- Praying for your spouse by name every day
- Making a commitment to never speak negatively about your spouse to others
- Being patient and understanding with your spouse
- Expressing love and affection often
- Working on communication skills
- Seeking professional counseling if needed
These are just a few ideas to get you started. As you work through this process, more steps may become evident.
Respectfulness To Each Other
We can Show respectfulness to each other by:
- Listening to each other without interruption
- Allowing each other to express their opinions without judgment
- Treating each other with kindness and compassion
- Respecting each other’s privacy and personal space
- Avoiding disrespectful behaviors such as name-calling, mockery, or put-downs
- Expressing gratitude for the good things in your marriage and spouse

Working on Forgiveness
One of the most important steps in restoring your marriage is learning to forgive. This does not mean that you forget what has happened or that you condone bad behavior.
It simply means that you release the hurt and anger you feel so that it no longer has power over you. As you learn to forgive, God will begin to work in your heart and marriage.
Love is Demonstrated in Action
You can Demonstrate Love by:
- Showing genuine interest and concern for your spouse
- Finding ways to make your spouse’s life easier
- Expressing appreciation for the good things in your marriage and spouse
- Doing kind and thoughtful things for no reason
- Respecting each other’s privacy and personal space
- Avoiding disrespectful behaviors such as name-calling, mockery, or put-downs
These are just a few ideas to get you started. As you work through this process, more steps may become evident. The important thing is to keep moving forward toward reconciliation. With God’s help, your marriage can be restored.
Patience in Anger
The bible says not to on our anger. Which means not to go to bed angry. This is a hard one, but it is so important. When we go to bed angry, all we can think about is what made us mad and how wrong the other person is.
This just festers and makes things worse. If you need to, take some time to cool down before talking about the issue, but make sure that you do talk about it. Don’t bottle things up inside.

The Role of Communication
Last but not least is communication. This step probably goes without saying, but it is so important that it bears repeating. In order to restore your marriage, you must be willing to communicate with your spouse openly and honestly.
This means sharing your thoughts, feelings, and needs in a respectful way. It also means listening to your spouse with an open mind and heart. Through communication, you can begin to rebuild the trust and intimacy that was lost.
Prayer can be a powerful tool in restoring your marriage
Individual Prayers, and praying together can be very powerful.
Prayer is one of the most important things you can do for your marriage. It shows God that you are serious about reconciling and it opens the door for His power to enter the situation.
As you pray, ask God to help you forgive your spouse, to heal any hurt or pain in your heart, and to restore your marriage. Pray also for wisdom and guidance as you work through this process.
There is no magic formula for restoring a marriage, but if both spouses are committed to working through the steps above with God’s help, reconciliation is possible.
With time, patience, and lots of prayers, even the most broken marriages can be healed. Trust God to work in your situation and never give up hope
Be Open to God Leading
Many times in life we feel that we can chart our own courses, but when things go wrong we turn back to God for help when we do it is important to be willing to go where He leads.
In restoring your marriage, you may need to make some changes in your own life. Perhaps there is something you need to work on, such as forgiveness or communication.
Or maybe God is leading you to take a different approach than you had originally planned. Be open to His leading and guidance. Trust that He knows what is best for you and your marriage.
Importance of Selfless Love
In marriage selfless love is paramount, putting our spouse’s needs, and wants above our own. It is so important to think about what will make them happy, and not just ourselves.
One of the best things you can do for your marriage is to learn to love selflessly. This means putting your spouse’s needs above your own and thinking about what will make them happy, not just yourself. When you start thinking and acting in this way, true healing can begin to take place.
All marriages go through tough times at one point or another. If you are currently facing difficulties in your marriage, know that God is with you and He can restore even the most broken relationships.
Pray for guidance, be patient, communicate openly, and be willing to follow His leading. Show selfless love to your spouse, and trust that God can work miracles in your marriage.
Praying Together
Spending time in prayer as a couple is very powerful in asking God for spiritual help in your marriage. It is very humbling to listen to each other’s hearts and pour out your own to the Lord.
Prayer is one of the most important things you can do for your marriage. It shows God that you are serious about reconciling and it opens the door for His power to enter the situation.
As you pray, ask God to help you forgive your spouse, to heal any hurt or pain in your heart, and to restore your marriage. Pray also for wisdom and guidance as you work through this process.
Finding the Good in each Other
Once we get married it becomes easy to take each other for granted and instead of seeing the good in each other we focus on our faults. This is poison instead try to focus on what you love about your spouse.
One of the best things you can do to help restore your marriage is to find the good in your spouse. This means looking for the positive qualities they possess and trying to focus on them instead of their faults. When you start seeing the good in your spouse again, it will be easier to begin rebuilding trust and intimacy.
It’s not always easy to stay positive during tough times, but if you pray for God’s help and focus on finding the good in your spouse, He can begin to work miracles in your marriage. Trust Him to lead and guide you through this process, and never give up hope that your relationship can be healed. With time, patience, and lots of prayers
Giving Each Other the Benefit of the Doubt
It is very important when things become challenged that we give each other the benefit of the doubt. It is easy to think the worse but that only leads to more hurt and pain.
One of the most important things you can do in your marriage is to give each other the benefit of the doubt. This means assuming that your spouse’s actions are not intentional and that they are not trying to hurt you. When you start giving each other the benefit of the doubt, it will be easier to communicate openly and begin rebuilding trust.
Being Willing to Compromise
In any relationship, both parties have to be willing to compromise at times. In marriage, this is especially important because you are two individuals who are coming together as one.
If you want your marriage to succeed, you need to be willing to compromise. This means giving up some of your own wants and needs in order to meet your spouse’s needs. When you are willing to compromise, it shows that you are committed to making your marriage work.
No marriage is perfect, but with God’s help, even the most broken relationships can be healed. If you are facing difficulties in your marriage, pray for guidance, be patient, communicate openly, and be willing to follow His leading.
Show selfless love to your spouse, and trust that God can work miracles in your marriage. With time, patience, and lots of prayers, even the most damaged relationships can be repaired. Never give up hope that your marriage can be healed – with God all things are possible!
Forgiving and Forgetting
Forgiveness is hard, and so many times if we are unwilling to forgive it ends up being ourselves that we hurt. We need to follow how God is willing to forgive our past sins and failures.
“But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” – Matthew
It is important to realize that when we don’t forgive those who have hurt us, it is ourselves that we end up hurting the most. By holding on to anger and resentment, we only cause more pain in our own lives.
Instead, we need to follow God’s example and extend forgiveness to those who have wronged us. When we do this, it sets us free from the past and allows us to move forward in our lives.
If you are struggling to forgive your spouse for their past mistakes, pray for God’s help. Ask Him to give you the strength and wisdom you need to let go of your anger and resentment. Trust that He can help you to forgive, and never give up hope that your marriage can be healed.
With time, patience, and lots of prayers, even the most broken relationships can be repaired. God is in the business of restoring marriages – trust Him to do work in your life today!
Prayer is important not just for our relationship with God but also for our relationships with others.
“In everything pray.” – Philippians
Prayer is one of the most important things you can do for your marriage. When you pray together, it brings you closer to God and each other.
It gives you a chance to express your needs and concerns openly, without fear of judgment. A prayer is a powerful tool that can help to heal even the most broken relationships.
If you are facing difficulties in your marriage, make prayer a priority. Set aside time each day to pray together, and ask God to help you overcome your challenges. Be patient, and trust that He will work miracles in your life.
With time, patience, and lots of prayers, even the most damaged relationships can be repaired. Never give up hope that your marriage can be healed – with God all things are possible!
No matter what challenges you are facing in your marriage, know that God is always there for you. He is waiting to help you overcome any obstacle, no matter how big or small. Trust in His power to restore your relationship,
Separate to Pray and Fast
Paul Mentions that sometimes it might be wise to separate. But the purpose is to dedicate one to prayer and fasting so that they can return and be refreshed.
“But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.” – I Corinthians
If you and your spouse are having difficulty communicating or working through your challenges, it might be wise to take some time apart. During this time, you can each focus on prayer and fasting. This will help you to clear your mind and refocus on what is important. It will also give you a chance to miss each other and appreciate each other more.
If you decide to take some time apart, make sure that it is for the right reasons. Don’t use this as an opportunity to punish your spouse or withdraw from them emotionally. Instead, focus on using this time to grow closer to God.
Pray that He would help you to overcome your challenges, and trust that He will work in your life. With time, patience, and lots of prayers, even the most broken relationships can be healed.
God Desires Restoration
When we make the decision to follow Christ, He comes into our lives and changes us. He gives us a new heart and a new desire to please Him. When we are living in obedience to God, He is able to bless us abundantly.
When we disobey Him, however, we open the door for Satan to come in and destroy what God has built. If you are facing divorce, it is important to seek God’s forgiveness and ask for His help in restoring your marriage.
It’s Not Too Late for Restoration
If you are currently going through a divorce or if your spouse has already left, it is not too late for God to restore your marriage.
No matter how hopeless your situation may seem, God is still in control. He can work miracles in the lives of His people. If you are willing to humble yourself and seek His help, He will give you the strength to overcome any obstacle.
Listening Intently
It is very hard to learn how to listen to each other and God when we feel like we are being attacked.
We have to learn to listen intently with the goal of trying to understand what the other person is feeling and needing.
Giving Sacrificially
A person of generosity is one who pouts other needs above their own. They are willing to give up their time, energy, and resources in order to meet the needs of others.
When we are generous with our spouses, it shows that we are committed to meeting their needs and honoring them. It is a selfless act that can help to build trust and intimacy in a relationship.
Seek Mentorship with Successful Marriages
People run in flocks, Divorces happen in groups that are focused on divorce, same as adulteries. The Bible says bad company corrupts good character. So if we want to have a successful marriage, it would be wise to find some mentors who can help guide us.
Successful marriages don’t just happen; they are the result of hard work and commitment. If you are willing to put in the effort, trust that God will bless your efforts. He is waiting to restore your marriage and give you a new beginning. Never give up hope that your relationship can be healed – with God all things are possible!
“But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.” – I Corinthians
If you and your spouse are having difficulty communicating or working through your challenges, it might be wise to draw close and associate with other couples that have Strong Marriages.
Final Thoughts – Will God Restore My Marriage?
Take Action Today
If your marriage is in trouble, don’t wait another day to take action. Begin working through the steps above with God’s help.
The sooner you start, the sooner you can begin rebuilding your relationship with your spouse. With time, patience, and lots of prayers, even the most broken marriages can be healed. Trust God to work in your situation and never give up hope.
I encourage you to take action today. If your marriage is in trouble, begin working through the steps above with God’s help. The sooner you start, the sooner you can begin rebuilding your relationship with your spouse.
Trust God to work in your situation and never give up hope. With time, patience, and lots of prayers, even the most broken marriages can be healed.
There is no magic formula for restoring a marriage, but if both spouses are committed to working through the steps above with God’s help, reconciliation is possible. With time, patience, and lots of prayers, even the most broken marriages can be healed. Trust God to work in your situation and never give up hope.
God Bless Greg