Let’s Study what God desire of us in the Ideal and also in where we find ourselves in reality
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Should Couples Sleep Together Before Marriage:
What does the Bible say about couples sleeping together before marriage? This is a question that many people are asking, and there is no easy answer. The Bible is full of verses about sex, and it seems to be a topic that is open to interpretation.
Some people believe that couples should wait until they are married to have sex, while others believe that it is okay for couples to sleep together before marriage. In this blog post, we will take a look at what the Bible says about sex and how it applies to couples who are considering sleeping together before marriage.

History of Marriage?
Looking back the history of marriage is rich. Marriage has been around for centuries, and it has taken on many different forms over the years. In biblical times, marriage was seen as a covenant between two people. It was not simply about love or sex; it was about forming a partnership that would last for eternity. Should Couples Sleep Together Before Marriage
The wedding day was considered to be a very important day, and the wedding night was considered to be even more important. Couples were expected to abstain from sex until they were married, and there were often strict rules governing sexual behavior within marriage.
Today, things are a bit different. Most couples do not wait until their wedding night to have sex, and pre-marital sex is no longer seen as taboo. However, that does not mean that the Bible has nothing to say about sex.
In fact, the Bible has a great deal to say about sex, and it provides guidance for couples who are considering sleeping together before marriage.
Wedding Day
The wedding day is an important day in the life of a couple. It is a time when they come together as one and make a commitment to each other before God. The wedding ceremony is a solemn occasion, and it marks the beginning of a new journey for the bride and groom.
For many couples, the wedding night is just as important as the wedding day. They look forward to this special time when they can finally be together without any distractions.

Wedding Night
The wedding night is often seen as a magical time for a couple. It is a time when they can finally be alone together and enjoy each other’s company. For many couples, the wedding night is the first time they have sex.
This can be a very special and intimate moment for them, and it is often seen as the beginning of their sexual relationship.
Covenant of Marriage
The covenant of marriage is a sacred commitment between two people. It is an agreement that is made before God, and it should not be taken lightly. The covenant of marriage includes a commitment to fidelity, love, and respect.
It also includes a commitment to sexual purity. When two people make the covenant of marriage, they are making a promise to God that they will remain faithful to each other for the rest of their lives.
History of Marriage in Different Cultures?
Over the whole world, there are a variety of customs of marriage. Marriage practices around the world can be classified into seven types:
Judean Marriage Customs
The Judeans were one of the first cultures to celebrate marriage as a sacred covenant between two people. They believed that marriage was an important part of their religious life, and they considered it to be a very special bond between husband and wife.
The wedding day was considered to be a very important day, and the wedding night was considered to be even more important. Couples were expected to abstain from sex until they were married, and there were often strict rules governing sexual behavior within marriage.
India Marriage Customs
In India, marriage is seen as a way to create strong family ties. It is not simply about love or sex; it is about joining two families together and forming a lifelong partnership. Indian couples are often married in elaborate ceremonies that involve many friends and relatives.
The wedding night is considered to be a very important time, and couples are expected to consummate their marriage on this night. In India, it is considered to be very auspicious for the bride and groom to share a bed together on their wedding night.
Japan Marriage Customs
In Japan, marriages are typically arranged by the parents of the bride and groom. The couple does not have a lot of say in the matter, and they are often married without ever having met each other. However, these arranged marriages often work out well, and the couples are very happy together.
The wedding night is not considered to be as important in Japan as it is in other cultures. In fact, many couples do not even share a bed on their wedding night. They often sleep in separate rooms, and they do not have sex until after they have been married for some time.
China Marriage Customs
In China, marriage is considered to be a business transaction. It is an agreement between two families that is meant to benefit both sides. Chinese couples are typically married in elaborate ceremonies that involve many friends and relatives.
The wedding night is considered to be a very important time, and couples are expected to consummate their marriage on this night. In China, it is considered to be very auspicious for the bride and groom to share a bed together on their wedding night.
Africa Marriage Customs
In Africa, marriage is seen as a way to create strong family ties. It is not simply about love or sex; it is about joining two families together and forming a lifelong partnership. African couples are often married in elaborate ceremonies that involve many friends and relatives.
The wedding night is considered to be a very important time, and couples are expected to consummate their marriage on this night. In Africa, it is considered to be very auspicious for the bride and groom to share a bed together on their wedding night.
The United States Marriage Customs
In the United States, marriage is a legal contract between two people. It is an agreement that is recognized by the government, and it comes with a variety of rights and responsibilities. American couples are typically married in formal ceremonies that involve friends and family members.
Legal Marriage
When two people get married in a religious ceremony, they are not considered to be legally married. In order for their marriage to be legally recognized, they need to go through a civil ceremony at the courthouse. This process ensures that their marriage is valid under the law. Laws recognize marriages because they provide couples with a number of legal rights and responsibilities.
Conjugal Rights
After a couple gets married, they have certain conjugal rights which allow them to live together and share resources. They also have the right to have sex with each other, and they are considered to be a family unit. These rights are important because they allow couples to build a strong relationship with each other.
What does the Bible say about sex?
The Bible and Sex
The Bible has a lot to say about sex, and it is clear that God intends for marriage to be a sexual relationship. In the book of Genesis, we see that God created man and woman to be together, and He said that they should be fruitful and multiply. The Bible also says that husbands and wives should not withhold themselves from each other sexually. This means that couples should have sex on a regular basis. In addition, the Bible says that sex is a gift from God, and it is meant to be enjoyed within the context of marriage.
When a Blessing
- God’s Design – Gods design since creation has been for a man and woman to come together as one. It is not good for man to be alone (Genesis)
- Sexual beings – we are sexual by design, it is not just something that happens after marriage but its written in our DNA
- Reproduce / Children – one of the purposes of sex is so that we can have children, and children are a blessing from the Lord
- Enjoyment – sex is meant to be enjoyed by both husband and wife, it is not just for reproduction but its also to bring pleasure
- Satisfaction – when a husband and wife come together physically they experience a sense of satisfaction that goes beyond just the physical realm
- Sexual intimacy – sex is more than just a physical act, it is also an emotional and spiritual experience
- Two Become One – when a husband and wife come together sexually they become one flesh
- Confines of marriage – sex should only take place within the confines of marriage, its not just for recreation but its also to build intimacy between husband and wife
- Can be Righteous – even though sex is a good thing, it can be used in a righteous way or in a sinful way
When can be Sinful
- Can be sinful – if sex takes place outside of marriage, then it is considered to be a sin
- Sexual sin – any sexual activity that takes place outside of marriage is considered to be a sexual sin
- Premarital sex – sex before marriage is considered to be a sexual sin
- Own body – our bodies belong to God and we should not use them in a way that is contrary to His design
- Sexual activity – any kind of sexual activity, whether its intercourse, oral sex, or anything else, should only take place within the confines of marriage
- The passion of lust – the passion of lust can lead people to engage in sexual activity outside of marriage, and this is something that we need to be careful about
- Unmarried people – if you are not married, then you should not be engaging in any kind of sexual activity with someone else
- Sexual partner – your sexual partner should be someone that you are married to, and this is not something that should be taken lightly
- Sexual intercourse – sexual intercourse is the most intimate act that a husband and wife can engage in, and it should only take place within the confines of marriage
- Immoral person sins – if an immoral person engages in sexual activity with someone else, then they are sinning against God. This is something that we need to be careful about.
- As you can see, the Bible has a lot to say about sex, and it is clear that God intends for marriage to be a sexual relationship. If you are married, then you have certain rights and privileges that allow you to enjoy sex to the fullest. If you are not married, then you should refrain from any kind of sexual activity until you are ready to commit yourself to someone else. Remember, our bodies belong to God and we should use them in a way that is pleasing to Him.

What does the Bible say about Marriage?
The bible has many bible verses about marriage. Here are some of them:
“Own wife”: “And the two shall become one flesh.” – Genesis
“Own husband”: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” – Ephesians
Marriage bed: “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” – Hebrews
Sexual relationship: “The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does have authority over his own body, but the wife does.” – Corinthians
Sexual desires: “For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.” – Timothy
Lots of sex: “Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her affection fill you at all times with delight, be infatuated always with her love.” – Proverbs
As you can see, the Bible has a lot to say about sex within marriage. It is clear that God intends for marriage to be a sexual relationship where husband and wife can enjoy each other fully. If you are married, make sure to fulfill your conjugal rights and have lots of sex! If you’re not married yet, then be patient and wait until you are ready to commit yourself fully to someone else. Remember, our bodies belong to God and should only be used in a way that is pleasing to Him.
What the Bible says about Sleeping together before Marriage?
In today’s vernacular, it is described as pre-marital sex. What does the Bible say about it? There are many scriptures that address this topic. We will look at a few of them here.
“Do not be united with unbelievers.” – Corinthians
This is one reason why couples should not sleep together before marriage. When you unite yourself with someone in a sexual way, it is difficult to break that bond. It can be very hard to divorce or end a relationship when there has been pre-marital sex involved.
“The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does have authority over his own body, but the wife does.” – Corinthians
This scripture is telling us that sex is a gift from God to be enjoyed within the confines of marriage. It is not something to be taken lightly or used outside of the commitment of marriage.
“Flee sexual immorality.” – Timothy
This verse is telling us to run away from pre-marital sex. It is an act of immorality and should be avoided at all costs.
- Christian Couples – should you sleep together before marriage?
- The Bible is very clear on this topic. There are many scriptures that address pre-marital sex and they all say the same thing – it is an act of immorality and should be avoided. If you are a Christian couple, you should not sleep together before marriage. Wait until you are married and can enjoy sex within the confines of your committed relationship. It will be worth the wait! Trust God’s design for your life and He will bless you in His perfect timing.
- The Bible has a lot to say about romantic relationships. We will look at two scriptures here.
- “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” – Ephesians
- This scripture is telling us that marriage should be based on love. When we enter into a marriage relationship, we are to love our spouse like Christ loves the Church. He sacrificed everything for her – even His own life! That is how much He loves us!
- “Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her affection fill you at all times with delight, be infatuated always with her love.” – Proverbs
- This scripture is telling us to enjoy our spouse and be infatuated with their love. We are to let their affection fill us up and delight in them always. When we follow these biblical principles, our marriages will be blessed and full of love!
- In the New Testament, Jesus honors the Covenant of marriage. He did not come to abolish it, but to fulfill it. (Matthew 19:27-29) Marriage is a sacred institution ordained by God and should be treated with respect. Couples who are considering sleeping together before marriage should ask themselves if they are ready to make that commitment. If you are not married yet, wait until you are ready to fully commit yourself to someone else. Remember, our bodies belong to God and should only be used in a way that is pleasing to Him.
- In the Old Testament, there were many examples of adultery. One such example is when David committed adultery with Bathsheba. (II Samuel 11:26-27) This act led to many consequences, including the death of their child. Adultery is a serious sin and should not be taken lightly. If you are considering sleeping with someone who is not your spouse, ask yourself if you are willing to risk everything – your relationship, your family, and your future.
- Holy spirit – When we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, He will guide us
- When we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, He will guide us. If you are unsure about whether or not you should sleep with your partner before marriage, ask God for guidance. Pray and seek wise counsel from those who know you best. The Bible is clear that sex is to be reserved for marriage. When we follow God’s design, we can experience the fullness of His blessings!
What are the Benefits of Not Sleeping Together Before Marriage?
Some of the benefits of chasity are sexual purity, a pure heart, and the ability to maintain a committed relationship. When we wait until marriage to have sex, we are honoring God’s design for our lives. We can experience true intimacy with our spouse without having to worry about the baggage that comes with pre-marital sex. Trust God’s timing in your life – He will bless you abundantly!

Sexual Purity
Some benefits are sexual purity which means not being defiled physically or emotionally before marriage. This is when two unmarried people sleep together and become one flesh as stated in Genesis.
Pure Heart
Another benefit is having a pure heart. When we are sexually pure, our hearts are not divided between trying to please God and our significant other. We can focus on serving God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength!
The last benefit is being able to maintain a committed relationship. When we wait until marriage to have sex, we are showing that we are committed to our future spouse. We are saying that we want to spend the rest of our lives with them and only them!
If you are struggling with whether or not you should sleep with your partner before marriage, ask God for guidance. Pray and seek wise counsel from those who know you best. The Bible is clear that sex is to be reserved for marriage. When we follow God’s design, we can experience the fullness of His blessings!
Pros and cons of sleeping together before marriage
Pros of Not Sleeping together before marriage
Some of the benefits of waiting are sexual purity, a pure heart, and the ability to maintain a committed relationship.
- Young people – are tempted but when they chose to wait they are more likely to stay pure One reason to not sleep together is because it elevates the chance for sexual sin. According to a study done by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, those who wait until marriage is more likely to stay pure than those who don’t.
- Cloud of witnesses – when people abstain they have a cloud of witnesses that support them Another reason to not sleep together before marriage is because you have a cloud of witnesses. This means that there are people around you that you are a bible too, there are also angels and people that have died and passed on that are watching you.
- Bodies – temple of god When you have sex before marriage it’s like you are renting someone’s body and that’s not what it was meant to be used for God created the human body to be a temple for Himself, when two people have sex before marriage it profanes His Temple.
- Future wife – sleeping with other women before marriage will result in a higher divorce rate, less respect, and more problems.
- Future Husband – same as future wife If you are a woman reading this and you are planning on getting married someday, think about your future husband. Would you want him to have sex with other women before he marry you? Most likely not,
Cons of Sleeping Together before marriage
Some of the problems that are associated with sleeping together before marriage are trust, disease, unwanted children.
Lack of Trust
One of the main problems with sleeping together before marriage is that it can lead to a lack of trust. If you are not able to trust your partner enough to wait until marriage, then how can you trust them with other aspects of your relationship?
Another problem associated with pre-marital sex is the risk of disease. When two people have sex outside of marriage, they are opening themselves up to a number of diseases including HIV/AIDS and other STDs. This is why it is important to be sexually pure for yourself and for your future spouse!
Unwanted Children
The last problem associated with pre-marital sex is the risk of unwanted children. When two people have sex outside of marriage, there is always the possibility that they will conceive a child. This child may be born into a situation where they are not wanted or loved, which can lead to a number of problems down the road.
If we have slept together how do we move forward?
We must remember that we are human and will make mistakes. One of God’s gifts is that if we will change our direction he is willing to give us a fresh start.
- Become a Christian – if we become a Christian we have the hope of eternal life with God.
- Be Forgiven by Repentance – if we repent of our sin, God is faithful and just to forgive us.
- Be Cleansed by Baptism – if we are baptized, our sins are forgiven and we are made new in Christ.
- Move Forward – once we have become Christians, been forgiven, and cleansed by baptism, we can move forward with our lives! The past is past and cannot be changed. We are all broken people, but through Christ, we can be healed!
- If you are struggling with pre-marital sex, I encourage you to seek out a church where you can get help. There is no shame in admitting that you need help, and there is no sin too great for God’s forgiveness. Remember, Jesus died on the cross so that we could have eternal life! He loves us and wants us to be healed from our past mistakes.
- There is also truthfulness is best. Being truthful with your partner about your past will help build trust in your relationship. If you are hiding things from them, it will only lead to more problems down the road.
- Renewal of your mind – if you want to overcome pre-marital sex, it is important to renew your mind with scripture. This means reading the bible and allowing it to change the way you think about yourself and sex. When we fill our minds with biblical truths, it will be easier to overcome temptation and sin.
- Finally, remember that stumbling blocks are a part of life. We will all stumble at times, but we must get back up and keep moving forward. Don’t let your past mistakes keep you from achieving your God-given purpose!
- No one is perfect – we all make mistakes and we all have areas where we need improvement. This includes pre-marital sex. If you are struggling with this issue, don’t be ashamed – admit it and ask for help! There is no sin too great for God
- God’s Forgiveness – God wants to forgive us and he is willing to forgive any sin. When we come to Him with a repentant heart, He will cleanse us and make us new.
- Mates Forgiveness – our spouse is also going to need forgiveness from God. They are not perfect either and they have their own past sins that they need to deal with.
- Your Forgiveness – it is important for you to forgive yourself as well. We all make mistakes, but through Christ, we can be forgiven!
What are some Difficult Circumstances?
Some Sins happen to, from no fault of our own, some are self-induced. It is always wise to remember is that you can’t change the past. You only can change the future. So how do we move on?
- Date rape – Some girls have had the unfortunate circumstance of being raped. It wasn’t their fault, but they still feel dirty and ashamed. They need to know that it wasn’t their fault and that they can be forgiven.
- Appearance of evil – if you have been in a situation where it appeared evil, but nothing actually happened, you may still feel guilty. You need to forgive yourself and move on.
- Unmarried couple – if you are an unmarried couple who has had sex, you may be feeling guilty and ashamed. But you can be forgiven! Just repent and ask God for forgiveness.
- Youth groups – sometimes youth groups can put pressure on kids to remain abstinent. If you have had sex before marriage, don’t beat yourself up about it! You can still be forgiven.
- Youthful lusts – it’s natural to feel urges and desires, but we need to be careful not to let them control us. If you have given in to your youthful lusts, repent and ask God for forgiveness.
- Good intentions – sometimes people have sex with someone they love, but they are not married. They may think that because their intentions are good, it’s okay. But God does not see it that way. You can be forgiven if you repent, but don’t do it again!
- Molested – If you were molested as a child, it is likely that you will struggle with pre-marital sex later in life. This is a difficult issue to overcome, but it is possible with God’s help!
- Had an Affair – If you have had an affair, you will need to ask your spouse for forgiveness as well as God. This is a difficult thing to overcome, but it is possible with God’s help!
- Divorced – If you are divorced and remarried, you may feel guilty about having sex with your new spouse. But you can be forgiven! Just repent and ask God for forgiveness.
- Unfaithful – if you have been unfaithful to your spouse, you will need to ask their forgiveness as well as God’s. This is a difficult thing to overcome, but it is possible with God’s help!
Final Thoughts – Should Couples Sleep Together Before Marriage: What Bibles says about Sex
Conclusion – Sex is a gift from God to be enjoyed within the confines of marriage
Marriage is a sacred institution ordained by God and should be treated with respect. Couples who are considering sleeping together before marriage should ask themselves if they are ready to make that commitment. If you are not married yet, wait until you are ready to fully commit yourself to someone else. Remember, our bodies belong to God and should only be used in a way that is pleasing to Him.
God is also a God of Forgivenes, Leave the past and move to a more prosperous future. If you have had sex before marriage, know that you can be forgiven! Just repent and ask God for forgiveness.