Table of Contents
7 Reasons: Why You Should Be in Church Every Sunday
Why Church Every Sunday – What can the church do for you? One of the most common responses to this question is “it’s where I find community.” While the church does provide a sense of belonging, it also offers so much more. The church isn’t just about being social and getting together with friends on Sunday mornings. It’s about finding meaning in your life and taking the time to care for your spiritual needs. Why You Should Be in Church Every Sunday
Life can be very challenging, and at times we are at a loss in what direction to go. It is very important that at these times, our church family can support us.
Share with you, in 2014 I had a stroke. I was not able to go back to work, I was 62 so not at an age I could receive retirement. It was a very difficult year. Then in 2015, I have diagnosed with Stage 4 Rectal Cancer. I needed to go daily to the hospital ( 1 Hour away). Members of my church family came and carried me to the hospital every day for Radiation and chemotherapy. Daily for 6 weeks. It was very encouraging to me at a very discouraging time.

Reasons that Attendance is Important for Us Personally (Every Sunday – Attend)
– Church is a place of belonging
– Church offers people to help you through difficult times
– Church gives us hope and brings peace to our lives
The church is an important place to be fed spiritually and also for us to feed others.
We’re all on our own unique journeys – but at the end of the day, the church will be there as an anchor point. Urging us towards something more meaningful than what we’ll ever.
Life is short – and it is important that we make a difference with it.
Reasons Church is important to the Church Family:
– Church offers a sense of community for those in need
– Church provides stability and comfort when life gets difficult – church brings hope and peace into your life
– Church provides stability and comfort when life gets difficult – church brings hope and peace into your life
We’re all on our own unique journeys, but at the end of the day, the church will be there as a reminder that you’re never alone. Urging us towards something more meaningful than what we’ll ever find on our own.
What does Bible say about Attending Church?
Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:25
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Matthew 18:20
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts 2:14
So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Romans 12:5
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24
To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, Ephesians 4:12
And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:13+
What is the Importance of a Church?
A church is a place that should be taken seriously. The importance of the church cannot be overstated: it’s where we come to know God, worship God, and each build up other; worship Him as one family, in spirit and truth; grow in faith together; serve those who are far from God by proclaiming His name and serving our neighbor.
The Church is a hospital, calling the broken, the disheartened, the poor, the lost to Jesus who can make us whole
What is the Importance of a Church to your Community?
– Church is the center of the community, a place to come together and worship.
– There are many blessings that come from being in church on Sundays: attending Sunday school, meeting new friends, fellowship with other believers.
– Churches offer opportunities for spiritual growth through Bible study groups or small group discussions which happen during lunchtime hours (Sunday school), Bible studies, and prayer.
– Churches offer the opportunity to be led by leaders in ministry who are called of God to serve through preaching, teaching, or shepherding others as a pastor/priest (church leadership)
– There is power in being together with other Christians on Sundays because it means we’re inviting Jesus into our lives when He’s not already there
– According to the Bible, Christians are commanded by Jesus Christ Himself to regularly attend church.
– John 14:15 says “If you love me, keep my commands.” And for Christians who believe in scripture, it means we’re being obedient when we do our part to be in church on Sundays.
– The importance of attendance is not just for the individual, but also because it shapes and helps us build together as a community by being present at worship services each Sunday.
– When we’re physically there, God’s Word can sink deep into our souls; when we’re absent from church, we miss out on hearing God’s Word and the Spirit is less effective.
– The importance of church attendance can be seen in one Christian believer who wanted to change their life for the better but felt too lost or ashamed – they didn’t know where to go because they had stopped attending church
– When asked why he wasn’t going to church, he said “I can’t go to church because I’m embarrassed.”
– This shows that attendance is not just important for the individual but also builds community in a new way.
– Church offers people an opportunity to be welcomed and accepted where they are rather than being judged as if they’re outside the fold of Christianity.

What is Regular Church Attendance?
*Regular attendance means going to church on Sundays every week.*
It’s important for believers who want to grow in their faith.
Regular church attendance also helps you connect with other believers, build community and relationships, serve others’ needs, develop your gifts for ministry through the weeks of regular worship leading up to Sundays.
This is a great way to start off your week!
How Often Does the Average Person go to Church?
From the people that indicate that they go to services – that is usually once per week. Others who are more involved attend
- Sunday Mornings
- Sunday Morning Classes
- Midweek Bible Study
- Outreach Nite
- Vacation Bible School
- Christmas Programs
- Easter Services
Here is an old Poll from ABC News in 2002 – close to 20 years ago.
How Many People in the US Attend Church Regularly?
Most Numbers point to 38%
These are Old Charts but this Link will show you attendance by Countries
Lifeway Research
-In a recent study by LifeWay Research, it was found that only about 20% of Americans regularly attend church services.
-This number is lower than in previous years and suggests an overall trend of regular attendance declining over the last 50 years.
-The US has seen regular church attendance decline from 78% to 90%.
Pew Research
In 2011, the Pew Research Center found that regular church attendance was at 48%
-The US is not alone in this declining trend. Across Western Europe and North America, regular church attendance has declined from 80% to 40%.
-This decline could be attributed partly to today’s culture of individualism as people value their time more than regular church attendance.
-Another reason for the decline in regular attendance could be a feeling of disconnection or alienation from religion, which has risen across all faiths and denominations over the last few decades.
How many People in the UK attend Church Regularly
The number of regular churchgoers in the UK has declined over recent years. In 2012, only 12% of people attended regularly – a decrease from 18% in 2005 and 25% down to 17%. It is estimated that this trend will continue for the foreseeable future as those who are regular attendees now age and younger generations don’t share their commitment.
The average regular churchgoer is aged 60-plus, and the majority are women. Younger generations have a different approach to religion: they tend not to see it as an important part of their life or identity. They prefer spiritual exploration – which may include attending other religious observances such as mosques, synagogues, temples, etc., meditation, and the use of tarot cards or crystals.
The regular churchgoer is also more likely to be from a Christian denomination than non-Christians: 66% identify as Anglican, 18% United Reformed Church, 13% Roman Catholic and so on. The regular churchgoer has an average weekly income (£117 higher than the national average).
So, regular churchgoers tend to be older than other generations; more likely to be female than male; from a Christian denomination. The regular attendee is also likely to have an above-average income and live in England or Wales (not Scotland).

How Many years of Additional Life are Associated with Regular Church Attendance?
Regular church attendance has been associated with living an average of four years longer. This is just one example of the many benefits that can be found in regular worship, including stronger social connections and a more positive personality trait (i.e., life satisfaction). Regular churchgoers are also less likely to experience stress or depression. There’s also evidence that regular church attendance may improve mental and physical health.
Overall, regular worship is associated with many positive outcomes in life. As a result of these benefits, why would you not attend your place of worship? The more often we are present at our place of faith the better off we will be both spiritually and physically in this world.
when the church puts on a mission trip, regular attendance includes coming to this event and participating in it in some way (e.g., working or donating money)
Churches many times put on special classes, spiritual events, special training, Bible studies, Ministry Training.
Regular Church Attendance is interpreted differently by each person, as well as at different churches. The most important thing is that you are regular.
What is Considered Regular Church Attendance?
Regular Church Attendance usually means attending every regular Sunday service, as well as other regular services. This is usually interpreted to include morning worship on Sundays and weekday evening prayer.
How do you Personally Track Church Attendance?
Write down the church name and day you attend church on a calendar. This will help you see at a glance how many times per month or year that you go to church.
– Take note of your attendance after each visit so you know which weeks are more consistent than others for your church visits. Keeping track like this can be helpful for church-goers who want to increase their church attendance.
– You can also keep track of your church attendance by using an app called Church Tracker that tracks church visits, prayer time, and bible studies.
The benefits of tracking your church attendance are numerous: you’ll be more aware of how often you go to church, it will make church attendance easier to attend, and it will help you see how church visits are impacting your life.
How / Why do you Track the Church Attendance of Those Attending?
– This church attendance tracker will help you track the church attendance of those attending.
– By tracking church attendance, can keep your congregation from losing interest because they feel like no one is paying attention to them.
– It also helps because church members have a habit of showing up on days with special events and not coming otherwise.
– They can’t be forgotten about.
– Church attendance is important because it helps church leaders know what the church members need and want.
– It also keeps church members feeling like their thoughts are being heard. They will be more motivated to come back if they feel that, instead of just coming every now and then due to guilt or fear of missing out on something special happening
How do I Get a Church App?
Today many churches are Building their own Apps that help their flock to grow and participate
- Apps to participate in the Sermons
- Prayer apps – so groups can pray together
- Giving apps – Tithly – etc
- Small-Group Apps – Alpha
- Zoom for Remote Learning
- Youtube Live
- Facebook Live
How do you Calculate Online Worship Attendance?
Online church services are not the same as “attending” church. Attending means actively attending worship, fellowship, and service with a congregation of believers.
Online church services can be a helpful tool for church leaders to promote church attendance, but they should not be the sole measurement of church participation.
The metric by which churches are judged and measured may need to change in order to accurately represent what it means for people today to “attend” church.
Many Online Platforms give metrics to gauge your online presence
- church. online
- Youtube
- Zoom
All can help give you metrics to gauge how many people are watching. This can be a great blessing for several reasons
- Member is sick at Home
- Member is traveling
- Member has moved out of State
- Services can be expanded to a worldwide fellowship
What is the Average Church Congregation Size?
In The United States
The church attendance in the United States ranges from a low of about 250 thousand people to a high of over 500. This is an average church congregation size for America, so there are some churches with more and others with fewer memberships per church.
Most Churches are under 200 in size
In The United Kingdom
In the UK church attendance has been steadily declining for decades. In 2015 alone this figure fell by more than 600,000. Of course, it is a church’s duty to be engaging and compelling in order to increase attendance but there are other factors that contribute to people being less inclined towards church-going. One of these may be how some church services are no longer church-led, but rather they’re led by the newest church volunteer. In turn, this means that church members feel less involved and may have a sense of detachment from their church community.
However, one positive trend is how churches are adapting to new technology such as social media in order to bring people back into the congregation
Importance of Church Attendance for Church Leaders
- Many Times Individuals and families are struggling – dropping of regular attendance can give leaders a heads up that some of their flock are struggling
- Church Attendance can help gauge the feeding they are doing to the sheep – hungry sheep will come to spiritual food
- The church can evaluate how they are being able to minister to those in their local communities
- If attendance is growing – people are growing being fed
- Community is Numerically growing
- If attendance is dropping it can be spiritual
- If attendance is dropping can be physical reasons – loss of jobs, etc.

How do you take Attendance on Facebook Live?
Facebook gives numbers on the left-hand corner of the app, so you can see those in attendance for live events.
How do Churches Keep Track of Visitors?
- Personally counting
- Counting those in auditoriums / per service
- Counting of those attending classes
- It is also wise to track in excel sheets or software programs that can help you to see patterns especially if churches are large
Does Christianity Require Church Attendance?
The church is not a building with church services. It’s an organism that includes human beings who are committed to living out their faith in the world, following Christ together, making disciples of all nations, and bearing witness to God’s love by serving people in need.
Being a Christian is an individual decision to follow Jesus and be baptized into his body
So Can a person do it by themselves and a bible, yes, but
A Family of believers helps lift one another up
Be alert and of sober mind. … Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. ( I Peter 3:8)
A cord of three strands is not easily broken. … And if a man prevails against him that is alone, two shall withstand him, and a threefold cord is not quickly. Eccl 4:12

Final Thoughts
Church attendance is important for many reasons. It’s a chance to worship and fellowship with your community, it can help you grow in faith through the sermons of a pastor or priest, and it provides an opportunity for spiritual renewal. While the church may be difficult at times due to its place as a social institution that doesn’t always cater to individual needs, attending on Sundays can provide benefits both spiritually and socially outside of what one could get from staying home alone.
Church helps people connect with their communities while also being able to find spirituality if they are so inclined (or lack thereof). When we have difficulty connecting with our local churches because there are too many things going wrong within them or they don’t meet our personal needs, this article encourages us not to give