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Funny Welcome Speech at Church? (2024)⛪️👋

How to give a Welcome Speech at Church?
  1. Funny Welcome Speech at Church- God has led Drawn them there.
  2. Cast a Vision – Challenge them to greater service
  3. Give them the opportunity to serve.
  4. Finish With Prayer asking and surrendering to God’s Guidance

Funny Welcome Speech at Church?

Funny Welcome Speech at Church – People are often nervous about giving a welcome speech at church. They worry that they will not know what to say, or how to talk in front of the congregation. The key is preparation! This article offers tips for preparing your welcome speech, as well as suggestions for what you should be talking about during it.

At the heart of our church, we want everyone to feel welcome and safe. We strive for this by offering a freely-given invitation regardless if you’re coming in with an agenda or not–we’ll help remove any questions that may be on your mind through clear statements about what’s at stake here! How to give a Welcome Speech at Church?

Start with a Joke.

When you give a welcome speech, start your talk with a joke. This will help break the ice and put everyone at ease so they can hear what is coming next: why it’s important to be in church on Sunday morning! You don’t want them checking their Instagram feed when you’re trying to drum up excitement for something awesome like Vacation Bible School or youth group activity night. Jump to Church Greetings and Salutations: 5 Ways to Greet a Church Congregation

Go and make Disciples

So, if you are going to tell jokes, here are some tips that have worked well for me over the years. First of all–don’t try too hard to get laughs! If you seem insincere about telling the joke, people won’t laugh at all no matter how funny it might really be. So just relax and let it rip. You can always change it up or try another joke if the first one doesn’t get any laughs at all!

Introduce Yourself.

Start with a simple ‘Hello’ and introduce yourself to the group. You can do this by saying, “My name is [your name]. It’s so nice to meet you all”. If it’s someone’s first time at church, you could even say something like “Nice to see you again” or mention that they have been missing for some time. This will help the congregation get familiarized with each other and make them feel more comfortable during your welcome speech.

If you have any announcements to make, now would be the time to do so. You could also give a brief overview of what to expect during the service or sermon. This will help set the tone for the rest of the day and let people know what they can expect. If there are any special events happening in the near future, this is also a good place to mention them.

funny church welcome speech

Talk about why You’re There.

Give a brief overview of your relationship to the church and/or faith. This is a good time to also mention why you’re excited to be there.

Share a story or two about how God has worked in your life. Be sure to talk about how grateful you are for what He’s done.

Close with a prayer, thanking God for His blessings and asking Him to help you live out your faith throughout the day.

Church attendance can be an intimidating experience for newcomers. If you’re not used to public speaking, giving a welcome speech at church can seem downright daunting. But don’t worry – with a little preparation, you can do it! Here are some tips:

  • Pray in your preparation that God will use you to speak words of hope and encouragement to your group.
  • If you come from a religious background other than Christianity, feel free to bring up the tenets of that faith in your talk so everyone can understand where you came from. You might even want to go back further in time and share about when or how God first revealed Himself in a way that changed your life.
  • Be sure to talk about the importance of church attendance, not just on Sundays but throughout the week as well. Mention how God can use our time in church to grow closer to Him and help us become more like Jesus.
  • Encourage them to become involved in a ministry – find your place to serve.
  • If your church has a weekly activity, mention that as well! You could even talk about the benefits of being involved with a ministry or how it will help you grow closer to God and others in the community. If there is someone who usually leads this particular service, encourage people to volunteer for next week’s spot so they can see what it’s like.
  • You could also mention if your church has specific programs for children or students, as many do! It can be reassuring to folks who might have little ones in tow to know that they won’t be left out of the service – and it will give them an opportunity to meet other parents, too.
  • Challenge your listeners to come back next week and bring a friend with them.
  • End your talk by reiterating how grateful you are to be there and invite everyone to stay afterward for coffee or tea. This is a great opportunity for people to get to know one another better, especially if it’s someone’s first time at church. You could also use this time to catch up with people you might not see very often.
  • And finally, thank everyone for coming and invite them to come back again! Thanking folks for their attendance is a polite gesture that shows people they’re welcome at your church anytime.
funny church welcome speech

What is Vision Casting – Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish

Check this vision – I would follow this – Greg Gaines

End Your Welcome with a prayer – for example

Dear Lord,

We give You thanks for bringing us together here today. We pray that You will use our time in church to grow closer to You and to become more like Jesus.

Help us to be willing servants in Your Kingdom and to use the gifts You’ve given us to serve others.

Please bless those who are new to our church and help them feel welcome.

We pray for Your guidance as we go out into the world this week and that we will be bold in sharing our faith with those around us.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Funny Church Welcome Speech

Here is a lighthearted and amusing church welcome speech:

Good [morning/afternoon/evening] everyone!

Welcome to [Church Name], where our motto is, “Come as you are… but please, stay away if you have the flu!” We’re so glad to see each one of you here today—regular members and new faces alike, or should I say, new “halos?” 😇

Did you know we have some heavenly coffee brewing on the side? It’s so good it could very well be the ‘holy grail’ of all coffees. Go grab a cup! Trust me, it will help in keeping those holy snores at bay during the sermon! ☕️😴

Now, I see some new visitors here today! Welcome! Don’t worry, we don’t bite, but we do believe in “holy hugs” and “sanctified handshakes”! 🤗🤝

Let’s not forget, we’re all about community and fellowship—or in other words, divine networking! So whether you’re here to find peace, prayer, or a potluck buddy, you’re in the right place!

I’d like to extend a warm welcome to everyone who’s managed to make it here before the second hymn! And for those who couldn’t… well, God loves you too, and there’s always next Sunday!

Remember, we have our sacred potluck after the service. It’s going to be a ‘loaves and fishes’ scenario, but hopefully, with more casseroles and pies, and fewer fish… unless it’s fish and chips, of course! 🍞🐟🥧

Before we dive into today’s service, let’s all stand up, stretch those holy limbs, give your neighbor a sanctified handshake or a holy high-five and say, “God loves you, and so do I!”

Alright, folks, let’s get our worship on and remember, laughter is a gift from God, so let’s rejoice and be glad in it!

I hope this brings a smile to the congregation! Keep it light and joyful.

Here are five examples of a Funny Church Welcome Speech:

  1. The Casual Host:
    “Good morning, everyone! Welcome to our little slice of heaven on Earth, where the pews are soft, the hymns are catchy, and the coffee is… well, let’s just say it’s divine intervention in a cup! Whether you’re a regular attendee or a first-time visitor, we’re delighted to have you here. Just a heads up, though: if you feel the sudden urge to burst into song during the sermon, don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. Sit back, relax, and let’s enjoy this spiritual rollercoaster together!”
  2. The Tech-Savvy Pastor:
    “Hey there, saints and sinners alike! Welcome to our church, where we’ve got Wi-Fi stronger than some people’s faith, and a sound system that’ll make you feel like you’re getting a personal message from the heavens. Just a reminder, please silence your cellphones so the only ‘hallelujahs’ we hear are coming from the choir. And if you accidentally fall asleep during the sermon, don’t worry, we’ve got an app for that – it’s called ‘Amen Alarm’. Let’s make some joyful noise, shall we?”
  3. The Culinary Connoisseur:
    “Good morning, hungry souls! Welcome to our church, where the only thing hotter than our sermons is the coffee. I mean, we’ve got decaf for the faint of heart, but why bother when you can experience a taste of heaven in every sip? And hey, if you’re looking for a sign from above, just follow your nose to the fellowship hall – we’ve got a bake sale that’ll make you believe in miracles. So sit tight, grab a donut, and let’s dig into some spiritual nourishment together!”
  4. The Fashionista Minister:
    “Hello, fabulous congregation! Welcome to our church, where the dress code is as relaxed as our interpretation of scripture. I mean, who needs robes when you can rock your Sunday best with a side of flair? And for those of you who think ‘holy’ and ‘stylish’ are mutually exclusive, just wait till you see our youth group – they’ve turned Bible study into a fashion show. So whether you’re wearing heels or hiking boots, you’re all welcome here. Let’s strut our stuff down the path of righteousness, shall we?”
  5. The Sports Fanatic Pastor:
    “Good morning, team players! Welcome to our church, where we’re all about scoring touchdowns for the kingdom. And hey, if you think football is the only place you’ll find a Hail Mary, think again! Just wait till you see our choir hit those high notes – it’s like a spiritual slam dunk every time. So grab your playbook, grab a pew, and let’s tackle some tough questions together. Who’s ready for some heavenly highlights?”

Remember, the key to delivering a funny church welcome speech is to keep it light-hearted, inclusive, and respectful of your audience’s sensibilities.

Final Thoughts – How to give a Welcome Speech at Church?

In summary, the speaker should speak about why they are there, mention their relationship to faith and church, share a story or two about God’s work in their lives and close with prayer.



  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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