Many people are familiar with the prophecies of the Bible, but fewer are aware of how many of those prophecies have already been fulfilled. For example, the prophet Isaiah foretold that the Messiah would be born of a virgin and that he would be called Immanuel, meaning “God with us.”
These details were both fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ. Similarly, the prophet Micah predicted that the Messiah would be born in the town of Bethlehem, which is exactly where Jesus was born.
Furthermore, the prophet Zechariah predicted that the Messiah would be betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces of silver – a prophecy that was also fulfilled when Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus. There are countless other examples of fullfilled prophecies in the Bible, providing evidence that its message is truly from God.
Table of Contents
What are Fullfilled Prophecies in the Bible
A fulfilled prophecy is one where the event predicted has occurred in the way described. Bible prophecies are often complex and multi-layered, with multiple fulfillments. In this subtopic, we will explore some of the most famous and significant prophecies that were fulfilled in history.
One of the most compelling proofs of the Bible’s divine inspiration is the fulfillment of prophecy. Throughout history, there have been many prophecies that have been fulfilled with astounding accuracy. For example, the Old Testament prophesied that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2).
This was fulfilled when Jesus was born in Bethlehem (Luke 2:4-7). The Old Testament also prophesied that the Coming Messiah would be crucified (Psalm 22:16). This was fulfilled when Jesus was crucified on the cross (John 19:17-18).
These are just two examples of how the Bible’s prophecies have been fulfilled. There are many others that could be mentioned. The fulfillment of prophecy is one of the strongest evidence of the Bible’s reliability and demonstrates that it is truly a divinely inspired book.
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What Is the Bible?
The Bible is a collection of 66 books, written over a period of 1500 years by dozens of authors. It is considered the authoritative source on religious teachings and is the most widely read book in the world.
The Bible is the most important book ever written. It is the Word of God, and it has the power to change lives. The Bible contains the message of salvation, and it tells us how to live our lives in a way that pleases God. It is a reliable guide for our daily decisions, and it gives us hope for the future.
The Bible is also a source of encouragement and strength when we are facing difficult times. When we read the Bible, we are reminded that God is always with us and that He loves us unconditionally. No matter what we are going through, we can always find comfort in His Word. For these reasons and more, the Bible is the most important book that we could ever read.
Why Are Fulfilled Prophecies important?
Fulfilled prophecies are an important part of Christianity because they demonstrate that the Bible is inspired by God. Over the centuries, there have been many predictions made in the Bible that have come true, ranging from political events to natural disasters.
For example, the Old Testament predicted the rise and fall of various empires, including the Assyrian Empire and the Babylonian Empire. In addition, Several passages in the Old Testament foretold the coming of Jesus Christ, including His birth in Bethlehem and His death on the cross.

The accuracy of these predictions shows that the Bible is not simply a human book, but rather a divinely inspired work that contains a message from God Himself. As such, fulfilled prophecies provide an essential piece of evidence for Christianity. That Former thing would change for the Jewish Leaders by the words of the prophets.
11 Fulfilled Prophecies in the Old Testament
The Old Testament is the first part of the Bible and comprises 39 books written between 1400 and 450 BC. It tells the story of God’s relationship with humanity, from creation to the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt.
1. The Messiah would be born of a virgin – Isaiah 7:14
2. He would come from the lineage of Abraham – Genesis 12:3; 22:18; Galatians 3:16
3. He would come from the tribe of Judah – Genesis 49:10; Luke 3:33
4. He would be born in Bethlehem – Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1-6
5. He would enter Jerusalem riding on a donkey – Zechariah 9:9; John 12:12-19
6. He would be betrayed by a friend – Psalm 41:9; Matthew 26:14-16, 47-50
7. He would be sold for 30 pieces of silver – Zechariah 11:12-13; Matthew 26:14-16, 47-50
8. His hands and feet would be pierced – Psalm 22:16; John 19:34, 37
9. He would be forsaken by God – Psalm 22:1; Matthew 27:46
10. His bones would not be broken – Exodus 12:46; Numbers 9:12; Pslam 34:20; John 19::31-33, 36
11. He would rise from the dead – Psalm 16:10; Isaiah 53:10; Mark 16:6; Acts 2::24-28
11 Fulfilled Prophecies in the New Testament
The New Testament is the second part of the Bible and comprises 27 books written between 50 and 100 AD. It tells the story of Jesus Christ and his teachings, as well as the early church following his death and resurrection.
Biblical prophecy is not just predictive; it is also normative. In other words, it not only tells us what will happen in the future but also reveals what should happen in the present. As Christians, we believe that every word of Scripture is inspired by God and is therefore authoritative for our lives. This means that we should look to the Old Testament prophecies as a guide for how we should live today.
Here are 11 fulfilled prophecies in the Old Testament:
1. The promise of a Savior (Genesis 3:15)
2. The Exodus from Egypt (Exodus 12:41-42)
3. The capture of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar (Jeremiah 52:28-30)
4. The return of the Jews to their homeland (Isaiah 11:11-12)
5. The birth of Christ in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)
6. Christ’s ministry of healing (Isaiah 53:4-5)
7. Christ’s rejection by His own people (Psalm 118:22-23)
8. Christ’s betrayal by Judas (Psalm 41:9)
9. Christ’s trial before Pilate (Matthew 27:11-14)
10. Christ’s death on the cross (Psalm 22:16-18)
11. Christ’s resurrection from the dead (Psalm 16:10)
As we can see, biblical prophecy is reliable and trustworthy. We can trust that God will fulfill His promises, both those that have been fulfilled in the past as well as those yet to be fulfilled in the future. This should give us confidence and hope as we stand on the solid foundation of God’s Word.
List of 11 Fulfilled Prophecies of Jesus
Jesus Christ is considered by Christians to be the Son of God and the savior of humanity. He was born in Bethlehem around 4 BC and lived a sinless life before being crucified for our sins. He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven, where he sits at the right hand of God Almighty.

The Bible is full of prophecy. From the Old Testament to the New, there is no shortage of examples of God’s predictive power. But there is one person who stands out above all others when it comes to fulfilled prophecy: Jesus Christ. In fact, there are over 300 prophecies about the Messiah in the Old Testament, and Jesus fulfill every single one of them. Here are just 11 of the most incredible fulfilled prophecies of Jesus.
1. He would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14).
2. He would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2).
3. He would be a descendant of Abraham (Genesis 22:18).
4. He would be a descendant of Isaac (Genesis 21:12).
5. He would be a descendant of Jacob (Numbers 24:17).
6. He would have a throne (Jeremiah 33:17).
7. He would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:12-13).
8. His hands and feet would be pierced (Psalm 22:16).
9. He would be crucified with criminals (Isaiah 53:12).
10. His side would be pierced (Zechariah 12:10).
11. He would rise from the dead (Psalm 16:10).
These are just a few examples of how Jesus completely fulfilled what was foretold about him centuries before he was even born. When you consider all the prophecy that was fulfilled in his life, it’s clear that Jesus is who he said he was the Son of God come to save us from our sins.
Who Inspired the Prophecies of God
God is one of the three members of the Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – three beings who are co-equal and co-eternal. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever-present; He created everything that exists and sustains it by his power alone.
The Old Testament prophets were some of the most influential people in history. Their words and actions helped to shape the course of events, and their insights continue to resonate with us today.
But who inspired these prophets? Was it God Himself? Or were they simply gifted individuals who were able to tap into something deeper than the physical world? The answer may surprise you. According to the Bible, all prophecy comes from God.
This doesn’t mean that every prophet was perfect, or that they always understood what they were saying. But it does mean that their message was ultimately sourced in the Divine. So when you hear the word of God through a prophet, know that you are hearing the voice of God Himself.
How did God use men as the Vehicle of his Prophecies?
Prophecy is God’s vehicle to speak to His people. It can be in the form of a word, phrase, or parable. It is also a way for Him to give hope and encouragement. In the Old Testament, there were many prophets who God spoke through. He would often give them a message to share with the people.

These messages were usually about judgment or warnings of impending danger. However, they also were sometimes about good things that were going to happen. For example, the prophet Isaiah prophesied that a Messiah would be born and that He would save His people from their sins. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is the ultimate fulfillment of all prophecies.
He is the one who was foretold by the prophets and He came to save us from our sins. Because of this, we can trust that all of God’s promises will come true. Prophecy is an essential part of God’s communication with us and it gives us hope for the future.
What is a Biblical sign that Prophecies Have been Fulfilled
In biblical prophecy, a sign refers to an event or occurrence that confirms or validates a prophecy has been fulfilled. Often, signs are accompanied by miracles as further confirmation from God.
There are many signs that God has given us in the Bible that indicate when His prophecies have been fulfilled. One sign is when a prophecy is followed by an event that could not have been foreseen or known by the prophet. For example, in the Old Testament, the prophet Amos foretold that Gaza would be destroyed (Amos 1:6-8).
This prophecy was fulfilled when the Babylonians invaded and captured Gaza about 150 years later. Another sign that prophecies have been fulfilled is when they are corroborated by other prophets. For example, the prophet Isaiah foretold that the Messiah would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14). This prophecy was corroborated by the prophet Micah, who also predicted that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). These two prophecies were both fulfilled when Jesus Christ was born of a virgin in Bethlehem.
Finally, another sign that prophecies have been fulfilled is when they are accompanied by miraculous events. For example, the prophet Jonah prophesied that Nineveh would be destroyed within 40 days (Jonah 3:4). This prophecy was fulfilled when God caused a massive fish to swallow Jonah and then spit him out onto the shores of Nineveh. As these examples show, there are many signs that God has given us to indicate when His prophecies have been fulfilled.
How was the Holy Spirit Involved in Fulfilled Prophecies?
One way the Holy Spirit was involved in fulfilling prophecies was by inspiring the prophets to write them down. The Bible is clear that the prophets did not always understand what they were writing (1 Peter 1:10-12). But as they were carried along by the Spirit, they wrote what God wanted them to write (2 Peter 1:21). In this way, the Holy Spirit ensured that the prophecies would be accurately recorded and preserved for future generations.
Another way the Holy Spirit was involved in fulfilled prophecies was by supernaturally ensuring that they came to pass. In some cases, this meant that He directly intervened in history to bring about the prophesied events (e.g. Exodus 14:21-22). In other cases, it meant that He prompted people to take specific actions that led to the fulfillment of prophecy (e.g. Esther 4:14).
In all cases, though, it is clear that the Holy Spirit was directly responsible for ensuring that the prophecies were fulfilled.
Thus, we see that the Holy Spirit played a vital role in both the recording and fulfillment of Bible prophecy. His work has ensured that we can trust in these prophecies as reliable predictions of future events. And as we see these predictions coming to pass in our own day, we can be confident that God is still at work in the world and that His plan will ultimately be accomplished.
How was the Son of Man Involved in Fulfilled Prophecies?
The term “Son of Man” is used throughout the Bible and is a title that Jesus often used for Himself. In the Old Testament, the prophet Daniel was given a vision of the “one like a son of man” coming on the clouds of heaven to receive an everlasting kingdom (Daniel 7:13-14).
This prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus ascended into heaven after His resurrection (Acts 1:9-11). In addition, the Son of Man is also mentioned in the Old Testament book of Isaiah. The prophet says that the Messiah will be “a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief” (Isaiah 53:3). This prophecy was clearly fulfilled in Jesus, who experienced great sorrow and was rejected by His own people (Matthew 26:37-39).

Therefore, the Son of Man was involved in many fulfilled prophecies, including those found in the Old Testament books of Daniel and Isaiah. That he would be (lamb of God) by the everlasting father on the third day. That his suffering servant would lead to eternal life.
How is the Second Coming Involved in Fulfilled Prophecies?
The Second Coming of Christ is one of the most significant events that will take place in fulfilled prophecy. It is spoken of throughout the Bible, from the Old Testament through to the New Testament. In the Old Testament, the prophets spoke of a day when the Messiah would come and establish His kingdom on earth.
They spoke of His coming in power and glory, and of the great things that He would achieve. The New Testament also speaks of the Second Coming and its importance in fulfilled prophecy. Jesus Himself spoke of His return, and His disciples described it as the ‘blessed hope’ for all believers.
The Second Coming will be a time when Christ will return in power and glory, and establish His kingdom on earth. He will fulfill all the prophecies that have been spoken about Him, and He will reign over His people for a thousand years. It will be a time of great joy and blessing for all who have put their trust in Him.
What are Messianic (Promised Messiah) Prophecies?
Messianic prophecies are predictions about the coming of a Messiah, (Good News) or savior (Lord Jesus Christ). Throughout history, there have been numerous messianic figures who have claimed to fulfill these predictions. However, many of these claimants have not been able to provide evidence that they actually fulfill the prophecies. The Bible contains a number of messianic prophecies that were fulfilled by Jesus Christ.
For example, Isaiah predicted that the Messiah would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14). This prophecy was fulfilled when Mary, the mother of Jesus, gave birth to him without ever having sexual intercourse. Another prophecy predicted that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). This was fulfilled when Jesus was born in Bethlehem. There are numerous other prophecies that were fulfilled by Jesus, including those predicting his ministry, death, and resurrection. Consequently, the evidence suggests that Jesus is the fulfillment of all Messianic prophecies.
How did the Jewish People Look at Prophecy?
The people of Israel had a unique way of looking at prophecy. Unlike other cultures who saw prophecy as the work of gods or seers, the Israelites saw prophecy as the word of God. This meant that prophecy was not just something that happened in the future, but it was also something that shape the present. Prophets were not just fortune-tellers, but they were also teachers, helping the people to understand and apply the word of God.
As a result, prophets were often unpopular because they called the people to repentance and obedience. However, their message was always one of hope, pointing to a future when God would fulfill his promises to his people. As we read the Old Testament, we can see how this unique view of prophecy shaped the history of Israel and continues to shape our understanding of God today.
How did the High Priest (Chief Priests) Look at Prophecy?
The High Priest was the one who had been given the responsibility to consult God on behalf of the people. He was to teach them the things of God and help them understand how to live according to His will. Part of this included looking at prophecy. He had to be able to discern if a prophecy was from God or not. This was not an easy task, as there were many false prophets in those days.
The way that the High Priest looked at prophecy can be divided into two main categories: fulfillments and circumstances. First, he would look at whether or not the prophecy had been fulfilled. If it had not been fulfilled, then he knew it was not from God. Second, he would look at the circumstances surrounding the prophecy.
If it did not fit with what he knew about God’s character, then he would reject it as well. By using these two criteria, the High Priest was able to weed out many false prophecies and help the people understand which ones were from God. The apostle Paul stated that specific prophecies had been fulfilled in the Holy City.
Final Thoughts – Fulfilled Prophecies in the Bible?
In summary, prophecy is an important part of the Bible. It is a way that God speaks to His people, both in the present and in the future. Prophecy is not just about fortune-telling, but it is also about teaching and shaping the lives of God’s people.
The High Priest played an important role in discerning which prophecies were from God and which ones were not. As we read the Bible, we can see how prophecy has shaped the history of Israel and continues to shape our understanding of God today.
God Bless Greg