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15 Leadership Characteristics of Esther in the Bible (2024) πŸ“–πŸ‘‘

Characteristics of Esther in the Bible

Esther in the Bible Characteristics – If You Find yourself in seemingly impossible circumstances these qualities of Esther are the virtues that God will show his favor upon us if we learn these life lessons

Characteristics of Esther in the Bible (Esthers Story)

There are many interesting characters in the Bible, but Esther is one of the most intriguing. She was a woman who was used by God to save her people from destruction. Esther had many admirable qualities, including bravery, intelligence, and strength. In this blog post, we will discuss the Characteristics of Esther in the Bible. We will look at what made her such an amazing person and how we can apply her teachings to our own lives! Characteristic of Esther in the Bible

The history of Esther ( biblical lessons) (in the Old Testament) is rich with wisdom with the qualities of a Godly woman. Esther was born into a time of great danger for the Jewish people. Haman, an advisor to King Xerxes, (Persian empire) had convinced the king to issue a decree that all Jews be killed. However, Esther was chosen by God to be His instrument of deliverance. Characteristics of Esther in the Bible

Esther’s story ( Great Women of the Bible) is one of courage in the face of danger. (one of the biblical accounts) When she learned of the decree against her people, she could have easily hidden or fled. Instead, she chose to risk her life and speak to the king on behalf of her people. She knew that it was only through God’s protection that she would be safe from harm.

here’s a table outlining the key leadership characteristics of Queen Esther from the Bible along with their descriptions:

Leadership Characteristics of Queen EstherDescription
CourageDespite the potential personal risk, Esther chose to approach the king uninvited to save her people, demonstrating immense courage.
SelflessnessEsther was willing to put the needs of her people before her own safety, displaying selflessness.
WisdomEsther demonstrated wisdom in her approach to the king and the timing of her request, utilizing a banquet setting to present her plea.
FaithEsther showed faith by fasting and praying before making her petition to the king. She asked her people to do the same, indicating her reliance on God.
StrategicEsther was strategic, revealing Haman’s plot at the right moment, thus ensuring the king’s favorable response.
HumilityDespite being queen, Esther respected Mordecai’s wisdom and guidance, illustrating her humility.
ResilienceEven in the face of great adversity and uncertainty, Esther remained steadfast and resilient.
AdvocacyEsther effectively advocated for her people, using her influence and position to intervene on their behalf.

These characteristics demonstrate Queen Esther as a strong and wise leader who effectively used her influence to save her people in a time of crisis. Her story continues to inspire many in leadership roles today.

Her intelligence and wisdom were also evident in her actions as queen. After Haman’s death, Esther put her cousin Mordecai (sat at the King’s Gate), at the king’s palace. This act not only showed her wisdom but also ensured that Mordecai would have the resources he needed to carry out his new responsibilities.

Esther was a woman who was used by God for His purposes. She is an excellent example of what it means to be brave, intelligent, and strong. We can apply it in our own lives. Characteristics of Esther in the Bible

Esther was Brave (Bible) Queen Esther’s Characteristics

Esther was brave and risked her life to save the Jews (Jewish people) from genocide. In the book of Esther, she was chosen by God to be His instrument of deliverance.

Esther’s story is one of courage in the face of danger. When she learned of the decree against her people, she could have easily hidden or fled. Instead, she chose to speak to the king on behalf of her people. She knew that it was only through God’s protection that she would be safe from harm.

Esther was Intelligent ( Esther Bible)

Esther showed intelligence and wisdom in her actions as queen. After Haman’s death, Esther put Mordecai in charge of Haman’s estate. This act not only showed her wisdom, but it also ensured that Mordecai would have the resources he needed to carry out his new responsibilities.

Intelligence is not just about having a lot of book smarts, it is also about being able to make wise decisions in difficult situations. Esther was definitely someone who could think on her feet and act accordingly.

Esther (Queen) showed Humility (in the face of Haman’s Plot)

In the story of Esther, Esther had great faith. She was compassionate and showed patience when she replaced queen Vashti, receiving the royal crown. The admirable quality of Esther is that she did not allow her position to make her proud, but instead, she remained humble.

This can be seen when Esther requested fasting and prayer among all the Jews in Susa for three days, even though she herself was queen. She did not fast because she thought it would make her look better than the other Jews, but because she knew that God could help her and her people. Esther showed humility in this moment, and it is one of the qualities that makes her a great role model for Christians today.

Humble people are a rare commodity nowadays.

Esther was Obedient to the King’s Eunuch (in the Kings Harem)

Esther was obedient to the king’s eunuch and did not abuse her authority. When she discovered an assassination plot against the king, she immediately reported it to him.

Esther had great courage. When she was chosen to become the queen of Persia, she knew that it would be difficult to save her people from genocide. She risked her life by going before the king without being summoned and begged him to spare her people.

Characteristics of Esther in the Bible
esther leadership qualities
qualities of esther in the bible

Esther was Beautiful

Esther (Esthers Beauty) was beautiful inside and out. Her beauty caught the attention of King Xerxes who chose her to be his queen. Esther’s Beauty was not only outward but also inward. She was a kind and caring person who loved her people.

Esther was a Great Leader (leadership qualities)

Even though Esther was not originally from Persia, she quickly learned the customs and language of the people. She also demonstrated great leadership skills by rallying her people to fight for their lives. Esther was a great queen and leader.

The quality of Leadership is not born but made. Esther was a great leader because she was willing to learn, grow and lead with courage. She is a role model for all leaders.

Esther Believed in Prayer

Esther believed in prayer and would often pray for guidance from God. She also fasted regularly as a way of drawing closer to Him. Prayer is a mighty weapon that we can use to fight against our enemies, and Esther knew this. She also knew that God could be relied on to help her in times of need.

Esther was a woman who had faith in God, and she put that faith into action by praying and fasting regularly. These actions drew her closer to Him and gave her the strength she needed to face her enemies in behalf of his people.

If we want to be like Esther, we need to have faith in God and put that faith into action by praying and fasting regularly. Only then can we hope to overcome our enemies and live a life of purpose and meaning.

Esther Believed in Fasting

Esther had faith that fasting would bring her closer to God. She often fasted when she needed guidance or faced difficult challenges. The spiritual discipline of fasting helped Esther to develop a closer relationship with God. It also gave her the strength she needed to overcome difficult challenges.

When we face difficulties, we can turn to God as Esther did. We can pray and fast, asking for guidance and strength. As we do, we will grow closer to God and find the strength we need to overcome any challenge.

Esther was Patient

Esther showed patience as she replaced queen Vashti, receiving the royal crown. She also waited patiently for God to deliver her people from danger. Patience is a quality that we can all strive to develop in our lives. When we are patient, we trust that God is in control and that He will work everything out for our good.

Just as Esther trusted God to work out the challenges she faced, we can trust Him too. We may not always understand His plan, but we can trust that He is good and that He has our best interests at heart. Let’s pray for patience as we face the challenges of life, knowing that God is with us every step of the way.

Esther was a Young Girl

Esther was young when she became queen and she demonstrated maturity and strength in the face of adversity. She is an excellent role model for young girls who want to make a difference in the world. It also shows that Godly qualities can be found in young people who are willing to obey Him.

We can all learn from Esther’s example. No matter how young we are, we can make a difference in the world by following God’s plan for our lives. Let’s pray that we will be bold and courageous like Esther as we seek to do His will.

Esther had great faith

She was compassionate, showed courage, and had wisdom. These Characteristics of Esther in the Bible can teach us a lot about what it means to be a Godly woman. We can apply her teachings to our own lives by being brave, showing intelligence, and being obedient to God.

The New Testament says that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:l). Esther’s faith is a great example for us.

When we have faith in God, we can trust that He will guide us through difficult times and help us to accomplish great things. Let’s pray for faith as we face the challenges of life, Esther’s faith was that God would help her and she would be able to do great things. And so can we if we have faith in God!

Esther was compassionate (Loved Her People)

Esther showed great compassion because she was chosen by God to save the Jews from genocide. When she learned of the decree against her people, she could have easily hidden or fled. Instead, she chose to risk her life and speak to the king on behalf of her people. She knew that it was only through God’s protection that she would be safe from harm.

Compassion is something that we can all strive to have in our lives. When we see someone in need, let us not turn a blind eye but instead reach out and help them. In doing so, we will be following Esther’s example and showing God’s love to others.

The story of Esther is a great reminder that we are never alone. God is always with us, even in the darkest of times. He will give us the strength and courage we need to face any challenge. We can trust Him to work everything out for our good. Let’s pray that we will have the faith of Esther as we seek to follow God’s plan for our lives.

Characteristics of Esther in the Bible
esther leadership qualities
qualities of esther in the bible

Esther was courageous

Esther showed great courage when she chose to speak to the king (in the palace of king Xerxes) on behalf of her people. When she discovered an assassination plot against the king, she immediately reported it to him. These acts put her in danger, but she trusted in God’s protection.

The quality of courage is something that we can all strive to develop in our lives. When we are courageous, we face our fears and do what is right even when it is difficult. Esther’s example shows us that God rewards those who are faithful and courageously obey Him.

Let’s pray for the courage to do what is right, even when it is hard, knowing that God is with us every step of the way.

Esther was obedient (Mordecai)

Esther was obedient to the king’s eunuch (charge of the women) and did not abuse her authority. When she discovered an assassination plot against the king, (king of Persia) she immediately reported it to him. Obedience sometimes is hard, but it is always the right thing to do.

Esther was a model of obedience that we can learn from. When we obey God, He promises to bless us and guide us on our path. Let’s pray for obedience as we seek to follow His will for our lives.

When Esther replaced queen Vashti, she was obedient to the king’s eunuch and did not abuse her authority. This demonstrated her faith in God that He would protect her during this time of transition.

Esther had wisdom

Esther showed intelligence and great wisdom at right time in her actions as queen. After Haman’s death, Esther put Mordecai in charge of Haman’s estate. This act not only showed her wisdom but also ensured that Mordecai (her uncle Mordecai) would have the resources he needed to carry out his new responsibilities.

Esther had wisdom when she discovered an assassination plot against the king. She immediately reported it to him and prevented disaster. Her quick thinking saved many lives. She discovered God’s Purpose for her life.

The Bible says we receive wisdom by asking for it (James ). Esther was willing to ask God for guidance in all she did. We can follow her example by asking God for wisdom as we face the challenges of life. When we have wisdom, we are able to make wise decisions and accomplish great things. Let’s pray for wisdom as we seek to follow God’s plan for our lives.

Esther had faith ( in name of god)

Esther had great faith in God ( faith in God’s Name) and His ability to deliver her people from danger. She often prayed and fasted for guidance from Him. Faith is believing when we can’t see. Esther’s faith was that God would help her and she would be able to do great things. And so can we if we have faith in God!

With Haman, Persian politics, Persian king, Queenly expectations tested the boundaries of her faith. It is through these times of testing that our faith gets stronger and shines brighter on others.

Her life shows us that we should never give up, no matter how bad things seem at the moment. God has a plan for each one of us, even if we can’t see it right now. Let’s pray that we will have the faith of Esther as we seek to follow God’s plan for our lives.

Characteristics of Esther in the Bible
esther leadership qualities
qualities of esther in the bible

Esther was sacrificial

she didn’t value her own life, this was the beginning of the feast of Purim. Esther was sacrificial in the fact that she didn’t think twice about giving her life up for the sake of others. This is seen at the beginning of the story when she agrees to become queen, knowing that it could mean death if Haman’s plan succeeded. Esther was also willing to take risks in order to protect her people.

She risked her own safety by going before King Xerxes to plead for the Jews’ lives. Esther’s willingness to put others first makes her an admirable character. Following that she became the new queen, the queen of Persia. She was at the right place in God’s Plan at the palace of King Ahasuerus, she had a royal position,

7 Facts About Esther in the Bible

1) Esther was a Jew who lived in the Persian empire during the reign of King Xerxes.
2) Her parents died when she was young, and she was taken in by her cousin Mordecai.
3) When Xerxes held a beauty contest to find a new queen, Esther won and became queen.
4) Mordecai discovered a plot against the king, and Esther convinced Xerxes to spare his life.
5) Esther’s intervention saved the lives of all the Jews in the empire from being exterminated.
6) The festival of Purim celebrates Esther’s courage and her role in saving the Jewish people.
7) Esther is an important figure in both Jewish and Christian traditions.

Leadership Qualities of Esther in the Bible

Leadership is an important aspect of any organization, community, or society. It is the ability to inspire and guide others towards a common goal or vision. Leadership qualities are not only restricted to the business world, but they can also be found in religious texts. The Bible is one of the oldest books in the world and contains numerous stories of great leaders. One of the most inspiring leaders in the Bible is Esther. In this article, we will explore the leadership qualities of Esther and what we can learn from her example.

Characteristics of Esther in the Bible

CourageousEsther showed remarkable courage by risking her life to save her people, even when it meant potentially angering the king. Her bravery is seen when she approaches King Ahasuerus uninvited, a move that could have resulted in her death.
SelflessShe was willing to put her own life at risk for the welfare of her people. Esther’s primary concern was not her safety, but the potential annihilation of her people.
FaithfulEsther displayed strong faith in God. Despite the circumstances, she trusted God’s sovereignty and sought His will through prayer and fasting.
WiseEsther was tactful and discerning. She wisely planned a banquet to reveal Haman’s plot to the king at the right moment, ensuring the king’s favor and saving her people.
HumbleDespite being queen, Esther remained humble and obedient. She listened to the advice of her cousin Mordecai and used her royal position not for personal gain but for the benefit of her people.
StrongEsther showed resilience and fortitude in the face of a crisis. She rose to the occasion when her people needed her, revealing an inner strength that allowed her to navigate palace politics and save her people.
CompassionateEsther’s concern and love for her people led her to act on their behalf. Her compassion motivated her to use her position to intervene for them.
GracefulAs queen, Esther carried herself with grace and dignity. She won the favor of everyone who saw her, including the king, not just because of her beauty, but also due to her gracefulness and kindness.

Esther was a Jewish queen of Persia who lived during the fifth century BCE. She is known for her courage, wisdom, and leadership. She played a critical role in saving her people from the evil plans of Haman, the king’s advisor. Her story is a testament to the power of faith, determination, and leadership.

Background of Esther

Esther was a young Jewish girl who was taken into the Persian palace as part of King Xerxes’ harem. She concealed her Jewish identity and became the queen of Persia. Her cousin Mordecai, who raised her, warned her of the plot by Haman to exterminate the Jews. Esther took it upon herself to save her people and risked her life to approach the king and reveal Haman’s plans. Her bravery and leadership saved her people from genocide.

Qualities of Esther’s Leadership


Esther displayed great courage when she decided to approach the king without being summoned, knowing that she could be put to death. She had the courage to stand up for what was right, even if it meant putting her own life on the line. Her bravery inspires us to stand up for what we believe in, even in the face of adversity.


Esther exhibited great wisdom when she approached the king. She did not rush into the situation without a plan. She fasted and prayed, seeking God’s guidance and wisdom. She also used her intelligence to outsmart Haman and save her people. Her wisdom teaches us the importance of seeking guidance and wisdom before making critical decisions.


Esther’s leadership was characterized by selflessness. She risked her own life to save her people from genocide. She put the needs of her people before her own interests. Her selflessness is a model for leaders who should prioritize the well-being of their followers over their own selfish interests.


Esther’s faith played a crucial role in her leadership. She believed that God was with her and would help her save her people. Her faith gave her the courage, wisdom, and determination to carry out her mission. Her faith inspires us to trust in God and believe that we can achieve great things with His help.

Lessons from Esther’s Leadership

  • Leaders should be courageous and stand up for what is right, even in the face of adversity.
  • Leaders should seek wisdom and guidance before making critical decisions.
  • Leaders should prioritize the needs of their followers over their own selfish interests.
  • Leaders should have faith in God and believe that with His help, they can achieve great things.

Esther’s leadership qualities are an inspiration to leaders in all fields. Her story teaches us the importance of courage, wisdom, selflessness, and faith in leadership. Her example encourages us to be better leaders, to stand up for what is right, and to prioritize the well-being of our followers. Let us learn from Esther’s example and strive to become better leaders in our own lives.

Bad Characteristics of Esther in the Bible

The book of Esther in the Bible portrays Queen Esther as a remarkable woman who displayed courage, wisdom, and obedience. Her story is predominantly positive, illustrating her strength and pivotal role in saving the Jewish people from genocide. Thus, identifying β€œbad” characteristics is not straightforward, as negative traits are not explicitly depicted. Nevertheless, it’s possible to extrapolate some traits that may be interpreted as less than positive depending on one’s perspective.

Potential Negative TraitDescription
SecrecyEsther hid her Jewish identity until it was necessary to reveal it. This can be viewed negatively as a form of dishonesty or positively as a strategic move for survival and ultimately for the benefit of her people.
ReluctanceInitially, Esther was hesitant to approach the king about Haman’s plan due to the potential risk to her life. This could be seen as a lack of courage, but her eventual decision to act despite the risk demonstrates her bravery.
Passive AcceptanceAt the start of her story, Esther was taken to the king’s harem without any indication that she consented. Some might interpret this as passivity or lack of assertiveness. However, the cultural and historical context needs to be considered.
DependencyEsther relied on Mordecai’s advice throughout her story. This could be seen as over-dependence, but in the context, it’s more likely to represent a respectful and wise heeding of counsel.

It’s important to interpret these traits with an understanding of the historical and cultural context in which Esther lived. Also, these characteristics played a role in Esther’s overall growth and her heroic acts in the narrative.

Esther in the Bible Characteristics

The Book of Esther is a riveting tale of courage, cunning, and, of course, leadership. Esther’s leadership qualities shine through in many ways, making her a fascinating study for anyone interested in what makes a great leader. Let’s take a closer look at some of Esther’s standout leadership characteristics! πŸ“–πŸ‘‘

CharacteristicExample from Esther’s StoryLeadership Insights
CourageApproaching the king uninvitedEsther risked her life to save her people. Leaders sometimes need to take bold risks for the greater good.
WisdomFasting and praying before making a decisionWisdom in leadership often involves seeking spiritual or reflective guidance before taking significant actions.
Strategic ThinkingHosting two banquets for the king and HamanEsther didn’t rush; she laid out a careful plan to ensure the highest chance of success. Good leaders think several steps ahead.
HumilityListening to Mordecai’s counselGreat leaders recognize that they don’t have all the answers and are open to advice from trusted advisors.
CompassionEsther’s concern for her people led her to actEffective leaders have a deep sense of empathy and act in the best interests of those they lead.
AdvocacySpeaking up for the Jewish peopleLeaders often need to serve as advocates, standing up for the rights and well-being of others.
ResilienceFacing the possibility of death, but proceeding anywayLeaders will face setbacks and dangers; resilience is key to long-term success.
InfluenceGaining the favor of the king and others in powerEffective leaders build strong relationships that can be leveraged for the benefit of their cause or organization.
IntegrityRevealing her identity to save her people, despite the risksTrue leadership is rooted in ethical action and a strong moral compass.
DeterminationFollowing through with her plan, despite its risksEffective leaders are committed to their goals, even when facing obstacles.

I hope this table helps you better understand the unique blend of characteristics that made Esther a remarkable leader in her time, offering lessons that are still applicable today. Whether you’re in a leadership role or aspire to be, there’s a lot to learn from Esther! 😊🌟

More FAQs

Who was Esther in the Bible?
Esther was a Jewish queen of Persia who lived during the fifth century BCE. She saved her people from genocide by the evil plans of

What were the qualities of Esther’s leadership?Esther’s leadership was characterized by courage, wisdom, selflessness, and faith.

What can we learn from Esther’s leadership?
We can learn that leaders should be courageous, seek wisdom and guidance before making decisions, prioritize the needs of their followers, and have faith in God.

How did Esther save her people?
Esther saved her people by approaching the king without being summoned and revealing the evil plans of Haman to exterminate the Jews. She risked her own life to save her people.

Why is Esther an inspiring leader?
Esther is an inspiring leader because of her courage, wisdom, selflessness, and faith. She risked her own life to save her people and showed that with faith and determination, great things can be achieved.

How to be saved according to the Bible    In order to understand how to be saved, we first need to understand what salvation is. Salvation is when God forgives our sins and gives us eternal life. It's a free gift from God that we can't earn on our own. So how do we receive this gift? The Bible tells us that there are six steps: hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, repenting again, and believers baptism. Let's break each one of these down.     Hearing - The first step is hearing the gospel. The gospel is the good news that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again. This news must be heard in order for us to believe it.     Believing - Once we hear the gospel, we must believe it. This means that we trust that Jesus is who He says He is and that He can save us from our sins.     Repenting - Once we believe the gospel, we must repent of our sins. This means that we turn away from our sin and start living for God.     Confessing - After we repent of our sins, we need to confess them to God. This means that we tell God all of the sinful things we have done and ask Him for forgiveness.     Believers Baptism - The final step is believers baptism. This is when a person who has already believed and repented is baptized in water as an outward sign of their inward decision to follow Christ. Baptism doesn't save us, but it's an important step of obedience for every Christian.     Discipling others -  Finally, once we have received salvation through these steps, it's important that we continue to grow in our faith and share the gospel with others so they too can be saved.      These are the six steps required for salvation according to the Bible: hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, repenting again, and believers baptism. If you have never done these things or if you're not sure if you've done them correctly, I encourage you to talk to a pastor or other Christian friend who can help guide you through these steps. Salvation is a free gift from God, but it's one that we need to take intentional steps to receive. Don't wait another day - start your journey towards salvation today!

Final Thoughts – Characteristics of Esther in the Bible

Queen Esther is an excellent role model for young girls (she was a Young Woman given a royal robe) who want to make a difference in the world. She demonstrated great faith, wisdom, and courage in the face of adversity. These Characteristics of Esther in the Bible can teach us a lot about what it means to be a Godly woman. We can apply her teachings to our own lives by being brave, showing intelligence, and being obedient to God. Characteristics of Esther in the Bible


  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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