666th Verse in the Bible – The 666th verse in the Bible appears in the book of Isaiah, chapter 66, verse 17. This verse describes a judgment against those who have rebelled against God and rejected His ways. It is often associated with the biblical number of the Beast, which appears in the Book of Revelation, chapter 13, verse 18. However, there is no direct connection between the two.
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666th Verse in the Bible
Have you ever been curious about the significance of the number 666 in the Bible? It’s a number that has long been shrouded in mystery and intrigue. In this article, we’ll explore the 666th verse in the Bible, its context, meaning, and interpretations, as well as answer some frequently asked questions about this enigmatic passage. So buckle up, as we take a deep dive into the world of biblical numerology!
The Mystery of the 666th Verse in the Bible
Uncovering the 666th Verse in the Bible
To understand the 666th verse in the Bible, we must first identify its location within the biblical text. This verse is found in the Old Testament, specifically in the Book of Ezra, chapter 2, verse 13:
Ezra 2:13 – The people of Adonikam, six hundred sixty and six.
The Historical Context
The Book of Ezra tells the story of the Israelites’ return from the Babylonian exile to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. The 666th verse in the Bible is part of a larger census taking place in this book, listing the various families and their numbers as they make their journey back to their homeland.

The Significance of the Number 666
In biblical numerology, the number 666 is often associated with evil or the Antichrist, primarily due to its mention in the New Testament’s Book of Revelation. However, it’s important to note that the 666th verse in the Bible has no direct connection to these negative connotations. Instead, it simply represents the number of people from the family of Adonikam returning from exile.
The number 666 is one of the most mysterious and controversial verses in the Bible, and it has been the source of countless debates and discussions throughout history. This number is mentioned in the book of Revelation and has been linked to a variety of interpretations and meanings. In this blog, we will explore the 666th verse in the Bible, the meaning of the number of the beast in the Bible, the calculations of the 666th verse, the symbolism of the beast in the Bible, and the significance of the 666th verse.
Examining the 666th Verse of the Bible
The 666th verse of the Bible is found in the book of Revelation 13:18 which reads, “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.” This verse is a warning to those who would seek to understand the mysterious number of the beast.
Exploring the Number of the Beast in the Bible
The number of the beast is a mysterious number mentioned in the book of Revelation, and it is believed to represent the antichrist. This number has been linked to many interpretations throughout history and has been the source of much debate and discussion. The number of the beast is symbolic of evil and has been associated with the antichrist since the time of the early church.

Exploring Facts about the Anti Christ
- The Antichrist is described in the Bible as a false messiah who will come and deceive many people (2 Thessalonians 2:3).
- He will be a powerful leader who will perform miraculous signs and wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9).
- He will be a lawless person who will reject the authority of God (2 Thessalonians 2:4).
- He will reject the laws of God and will try to change them (Daniel 7:25).
- He will be a master of deceit and will use cunning tactics to deceive people (Revelation 13:14).
- He will be an enemy of God and will try to oppose Him (Revelation 13:4).
- He will be a persecutor of the church and will seek to destroy it (Revelation 13:7).
- He will be a blasphemer and will speak evil against God (Revelation 13:5-6).
- He will be a deceiver and will lead many people astray (Revelation 12:9).
- He will be a destroyer of nations and will lead many people to perdition (Revelation 17:16).
King James Version of the 666th Verse in the Bible
The King James Version of the 666th verse of the Bible reads, “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” This translation of the 666th verse of the Bible emphasizes the importance of understanding the number of the beast and its associated symbolism.
The Meaning of the Number of the Beast in the Bible
The meaning of the number of the beast in the Bible has been subject to much debate and discussion throughout the centuries. Many interpretations of the number of the beast have been suggested, including the idea that it is a symbol of evil, the antichrist, or a sign of the end times.

Biblical Numerology of the Number 666
Biblical numerology is a fascinating topic that has captured the interest of many over the centuries. One of the most enigmatic and debated numbers in the Bible is the number 666. Often associated with the Antichrist and the end times, this number has led to various interpretations and theories. In this article, we will dive deep into the world of biblical numerology, focusing on the significance of the number 666, its origins, symbolism, and the various theories surrounding it.
Biblical Numerology: A Brief Overview
Definition and History
Biblical numerology refers to the study of numbers in the Bible and their symbolic meanings. Some numbers in the Bible hold spiritual, prophetic, or allegorical significance, and understanding these meanings can help enhance one’s comprehension of the biblical text.
Significance of Numbers in the Bible
Numbers play a vital role in the Bible, with many numbers holding special meaning. For example, the number 3 represents divine perfection, while the number 7 symbolizes completion or perfection. These numbers are used throughout the Bible to convey deeper messages and truths.
Understanding the Number 666
Origins and Interpretations
The number 666 appears in the Book of Revelation, specifically in Revelation 13:18, where it is referred to as the “number of the beast.” This number has been the subject of much speculation and debate, with many interpretations and theories proposed over the centuries.
The Number of the Beast
In the Book of Revelation, the number 666 is associated with the Antichrist, a figure representing evil and opposition to God. The passage states that the number 666 is the number of a man, and those with wisdom can decipher its meaning. This cryptic reference has led to countless theories about the identity of the Antichrist and the significance of the number 666.
Possible People in the TheAnti Christ in the Bible
- Herod Antipas: Herod Antipas was a ruler of Galilee during the time of Jesus Christ. He was a ruthless ruler and was willing to do whatever it took to maintain his power. He is often seen as a type of Antichrist in the Bible, as he tried to have Jesus killed. He was also known for his great wealth and political influence.
- Nero: Nero was the Roman emperor during the time of Jesus’ ministry. He was known for his cruelty, and was responsible for the persecution of Christians. Nero is often seen as an example of the Antichrist, as he was so powerful and ruthless.
- King Nimrod: King Nimrod is mentioned in Genesis 10 as one of the most powerful kings of his day. He was a great hunter and was known for his many accomplishments. He is sometimes seen as a type of Antichrist, as he was a powerful ruler that sought to establish a one-world government.
- Antiochus IV Epiphanes: Antiochus IV Epiphanes was a Greek king who ruled over the region of Syria during the time of Jesus. He was a cruel ruler and was known for his persecution of Jews and Christians. He was seen as a type of Antichrist by the Jews, and is mentioned in the book of Daniel as the “little horn”.
- The Beast of Revelation: The Beast of Revelation is a mysterious figure that appears in the book of Revelation. He is described as having seven heads, ten horns, and ten crowns. He is seen as a type of Antichrist, as he will be the leader of a one-world government and will attempt to destroy the Church of God.
Theories and Symbolism Behind 666
Nero Caesar and the First Century Roman Empire
One popular theory links the number 666 to Nero Caesar, the Roman Emperor who ruled from 54 to 68 AD. Some scholars believe that the number 666 is a coded reference to Nero, whose name, when written in Hebrew and calculated using the ancient practice of gematria, equals 666.
- Birth of Nero Caesar: Nero Caesar was born on December 15th, 37 AD in Antium, Italy, the only son of Agrippina the Younger and the Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus. His birth was celebrated with great fanfare, and he was hailed as a future great ruler of Rome.
- Assassination of Nero’s Father: In 41 AD, Nero’s father was assassinated while Nero was still a young child. Nero was left in the care of his mother, who soon began to pursue her own political ambitions.
- Nero is Adopted by Emperor Claudius: In 48 AD, Nero was adopted by Emperor Claudius, his great-uncle, who gave him the title of Caesar and made him his heir. This marked the beginning of Nero’s rise to power.
- Marriage to Octavia: In 53 AD, Nero married Octavia, daughter of Claudius, and soon after was given control of the Roman Empire.
- Accession to the Throne: In 54 AD, Nero officially became the emperor of Rome. He was only 17 years old at the time and was the youngest emperor in the history of Rome.
- Fire of Rome: In 64 AD, a great fire destroyed much of Rome. Nero was blamed for the fire, though there is no evidence to support this. This began a period of public distrust of Nero and his rule.
- Nero’s Architectural Projects: During his reign, Nero initiated a number of ambitious building projects in Rome, including the construction of the Golden House, a lavish palace.
- Nero’s Persecution of Christians: Nero began a campaign of persecution against the Christians in 64 AD. He blamed them for the Great Fire and had them executed in the most brutal ways possible.
- Nero’s Death: In 68 AD, Nero was forced to commit suicide after a revolt against his rule. He was the first Roman emperor to do so.
- Aftermath of Nero’s Death: After Nero’s death, a period of civil war followed, as various generals fought for control of the Roman Empire. Eventually, the Flavian dynasty was established, and the Roman Empire was restored to stability.
Economic System and the Mark of the Beast
Another interpretation of the number 666 relates to the economic system of the end times, as described in Revelation 13. According to this interpretation, the number 666 symbolizes an economic system controlled by the Antichrist, where people must receive the “mark of the beast” to buy or sell goods.
Apocalyptic Literature and the Book of Revelation
The number 666 can also be understood within the broader context of apocalyptic literature. The Book of Revelation, an apocalyptic text, uses symbols, allegories, and numbers to convey its message. In this context, the number
666 may serve as a symbol for evil and human imperfection, rather than pointing to a specific individual or event.
Other Biblical Numbers and Their Meanings
While the number 666 has garnered much attention, there are other significant numbers in biblical numerology worth exploring. Some of these numbers include:
- Number 1: Unity and the sovereignty of God
- Number 3: Divine perfection, representing the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)
- Number 7: Completion or perfection, often associated with the creation of the world and the divine rest on the seventh day
- Number 12: God’s chosen people and divine authority, as seen in the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 apostles of Jesus
- Number 40: Trial or testing, such as the 40 days of rain during Noah’s flood and the 40 years the Israelites wandered in the desert
The study of biblical numerology, particularly the number 666, offers a fascinating glimpse into the rich symbolism found within the Bible. While the exact meaning of the number 666 remains a subject of debate and interpretation, its association with evil and the Antichrist serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle between good and evil in the biblical narrative. By examining the various theories and symbolism behind this enigmatic number, we can gain a deeper understanding of the Bible’s message and its relevance to our lives today.
Uncovering the Revelation of the Beast in the Bible
The book of Revelation is a book of prophecy and is the source of much of the mystery surrounding the number of the beast. The book of Revelation speaks of a beast rising up out of the sea, and the number of the beast is seen as a sign of the antichrist. The book of Revelation reveals that the number of the beast is 666, which is a symbol of evil.
Understanding the Calculations of the 666th Verse in the Bible
The calculations of the 666th verse of the Bible are complicated and mysterious. Many interpretations of the number of the beast have been suggested, and the calculations of the 666th verse are seen as a sign that the antichrist is coming. The calculation of the 666th verse is based on the Greek alphabet and involves multiplying the numbers of the Greek letters together to form the number 666.
Analyzing the Antiochus Epiphanes and the Bible
The figure of Antiochus Epiphanes is mentioned in the Bible and is believed to be a type of the antichrist. Antiochus Epiphanes was a cruel ruler of the Seleucid Empire who persecuted the Jews and is believed to be a type of the antichrist. He is believed to be the figure behind the number of the beast in the Bible and is seen as a sign of the end times.
- Accession to the Throne (175 BC): After his father Antiochus III was defeated by the Romans, Antiochus IV Epiphanes ascended to the throne of the Seleucid Empire in 175 BC. He was the first of the Seleucid kings to take the title of Epiphanes, meaning “God Manifest”.
- Invasion of Egypt (170 BC): Antiochus undertook the invasion of Egypt in 170 BC to gain control of the region and its resources. He was successful in this endeavor and established the Seleucid rule in Egypt for the first time.
- Attempt to Hellenize Judea (167 BC): Antiochus IV Epiphanes attempted to impose Greek culture and religion on Judea and the surrounding areas. He abolished the Jewish religion and imposed the worship of the Greek gods. This provoked the Maccabean revolt, which ultimately resulted in Jewish independence.
- Battle of Beth-Zechariah (166 BC): After the Maccabean revolt, Antiochus marched to Beth-Zechariah to put down the revolt. He was defeated by the Jews and this was the last time he was successful in any military campaign.
- Death of Antiochus IV Epiphanes (164 BC): Antiochus IV Epiphanes died in 164 BC, possibly from an illness he contracted during his campaign against the Maccabees. His death marked the end of the Seleucid rule in Judea, as his sons were not able to maintain control of the region.
Investigating the Faith Founded in the 666 Symbolism
The number of the beast has been associated with the antichrist since the time of the early church. Many interpretations of the number of the beast have been suggested, and some have even founded a faith based on the symbolism of the number 666. This faith is based on the belief that the antichrist is coming, and the number 666 is a sign of the end times.
Exploring the God Number of 666 in the Bible
The number 666 is often associated with evil and the antichrist, but it is also seen as a number that represents God in the Bible. The number 666 is seen as a symbol of God’s sovereignty and is a reminder of His power and control over the world. This number is seen as a sign of God’s power and is an important symbol in the Bible.
Unveiling the Man Number in the Bible
The number of the beast is associated with the antichrist in the Bible, but it is also seen as a number that represents man. The number 666 is a reminder of man’s power and strength, and it is seen as a symbol of man’s power over the world. This number is a reminder of the importance of man in the Bible and is an important symbol in the Bible.
Examining the English Bible and the 666th Verse
The English Bible is the version of the Bible that is most widely read in English-speaking countries. The English Bible is a translation of the original Hebrew and Greek texts and is the source of much of the symbolism associated with the number of the beast. The English Bible translation of the 666th verse of the Bible reads, “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
Dissecting the Beast Number in the Bible
The number of the beast is a mysterious number mentioned in the book of Revelation, and it is believed to represent the antichrist. This number has been linked to many interpretations throughout history, and it is seen as a sign of the end times. The number of the beast is symbolic of evil, and it is a reminder of the power of the antichrist.
Exploring the Significances of the 666th Verse
The 666th verse of the Bible is an important verse in the Bible and is seen as a sign of the end times. This verse has been the source of much debate and discussion throughout the centuries, and it is a reminder of the power of the antichrist. The 666th verse of the Bible is a reminder of the power of evil and is a sign of the coming of the antichrist.
Examining the Symbolism of the Beast in the Bible
The symbolism of the beast in the Bible is seen as a sign of the antichrist and the coming of the end times. This symbolism is seen throughout the Bible and is a reminder of the power of evil. The symbolism of the beast is a reminder of the power of the antichrist and is an important symbol in the Bible.
- The Beast in the Bible is mentioned in Revelation 13:1-2, where it is described as “coming out of the sea.” It is described as having seven heads and ten horns, and its body is like a leopard, its feet like those of a bear and its mouth like that of a lion.
- It is said to be given authority to speak blasphemous words and to exercise authority for forty-two months. During this time, it is said to have the power to wage war against the saints, and to overcome them.
- It is also described as having a mark of the beast on its forehead, which is said to enable people to buy and sell. The number of the beast is 666, and it is said to be the number of a man.
- The Beast is said to be under the control of the Antichrist. It is said to be the agent of Satan, and to be sent by him to deceive the nations.
- In Revelation 17, the Beast is described as having a woman seated on it, who is called “the great harlot.” She is said to be the one who will cause the destruction of the earth.
- The Beast is also mentioned in Daniel 7, where it is described as a fearsome creature that is given authority by the Ancient of Days. It is said to have ten horns, and to have a blasphemous mouth.
- In Revelation 19, the Beast is described as being cast into the lake of fire and sulfur, where it will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
Interpreting the Importance of the 666th Verse
The 666th verse of the Bible is an important verse in the Bible and is seen as a sign of the end times. This verse has been the source of much debate and discussion throughout the centuries, and it is a reminder of the power of the antichrist. The 666th verse of the Bible is a reminder of the power of evil and is a sign of the coming of the antichrist.
Investigating the Revelations of the Beast in the Bible
The book of Revelation is a book of prophecy and is the source of much of the mystery surrounding the number of the beast. This book speaks of a beast rising up out of the sea, and the number of the beast is seen as a sign of the antichrist. The book of Revelation reveals that the number of the beast is 666, which is a symbol of evil and the coming of the antichrist.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What does the number 666 represent in the Bible?
In the New Testament’s Book of Revelation, the number 666 is associated with the “beast,” which many interpret as the Antichrist or a symbol of evil. However, this meaning is not connected to the 666th verse in the Bible found in the Book of Ezra.
2. Why is the 666th verse in the Bible significant?
The 666th verse in the Bible is significant mainly due to the intrigue surrounding the number 666. While the verse itself doesn’t hold any negative or mystical meaning, it has piqued the curiosity of many due to its association with the infamous number.
3. Does the 666th verse in the Bible predict the end of the world?
No, the 666th verse in the Bible does not predict the end of the world. It merely provides a census count for the family of Adonikam as they return from exile in Babylon.
4. Are there any hidden meanings or codes in the 666th verse in the Bible?
While some might search for hidden meanings or codes within the 666th verse in the Bible, there is no concrete evidence to suggest any such secret messages. The verse should be understood in its historical and contextual setting, as a part of the census in the Book of Ezra.
5. How is the 666th verse in the Bible connected to the Antichrist?
There is no direct connection between the 666th verse in the Bible and the Antichrist. The association between the number 666 and the Antichrist stems from the New Testament’s Book of Revelation, not the Old Testament’s Book of Ezra wherethe 666th verse is found. While the number 666 carries negative connotations due to its mention in the Book of Revelation, it’s essential to separate these ideas from the 666th verse in the Bible, which is unrelated to the concept of the Antichrist.
6. Can the 666th verse in the Bible be interpreted as a prophecy?
The 666th verse in the Bible is not considered a prophecy. It is a straightforward account of the number of people from the family of Adonikam who were returning from Babylonian exile. It is crucial to interpret this verse within its historical and textual context, rather than seeking prophetic or mystical meanings that are unsupported by the text.
- What is biblical numerology? Biblical numerology is the study of numbers in the Bible and their symbolic meanings.
- What does the number 666 represent in the Bible? In the Book of Revelation, the number 666 is associated with the Antichrist and is referred to as the “number of the beast.”
- Is the number 666 always associated with evil? While the number 666 is often associated with evil and the Antichrist, its interpretation depends on the context in which it appears and the reader’s understanding of biblical numerology.
- Are there other significant numbers in the Bible? Yes, the Bible contains many significant numbers, such as 1 (unity), 3 (divine perfection), 7 (completion or perfection), 12 (God’s chosen people and divine authority), and 40 (trial or testing).
- Is the study of biblical numerology essential for understanding the Bible? While biblical numerology is not required to understand the basic message of the Bible, it can provide a deeper understanding of the text’s symbolism and hidden meanings.
Final Thoughts – What does 666th verse mean in the Bible
The 666th verse in the Bible, found in the Book of Ezra, has sparked much curiosity and fascination due to its connection to the enigmatic number 666. However, it’s vital to understand that this verse holds no hidden meanings or prophetic significance. It merely documents the number of people from the family of Adonikam who were returning to Jerusalem after their exile in Babylon.
Although the number 666 carries negative connotations in the New Testament’s Book of Revelation, we must separate these ideas from the 666th verse in the Bible, which is unrelated to the concept of the Antichrist or the end of the world. By examining the verse within its historical and contextual setting, we can better appreciate its true meaning and avoid falling into the trap of seeking hidden or mystical interpretations that are not supported by the text.