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Emotions: What did Jesus say about Emotions

Jesus’ teachings and actions, as recorded in the Bible, encompass a wide range of human experiences, including emotions. While He doesn’t provide a direct sermon on emotions, His life and words offer profound insights into how we should understand and handle our feelings.

Relevant Bible Verses

  1. John 11:35 – “Jesus wept.”
    This is the shortest verse in the Bible, but it is incredibly profound. It shows Jesus experiencing and expressing deep sorrow at the death of His friend Lazarus, demonstrating that feeling and expressing sadness is a natural and human response.
  2. Matthew 14:13 – “When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place.”
    This passage refers to Jesus’ reaction to the news of John the Baptist’s execution. It suggests that Jesus sought solitude to grieve or reflect, indicating that it’s essential to take time for ourselves to process emotions.
  3. Mark 11:15–17 – Jesus Cleanses the Temple
    Jesus’ actions in the temple—driving out those who were buying and selling there—showcase His anger towards injustice and the misuse of sacred spaces. His emotions were aligned with righteous indignation, showing that anger, when directed towards injustice or evil, has a place.

Three Main Takeaways

  1. Emotions are Integral to Human Experience:
    Jesus’ life demonstrates that having emotions is a part of being fully human. He did not shy away from expressing feelings like sorrow, love, and even righteous anger. This teaches us that experiencing a wide range of emotions is natural and not inherently wrong.
  2. Emotions Should Lead to Righteous Actions:
    Jesus’ emotions were always aligned with the will of God and led to actions that glorified God. His anger in the temple led to the restoration of its sanctity, and His compassion often led to healing and forgiveness. This teaches us that our emotions should be channeled into actions that reflect God’s character and righteousness.
  3. Emotions Need to Be Processed in Healthy Ways:
    Jesus taking time alone to pray and reflect teaches us the importance of processing our emotions healthily. It’s essential to bring our feelings to God in prayer, seek understanding, and allow Him to guide us in dealing with them. This helps us avoid being ruled by our emotions and instead respond to them in ways that honor God.

In summary, Jesus taught us by example that emotions are a natural part of the human experience. They should be acknowledged, expressed healthily, and aligned with God’s will, leading us to righteous actions and deeper reliance on God for strength and guidance.


  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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